First and only gay’ish encounter


Legendary Member
Dec 20, 2017
Honolulu (Hawaii, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Let me start by establishing that myself and the other guys in this story are straight and in fact all 3 of us had girlfriends at the time, and have girlfriends now although it’s different girls now lol

So I have a large circle of friends, of all ages, ethnicities, shapes and sizes. This particular story involves two friends who are about 10 years younger then I am

Now I’m in my 30’s and live alone. These two idiots being in their early 20’s, they’re always getting lit and partying too hard. And more often than not, they get too messed up to go home cause they still live with their parents, so they would often call me in the middle of the night to crash at my place on the couches. The average call time would be between 2am - 4am

One night I’m already fast asleep but get a call at about 2am. It’s dumb and dumber and they’re literally at my door asking me to let them in, I get up and put on my robe (oh yeah I should point out I sleep naked) and go open the door and these guys stumble in. Like I said this happens more often than not so it’s routine. They know that there’s water and food for them and towels and bathroom stuff etc and they know how to work the Roku TV and all that

So basically I tell them “alright, you guys know how to make yourselves at home, I’m going back to sleep” then I got back to my room and lay down

I do manage to sleep for almost an hour then I wake up again, I hear them in the living room watching tv and just indistinct chatter and laughter. I try to go back to sleep but now im kinda awake. I start to scroll thru my phone and what not then I hear louder noise and laughter from the living room. So I get up and go back out to check on the two.

I arrive to see that they continued drinking the alcohol that was in my home bar (I was hoping they were done drinking for the night) getting even more wasted and they are watching Thor Love & Thunder on the TV

They ALSO have bed sheets from my closet wrapped around themselves kinda like Roman togas, and i see their regular clothes thrown on one of the couches. They’re giggling like school girls.

I stand there dismissively and shrug saying “what the fuck are you two doing”

So turns out while watching Thor Love & Thunder they were inspired by the scene where Thor is standing in the arena with Zeus and Zeus uses his powers to strip Thor naked

So the two idiots were trying to recreate the movie scene using the bed sheets and fishing line (yes they located fishing line in my garage) and they were filming it for Snapchat

They enthusiastically tell me “you gotta see this!”

By the time joined the party they had already done several takes each, and somewhat perfected the stunt. Obviously one guy stood in position while the other off camera yanks the fishing line attached to the bed sheet and the sheet comes flying off their body

So I stand there somewhat unamused waiting for the show. To their credit the execution of the stunt was actually pretty good the sheets yanked off quickly and cleanly

HOWEVER after the sheet is yanked off they both were still wearing their underwear beneath it, tighty witey

I say “good work, but you’re supposed to be naked”

We all kinda dismiss my comment at first and then I surrenderingly join them in drinking. We sit at my dining table, they still wearing their bed sheet togas and I in my Versace robe

We start shooting the shit and I’m trying to catch up with their buzz, mind you it’s already 4 going on 5am at this point

One of the boys end up passing out on the couch while the other kept going with me, now at this point we’re letting loose

Then I say “your videos are shit! What’s the point of doing the nude scene and you’re not even nude! The whole point is to show your ass!”

At first he was refuting me and saying the video they made was fine.

But I kept bussing his balls about “if you’re gonna do it, do it right”

yadda yadda he ends up agreeing and determined to do the scene with actual nudity. We tried to wake up the other guy but he was gone, now as I said the two of them did enough takes earlier to where they had the action down. Now I had to be the guy pulling the fishing line. Since I was inexperienced and because we were both intoxicated, we had to do many, many takes, and to also get the camera angle correct since we’re doing full ass, and gotta mention several takes he didn’t like because the angles made his ass look “flat” or just bad

Now this whole time I’m either standing behind or to the side of him just seeing his ass and not his dick. And when we’re reviewing the video he kinda looks over his shoulder and his hands covering himself up. I should also mention that we kept lighting at a bare minimum just enough to see what’s going on and to see his ass on the video, but not full on lighting.

