The sun was warm against their skin, in contrast to the icy air, as they entered the park. It was quiet there and the recent snowfall had been left undisturbed; a few footprints from birds and other wildlife were the only visible signs of life in the otherwise virgin and pristine white.
She was an attractive red-head with sparkling green eyes that danced with mischief, her full figure clad alluringly in a hunter green polar necked sweater that clung to all the right places, and accentuated her lovely eyes, teamed with moleskin pants that nestled against her firm calves and pert buttocks and a long leather jacket that hung down to the top of her mid-thigh boots.
By her side walked a handsome man with eyes like sapphires of the rarest beauty and hair the colour of a raven's wing. He too was dressed casually in black denim pants and a pale cream fleece. The leather jacket he had on was a present from the Christmas before and he rarely went out without it.
They heard the children's high pitched squeals of delight in the playground on the other side of the park. Their cries and giggles as they frolicked in the snow, carrying on the cold air; Rachel looked up at Scott and smiled, knowing that he had heard the children too, knowing the thoughts that were crossing his mind as well as hers.
Giggling, she bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, packed it into a ball as she dance away from him and turning, she hurled the snow towards him. It hit him square in the chest with a dull thump. He looked down at the snow as it slipped off his jacket and then looked back at her: she knew that the challenge had been accepted. Grinning, he scooped up some more snow, formed a snowball and took aim at her hastily retreating back…
She skidded down behind a bush as she heard the snowball hit the ground where she had been seconds ago and, breathing hard, stifled another bout of giggles.
"You missed!" she taunted, forming another snowball as she spoke. She risked a quick peek from her stronghold and looked around for Scott, but couldn't see him. She knelt in the snow and looked around again, then chanted "Come out, come out, wherever you are." under her breath. Rachel followed the direction of the footprints to the small fountain that gurgled softly and laughing quietly to herself, gathered her ammunition and stalked towards Scott's hideout.
About halfway across the distance to the fountain, Scott appeared over the edge of it and started to throw a barrage of snowballs at her, hitting her with a couple of them. Caught by surprise, Rachel slipped and sat heavily on the cold ground, laughing uncontrollably. Her chest ached as she pulled the cold air into her lungs and she coughed. Scott saw that she had dropped her snowballs and walked slowly towards her, as if wary of a surprise attack.
Reaching Rachel's side Scott crouched next to her and brushed the snow from her hair. His eyes sparkled with mischief. Breathlessly she giggled "Guess you didn't miss me that time huh, sweetheart!" and brushed the snow off her coat, looking up at him from under her lashes. He stood and offered her his hand to help her up. She accepted it and slowly got to her feet. She smiled at him and wrapped a hand around his neck to pull him down so they could kiss.
Their lips met and she let her tongue slip out just enough to caress his cold skin teasingly. They closed their eyes and let the kiss deepen slowly, falling into each other. She ran her hand up his back seductively, and then before he could realise what she was going to do, deposited the handful of half melted snow she was concealing down his back and jumped away, triumph on her face.
Rachel giggled at the shocked expression on his face as he tried to get his breath back that the icy touch of the snow had stolen from his lungs. She gulped at the new expression that crossed his features, a look of pure revenge; she backed away slowly, begging and pleading for a mercy she knew she didn't deserve and wasn't going to receive.
The back of her knees hit a solid object and she looked behind her, hesitant to take her eyes from Scott. She noticed a small wall, and groaned softly knowing there was no escape now. Granted, she could probably climb the wall before he reached her, but that would have meant she had to expose her back to him, and she knew that would be a sure invitation for more snowballs.
Instead, she turned to face him - a defiant grin on her face. Her eyes danced with delight. Scott pulled his hand along the top of the wall as he pinned her in place and he gathered a good handful of snow. With an evil grin on his face, he pulled the neck of her jumper away from her skin and dropped the icy burden down her ample cleavage.
Gasping, Rachel tried to pull back but Scott held her firm and kissed her, pressing closer to her so that the snow was trapped against her skin. She squirmed as the snow melted and ran over her warm body and then returned his kiss. When he moved away, he noticed that the cold water had had a pleasant reaction on her nipples, as they now stood proud against the material of her sweater. Scott grinned and brushed his fingers lightly over their taut outline, and enjoyed the shiver that ran through Rachel's body, which had little to do with the chill in the air.
