Embarrassment Fetish?


Superior Member
Jun 14, 2008
Has anyone else ran into this? Not me personally but I was talking to this guy that I met on a dating app, if people are interested I may share the whole story.

But I have a feeling this guy gets off on sharing embarrassing or potentially humiliating things have have happened or are happening to him in his life and me being a nice person have somehow got caught up in it as I've become his ear for him to share. I have tried to cut him off but I feel like maybe I stayed too long and now I want to know what happens lol its like I'm privy to my own personal soap opera.

Sometimes I feel like this couldn't have happened to him no way, but I guess there is enough truth in there to make me have doubt so I keep listening.
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Sort of depends on what embarrassing things he’s interested in telling you.
Some of us are turned on by SPH, small penis humiliation, and/or by not being able to perform well sexually.
Embarrassment is a very powerful emotion, and more so when mixed with sexuality.
You are very attractive!
Sort of depends on what embarrassing things he’s interested in telling you.
Some of us are turned on by SPH, small penis humiliation, and/or by not being able to perform well sexually.
Embarrassment is a very powerful emotion, and more so when mixed with sexuality.
You are very attractive!
so..as far as I know he is is bi but not out. from what little I know he does have experience with both. but just from how he would tell me things I feel like maybe he didn't have many outlets to share...or he found it more shocking to tell a stranger and perhaps got a bigger "high" that way?
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so..as far as I know he is is bi but not out. from what little I know he does have experience with both. but just from how he would tell me things I feel like maybe he didn't have many outlets to share...or he found it more shocking to tell a stranger and perhaps got a bigger "high" that way?
Interesting. Yes, that may explain it, but my guess is that he has more to share with you.
Feel free to PM me if you’d like.
lol, perhaps not, his "relationship" or whatever it was with this other person reached its conclusion and since then he's not been receptive to sharing anymore. he also told me that he "started seeing someone" and could no longer talk to me. : unamused: