
Superior Member
Mar 26, 2019
Daytona Beach, FL, USA
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Recently I started trying some sneaky stuff with random guys like uber drivers, delivery guys and repairmen etc.

My goal is to engage in conversations that might end up leading to the guy flashing me his dick willingly but with no sexual context involved.

I’ve been trying this for several opportunities and finally have had 2 experiences that were wild so I decided to share this with you guys.

Btw, I’ve previously shared a whole story about how I’ve met my boyfriend in this thread, and it was kinda similar to what I’m about to tell you all in this thread. If anyone wants to know more feel free to click the thread!

So here we go!
Ok so the first time I was successful with this whole thing was a couple of weeks ago. I was going to this work event that was kinda far from my place and I wasn’t sure if we were heading to a happy hour after, so I decided to call an uber.

The uber driver that accepted my ride was probably around his late 40s, very good looking, a bit built, not muscular tho, almost like a bear kinda type. His name was Cliff. As soon as I entered the car, he greeted me very friendly. He asked me how my day was going so far, where I was going so well dressed, you know the regular nice guy stuff. As we were casually talking I noticed he was married, cause I saw a very noticeable ring.

I asked if he was working for a long time as an uber driver and he said it has been 5 years. This gave me the opportunity to ask more about him, like if he was in fact married (yes), had kids (2 boys and a girl), etc. As we were chatting about being an uber driver, I said: “you have probably seen some real weird shit”. I was hoping he would say something like being propositioned by some guy or girl, or something like that, but unfortunately no. He mentioned how he was involved in a car crash once, and how another passenger was really rude to him almost to the point of being physically aggressive.

After that I tried something I saw someone mention in another forum website. This guy said he ofter started some topics about men’s health and urology and how this lead him to some more saucy conversations (older guys seems to be interested in health topics). So I asked if he used to work for long hours driving without taking some time to rest. He mentioned how some days are so busy he cant even stop to pee. This gave the opportunity I wanted.

I remember I stumbled upon this article about prostate health, so I had some ideas in mind. I made up this story about a friend of mine who is an urologist and warned me about sitting for long periods of time, and how bad this is for men’s health, specially for the prostate (this was in fact written in the article). As I said this, he immediately went “Really? Because the other day I was reading something about this! How sitting still for hours can be bad for the prostate, and this left me wondering if that might be happening to me, because I have an history of prostate conditions in my family.”

Since he talked so openly about this, I continued the conversation. I told him my friend warned me about some symptoms I might find if that was becoming a problem for me, since I work at an office job and also sit still for hours. I went “My friend says you can check for a few things in your penis to see if this is affecting you”. He then asked what were those things and kept looking at my face like he was anxious to hear the answer. “Well you can simply check if you feel a burning sensation when you pee. You can also check if you frequently have random erections while you are sleeping. Another one is trying to see if your penis head often gets red or purple ish.” I knew most of these are pretty common so he would relate to this.

He stopped for a moment and then asked: “well… did any of these helped you? I mean did you notice any of these?” and again kept looking to wait for an answer. I said: “well all of them!” then I laughed. “at first I got worried about the color of my penis head because sometimes it does get a bit red. But I wasn’t sure if that was a normal type of red.” He immediately said: “exactly! How the fuck am I supposed to know?” Then I said “yeah that was my concern too. Since this friend of mine is really close to me, we practically grew up together and he had seen me naked before, I asked if he could have a look to see if that redish type of color in my penis was normal or was in fact a problem. He had a look and said it wasnt a problem, to my relief”

As I said this, the driver nodded and stopped talking for a few seconds. Then he said “well this doesn’t help me” and laughed. Then I asked “is this happening to you? Does your penis often gets red?” He confirmed. Another brief moment of silence. Then I asked: “but wait, how much of a red are we talking about? Is it really really red?” He went: “sometimes yeah”. I couldn’t believe I was talking to my uber about our cocks! Lol

To keep it natural I said “I think you should probably seek an urologist just to make sure”.
He agreed and said: “yeah absolutely! I mean, us men we hate going to the doctor but at my age there’s no way out”

Then we started talking how the male culture makes us feel uncomfortable about doctors and talking to other men about intimacy and other related stuff, and how much of a bullshit that was. I even said: “look, we dont even know each other and we are talking about our cocks LOL this isn’t so hard, is it?” He laughed out loud it was funny. Then to break the ice I asked: “and what about the burning sensation when you pee, do you feel it?” And he went “almost every time, but that is pretty common I think. What is bothering me is the red penis thing” and uncomfortably laughed again.