So we’re doing take after take and he’s starting to get impatient and says “we gotta get this, I’m fucking butt naked in your house”

I say “who the fuck cares, nobody’s here, and we’re making cinema here!” (My drunken humor)

Then he goes “dude my fucking dick is out”

I say “it’s dark, and I can’t even see your dick” cause he’s still looking over shoulder and still covering up with his hands

So I guess in frustration (and intoxication) he turns completely to me and removes his hands

“There now you see my dick out, now are you uncomfortable?”

I say “I don’t even care at this point, I just wanna get this scene fucking wrapped” (I’m being completely honest, I was pretty determined at this point to actually get the scene right, did care at all about the loose dick in my house)

So we do a few more takes and he says “we gotta wake up (the other guy) so he can do this too”

We try again to wake up the other guy but he’s gone. Naked guy even slaps his dick on the forehead of sleepy guy (so already this is getting frat gay)

Then he says “he has to wake up so I’m not the only one naked in this house”

Then I snap back “is that what you’re concerned about? I’m concerned about this scene, and that’s all you’re concerned about?”

Then in frustration I de-robe myself and I say “there now both our dicks are out” as we face each other “now let’s get this done”

So a couple takes later we finally nail it, I sit on the couch and he’s hovering over me as we edit the video, mind you, we are both still butt naked cause at this point who cares

Now admittedly I’m a “grower not a shower” but I know for a fact that I have exceedingly above average girth, however about average length around 6”

My friend is kinda a shower, nothing to be boasting about but it did have a better hang than mine did

He was also in better shape than I, like I said I’m in my early 30’s and he in his early 20’s

I have that “dad bod” very full, no real muscle definition but very solid and big all around (I’m 6’ tall and about 250 pounds)

He was not built, he didn’t work out or anything, but still had a low body fat % and no fat pouch above his dick. that fat pad is detrimental to how your dick looks. I on the other hand had a pouch

So while we’re editing naked he bluntly points out “you gotta do something about that” referring to my dick and my pouch

I say “yeah yeah don’t worry about it, ill diet tomorrow” (jokingly)

Then I say “look at your little adorable thing”

He goes “what about him?”

Then I pridefully say “trust me I’m a grower not a shower, it’s fat as fuck, way bigger than you think, way bigger than your skinny little shit”

He goes “fuck that”

I say “I’m serious, why do you think I keep getting these chicks?” (I should point out that I tend to date younger good looking girls, the truth is they like my cooking, but they also are pleasantly surprised with my dick size and all compliment my girth)

Then I tell him how big it gets and he doesn’t believe me

So you can guess where this goes from here

So we issue the challenge, we’re gonna get hard and compare.

Long story short, since we’re drunk and the sun is about to come up we can’t even get our dicks up, even with porn.
But, me being in my 30’s and because I mess with young girls, I do have the Blue Chew pill. So I take one and give him one too! So that kicks in, and now he can tell just by looking it’s bigger

And he literally goes “fuck”

I say “I told you”

At this point he started to shy away and back off but I said no no no, a bet is a bet so we did the whole standing facing each other and dicks side by side to compare sizes, the dicks are touching up against each other, and mine was maybe 50% more girthier, and my grower status even pretty much evened out the length, he might have had a slight advantage in length but not much, not even a 1/4 inch

In disbelief he says “son of a bitch” and then this caught me off guard, he repositions our dicks, non shallantly just touches my dick like it’s nothing, and he pulls my dick lower so he can place his dick on top of mine to really see the difference in girth. Like I said I’m 6’ but he’s like 5’9” so he had to pull my dick below his and he had to kinda tippy toe.

He says “that’s fucking crazy”

This is the first time another guy touched my dick, and definitely the first time my dick touched another dick lol

Sorry there’s no big climatic ending to this story, that’s pretty much it, the sun was coming up and we were too tired and drunk to even relieve ourselves from our induced boners from the blue chew, I just went to bed with a hard on and he laid on the couch with his hard on

Maybe 30 minutes later I had to get up to pee, I get up and before heading to bathroom I peek in the living room, the two are still knocked out, one still in his underwear and other still butt naked, still with his hard on.

