Gavin Johnstone Fitgav Onlyfans

just followed this guy Gavin Johnstone on OnlyFans and all his posts are just teases of what he says he sends in the inbox. Was just wondering if anyone has any of the vids from the inboxes??
My sub just ran out on his page and I didn’t resub cause he’s unfortunately been influenced by the scammer seffbreezy. I didn’t buy any of his priv vids cause I heard they were scams too. At least the ones with breezy. He started out strong tho posting a vid of him fukin a girl and shooting a huge load but as soon as he got to ny with breezy he deleted that vid and started the scam.
His onlyfans profile says he does guy on guy but he keeps saying he’s straight and doesn’t do stuff with guys. So which is it
He"s scammer like brezzy etc etc they said they were boyfriends hahahaha
This is so crazy... I literally went to elementary school with this guy

Who knew Walnut Cove NC had a porn wannabe? Maybe he'll get his name on Wikipedia on the Walnut Cove page as a "Notable Citizen" :joy:
1. So the below twitter account is reposting only old videos now?
2. so now he is not gay anymore?
3. so the below onlyfans account doesn't have anything new?
4. is he now with his girl friend? her name? (lucky bitch)
I've subbed to him for awhile and AFAIK he's never posted any GFP content. He's done a few collabs but mostly just teaser gaybait stuff. I think he did a video with Randy Reno, but other than them grabbing each other's ass and dick, there wasn't any action.

He's been dating the same women for about a year but he hasn't posted much about her on his IG lately, so not sure if they're still together.

I noticed he was active again on twitter and OF, but it's all been old content, so I just assumed he hired a manager to repurpose content and generate subscription revenue. I didn't think he was actually active, but then today I noticed he was tweeting about doing a live show on OF last night (I missed it). So not sure if he was just chatting with subs, or actually doing a solo - I suspect it was just some flexing, teasing, and answering some questions.

He's always been a really nice guy, and many times when I've tipped him he's replied with a personalized thank you clip. He's been trying to make a living as a personal trainer - I figure business must be slow so he's either got the time or the motivation to make a little extra income from his OF account.