After a brief moment of silence, courage struck me and I asked very casually: “well, we are both men here, do you want me to have a look?” He stood silent again for like 5 seconds and looked straight at me. Then again to break the ice I said “if that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, of course. I just want to help”. After another moment of silence, to my surprise he said “well fuck it” and started unzipping his pants. I think my face went red like instantly. I could not believe that was happening! lol

He pulled his penis out and looked at me. I obviously had a VERY GOOD look and asked him to turn it to the side a bit. His cock wasnt even that red. He was uncut and average I would say. it had a normal tone of red. Id say that was a nice cock. That moment is going to be engraved in my mind forever lol. Then after almost like 20 seconds looking at it I said: “I think you have nothing to worry about, dude really. To be fair, the color is almost like mine, look...” Then I did like I was going to unzip my pants too. He immediately, like IMMEDIATELY looked at my hands. I quickly unzipped and pulled my cock out, to give him almost no time to think. It was funny cause of course I was a little bit aroused, I almost had a semi. He also took a really good look at me dick lol.

Again to make it look less uncomfortable after like 10 seconds I quickly put my dick back and said “don’t worry, if Im clear you are too LOL” and we both laughed. I remember I kept talking very calmly and casually to make it seem like nothing had happened. Then I said: “im sure you are a very healthy dude, but hey just check with a doctor, just to be safe, right?” He agreed. He looked very relieved to be honest.

The rest of the ride was really nice, we kept talking about so many random stuff, He was a really nice guy. As I was leaving the car once we got to my destination, I remember I said: “stay healthy Cliff, go talk to a doctor just to be safe ok?” And he went: “I will, you too! And sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable”. I said “not at all! We gotta take care of each other man!” And I left.

to this day I can’t believe I pulled that off. I jerk off to his cock sometimes I gotta admit lol
Where I'm from "lad" culture is very prominant so seeing straight guys cocks isn't uncommon because it's "just banter".
Me too!! But like I mentioned above, getting this to happen with a complete stranger, in an uber ride, is so wild to me
Now I finally got some time to tell the second experience in which I got to see a random guy’s cock. It also happened on an uber ride and was kinda similar to my previous experience.

The driver was a bit older, I would say probably in his late 50s early 60s. He was extremely friendly, and when I say this I mean very. As soon as I entered the car, he immediately made me feel comfortable. He greeted me very politely, asked me about my day and how was I doing. It was super easy to engage in conversation with him.

At some point he mentioned the hot weather that day, and how it can get uncomfortable for uber drivers to go for hours and hours driving on a days like that. Then I remember he ended up saying he tries to dress up with very light clothes to try and help the hot weather. I noticed he wasn't exactly wearing the most light clothes that day, so I said: “well the weather tricked you today probably” and giggled. He laughed too. He then said “sweatpants are definitely not the right ones for today. I wish I was going commando at least” and laughed out loud.

That was very coincidental cause I wasnt wearing any underwear that day, just a pair of shorts. Of course I made sure to mention that, so I said “Really, you do that too?” and he went “sure do! you too?” And I went: “hell yeah, im freeballing right now!” He then laughed again, cause apparently he wasn’t familiar with the term “freeballing” (old fella). This made the conversation escalate quick. We started talking about woman and porn and sex. Side note, I feel like these drivers spend a lot of time alone and this makes them horny all of the time. Ive been noticing this. The guy isn’t even gay, but talking about sex with another guys must be some sort of way to vent.

