Paul Rory

Loved Member
May 30, 2021
Munster, Ireland
What’s the best city in Europe for gay sex? Some years ago, I heard that somewhere in Romania was good. Not sure how true that was. Anyway, I want to go on a holiday, stay in a hotel and just have nonstop sex with guys - escorts or not it does not matter. What’s the best place in Europe for that?
What’s the best city in Europe for gay sex? Some years ago, I heard that somewhere in Romania was good. Not sure how true that was. Anyway, I want to go on a holiday, stay in a hotel and just have nonstop sex with guys - escorts or not it does not matter. What’s the best place in Europe for that?
Heard turkey was popular for grindr users, I’m going in june.
Amsterdam is certainly famous for being libertine.

Really, any European city with a popular bathhouse and guys on apps will do. You can find guys nonstop in London, Paris, Berlin, and on and on.

Of course there are the specifically gay holiday destinations like Sitges. Sex is common there of course, but you'll find a wider variety in any big city.
Spain is a huge country; Berlin is a city. Where in Spain? What kind of guys do you like?

Really, any big European city is teeming with men looking to hook up. It's easier in Europe than in most of the US to find casual cock, in my experience.