Falling For My Straight, Engaged Coworker


Legendary Member
Dec 1, 2015
Boston, MA
90% Gay, 10% Straight
We met in January and have consistently hung out 1-on-1 ever since. Most recently I cooked for him at my place. He tells me how nice I look when we go out, he says I’m his favorite coworker, he sat right next to me on my couch at my place, etc.

He’s never done anything blatant but he and I get along so well, and I’m falling for him. I’ve never met the fiancé. I finally broke the last time we hung out and texted him afterward to tell him how handsome I think he is and that it’s torturous hanging out with him. He said thanks and made a joke. Any advice?
Hey may be bisexual, they exist, lol
1. He's a coworker, and traversing that can be a nightmare if things don't go well - I learned that when I was a young wee lad, haha. If things develop between you, you're going to NEED an exit strategy that will allow you to work without work becoming a minefield. You need to have a plan articulated FRONT AND CENTER. I say this as an older, wiser, lived friend - and advice I give my younger gay family members.
2. He's got a wife, so you may be lucky, she may already know, and they may have an agreement to allow him to have a safe side piece. He probably knows you're gayer than a $3 bill in a drag queen's bra at Pride but letting you make the moves because he doesn't want to embarrass himself. He may also be enjoying a platonic relationship with a man where he can relax and be emotionally vulnerable. I have a few straight guy friends who enjoy that kind of relationship with me - it's cool because the dynamic is different than what two straight guys experience as friends. They can tell me stuff they don't feel comfortable telling their other guy friends.
3. Your feelings will make No. 2 difficult to navigate because he LOVES her and you may be just sex. I've been that guy and it was fun but a nightmare when feelings got involved. This is the time to focus on your motivations, which leads me to 4.
4. What do you want in a partner/lover? Do you deserve to have someone fully present? We can't control who we fall in love with but you need to be self aware to understand why you're attracted to unavailable - AS MANY young people are because they may be afraid of commitment and this is an easy way to address that. It may be that he's simply gorgeous and relaxed because he's not having feelings for you - LIke gay men and their best girlfriend. We've all been there and pined for our easy going hot straight friend.
5. I have two friends who were married to women, had affairs with men, and are now married to men - it does happen but there is a lot that has to happen - He's gotta divorce, come out, navigate his sexuality, etc. That doesn't happen overnight and you don't want to be with that guy. If he's an experienced bisexual, then this does not apply but many guys who are married have not gone through that growth that you yourself may have already experienced.
6. This is also an experience. You can allow yourself to do this and deal with the consequences and grow from it. Just know that it's THREE people. She is also a human and your actions don't only affect you.
7. He joked to diffuse tension. This may mean he's not really interested in you in the way you are in him. The next few days/weeks - your next interaction will be telling. I would see if he reciprocates your advance vs continuing to make advances. Don't be that guy. He's not obtuse, he's an adult, and you need to open your ears and eyes and see how he reacts. If he's got two brain cells, he must realize you have unlocked a door for him.
Hey may be bisexual, they exist, lol
1. He's a coworker, and traversing that can be a nightmare if things don't go well - I learned that when I was a young wee lad, haha. If things develop between you, you're going to NEED an exit strategy that will allow you to work without work becoming a minefield. You need to have a plan articulated FRONT AND CENTER. I say this as an older, wiser, lived friend - and advice I give my younger gay family members.
2. He's got a wife, so you may be lucky, she may already know, and they may have an agreement to allow him to have a safe side piece. He probably knows you're gayer than a $3 bill in a drag queen's bra at Pride but letting you make the moves because he doesn't want to embarrass himself. He may also be enjoying a platonic relationship with a man where he can relax and be emotionally vulnerable. I have a few straight guy friends who enjoy that kind of relationship with me - it's cool because the dynamic is different than what two straight guys experience as friends. They can tell me stuff they don't feel comfortable telling their other guy friends.
3. Your feelings will make No. 2 difficult to navigate because he LOVES her and you may be just sex. I've been that guy and it was fun but a nightmare when feelings got involved. This is the time to focus on your motivations, which leads me to 4.
4. What do you want in a partner/lover? Do you deserve to have someone fully present? We can't control who we fall in love with but you need to be self aware to understand why you're attracted to unavailable - AS MANY young people are because they may be afraid of commitment and this is an easy way to address that. It may be that he's simply gorgeous and relaxed because he's not having feelings for you - LIke gay men and their best girlfriend. We've all been there and pined for our easy going hot straight friend.
5. I have two friends who were married to women, had affairs with men, and are now married to men - it does happen but there is a lot that has to happen - He's gotta divorce, come out, navigate his sexuality, etc. That doesn't happen overnight and you don't want to be with that guy. If he's an experienced bisexual, then this does not apply but many guys who are married have not gone through that growth that you yourself may have already experienced.
6. This is also an experience. You can allow yourself to do this and deal with the consequences and grow from it. Just know that it's THREE people. She is also a human and your actions don't only affect you.
7. He joked to diffuse tension. This may mean he's not really interested in you in the way you are in him. The next few days/weeks - your next interaction will be telling. I would see if he reciprocates your advance vs continuing to make advances. Don't be that guy. He's not obtuse, he's an adult, and you need to open your ears and eyes and see how he reacts. If he's got two brain cells, he must realize you have unlocked a door for him.
Very helpful, thank you. The second part of #2 is where my head is. I think he likes being vulnerable with a friend, which is new for him bc he doesn’t do it with his bros.
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Very helpful, thank you. The second part of #2 is where my head is. I think he likes being vulnerable with a friend, which is new for him bc he doesn’t do it with his bros.

