sapman1000: Hello All! I joined the group a few weeks ago, but this is my first post. I have read the postings and realized there were others that have some of the same problems I do. Even though I am not extremely huge, I feel an 8 X 6 inch (7 at the base) cock qualifies me to post. Also, I am a grower, not a shower. I don't have the time to be a regular poster, but I will post from time to time. I'll try to get a pic posted soon.

Here's my dilemma: I suffer from ED (erectile dysfunction) and have to use a pump to help. Funny thing is, when I was issued the pump (by the Army) they gave me a tube that doesn't fit - it's too small. So I talked to the manufacturer, and they gave me a "large" tube which was 2.5 inches in diameter, but not any longer. The tube is exactly 8 inches in length, and I am thinking "if they consider this large, than I am HUGE!" I asked the company for another even larger tube, but they gave me this two-pieces-glued-together thing that doesn't work. Anyway, I wanted to know if there were any others who have the same problem and what you did about it. Do a lot of bigger guys suffer from ED?

Again, thanks for having this site - it has helped me alot already.

I have not found pumps to help much, the result is larger but no more useable than no erection. Anyone have better experience with the pumps? Have you tried anything other than the pump?
sapman1000: The pump isn't really such a bad thing - I just can't get myself pumped up as big as I could be due to the short tube ("large" by the manufacturer's standards). You have to be in the mood and really have a patient and understanding partner. Works well for what it does though!
sapman--I think if we're honest around here, many of us (being larger than average that is) notice less than rigid "rock-hard" erections. Just blame the physiology of what's required! You're easily in good company among your fellow members. The challenge of getting and staying hard varies too, with our age.
But then, consider whether we're talking getting hard or HAVING a "usable" erection strength. Also consider reasons beyond physical ones which are affecting your erection. Could it be stress? How often are you encountering problems with your erections? Are there any emotional "triggers" coming into play here? Sometimes, through the process of elimination of the possibilities behind the problem, men can finally detect the culprit...often subtle, hidden reasons, easily missed. Occasionally, simple nutritional supplements geared toward male health will improve erections and performance. I found that out personally!
- - - -
As to that contraption of a thing (vacuum pump) which the Army provided, you deserve better! WHAT you were given (that ill-fitting device) just illustrates your size is indeed the exception over the average. So, take heart. ;)
I especially found that glued together "solution" to your dilemma laughable. As I said, you deserve better. Obviously, the Army was trying to make do with a pump designed for average size fellas. You're not an average size for sure. You (now) should be convinced! You certainly DO qualify (in dimensions anyway) to "hang" around here with us!

If you really need "mechanical" assistance in achieving a usable erection, there are better quality pumps available with made-to-order cylinders fitted for YOUR specific needs. Among the better quality pump manufacturers is:


I'm not an official rep of theirs....just a satisfied customer over several times.
Their products and the technology behind them... seems solid. I've bought both manual and electric pumps from this company. They are ahead of the competiiton hands down. They've been in business for years and are not "fly by night scams".

Sapman, 'hope your time here with us WILL help you in many ways. :D
sapman1000: benderten2001 - Thanks! Your input is greatly appreciated. Also, I was feeling like I didn't belong here, but you helped me see that I do. Thanks for your support and understanding (to all that have helped). I feel better knowing there are others in my boat! Again, thanks!

Have anyone else used a pump system to help with ED? Please let me know!
Originally posted by sapman1000@Jun 22 2004, 08:27 PM
benderten2001 - Thanks! Your input is greatly appreciated. Also, I was feeling like I didn't belong here, but you helped me see that I do. Thanks for your support and understanding (to all that have helped). I feel better knowing there are others in my boat! Again, thanks!

Have anyone else used a pump system to help with ED? Please let me know!
Good looking avatar BTW. And, have you ever tried Viagra etc., ?? If you have, did it help? I have used it A LOT recreationally and it is great! If you haven't talk to your Dr. Now. And you most certainly do belong here! WTFN?
sapman1000: I have a current prescription for Viagra, but all it does is gives me a headache and makes my heart pound - nothing down below. I want to try Cialis, but the Army is very restrictive on what it gives out. I wish a pill could make the difference! My urologist suggested I try 50mg Viagra along with the pump... same result. Oh well!
Nice avatar, Kink!
HORSEHUNGshowoff: I have Used 100 MG of V b4 and BAM a HUGE COCK that wont go down and then other times NOTHING just limp and I dont know why sometimes it works and other times it doesnt , You may wanna try the web there are several sites where you can purchase Generic V Cialis and even Levitra at great prices man , I have spoken of my exp with V , Cialis I have found to always work but Strange thing for me is it works like the day after I take it lol and I have no idea about Levitra

the REAL deal
Originally posted by HORSEHUNGshowoff@Jun 25 2004, 05:28 AM
[... I dont know why sometimes it works and other times it doesnt ...You may wanna try the web there are several sites where you can purchase ....
Viagra works by increasing the blood supply available to the penis. However, it doesn't do anything to actually cause an erection, but is only capable of improving what your body does naturally. Therefore, if there is an issue with libido, etc, on a given occasion, Viagra will not work.

If you are curious about the various drugs now available, don't waste your money on the web sites. Just ask your doctor for a free sample. If you find an ED drug you like, note that even paying the retail price (no insurance) for a perscription at a discount pharmacy costs less than the "generic" or whatever purchased over the net, another reason to see your doctor. To save the most money on your Rx, ask for a perscription for the highest strength available, and divide the pills if necessary.
Libido and your "sexual turn on" at the time has just about everything to do with it working. If you aren't excited in the brain....your cock won't be either. Even the little blue pill won't make you have a hard on for no reason....AND, Viagra should be taken on an empty stomach. A full belly prevents the full benefits.
sapman1000: I have had a number of problems to cause my ED - Bipolar disorder isn't one of them. What IS happening is lumbar spine problems for which I have had surgery - plates and screws - installed in my back. Most of my ED problems started with my symptoms of back pain, and it isn't fixed - even after surgery. We'll see as time goes on. I had my surgery in Sept. 2003 and I am hoping my next visit to the doc in Sept. will reveal everything is ok. Don't think so though - I still have pain and the ED thing. What good is a big dick if you can't use it? I hate having to use this crappy pump that is too small for me.