The end

I can’t post the actual video cause he has identifying tattoos, this video was only shared amongst the friend group


Let me start by establishing that myself and the other guys in this story are straight and in fact all 3 of us had girlfriends at the time, and have girlfriends now although it’s different girls now lol

So I have a large circle of friends, of all ages, ethnicities, shapes and sizes. This particular story involves two friends who are about 10 years younger then I am

Now I’m in my 30’s and live alone. These two idiots being in their early 20’s, they’re always getting lit and partying too hard. And more often than not, they get too messed up to go home cause they still live with their parents, so they would often call me in the middle of the night to crash at my place on the couches. The average call time would be between 2am - 4am

One night I’m already fast asleep but get a call at about 2am. It’s dumb and dumber and they’re literally at my door asking me to let them in, I get up and put on my robe (oh yeah I should point out I sleep naked) and go open the door and these guys stumble in. Like I said this happens more often than not so it’s routine. They know that there’s water and food for them and towels and bathroom stuff etc and they know how to work the Roku TV and all that

So basically I tell them “alright, you guys know how to make yourselves at home, I’m going back to sleep” then I got back to my room and lay down

I do manage to sleep for almost an hour then I wake up again, I hear them in the living room watching tv and just indistinct chatter and laughter. I try to go back to sleep but now im kinda awake. I start to scroll thru my phone and what not then I hear louder noise and laughter from the living room. So I get up and go back out to check on the two.

I arrive to see that they continued drinking the alcohol that was in my home bar (I was hoping they were done drinking for the night) getting even more wasted and they are watching Thor Love & Thunder on the TV

They ALSO have bed sheets from my closet wrapped around themselves kinda like Roman togas, and i see their regular clothes thrown on one of the couches. They’re giggling like school girls.

I stand there dismissively and shrug saying “what the fuck are you two doing”

So turns out while watching Thor Love & Thunder they were inspired by the scene where Thor is standing in the arena with Zeus and Zeus uses his powers to strip Thor naked

So the two idiots were trying to recreate the movie scene using the bed sheets and fishing line (yes they located fishing line in my garage) and they were filming it for Snapchat

They enthusiastically tell me “you gotta see this!”

By the time joined the party they had already done several takes each, and somewhat perfected the stunt. Obviously one guy stood in position while the other off camera yanks the fishing line attached to the bed sheet and the sheet comes flying off their body

So I stand there somewhat unamused waiting for the show. To their credit the execution of the stunt was actually pretty good the sheets yanked off quickly and cleanly

HOWEVER after the sheet is yanked off they both were still wearing their underwear beneath it, tighty witey

I say “good work, but you’re supposed to be naked”

We all kinda dismiss my comment at first and then I surrenderingly join them in drinking. We sit at my dining table, they still wearing their bed sheet togas and I in my Versace robe

We start shooting the shit and I’m trying to catch up with their buzz, mind you it’s already 4 going on 5am at this point

One of the boys end up passing out on the couch while the other kept going with me, now at this point we’re letting loose

Then I say “your videos are shit! What’s the point of doing the nude scene and you’re not even nude! The whole point is to show your ass!”

At first he was refuting me and saying the video they made was fine.

But I kept bussing his balls about “if you’re gonna do it, do it right”

yadda yadda he ends up agreeing and determined to do the scene with actual nudity. We tried to wake up the other guy but he was gone, now as I said the two of them did enough takes earlier to where they had the action down. Now I had to be the guy pulling the fishing line. Since I was inexperienced and because we were both intoxicated, we had to do many, many takes, and to also get the camera angle correct since we’re doing full ass, and gotta mention several takes he didn’t like because the angles made his ass look “flat” or just bad

Now this whole time I’m either standing behind or to the side of him just seeing his ass and not his dick. And when we’re reviewing the video he kinda looks over his shoulder and his hands covering himself up. I should also mention that we kept lighting at a bare minimum just enough to see what’s going on and to see his ass on the video, but not full on lighting.