With Scott holding her shoulders firmly, they kissed again, with more urgency than before. She sagged slightly in his grasp as his fingers twisted possessively into her hair, holding her to him with a fierce tenderness. She sighed from deep within her throat and wrapped her arms around his waist and under his coat; her fingers massaged his back firmly. They broke the kiss and gazed longingly at each other for what felt like a lifetime. Freeing his fingers from her hair he caressed her cheek, and she closed her eyes to savour the sensations.
Holding him close, Rachel rested her head on his chest to listen to the steady thumping of his heart. She took his hand, her voice and eyes full of desire and whispered "Come on, lets go back, I need warming up." Her voice was shaking slightly. Holding each other close they walked steadily away from the little fountain.
After the short walk back, filled with many kisses and longing looks, they were both trembling slightly as Scott turned the key in the lock. He stood to one side as he pushed the door open, inviting her in. As Rachel entered, she had to brush close to him, their clothes rustled against each other softly.
As they removed their coats, Scott kissed her tenderly, his eyes spoke of an enjoyable way to warm up. She nodded slightly, knowing that he would understand the unspoken question she had answered; drawing a ragged breath he took her hand and led her to the rug in front of the open fire.
They curled up together and watched the flames dance for a few seconds, knowing the flames inside their hearts burned brighter and harder. She leant back against him as he started to stroke her hair, the flames of the fire lending it a deeper colour as it's light shone and played over the logs.
After a short while she turned to him and lightly stroked his face and leant to kiss him - softly to start with, but it didn't take long for the kiss to deepen, full of yearning. She shifted position without losing his lips and leaned closer and then started to run her fingers through his soft hair. Her fingers came to rest against the base of his neck, stroking firmly and communicating her growing need for him.
A low moan escaped his lips, as he pulled her closer. He moved his attention down her throat, hot light kisses warmed her flesh. Scott slid his hands under her jumper and caressed the skin below, before he took her jumper firmly and pulled it over her back and head, breaking away from her kisses and caresses only long enough to remove the offending garment. The fire burned brightly behind her, the flames casting flickering patterns against her naked back.
He trailed little kisses across her bare shoulders and along her arms and then after kissing the palm of her hand, he teasingly pulled her finger into his mouth, and playfully nibbled the tip. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress a shiver; he took advantage of her closed eyes and lightly nibbled the inside of her wrist. Rachel gasped, and tried to pull her hand away, but he tightened his grip just enough to stop her from succeeding.
She tried a different tactic and leaned closer, reaching for his jumper, and pulled it from his body. He released her so that she could complete her task and as his jumper joined hers on the floor, she kissed his chest, her tongue running over his nipple. Rachel put her hands on his shoulders and gave a light push, which was just enough to force Scott flat on his back. She quickly straddled his hips and quite effectively pinned him in position.
Rachel bent to kiss him, her hair falling to form a curtain of silk and fire around them; Scott wrapped his arms around her waist. He smiled and whispered "Now you can't escape."
She nestled into his shoulder and murmured "Who said I wanted too!" They lay there together like that for a few moments enjoying the feel of warmed skin against their own. Rachel shifted her hips slightly and smiled as she felt and heard the reaction she had caused. She lifted her head to look deep into his eyes, loving the way it felt almost like she was drowning in their crystal depths. She moved again, more seductively this time. Another soft groan broke from him, and he slid his hands up her back and fumbled briefly with the catch of her bra.
Scott lifted her slightly, so that his lips could find her taut nipples, she shuddered as his electric touch coursed through her body. She felt a growing pressure against her hip and pulling away, she shuffled down to release his belt and undid his trousers. She knelt and slowly eased his garments over his hips and down behind her. She allowed herself a couple of seconds to drink in the sight of his aroused body and then ran her fingertips over his hip and along his thigh.
