I'm looking for educational sex videos on specifically gay sex
These can be from Penis anatomy, how to put on a condom, masturbate, analplay, bottom prep to videos on how to have gay sex with someone; I don't why but they turn me on a lot lol.
Preferably newer videos in higher quality but if it's a good video post it, they can be fake educational vids too as long as its believable!
Put two of my favs below that I found in the 'nudity in youtube instructional videos' thread as an example
I'm looking for educational sex videos on specifically gay sex
These can be from Penis anatomy, how to put on a condom, masturbate, analplay, bottom prep to videos on how to have gay sex with someone; I don't why but they turn me on a lot lol.
Preferably newer videos in higher quality but if it's a good video post it, they can be fake educational vids too as long as its believable!
Put two of my favs below that I found in the 'nudity in youtube instructional videos' thread as an example