So we’re doing take after take and he’s starting to get impatient and says “we gotta get this, I’m fucking butt naked in your house”

I say “who the fuck cares, nobody’s here, and we’re making cinema here!” (My drunken humor)

Then he goes “dude my fucking dick is out”

I say “it’s dark, and I can’t even see your dick” cause he’s still looking over shoulder and still covering up with his hands

So I guess in frustration (and intoxication) he turns completely to me and removes his hands

“There now you see my dick out, now are you uncomfortable?”

I say “I don’t even care at this point, I just wanna get this scene fucking wrapped” (I’m being completely honest, I was pretty determined at this point to actually get the scene right, did care at all about the loose dick in my house)

So we do a few more takes and he says “we gotta wake up (the other guy) so he can do this too”

We try again to wake up the other guy but he’s gone. Naked guy even slaps his dick on the forehead of sleepy guy (so already this is getting frat gay)

Then he says “he has to wake up so I’m not the only one naked in this house”

Then I snap back “is that what you’re concerned about? I’m concerned about this scene, and that’s all you’re concerned about?”

Then in frustration I de-robe myself and I say “there now both our dicks are out” as we face each other “now let’s get this done”

So a couple takes later we finally nail it, I sit on the couch and he’s hovering over me as we edit the video, mind you, we are both still butt naked cause at this point who cares

Now admittedly I’m a “grower not a shower” but I know for a fact that I have exceedingly above average girth, however about average length around 6”

My friend is kinda a shower, nothing to be boasting about but it did have a better hang than mine did

He was also in better shape than I, like I said I’m in my early 30’s and he in his early 20’s

I have that “dad bod” very full, no real muscle definition but very solid and big all around (I’m 6’ tall and about 250 pounds)

He was not built, he didn’t work out or anything, but still had a low body fat % and no fat pouch above his dick. that fat pad is detrimental to how your dick looks. I on the other hand had a pouch

So while we’re editing naked he bluntly points out “you gotta do something about that” referring to my dick and my pouch

I say “yeah yeah don’t worry about it, ill diet tomorrow” (jokingly)

Then I say “look at your little adorable thing”

He goes “what about him?”

Then I pridefully say “trust me I’m a grower not a shower, it’s fat as fuck, way bigger than you think, way bigger than your skinny little shit”

He goes “fuck that”

I say “I’m serious, why do you think I keep getting these chicks?” (I should point out that I tend to date younger good looking girls, the truth is they like my cooking, but they also are pleasantly surprised with my dick size and all compliment my girth)

Then I tell him how big it gets and he doesn’t believe me

So you can guess where this goes from here

So we issue the challenge, we’re gonna get hard and compare.

Long story short, since we’re drunk and the sun is about to come up we can’t even get our dicks up, even with porn.
But, me being in my 30’s and because I mess with young girls, I do have the Blue Chew pill. So I take one and give him one too! So that kicks in, and now he can tell just by looking it’s bigger

And he literally goes “fuck”

I say “I told you”

At this point he started to shy away and back off but I said no no no, a bet is a bet so we did the whole standing facing each other and dicks side by side to compare sizes, the dicks are touching up against each other, and mine was maybe 50% more girthier, and my grower status even pretty much evened out the length, he might have had a slight advantage in length but not much, not even a 1/4 inch

In disbelief he says “son of a bitch” and then this caught me off guard, he repositions our dicks, non shallantly just touches my dick like it’s nothing, and he pulls my dick lower so he can place his dick on top of mine to really see the difference in girth. Like I said I’m 6’ but he’s like 5’9” so he had to pull my dick below his and he had to kinda tippy toe.

He says “that’s fucking crazy”

This is the first time another guy touched my dick, and definitely the first time my dick touched another dick lol

Sorry there’s no big climatic ending to this story, that’s pretty much it, the sun was coming up and we were too tired and drunk to even relieve ourselves from our induced boners from the blue chew, I just went to bed with a hard on and he laid on the couch with his hard on

Maybe 30 minutes later I had to get up to pee, I get up and before heading to bathroom I peek in the living room, the two are still knocked out, one still in his underwear and other still butt naked, still with his hard on.

