Female aggression toward other females...


Superior Member
Nov 7, 2005
London (Greater London, England)
I've listened to a podcast recently (can't remember who it was, I am trying to find it again) and there was a woman who made some claims and I want to know if this is a real phenomena or if she is talking shit.

This person basically said that "slut shaming" (never got this term personally) is much more prevalent in women than it is with men. She believes that many women get the "knives out" for beautiful women and women who have more sex with more guys than the average. Part of this is because men aren't all that bothered if women want more sex (at least in western cultures) and aren't all that threatened by this behaviour.

She also hypothesised that this is, at least in part, down to women having the power when it comes to sex. And that if an attractive woman is more liberal with their sexuality that is devalues the power of sex for women that aren't as pretty. She also believes that women won't admit that they do this because it seems shallow to use sex and attractiveness as a commodity to wield over men to get resources. (BTW if I were attractive I would do this too!)

She did a study wherein one woman was put into two groups of women, speaking over them during a group conversation. The woman who dressed much more conservatively was not deemed as half the threat that the woman with her chest out was. In the interviews they found that the conservatively dressed version was either ignored or tolerated much more by the women in question. Of course there will be some variation and the study may have flaws. (I suspect it would be reversed with guys, where the woman talking over men would be much more tolerated if she was hotter, but I digress!)

Men often get told they are "toxically masculine" because of their tendency toward aggression; outward displays of strength, domination, stomping on others, ruthlessness, overt competitiveness etc. I wonder if women - not being "allowed" to be aggressive by male standards within society - tend to do more of the reputation damage, back biting etc with more attractive women. I know many will say "no I am for all women" but I have personally seen this happen in the workplace, some women rubbing their hands with glee when the pretty girl makes a blunder or gets caught out on something. Interestingly when you raise it gently they get defensive and claim to be feminists.

So, is this woman full of shit or is she saying something that most wouldn't say out loud? Full disclosure this woman is what people may consider "beautiful" from what I gather so she may have another agenda. I have no dog in the fight, just curious about whether women do this stuff more subtly in daily life. Go on, if you do it own it!
Maybe outta context slightly but I gotta hella temper on me if somebody push my buttons woman or a man, other women can be bitchy and disrespectful tho and if anyone wanna come at me with their shit talk they learn fast that a beating from a 336lb woman hurt like no other, I don't take it from nobody and can give it back 100 times worse.
Something most won't say out loud?

I'm pretty sure most of us know women can be like this. I'm fairly sex positive and although I would say I'm pretty average I've definitely dealt with passive aggressive behaviors from women who feel threatened by my sexuality/looks a lot.

You don't even have to be that pretty. It's enough to simply be less modest than the woman next to you approves of. Or perceived as potentially more pretty than the insecure girl in your social group.

Personally I don't really get it. When I meet a woman who is prettier than me and sex positive I try to make friends with her. I try to make friends with other women in general as long as they're nice to me. ‍♀️
I big up my sisterss cuz the admiration of randos ain't worth tearing down my fellow witches.

Even misguided pick-me gals need support from the coven
Pick me is such an interesting construct.

Because it's getting at a real issue with women putting each other down for the attention of men but... the way it's framed is also like some sort of put down towards other women? Make it make sense lol

It reminds me a lot of that "girl pretty" vs "boy pretty" thing going around tiktok recently. People seemed to quickly pick up on how that was just a misogyny.

But when it comes to "pick mes" vs "girls girls"...
Yes, OP. Mean Girls was not just a book or film but a damn documentary.

In my very clichéd experience, it was the attractive, popular girls who were the meanest to the less attractive/plain girls. I was personally bullied for being quiet, plain-looking, and dressing modestly.

The bullying stopped when I had a violent outburst on one of them. I was, from that point on, labeled "psycho" and avoided by everyone because, I guess it's not "socially acceptable" for girls to get physically violent. To contrast, from what I remember, guys that resorted to physical violence ended up gaining respect from their male peers. But only if they won the altercation, of course. Otherwise, they were clowned ad infinitum.

Anyway, I thankfully no longer have that temper (I was a very angry youth) and still love the hell out of that movie. It's hilarious.

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Immature people do immature things.

Life is too short to "compete" or what the fuck ever.

Men do this petty shit too, I've seen men in their 30's and 40's act just as selfishly as the dumb fuckin characters on Mean Girls. (Stupid fuckin movie, just my opinion. For so many reasons)

I've also seen ladies in their early 20's and late teens act like respectful people who lift one another up.

Humans are nothing but arrogant apes. I'd rather bonobo and chimpanzee.
I big up my sisterss cuz the admiration of randos ain't worth tearing down my fellow witches.

Even misguided pick-me gals need support from the coven

A lady I've told you all about a few times is an example of mine.

She's ten years younger than me and at first she was very "pick me!" And I was very much just me. I do the fuckin picking.

Anyway, even though we didn't get on well at first I would stand up for her when she was treated poorly by men she was helping at work. Dudes would straight prey on her in front of me and FUCK no. I'd literally put myself physically in-between them and her.

I never put her down, I was honest with her when she would piss me off... But she stopped competing with me. Now, I love her. She's my pixie sister. She learned and she actually taught me a thing or two.

I don't clique up. I have very few close friends. I do consider her to be one now and I straight up hated her. But I couldn't let my opinions about her make me treat her poorly. Now, we lift each other up. Always.