Gay-specific questions about online/parasocial crushes.


Superior Member
Aug 26, 2023
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Could apply to real life crushes too sometimes, but I'm mostly thinking of the very superficial sort where someone's marketing their appearance and that's basically the only concrete thing to know about them.


1) For those that sometimes get them, when you get a sort of prolonged crush or fixation on a celeb, or IG/Tiktok guy for instance, is it just kind of what it is, you imagine/wish you could have sex with them and there's nothing else to it, or...

2) because you're a man yourself, and so can compare yourself directly to other men, is there ever an element of envy of the crush as well because as a man, you wish you had more of a certain attribute that your crush has? (for instance, I've had a rare but intense recent fixation on a 6'7" muscular basketballer, which reminds me that I wish I was taller myself).

3) Also how pleasant, or unpleasant do you normally find these 'experiences' (if you can call them that lol)?

For me ('cause I'm not a super-horny dude most of the time) it's nice to be reminded sometimes that I do have an intense sex drive locked up in there somewhere, but I admit the slight irrational dissatisfaction with my own body by comparison to a very much genetic outlier does cause a bit of anxiety mixed in there. Eventually though, it does burn out, which I look forward to. When someone's basically only marketing appearance, and little else, you may even wish you could get to know them better as a proper person, but you're only ever going to know what they choose to show (which is usually nothing substantial) so it does get boring eventually :rolleyes:.