She undid the button on her trousers, his hungry, haunted eyes followed her every move and she then eased them down; moving first one leg then the other. Now all that separated their heated bodies was the tiny purple satin thong she was wearing…
Repositioning herself over his hips, Rachel closed her eyes as she settled over his firm flesh, the sensations delicious even with the satin blocking true contact. She reached for his hands and pressed them against her bare breasts, encouraging him to caress them.
As he fondled them with tender hands she rocked her hips slightly, shifting the pressure along his length, causing it to jump slightly under her.
Their breath came heavier now and Scott slid his hands over her belly, keeping contact with her smooth skin and as he reached her waist he tugged lightly at her thong, a silent plea to remove the last barrier between them. Instead she simply moved the material, darkened by the moisture from her hungry flesh to one side and lifted her hips, positioning herself to slip slowly over his throbbing shaft.
They both shuddered and sighed as their flesh merged. Taking Rachel's hips, Scott started to rock her against him in a steady rhythm, their flesh slipped against each other and sending shockwaves through their bodies. His fingers twisted the material that now proved no barrier between them.
Rachel leaned over him and slightly changed the angle by doing so, supporting herself on her arms, her heavy breasts swayed temptingly above him. He lifting his head and captured one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked and tugged gently at it as they moved together. She tried to pick up the pace slightly, but his hands stopped her from rushing the wonderful experience they shared.
They lost all track of anything except the growing need for each other and after an immeasurable length of time, they began to shake. He released her nipple and pushed her harder onto him, filling her as deeply as possible as they gasped and panted. A few more strokes into the very depth of her soul and they cried out together, their bodies twitching as their muscles contracted.
Rachel sank down onto Scott's chest, unable to support her own weight any longer. She was shaking and breathing hard – he, she noticed was in much the same state, his heart that had beat so steady a short while ago now beat rapidly, - he wrapped his arms loving around her and squeezed her tightly. They lay spent and content in each others arms, not speaking for there was no need - their bodies had said all that needed to be said.
Slowly she started to drift to sleep. Scott shifted position, so that they were lying side by side. He stroked her back, and kissed the top of her head, smiling as she dozed and curled in tighter against him. The fire died to embers as they drifted into a gentle sleep, and the snow started to fall softly outside the window.
She was an attractive red-head with sparkling green eyes that danced with mischief, her full figure clad alluringly in a hunter green polar necked sweater that clung to all the right places, and accentuated her lovely eyes, teamed with moleskin pants that nestled against her firm calves and pert buttocks and a long leather jacket that hung down to the top of her mid-thigh boots.
By her side walked a handsome man with eyes like sapphires of the rarest beauty and hair the colour of a raven's wing. He too was dressed casually in black denim pants and a pale cream fleece. The leather jacket he had on was a present from the Christmas before and he rarely went out without it.
They heard the children's high pitched squeals of delight in the playground on the other side of the park. Their cries and giggles as they frolicked in the snow, carrying on the cold air; Rachel looked up at Scott and smiled, knowing that he had heard the children too, knowing the thoughts that were crossing his mind as well as hers.
Giggling, she bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, packed it into a ball as she dance away from him and turning, she hurled the snow towards him. It hit him square in the chest with a dull thump. He looked down at the snow as it slipped off his jacket and then looked back at her: she knew that the challenge had been accepted. Grinning, he scooped up some more snow, formed a snowball and took aim at her hastily retreating back…
She skidded down behind a bush as she heard the snowball hit the ground where she had been seconds ago and, breathing hard, stifled another bout of giggles.
"You missed!" she taunted, forming another snowball as she spoke. She risked a quick peek from her stronghold and looked around for Scott, but couldn't see him. She knelt in the snow and looked around again, then chanted "Come out, come out, wherever you are." under her breath. Rachel followed the direction of the footprints to the small fountain that gurgled softly and laughing quietly to herself, gathered her ammunition and stalked towards Scott's hideout.
About halfway across the distance to the fountain, Scott appeared over the edge of it and started to throw a barrage of snowballs at her, hitting her with a couple of them. Caught by surprise, Rachel slipped and sat heavily on the cold ground, laughing uncontrollably. Her chest ached as she pulled the cold air into her lungs and she coughed. Scott saw that she had dropped her snowballs and walked slowly towards her, as if wary of a surprise attack.
