
Sexy Member
Oct 9, 2024

Peter had modeled for several shoots in the past, his sculpted physique often the centerpiece of fitness campaigns and high-end fashion catalogs. But when he accepted this assignment, he hadn't anticipated how different it would feel. The location—a secluded beach with nothing but the sound of crashing waves and the cry of seagulls overhead—had seemed ideal for a natural-themed photoshoot. Yet, as he stood there with the photographer, Dan, he sensed that something was off.

"Alright, Peter, let’s start with some warm-up poses," Dan said, casually waving him towards the shallow water. "Just splash around a bit, play with the waves. You know, act natural."

Peter nodded, wading into the surf up to his knees. The cool ocean water soaked his shorts and splashed against his calves, but he shook it off, running his hands through his hair and striking a playful pose as the camera clicked away. He was used to this—showing off his muscular frame and easy smile. It was routine, almost second nature.

After a few minutes, Dan called out to him. "Lose the shirt, Peter. Let's get some shots of you shirtless in the water."

Peter hesitated, glancing down at his wet shirt clinging to his torso. He shrugged it off, thinking it was no big deal; shirtless shoots were common enough. He reached down and peeled the damp shirt over his head, tossing it onto the sand where it lay in a crumpled heap. The breeze brushed against his bare chest, raising goosebumps on his skin. As the camera continued to click, he splashed around a bit more, flexing his muscles and letting the water droplets glisten on his abs.

"Perfect," Dan encouraged, his tone calm but firm. "Now, let’s lose the shorts."

Peter blinked, the words catching him off guard. "Wait, what?" He stared at the photographer, confusion knitting his brow. "You want me to… take off my shorts?"

Dan nodded, gesturing with the camera. "Yeah, it’s all in the contract, Peter. Didn’t you read it? This is a nude shoot. If you back out now, you’ll be liable for a hefty compensation fee."

Peter’s stomach tightened, his mouth going dry. He hadn’t realized this was part of the deal. He felt a rush of panic mixed with embarrassment as he looked around the deserted beach, then back at Dan. "I… I didn’t realize," he stammered, his hands instinctively moving to his waistband, fingers trembling.

"If you just do it, it'll be quick," Dan said, not lowering the camera. "Come on, Peter. You’ve got the body for it."

Taking a deep breath, Peter reluctantly pushed his wet shorts down, the soaked fabric sticking to his thighs as he peeled them off. He hesitated before letting them drop into the surf, the cold water instantly lapping at his exposed skin. Now standing in only his tight, wet briefs, he crossed his arms over his chest, feeling a deep sense of vulnerability. The water tugged gently at the fabric clinging to his groin, outlining his form even more.

Dan took a few more shots, capturing the tension in Peter’s body as he stood there, clearly uneasy. "Alright, now… the briefs," Dan said, his voice steady but unyielding.

Peter’s eyes widened, his hands quickly moving to cover his crotch. "The briefs? You mean… completely?" His voice wavered, his heart racing.

"Yes, it’s all in the contract," Dan replied, matter-of-factly. "We need the full nude shots. It’s what the client expects."

Peter’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. He shifted on his feet, glancing down at the last piece of clothing he had. "I… I don’t know about this," he mumbled, his fingers gripping the waistband nervously.

"If you don’t want to get sued, you’ll have to," Dan reminded him.

Taking another shaky breath, Peter slowly lowered his briefs, his face flushed with shame as he felt the cool air against his bare skin. The wet fabric clung to his thighs and buttocks as he peeled it down, then finally dropped into the water. He immediately cupped his hands over his groin, trying to shield his soft penis from view. The ocean waves lapped at his exposed skin, making his length sway gently with the motion of the water. It felt as though the whole world could see him, and it took every ounce of willpower to remain standing there.

"Move your hands, Peter," Dan instructed, raising his camera once more.

Peter’s face burned hotter. He glanced around, as if searching for some escape, but there was none. With a deep, reluctant breath, he slowly dropped his hands to his sides, leaving his groin completely exposed. His penis swayed in the water, the cool waves brushing against the sensitive skin, sending shivers through his body. The sensation made him even more acutely aware of how exposed he was, his soft length bobbing with each gentle ripple of the ocean.

"Now, hands behind your head," Dan directed, circling around to capture different angles.

Peter complied, his muscles taut with tension as he clasped his hands behind his head. The position left him completely defenseless, his entire body laid bare for the camera’s scrutiny. His penis continued to sway with each small wave, occasionally bumping against his thighs. He tried not to think about it, but the sensation was maddening. His cheeks burned as he struggled to keep his expression neutral.
"Good, just like that," Dan murmured, focusing the lens on Peter’s exposed groin. "Let the water move you—don’t fight it."

Peter’s breath came in short, shallow gasps as he felt the waves caress his body, his soft length responding to every shift in the current. He could feel his penis swinging gently with the motion of the water, making him even more aware of his nakedness. The humiliation was almost unbearable, but he forced himself to stay still, his heart pounding in his chest.

As the shoot continued, Dan captured every moment—the way Peter’s muscles flexed, the tension in his posture, the subtle swaying of his penis with each wave. Peter’s face flushed even deeper as the minutes dragged on, feeling as if every inch of him was being laid bare, not just physically but emotionally.

"Almost done," Dan said after what felt like an eternity. "Just a few more shots."

Peter gritted his teeth, the humiliation burning through him, but he held the pose, feeling the cool water lap against his bare skin one last time. The ordeal left him exhausted and ashamed, his vulnerability captured in every frame.

As Dan continued to snap photos, he stepped closer to Peter, the camera lens narrowing in on the most intimate areas. Peter, already struggling with the humiliation of being naked on the beach, noticed the way the camera seemed to focus lower and lower, zeroing in on the sway of his soft penis in the water. His face flushed with renewed shame, and in a moment of panic, he quickly cupped his hands over his groin, trying to shield himself from the invasive lens.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Peter exclaimed, his voice shaking with a mix of shock and embarrassment. His cheeks burned as he took a step back, his hands still covering himself. "Are you… taking pictures of that?"

Dan didn't lower the camera. His tone remained calm but firm, his eyes fixed on Peter. “Yes, Peter. The client wants these shots too. It’s the reason they chose you for this shoot.”

Peter's heart sank, a wave of humiliation washing over him. He hadn’t realized the extent of what this photoshoot entailed. "You… you mean they actually want close-ups of me… like this?” he stammered, his hands still instinctively covering his groin. He felt the weight of the camera's gaze, as if it could see through his futile attempts at modesty.

Dan nodded, his expression unyielding. "Yes, Peter. It’s in the contract. Now, take your hands off and let’s get this done. You’re a professional—act like it."

Peter hesitated, his breath coming in short, uneven gasps. Every fiber of his being screamed to refuse, to run away, but he knew he had no choice. His hands trembled as he slowly dropped them to his sides, his heart pounding in his chest. The moment he uncovered himself, he felt the cool breeze and the gentle push of the waves against his now-exposed groin. His penis, soft and swaying in the water, moved subtly with the motion of the ocean, the sight making him feel utterly vulnerable.

"Good, just like that," Dan murmured, taking a step closer, the camera lens now only a few feet away from Peter's exposed body. The click of the shutter echoed in Peter’s ears as he stood there, his cheeks burning with shame. He could feel the camera’s intense focus on his most private area, capturing the subtle movements of his soft length in the water, the way it shifted and swayed with every ripple.

Peter's body stiffened, a deep sense of helplessness settling in as he realized that there was no escaping the camera's gaze. He was completely at its mercy, and all he could do was stand there and let the humiliating ordeal continue, his shame laid bare for all to see.


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