Anyways. After a long time talking about his encounters with woman (hes divorced so hes “free” according to his own words lol), the subject went back to the hot weather. He went back to complaining about his sweatpants and I noticed he started tugging his cock. Then I remembered I said: “well at least you’re probably circumcised, so your little guy is probably getting more fresh air than mine”. He laughed a lot, that comment mustve been very out of sudden. Then he said “I am! Youre not?” And I confirmed. He was kinda shocked to know that. He turned back for a second and asked me: “Wait how come youre not circumcised?? I dont even know what that looks like to be honest!” And with ZERO HESITATION I just pulled my cock out and said “not much different probably, look…” and to my surprise, he didn’t find that strange at all. He just stared at my dick and said: “wow, not was I had in mind for sure. Are you able to pull that skin down?”

I could not believe what was going on lol. After he asked a lot of questions, I ended up showing him all the “features” of an uncircumcised cock. I kept hanging with my cock out for almost 5 minutes probably. He didnt give a fuck. Then of course I asked him about what did It feel to be cut. He started talking about not having to worry that much about hygiene and stuff. After a few seconds after he stopped talking I just said: “well now Im curious too” and laughed. He didn’t even hesitated either. He pulled his cock right out and said “well look all you want!”. I remember I literally put my head between the front seats to have a good look. Again, I could not believe what was happening lol. To be honest he looked very proud of his penis, and showing it to me. I guess that makes sense. We all agree older guys love to flaunt (the ones in my gym dont seem to have towels, ever lol). after a few seconds he put his penis back on his pants.

This is what keeps me going, being able to pull off these wild things you only see in porn. Having this kind of talks with random straight men is definitely one of my fetishes! anyways after talking a lot about our health and our cocks, we ended up laughing a lot about what had happened. Once I got to my destination, we just said goodbye and parted ways. Simple as that.

So this is it. I got to see this nice old man cock (and what a cock!) just by talking to him, no effort whatsoever! Ill make sure to keep trying these kind of things and also make sure to keep posting here!
Now I finally got some time to tell the second experience in which I got to see a random guy’s cock. It also happened on an uber ride and was kinda similar to my previous experience.

The driver was a bit older, I would say probably in his late 50s early 60s. He was extremely friendly, and when I say this I mean very. As soon as I entered the car, he immediately made me feel comfortable. He greeted me very politely, asked me about my day and how was I doing. It was super easy to engage in conversation with him.

At some point he mentioned the hot weather that day, and how it can get uncomfortable for uber drivers to go for hours and hours driving on a days like that. Then I remember he ended up saying he tries to dress up with very light clothes to try and help the hot weather. I noticed he wasn't exactly wearing the most light clothes that day, so I said: “well the weather tricked you today probably” and giggled. He laughed too. He then said “sweatpants are definitely not the right ones for today. I wish I was going commando at least” and laughed out loud.

That was very coincidental cause I wasnt wearing any underwear that day, just a pair of shorts. Of course I made sure to mention that, so I said “Really, you do that too?” and he went “sure do! you too?” And I went: “hell yeah, im freeballing right now!” He then laughed again, cause apparently he wasn’t familiar with the term “freeballing” (old fella). This made the conversation escalate quick. We started talking about woman and porn and sex. Side note, I feel like these drivers spend a lot of time alone and this makes them horny all of the time. Ive been noticing this. The guy isn’t even gay, but talking about sex with another guys must be some sort of way to vent.

Anyways. After a long time talking about his encounters with woman (hes divorced so hes “free” according to his own words lol), the subject went back to the hot weather. He went back to complaining about his sweatpants and I noticed he started tugging his cock. Then I remembered I said: “well at least you’re probably circumcised, so your little guy is probably getting more fresh air than mine”. He laughed a lot, that comment mustve been very out of sudden. Then he said “I am! Youre not?” And I confirmed. He was kinda shocked to know that. He turned back for a second and asked me: “Wait how come youre not circumcised?? I dont even know what that looks like to be honest!” And with ZERO HESITATION I just pulled my cock out and said “not much different probably, look…” and to my surprise, he didn’t find that strange at all. He just stared at my dick and said: “wow, not was I had in mind for sure. Are you able to pull that skin down?”

