Gay relationship advice

Charlie Riley

Experimental Member
Jun 18, 2019
Glasgow, UK
100% Gay, 0% Straight
So, I have been friends with him for around 7 years or so. We have been close since, best friends, we met during uni, and although the friends group fell apart, we have continued to be friends since, every day.

I am a handful of years older than him, that has always appeared to be a social anomaly between us, but otherwise we have been sound, he's like 25/26 I'm 33. He is my best friend, and I genuinely care about him more than anyone else.

So, in the past i've told him I liked him, but it was so many years ago to be honest, and I never stopped liking him. We recently met up after not physically seeing each other for a few months, and things ended up in the same bed, blah blah blah, and after giving multiple boundary consent on his behalf, I went to town on him.

Basically, we had both been out at the club in the city, and both fuck out our mind anyway, but he had spontatiously started making out with a random dude at the club. I, my faggy self, took immediate emotional response to this and fled the club and was punching walls for an hour, because the thought of him with someone else kills me to the core. I got back to the hotel, and slept it out but he arrived back surprisingly a few hours later, when things happened. It was going well, and we were making out periodically, but then he just kind of stopped and jumped up at a point, and stopped what was happening. I was completely ok with this, and we just spooned the rest of the night, but it left me so shaken, I thought I did something wrong.

So, after a mental health crisis I shan't go into for details, with some friendly support I spoke to him today, about 2 weeks later, about what happened, and what that would mean going forward, if it means anything between us for example.

TLDR, he has a medical condition which inhibits blank-out zones for up to hours at a time, and his entire time from leaving the club to waking up to me deep throating his dick was a blank-out, which obviously is a complete shock to me. At the time, I had got consent from him, in a seemingly sober AF state, to start touching, then sucking him off, with his approval. Although it ended seemingly abruptly, because I assumed he had cum anxiety, or the sort, he allowed me to spoon the fuck out of him the rest of the night.

I didn't necessarily instigate anything that night to use him, but more, in a way, to show how I felt for him. Being mostly asexual, I wanted him to feel good, if that makes sense? But now since talking to him, I feel that because of his medical condition, what I did accounts to rape, and I feel fucking sick to the core. We have both always been so open with each other, and never take anything too seriously, and he says its completely fine what happened, but in hindsight, I can't help but feel guilty. After a full heart to heart, he says he doesn't have romantic feelings for me, which makes me feel worse because I feel now that as I knew about his condition before, drunk me took complete advantage of this, even with his complete verbal consent.

I fucking hate it, because I'd fucking die for this guy, and I love him to the end of the earth, but I'm not sure how to deal with this revelation that it may not have been medically consensual. I love him so much, and I now after spilling my heart to him, I feel that I raped him. Why.
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Sorry for trauma dumping, I'm two bottles of wine in after talking with him, and still, even after he has been alright with everything with happened, I still feel like absolute scum.
Sorry for trauma dumping, I'm two bottles of wine in after talking with him, and still, even after he has been alright with everything with happened, I still feel like absolute scum.
If a dude wants you you’ll know . If he making out in the club with other people and your not open to an open relationship or multiple partners and you want something that’s monogamous then i say move on. In my experience, liking my close friends never got me anywhere, even if I did do stuff with them , the only thing it brought me was pain in the end . If a person likes you for you , and in a non sexual way ( which is important for a real relationship) it will be made clear. Guys aren’t smart enough to play mind games and if they are they are short tempered . Testosterone is whole beast . Just do you and be you . A lot of us are figuring it out too but don’t play yourself . And if he says there are no feelings for you then feel your emotions , let them out by crying, journaling, singing Adele and let it go. Always take someone for their word when it comes to the “ I don’t want you “ . Cause people don’t let go of things they want.
Thankyou very much for your kind and direct words, it means a lot. It has taken talking to a few friends and getting to be comfortable tonight with the thought of it. I am hurt, but less than I'd be losing my closest friend. Shit sucks but i'll get over it.
Thankyou very much for your kind and direct words, it means a lot. It has taken talking to a few friends and getting to be comfortable tonight with the thought of it. I am hurt, but less than I'd be losing my closest friend. Shit sucks but i'll get over it.
Let it out ! It’s ok to hurt , it’s ok to feel . It sucks but once you get over it you’ll shine soo bright . You deserve the best believe it, receive it , the best is yet to come . And remember the best person to love and that will love you most is you. You’re great, let yourself know that. Any man who’s worth it will find you and be lucky to have you. I believe for you. I feel it coming for you sooner than you think !
Thankyou very much for your kind and direct words, it means a lot. It has taken talking to a few friends and getting to be comfortable tonight with the thought of it. I am hurt, but less than I'd be losing my closest friend. Shit sucks but i'll get over it.
As someone who also had a crush on his best college friend, I can tell you from experience: move on. Nothing good can come out of you insisting on being more than friends with him.

To make a really long story short, this is what happened: we were both straight, had girlfriends at the time and when I realized my feelings for him had changed I was crazy enough to try and act on them. We never had sex, but our intimacy changed to things that don’t happen between straight men. Eventually things became awkward to the point where we had a fight and fell apart.

In our last semester in college, months after the fuss, we had a single friendly conversation. We spent over 20 years without talking to each other. Only recently we reconnected.

I’m not in the least proud of the way I handled things back then, but at the same time I can’t say I regret it because I took it as a lesson to not invest in unrequited love. Life isn’t a BL manga. Someone who sees you just as a friend won’t change their heart even if your love would be enough for both of you.

Today, that guy is married with kids, I’m married to a guy for over ten years, but I spent years feeling uneasy whenever I dreamt about him. It was needed a reconnection between us for me to realize I was over him.

A long time ago I heard someone say that to forget someone you love you have to suffer and then demonize the person. You cry, you hate them, you ignore them and only after these phases you’ll be able to befriend them again. It worked for me.

I’m sorry for any mistakes since English is not my native language. Feel free to message me if you want to talk.
"...and I now after spilling my heart to him, I feel that I raped him. Why."
You care about his feelings. That's why it hurts. Taking your information at face value, I think he freely gave consent and you had consent when the activities happened. But, now, in retrospect, you feel like the consent isn't valid because of his memory issues. Well, that's not your fault or his fault. It isn't like you triggered the memory issues to "get away" with something or cover something up. But it has left you with doubts and a worry you may have taken advantage of someone. However, he also told you he does not have romantic feelings for you. I'd believe him. If you can still be friends, great. But if that'll be too painful for you, there's nothing wrong with letting the friendship sort of fade away. You guys met in your early and mid-twenties. People change. I can count on one hand the number of friends I still have that I made when I was in my twenties. The make-out/bj session doesn't sound like it was a mistake. But repeating it might be.
You have feelings for a guy who doesnt have feelings for but enjoys the sex games you play, plus he has this condition which kicks in without warning. If you're happy to go o just having sex and fucking the living daylights out of each other, face fucks, whatever thats fine but romantically its going nowhere, and, can you always be sure when he's fucking you he's not blacked out? If you are intent on continuing this "relationship" then seek medical help so you can understand his condition more.
We've all had buds where the sex is fantastic but as for being more meaningful than sex its been a non starter. Years ago I had a fantastic fucker from Glasgow, he'd visit and not see daylight till he went home, but for him it was just sex and I had to admit it was good but not enough.