The end

I can’t post the actual video cause he has identifying tattoos, this video was only shared amongst the friend group
"Let me start by establishing that myself and the other guys in this story are straight ... "

Sorry, but your "Versace robe" begs to differ with you!
Let me start by establishing that myself and the other guys in this story are straight and in fact all 3 of us had girlfriends at the time, and have girlfriends now although it’s different girls now lol

So I have a large circle of friends, of all ages, ethnicities, shapes and sizes. This particular story involves two friends who are about 10 years younger then I am

Now I’m in my 30’s and live alone. These two idiots being in their early 20’s, they’re always getting lit and partying too hard. And more often than not, they get too messed up to go home cause they still live with their parents, so they would often call me in the middle of the night to crash at my place on the couches. The average call time would be between 2am - 4am

One night I’m already fast asleep but get a call at about 2am. It’s dumb and dumber and they’re literally at my door asking me to let them in, I get up and put on my robe (oh yeah I should point out I sleep naked) and go open the door and these guys stumble in. Like I said this happens more often than not so it’s routine. They know that there’s water and food for them and towels and bathroom stuff etc and they know how to work the Roku TV and all that

So basically I tell them “alright, you guys know how to make yourselves at home, I’m going back to sleep” then I got back to my room and lay down

I do manage to sleep for almost an hour then I wake up again, I hear them in the living room watching tv and just indistinct chatter and laughter. I try to go back to sleep but now im kinda awake. I start to scroll thru my phone and what not then I hear louder noise and laughter from the living room. So I get up and go back out to check on the two.

I arrive to see that they continued drinking the alcohol that was in my home bar (I was hoping they were done drinking for the night) getting even more wasted and they are watching Thor Love & Thunder on the TV

They ALSO have bed sheets from my closet wrapped around themselves kinda like Roman togas, and i see their regular clothes thrown on one of the couches. They’re giggling like school girls.

I stand there dismissively and shrug saying “what the fuck are you two doing”

So turns out while watching Thor Love & Thunder they were inspired by the scene where Thor is standing in the arena with Zeus and Zeus uses his powers to strip Thor naked

So the two idiots were trying to recreate the movie scene using the bed sheets and fishing line (yes they located fishing line in my garage) and they were filming it for Snapchat

They enthusiastically tell me “you gotta see this!”

By the time joined the party they had already done several takes each, and somewhat perfected the stunt. Obviously one guy stood in position while the other off camera yanks the fishing line attached to the bed sheet and the sheet comes flying off their body

So I stand there somewhat unamused waiting for the show. To their credit the execution of the stunt was actually pretty good the sheets yanked off quickly and cleanly

HOWEVER after the sheet is yanked off they both were still wearing their underwear beneath it, tighty witey

I say “good work, but you’re supposed to be naked”

We all kinda dismiss my comment at first and then I surrenderingly join them in drinking. We sit at my dining table, they still wearing their bed sheet togas and I in my Versace robe

We start shooting the shit and I’m trying to catch up with their buzz, mind you it’s already 4 going on 5am at this point

One of the boys end up passing out on the couch while the other kept going with me, now at this point we’re letting loose

Then I say “your videos are shit! What’s the point of doing the nude scene and you’re not even nude! The whole point is to show your ass!”

At first he was refuting me and saying the video they made was fine.

But I kept bussing his balls about “if you’re gonna do it, do it right”

yadda yadda he ends up agreeing and determined to do the scene with actual nudity. We tried to wake up the other guy but he was gone, now as I said the two of them did enough takes earlier to where they had the action down. Now I had to be the guy pulling the fishing line. Since I was inexperienced and because we were both intoxicated, we had to do many, many takes, and to also get the camera angle correct since we’re doing full ass, and gotta mention several takes he didn’t like because the angles made his ass look “flat” or just bad

Now this whole time I’m either standing behind or to the side of him just seeing his ass and not his dick. And when we’re reviewing the video he kinda looks over his shoulder and his hands covering himself up. I should also mention that we kept lighting at a bare minimum just enough to see what’s going on and to see his ass on the video, but not full on lighting.