I could not believe what was going on lol. After he asked a lot of questions, I ended up showing him all the “features” of an uncircumcised cock. I kept hanging with my cock out for almost 5 minutes probably. He didnt give a fuck. Then of course I asked him about what did It feel to be cut. He started talking about not having to worry that much about hygiene and stuff. After a few seconds after he stopped talking I just said: “well now Im curious too” and laughed. He didn’t even hesitated either. He pulled his cock right out and said “well look all you want!”. I remember I literally put my head between the front seats to have a good look. Again, I could not believe what was happening lol. To be honest he looked very proud of his penis, and showing it to me. I guess that makes sense. We all agree older guys love to flaunt (the ones in my gym dont seem to have towels, ever lol). after a few seconds he put his penis back on his pants.

This is what keeps me going, being able to pull off these wild things you only see in porn. Having this kind of talks with random straight men is definitely one of my fetishes! anyways after talking a lot about our health and our cocks, we ended up laughing a lot about what had happened. Once I got to my destination, we just said goodbye and parted ways. Simple as that.

So this is it. I got to see this nice old man cock (and what a cock!) just by talking to him, no effort whatsoever! Ill make sure to keep trying these kind of things and also make sure to keep posting here!
now we all need to see your cock! :)
Now I finally got some time to tell the second experience in which I got to see a random guy’s cock. It also happened on an uber ride and was kinda similar to my previous experience.

The driver was a bit older, I would say probably in his late 50s early 60s. He was extremely friendly, and when I say this I mean very. As soon as I entered the car, he immediately made me feel comfortable. He greeted me very politely, asked me about my day and how was I doing. It was super easy to engage in conversation with him.

At some point he mentioned the hot weather that day, and how it can get uncomfortable for uber drivers to go for hours and hours driving on a days like that. Then I remember he ended up saying he tries to dress up with very light clothes to try and help the hot weather. I noticed he wasn't exactly wearing the most light clothes that day, so I said: “well the weather tricked you today probably” and giggled. He laughed too. He then said “sweatpants are definitely not the right ones for today. I wish I was going commando at least” and laughed out loud.

That was very coincidental cause I wasnt wearing any underwear that day, just a pair of shorts. Of course I made sure to mention that, so I said “Really, you do that too?” and he went “sure do! you too?” And I went: “hell yeah, im freeballing right now!” He then laughed again, cause apparently he wasn’t familiar with the term “freeballing” (old fella). This made the conversation escalate quick. We started talking about woman and porn and sex. Side note, I feel like these drivers spend a lot of time alone and this makes them horny all of the time. Ive been noticing this. The guy isn’t even gay, but talking about sex with another guys must be some sort of way to vent.

Anyways. After a long time talking about his encounters with woman (hes divorced so hes “free” according to his own words lol), the subject went back to the hot weather. He went back to complaining about his sweatpants and I noticed he started tugging his cock. Then I remembered I said: “well at least you’re probably circumcised, so your little guy is probably getting more fresh air than mine”. He laughed a lot, that comment mustve been very out of sudden. Then he said “I am! Youre not?” And I confirmed. He was kinda shocked to know that. He turned back for a second and asked me: “Wait how come youre not circumcised?? I dont even know what that looks like to be honest!” And with ZERO HESITATION I just pulled my cock out and said “not much different probably, look…” and to my surprise, he didn’t find that strange at all. He just stared at my dick and said: “wow, not was I had in mind for sure. Are you able to pull that skin down?”

I could not believe what was going on lol. After he asked a lot of questions, I ended up showing him all the “features” of an uncircumcised cock. I kept hanging with my cock out for almost 5 minutes probably. He didnt give a fuck. Then of course I asked him about what did It feel to be cut. He started talking about not having to worry that much about hygiene and stuff. After a few seconds after he stopped talking I just said: “well now Im curious too” and laughed. He didn’t even hesitated either. He pulled his cock right out and said “well look all you want!”. I remember I literally put my head between the front seats to have a good look. Again, I could not believe what was happening lol. To be honest he looked very proud of his penis, and showing it to me. I guess that makes sense. We all agree older guys love to flaunt (the ones in my gym dont seem to have towels, ever lol). after a few seconds he put his penis back on his pants.