Reaching Rachel's side Scott crouched next to her and brushed the snow from her hair. His eyes sparkled with mischief. Breathlessly she giggled "Guess you didn't miss me that time huh, sweetheart!" and brushed the snow off her coat, looking up at him from under her lashes. He stood and offered her his hand to help her up. She accepted it and slowly got to her feet. She smiled at him and wrapped a hand around his neck to pull him down so they could kiss.
Their lips met and she let her tongue slip out just enough to caress his cold skin teasingly. They closed their eyes and let the kiss deepen slowly, falling into each other. She ran her hand up his back seductively, and then before he could realise what she was going to do, deposited the handful of half melted snow she was concealing down his back and jumped away, triumph on her face.
Rachel giggled at the shocked expression on his face as he tried to get his breath back that the icy touch of the snow had stolen from his lungs. She gulped at the new expression that crossed his features, a look of pure revenge; she backed away slowly, begging and pleading for a mercy she knew she didn't deserve and wasn't going to receive.
The back of her knees hit a solid object and she looked behind her, hesitant to take her eyes from Scott. She noticed a small wall, and groaned softly knowing there was no escape now. Granted, she could probably climb the wall before he reached her, but that would have meant she had to expose her back to him, and she knew that would be a sure invitation for more snowballs.
Instead, she turned to face him - a defiant grin on her face. Her eyes danced with delight. Scott pulled his hand along the top of the wall as he pinned her in place and he gathered a good handful of snow. With an evil grin on his face, he pulled the neck of her jumper away from her skin and dropped the icy burden down her ample cleavage.
Gasping, Rachel tried to pull back but Scott held her firm and kissed her, pressing closer to her so that the snow was trapped against her skin. She squirmed as the snow melted and ran over her warm body and then returned his kiss. When he moved away, he noticed that the cold water had had a pleasant reaction on her nipples, as they now stood proud against the material of her sweater. Scott grinned and brushed his fingers lightly over their taut outline, and enjoyed the shiver that ran through Rachel's body, which had little to do with the chill in the air.
With Scott holding her shoulders firmly, they kissed again, with more urgency than before. She sagged slightly in his grasp as his fingers twisted possessively into her hair, holding her to him with a fierce tenderness. She sighed from deep within her throat and wrapped her arms around his waist and under his coat; her fingers massaged his back firmly. They broke the kiss and gazed longingly at each other for what felt like a lifetime. Freeing his fingers from her hair he caressed her cheek, and she closed her eyes to savour the sensations.
Holding him close, Rachel rested her head on his chest to listen to the steady thumping of his heart. She took his hand, her voice and eyes full of desire and whispered "Come on, lets go back, I need warming up." Her voice was shaking slightly. Holding each other close they walked steadily away from the little fountain.
After the short walk back, filled with many kisses and longing looks, they were both trembling slightly as Scott turned the key in the lock. He stood to one side as he pushed the door open, inviting her in. As Rachel entered, she had to brush close to him, their clothes rustled against each other softly.
As they removed their coats, Scott kissed her tenderly, his eyes spoke of an enjoyable way to warm up. She nodded slightly, knowing that he would understand the unspoken question she had answered; drawing a ragged breath he took her hand and led her to the rug in front of the open fire.
They curled up together and watched the flames dance for a few seconds, knowing the flames inside their hearts burned brighter and harder. She leant back against him as he started to stroke her hair, the flames of the fire lending it a deeper colour as it's light shone and played over the logs.
After a short while she turned to him and lightly stroked his face and leant to kiss him - softly to start with, but it didn't take long for the kiss to deepen, full of yearning. She shifted position without losing his lips and leaned closer and then started to run her fingers through his soft hair. Her fingers came to rest against the base of his neck, stroking firmly and communicating her growing need for him.
A low moan escaped his lips, as he pulled her closer. He moved his attention down her throat, hot light kisses warmed her flesh. Scott slid his hands under her jumper and caressed the skin below, before he took her jumper firmly and pulled it over her back and head, breaking away from her kisses and caresses only long enough to remove the offending garment. The fire burned brightly behind her, the flames casting flickering patterns against her naked back.