*edit, I misread that he's married - He's engaged :)

I was honestly surprised at No 2 in my own life as I wasn't expecting it either. The straight guy friends who do that with me are totally cool with talking about relationships, sex, etc, and have no issue with me being gay. I didn't think straight guys would be that comfortable. I guess I've been lucky, these guys are all super comfortable in their sexuality so there is no tension and they can relax. It's also nice to have a straight friends in your life as gays tend to be, understandably, insular and it's limiting.

Again, take all the advice I gave with a grain of salt. You have to trust your instincts, and be present when you interact. Things may not go the way you think. I would let him make a move - It will confirm what's going on and make it clear for you. This has to be a two way street.

Also, find another guy to date, have sex with, anything so your sexual polarity isn't focused on a possibly straight, unavailable or possibly on-the-DL guy.
You deserve that - to at least adjust the dynamics of your friendship/relationship to a more neutral stance. If he's straight, he may be enjoying the attention, haha. If he's on-the-DL, he will enjoy it as well but you need to come at this from a place of not pining over him. To be fair, GURL, that's not pretty look LMAO!
There are a LOT of healthy, well adjusted, gay guys who'd be awesome to date. You need to keep that in the back of your mind at all times.

Good luck and keep us posted :)
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Also just to add, you said you were “falling for him” even if a miracle happened and he was bi and his fiancée allowed him to a gay side piece, don’t do it. Being a married straight man’s side piece is the worst mistake especially when you are inlove with him because you will NEVER have him completely all to urself. Yeah the sex might be fun the first couple of times, but when he has to leave to his family and can’t make it to ur important moments like birthdays etc. or when he spends holidays like Christmas or valentines with his family and wife you’re gonna be left longing for more and feeling hopeless. Don’t ever do that.

just be happy for him and if feelings you have for him are getting stronger where you can’t curb it then end the friendship and keep it strictly business. For your heart’s sake
Also just to add, you said you were “falling for him” even if a miracle happened and he was bi and his fiancée allowed him to a gay side piece, don’t do it. Being a married straight man’s side piece is the worst mistake especially when you are inlove with him because you will NEVER have him completely all to urself. Yeah the sex might be fun the first couple of times, but when he has to leave to his family and can’t make it to ur important moments like birthdays etc. or when he spends holidays like Christmas or valentines with his family and wife you’re gonna be left longing for more and feeling hopeless. Don’t ever do that.

just be happy for him and if feelings you have for him are getting stronger where you can’t curb it then end the friendship and keep it strictly business. For your heart’s sake
What if he leaves her for me
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As someone who can relate to this 100 percent, don’t think he’ll leave her for you. Find someone that is on the same playing field as you. You never want to be the other man in the picture or someone’s experiment. Now that you’re feelings are involved this can get messy and messy fast. You deserve happiness but i don’t think it’s with this guy. Trust me I’m dealing with the same thing with my roommate that I believe is straight but unconfirmed.
I'm seeing a pattern in the responses that speak to the imbalance: You are vulnerable and he isn't...
Go back to my second paragraph of advice:
"Find another guy to date, have sex with, anything so your sexual polarity isn't focused on a possibly straight, or on-the-DL guy. To at adjust the dynamics of your friendship/relationship to a more neutral stance.
There are a LOT of healthy, well adjusted, gay guys who'd be awesome to date. You need to keep that in the back of your mind at all times. "

Stop chasing and stand your ground. Be his friend, and make yourself comfortable with that. If he's questioning his sexuality, then you can't make up his mind, it's up to him. Rarely do these relationships work out as you can see by the reactions above.
Finally, I have a question only you can answer: Do you go for unavailable guys or is this the first one you've been attracted to?
I fall for one my friends I hate myself for doing it because he said he like me gave me vibes he like me in that way but in the end broke my heart so just be careful of your heart you seem like sweet guy .
He didn’t say no. He just didn’t say yes yet.

What if he leaves her for me

If this is even true, because it sounds like you might also be having some fun on the forums, you are setting yourself up for disaster.

And since you are willfully, intentionally going full steam ahead..nothing said here is going to make a difference.

Good luck with that.