This is what keeps me going, being able to pull off these wild things you only see in porn. Having this kind of talks with random straight men is definitely one of my fetishes! anyways after talking a lot about our health and our cocks, we ended up laughing a lot about what had happened. Once I got to my destination, we just said goodbye and parted ways. Simple as that.

So this is it. I got to see this nice old man cock (and what a cock!) just by talking to him, no effort whatsoever! Ill make sure to keep trying these kind of things and also make sure to keep posting here!
Again, another hot story! Thanks for sharing! Keep them coming if you have any more
Hot stories! It would be great if anyone has any stories of getting tradesmen or delivery guys to show off!
dude, I literally just log in to tell you guys the most juicy story about what happened this weekend!! It involves this pool maintenance worker that's been working for me for the past 2 months.

As I mentioned before, I'm currently living with my boyfriend, Redfield, and we are both still closeted. Since we have this very straight vibe, as far as everyone knows, we are just roommates. We have this nice pool area in our place, and recently we had this issue with the water pump so we decided to call maintenance. At first, the pool company sent this guy that didn't know much about what he was doing, so after a few complaints, they ended up sending another worker, one of the managers, apparently. For privacy reasons, I'm not gonna disclose his name, but we can call him T. He's probably in his mid 40's, divorced, average height, I could tell he works out.

So this guy T comes in and immediately knows what's the problem. He was a very nice and polite fella. As he was doing some inspection and initial repairs, me and Red were there with him and conversation was very casual and friendly. We even talked about workouts and stuff. As he was leaving, he told us the job would probably require a few more visits (little did he know the issue was gonna take months to solve), so I went ahead and asked if he was going to be the one coming back, since we had a problem with the guy previously sent. He giggled and confirmed he could be the one taking care of our pool if that's what we wanted.

So after a lot of visits from T, we became friends with the guy. Since me and Redfield work during the week, most of the times T comes to visit is during the weekends, and it happens to be while either me or Redfield are using the pool. This gives us the opportunity to chat with him while he does his job. And we live in Florida, which is very hot most of the days. So eventually he would even enjoy a beer with us during his visits. Since most of the times me and Red are only in our swim shorts, I could say he got very comfortable with us around, to the point he would even work with his shirt off as well.

Anyways, this has been happening for the past months. But this weekend it got saucy. T came to continue his work and again during the afternoon. I was alone that day, so as he was working, I decided to keep him company and do one of my swimming workouts since the pool could be working as he was doing the maintenance. He was again working with his shirt off. After working for almost 4 hours under the hot sun, the man looked soaked. I felt bad for him, so I offered him a beer and asked if he wanted to join me in the pool. He accepted it right away. At first I was actually surprised, but to think about it, he feels very comfortable around us and in our place so that was pretty normal.

As he was undressing, I offered him a pair of swimming shorts but he said it was ok and undressed to his boxers. Man, that was nice. He was wearing this gray pair of boxers, that left little to the imagination. After a few minutes talking and having a beer, I got inside to get us towels and as I was heading back to the pool, I decided to take off my swimming shorts and be in my boxers too, to test and see if this would make him uncomfortable. But apparently not, we continued talking like nothing had happened. I remember I asked if having a swim in a client's pool would give him any sort of trouble, and he ended up telling this story about this employee who got fired for using one of the pools without permission (the client sent a footage of a security camera), but he was cool about it since he was one of the managers and no one would even find out.