He trailed little kisses across her bare shoulders and along her arms and then after kissing the palm of her hand, he teasingly pulled her finger into his mouth, and playfully nibbled the tip. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress a shiver; he took advantage of her closed eyes and lightly nibbled the inside of her wrist. Rachel gasped, and tried to pull her hand away, but he tightened his grip just enough to stop her from succeeding.
She tried a different tactic and leaned closer, reaching for his jumper, and pulled it from his body. He released her so that she could complete her task and as his jumper joined hers on the floor, she kissed his chest, her tongue running over his nipple. Rachel put her hands on his shoulders and gave a light push, which was just enough to force Scott flat on his back. She quickly straddled his hips and quite effectively pinned him in position.
Rachel bent to kiss him, her hair falling to form a curtain of silk and fire around them; Scott wrapped his arms around her waist. He smiled and whispered "Now you can't escape."
She nestled into his shoulder and murmured "Who said I wanted too!" They lay there together like that for a few moments enjoying the feel of warmed skin against their own. Rachel shifted her hips slightly and smiled as she felt and heard the reaction she had caused. She lifted her head to look deep into his eyes, loving the way it felt almost like she was drowning in their crystal depths. She moved again, more seductively this time. Another soft groan broke from him, and he slid his hands up her back and fumbled briefly with the catch of her bra.
Scott lifted her slightly, so that his lips could find her taut nipples, she shuddered as his electric touch coursed through her body. She felt a growing pressure against her hip and pulling away, she shuffled down to release his belt and undid his trousers. She knelt and slowly eased his garments over his hips and down behind her. She allowed herself a couple of seconds to drink in the sight of his aroused body and then ran her fingertips over his hip and along his thigh.
She undid the button on her trousers, his hungry, haunted eyes followed her every move and she then eased them down; moving first one leg then the other. Now all that separated their heated bodies was the tiny purple satin thong she was wearing…
Repositioning herself over his hips, Rachel closed her eyes as she settled over his firm flesh, the sensations delicious even with the satin blocking true contact. She reached for his hands and pressed them against her bare breasts, encouraging him to caress them.
As he fondled them with tender hands she rocked her hips slightly, shifting the pressure along his length, causing it to jump slightly under her.
Their breath came heavier now and Scott slid his hands over her belly, keeping contact with her smooth skin and as he reached her waist he tugged lightly at her thong, a silent plea to remove the last barrier between them. Instead she simply moved the material, darkened by the moisture from her hungry flesh to one side and lifted her hips, positioning herself to slip slowly over his throbbing shaft.
They both shuddered and sighed as their flesh merged. Taking Rachel's hips, Scott started to rock her against him in a steady rhythm, their flesh slipped against each other and sending shockwaves through their bodies. His fingers twisted the material that now proved no barrier between them.
Rachel leaned over him and slightly changed the angle by doing so, supporting herself on her arms, her heavy breasts swayed temptingly above him. He lifting his head and captured one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked and tugged gently at it as they moved together. She tried to pick up the pace slightly, but his hands stopped her from rushing the wonderful experience they shared.
They lost all track of anything except the growing need for each other and after an immeasurable length of time, they began to shake. He released her nipple and pushed her harder onto him, filling her as deeply as possible as they gasped and panted. A few more strokes into the very depth of her soul and they cried out together, their bodies twitching as their muscles contracted.
Rachel sank down onto Scott's chest, unable to support her own weight any longer. She was shaking and breathing hard – he, she noticed was in much the same state, his heart that had beat so steady a short while ago now beat rapidly, - he wrapped his arms loving around her and squeezed her tightly. They lay spent and content in each others arms, not speaking for there was no need - their bodies had said all that needed to be said.
Slowly she started to drift to sleep. Scott shifted position, so that they were lying side by side. He stroked her back, and kissed the top of her head, smiling as she dozed and curled in tighter against him. The fire died to embers as they drifted into a gentle sleep, and the snow started to fall softly outside the window.