Ever lubed up with chapstick before jackin off?


Expert Member
May 12, 2004
United States
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Using chapstick is actually a genous idea, it is quite cheap, under a dollar a stick, and its fun to apply. When i get hard, i whip out a sitck, and go up and down the shaft, and around under the head, and then all over the head, untill my cocks all shiny. Then I go for it. It is also easy to buy at a store, without getting looks, and easy to travel with, and use when with family. 'cause its just chapstick!
I have used chapstick it is to waxy and will do in a pinch. I produce no precum so since my first jo I have always used a lube of some kind. Vaseline was the first for years then neosporen,spit never did it for me.Then I graduated to KY, and all the other lubes that you can find almost anywhere.The strangest was when I was 16 and used a pat of butter in a restursaunt.I really like the new KY warming it is great for all aspects of sex. B) One last one I forgot sbout was Carbolated Vaseline GROSS!
Why do so many men use lubes anyway? I guess I don't understand, being poor (thus being unable to afford lube) and uncircumcised (thus not really needing lube anyway), but lube seems rather pointless IMO.
HornyVeteranSJ: I use lube, I'm cut. The slipperier the better. I use regular hand lotion. My erections leave me little to no skin play so instead of chaffing, I lube.
Using lube may become a pattern of of habit, I dunno.

I DO know, once lubricant is tried, it's difficult to give up. --It just feels a heck of a lot better. For one thing, it surely would cut down on soreness!

Those of us who are cut probably require (and depend upon!) lube more often.
We'll never know what pleasures we're missing not having a foreskin which naturally provides for more "gliding action" where it truly counts.

(sighing) :(
Uncut and never even consider using a lube. Oh, I just recall a time when I lubed up and enjoyed the popping sound every time my foreskin covered and uncovered the corona. I think I'll have to try that again soon! :p
Yeah, but every time I see lube, I say to myself "They've managed to charge us for the one sex act any loser can do without paying someone."
Originally posted by jonb@Jul 14 2004, 01:40 AM
Yeah, but every time I see lube, I say to myself "They've managed to charge us for the one sex act any loser can do without paying someone."
Well, Jon, I always have lube anyway (a necessity for ass piracy), so it's not like I'm paying extra to get some just for whacking off. On occasions that I do decide to slick it up for jerking, I doubt that I even use two pennies worth.
And us guys who weren&#39;t left with what god originally equipped us with...lube is pretty much a requirement....or it gets raw&#33; <_<
Originally posted by DoubleMeatWhopper+Jul 14 2004, 06:30 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DoubleMeatWhopper @ Jul 14 2004, 06:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-jonb@Jul 14 2004, 01:40 AM
Yeah, but every time I see lube, I say to myself "They&#39;ve managed to charge us for the one sex act any loser can do without paying someone."
Well, Jon, I always have lube anyway (a necessity for ass piracy), so it&#39;s not like I&#39;m paying extra to get some just for whacking off. On occasions that I do decide to slick it up for jerking, I doubt that I even use two pennies worth. [/b][/quote]
By the time you get your big schlong coated, DMW, there&#39;s not much telling how many pennies worth of lube it&#39;ll take (&#33;)