Anyways, after almost an hour and 3 beers, he said he needed to head back. As I got off the pool and started to dry off, I told him he could have a shower if he wanted, but unfortunately he refused. I knew I was very close to having him completely naked in front of me, so I decided to make this last move to see if I could motivate him somehow. As he was getting off the pool I simply took off my boxers and kept talking and drying myself like nothing had happened. His reaction was priceless lol. I could see him immediately raising his eyebrows as he looked at my junk, but he didn't say anything about it, he just kept talking. He then started to dry off but his boxers were completely soaked. So I offered him a pair of dry ones. At first he looked like he would accept it, but the he said no. Then I said: "but your pants are gonna be soaked for sure". He stopped for a second and the out of nowhere dropped his boxers to the floor. My oh my. That was unexpected. He was very quick, took off the boxers, dried off, grabbed his pants and put them on. I obviously had a good look but did my best to not make a fuss about it. But man, what a nice cock. Bushy, cut, low hangers. I was definitely not expecting that!

He then finished drying off, put his tshirt and shoes back on, and went ahead to the side gate of the pool. I was naked the whole time, and I could se he had a couple of looks lol. As we were heading out, I wrapped the towel around my waist and made sure I keep talking the whole time to avoid any weirdness, and I think it worked. I even said he could come hang with us anytime. He laughed and headed to his car.

Man, Redfield was shocked when I told him lol. He doesn't see a problem with these experiments of mine, he actually encourages me. But to quote his words "damn you lucky bastard!". He said he needs to be there the next time lol, hopefully we'll be able to pull it off again, since T is still coming back in a few days (hopefully a hot week once again!).
dude, I literally just log in to tell you guys the most juicy story about what happened this weekend!! It involves this pool maintenance worker that's been working for me for the past 2 months.

As I mentioned before, I'm currently living with my boyfriend, Redfield, and we are both still closeted. Since we have this very straight vibe, as far as everyone knows, we are just roommates. We have this nice pool area in our place, and recently we had this issue with the water pump so we decided to call maintenance. At first, the pool company sent this guy that didn't know much about what he was doing, so after a few complaints, they ended up sending another worker, one of the managers, apparently. For privacy reasons, I'm not gonna disclose his name, but we can call him T. He's probably in his mid 40's, divorced, average height, I could tell he works out.

So this guy T comes in and immediately knows what's the problem. He was a very nice and polite fella. As he was doing some inspection and initial repairs, me and Red were there with him and conversation was very casual and friendly. We even talked about workouts and stuff. As he was leaving, he told us the job would probably require a few more visits (little did he know the issue was gonna take months to solve), so I went ahead and asked if he was going to be the one coming back, since we had a problem with the guy previously sent. He giggled and confirmed he could be the one taking care of our pool if that's what we wanted.

So after a lot of visits from T, we became friends with the guy. Since me and Redfield work during the week, most of the times T comes to visit is during the weekends, and it happens to be while either me or Redfield are using the pool. This gives us the opportunity to chat with him while he does his job. And we live in Florida, which is very hot most of the days. So eventually he would even enjoy a beer with us during his visits. Since most of the times me and Red are only in our swim shorts, I could say he got very comfortable with us around, to the point he would even work with his shirt off as well.

Anyways, this has been happening for the past months. But this weekend it got saucy. T came to continue his work and again during the afternoon. I was alone that day, so as he was working, I decided to keep him company and do one of my swimming workouts since the pool could be working as he was doing the maintenance. He was again working with his shirt off. After working for almost 4 hours under the hot sun, the man looked soaked. I felt bad for him, so I offered him a beer and asked if he wanted to join me in the pool. He accepted it right away. At first I was actually surprised, but to think about it, he feels very comfortable around us and in our place so that was pretty normal.

As he was undressing, I offered him a pair of swimming shorts but he said it was ok and undressed to his boxers. Man, that was nice. He was wearing this gray pair of boxers, that left little to the imagination. After a few minutes talking and having a beer, I got inside to get us towels and as I was heading back to the pool, I decided to take off my swimming shorts and be in my boxers too, to test and see if this would make him uncomfortable. But apparently not, we continued talking like nothing had happened. I remember I asked if having a swim in a client's pool would give him any sort of trouble, and he ended up telling this story about this employee who got fired for using one of the pools without permission (the client sent a footage of a security camera), but he was cool about it since he was one of the managers and no one would even find out.