So we’re doing take after take and he’s starting to get impatient and says “we gotta get this, I’m fucking butt naked in your house”

I say “who the fuck cares, nobody’s here, and we’re making cinema here!” (My drunken humor)

Then he goes “dude my fucking dick is out”

I say “it’s dark, and I can’t even see your dick” cause he’s still looking over shoulder and still covering up with his hands

So I guess in frustration (and intoxication) he turns completely to me and removes his hands

“There now you see my dick out, now are you uncomfortable?”

I say “I don’t even care at this point, I just wanna get this scene fucking wrapped” (I’m being completely honest, I was pretty determined at this point to actually get the scene right, did care at all about the loose dick in my house)

So we do a few more takes and he says “we gotta wake up (the other guy) so he can do this too”

We try again to wake up the other guy but he’s gone. Naked guy even slaps his dick on the forehead of sleepy guy (so already this is getting frat gay)

Then he says “he has to wake up so I’m not the only one naked in this house”

Then I snap back “is that what you’re concerned about? I’m concerned about this scene, and that’s all you’re concerned about?”

Then in frustration I de-robe myself and I say “there now both our dicks are out” as we face each other “now let’s get this done”

So a couple takes later we finally nail it, I sit on the couch and he’s hovering over me as we edit the video, mind you, we are both still butt naked cause at this point who cares

Now admittedly I’m a “grower not a shower” but I know for a fact that I have exceedingly above average girth, however about average length around 6”

My friend is kinda a shower, nothing to be boasting about but it did have a better hang than mine did

He was also in better shape than I, like I said I’m in my early 30’s and he in his early 20’s

I have that “dad bod” very full, no real muscle definition but very solid and big all around (I’m 6’ tall and about 250 pounds)

He was not built, he didn’t work out or anything, but still had a low body fat % and no fat pouch above his dick. that fat pad is detrimental to how your dick looks. I on the other hand had a pouch

So while we’re editing naked he bluntly points out “you gotta do something about that” referring to my dick and my pouch

I say “yeah yeah don’t worry about it, ill diet tomorrow” (jokingly)

Then I say “look at your little adorable thing”

He goes “what about him?”

Then I pridefully say “trust me I’m a grower not a shower, it’s fat as fuck, way bigger than you think, way bigger than your skinny little shit”

He goes “fuck that”

I say “I’m serious, why do you think I keep getting these chicks?” (I should point out that I tend to date younger good looking girls, the truth is they like my cooking, but they also are pleasantly surprised with my dick size and all compliment my girth)

Then I tell him how big it gets and he doesn’t believe me

So you can guess where this goes from here

So we issue the challenge, we’re gonna get hard and compare.

Long story short, since we’re drunk and the sun is about to come up we can’t even get our dicks up, even with porn.
But, me being in my 30’s and because I mess with young girls, I do have the Blue Chew pill. So I take one and give him one too! So that kicks in, and now he can tell just by looking it’s bigger

And he literally goes “fuck”

I say “I told you”

At this point he started to shy away and back off but I said no no no, a bet is a bet so we did the whole standing facing each other and dicks side by side to compare sizes, the dicks are touching up against each other, and mine was maybe 50% more girthier, and my grower status even pretty much evened out the length, he might have had a slight advantage in length but not much, not even a 1/4 inch

In disbelief he says “son of a bitch” and then this caught me off guard, he repositions our dicks, non shallantly just touches my dick like it’s nothing, and he pulls my dick lower so he can place his dick on top of mine to really see the difference in girth. Like I said I’m 6’ but he’s like 5’9” so he had to pull my dick below his and he had to kinda tippy toe.

He says “that’s fucking crazy”

This is the first time another guy touched my dick, and definitely the first time my dick touched another dick lol

Sorry there’s no big climatic ending to this story, that’s pretty much it, the sun was coming up and we were too tired and drunk to even relieve ourselves from our induced boners from the blue chew, I just went to bed with a hard on and he laid on the couch with his hard on

Maybe 30 minutes later I had to get up to pee, I get up and before heading to bathroom I peek in the living room, the two are still knocked out, one still in his underwear and other still butt naked, still with his hard on.

The end

I can’t post the actual video cause he has identifying tattoos, this video was only shared amongst the friend group
Well now you gotta show people your cock.