Gay To Straight?

It's very simple. Sexuality isn't binary. It's on a continuum, meaning that you are a shade of bisexual but at the gay end.

It's no different than all those "straight" guys who occasionally suck dick with no emotional strings.
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To answer the question more specifically, if you want monogamy, go with your dominant sexuality in order to be most satisfied.

If you are single or in an open relationship, just try whatever you want because liking both is who you are.
I am a firm believer that guys hide being gay and act straight for years until they decide to quit lying to themselves and come out as gay..

Same thing with a gay guy.. not that he is hiding the fact he is straight.. but may have grown up in a gay society and thought that was normal and did gay things for years ..

So now you are liking the idea of being with a woman.. I been with a few but still prefer men.. but if you decide to try being with a woman and enjoy it.. then you’re either straight or bi..
I’ve enjoyed being bi for long as I can remember and no limits what do with them..