Vincenzo Amato (left) on mc - Elliott Reeder (right) for Harpers Bazaar Thailand.IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FASHION MEN EDITORIAL, MALE MODEL, FASHION, MAGAZINE, SEXY OR JUST FASHION
God just wish he’d go all-in. You know it’s a great dick and he looks like a literal Greek God.WALTER SAVAGE GOES NUDE FOR OUT ACCESSORIES SPREADView attachment 109029791View attachment 109029821View attachment 109029851View attachment 109029881View attachment 109029891View attachment 109029901View attachment 109029911View attachment 109029931View attachment 109029941View attachment 109029951
Greeks Come True Calendar 2021: OUT NOW
GREEKS COME TRUE 2021 Calendar is out now!
“Say hello to 2021! Together with Yiorgos Kaplanidis, we created a series of highly conceptual images which deal with the many ways in which light can reflect off a surface and onto a naked body in order to reveal new and exciting aspects of its form. Discover real Greek men in their most adventurous shoot so far. Get your copy now before it’s gone!”View attachment 109029141View attachment 109029151View attachment 109029161
Dan Murphy goes nude for the premier cover story from Citizen Homme magazine. Photographed by James Demitri, Dan fearlessly stars in a story entitled Where the Wild Things Are.View attachment 109030121