Anyways, after almost an hour and 3 beers, he said he needed to head back. As I got off the pool and started to dry off, I told him he could have a shower if he wanted, but unfortunately he refused. I knew I was very close to having him completely naked in front of me, so I decided to make this last move to see if I could motivate him somehow. As he was getting off the pool I simply took off my boxers and kept talking and drying myself like nothing had happened. His reaction was priceless lol. I could see him immediately raising his eyebrows as he looked at my junk, but he didn't say anything about it, he just kept talking. He then started to dry off but his boxers were completely soaked. So I offered him a pair of dry ones. At first he looked like he would accept it, but the he said no. Then I said: "but your pants are gonna be soaked for sure". He stopped for a second and the out of nowhere dropped his boxers to the floor. My oh my. That was unexpected. He was very quick, took off the boxers, dried off, grabbed his pants and put them on. I obviously had a good look but did my best to not make a fuss about it. But man, what a nice cock. Bushy, cut, low hangers. I was definitely not expecting that!

He then finished drying off, put his tshirt and shoes back on, and went ahead to the side gate of the pool. I was naked the whole time, and I could se he had a couple of looks lol. As we were heading out, I wrapped the towel around my waist and made sure I keep talking the whole time to avoid any weirdness, and I think it worked. I even said he could come hang with us anytime. He laughed and headed to his car.

Man, Redfield was shocked when I told him lol. He doesn't see a problem with these experiments of mine, he actually encourages me. But to quote his words "damn you lucky bastard!". He said he needs to be there the next time lol, hopefully we'll be able to pull it off again, since T is still coming back in a few days (hopefully a hot week once again!).
Another great story! Love your writing! Keep it up!
dude, I literally just log in to tell you guys the most juicy story about what happened this weekend!! It involves this pool maintenance worker that's been working for me for the past 2 months.

As I mentioned before, I'm currently living with my boyfriend, Redfield, and we are both still closeted. Since we have this very straight vibe, as far as everyone knows, we are just roommates. We have this nice pool area in our place, and recently we had this issue with the water pump so we decided to call maintenance. At first, the pool company sent this guy that didn't know much about what he was doing, so after a few complaints, they ended up sending another worker, one of the managers, apparently. For privacy reasons, I'm not gonna disclose his name, but we can call him T. He's probably in his mid 40's, divorced, average height, I could tell he works out.

So this guy T comes in and immediately knows what's the problem. He was a very nice and polite fella. As he was doing some inspection and initial repairs, me and Red were there with him and conversation was very casual and friendly. We even talked about workouts and stuff. As he was leaving, he told us the job would probably require a few more visits (little did he know the issue was gonna take months to solve), so I went ahead and asked if he was going to be the one coming back, since we had a problem with the guy previously sent. He giggled and confirmed he could be the one taking care of our pool if that's what we wanted.

So after a lot of visits from T, we became friends with the guy. Since me and Redfield work during the week, most of the times T comes to visit is during the weekends, and it happens to be while either me or Redfield are using the pool. This gives us the opportunity to chat with him while he does his job. And we live in Florida, which is very hot most of the days. So eventually he would even enjoy a beer with us during his visits. Since most of the times me and Red are only in our swim shorts, I could say he got very comfortable with us around, to the point he would even work with his shirt off as well.

Anyways, this has been happening for the past months. But this weekend it got saucy. T came to continue his work and again during the afternoon. I was alone that day, so as he was working, I decided to keep him company and do one of my swimming workouts since the pool could be working as he was doing the maintenance. He was again working with his shirt off. After working for almost 4 hours under the hot sun, the man looked soaked. I felt bad for him, so I offered him a beer and asked if he wanted to join me in the pool. He accepted it right away. At first I was actually surprised, but to think about it, he feels very comfortable around us and in our place so that was pretty normal.

As he was undressing, I offered him a pair of swimming shorts but he said it was ok and undressed to his boxers. Man, that was nice. He was wearing this gray pair of boxers, that left little to the imagination. After a few minutes talking and having a beer, I got inside to get us towels and as I was heading back to the pool, I decided to take off my swimming shorts and be in my boxers too, to test and see if this would make him uncomfortable. But apparently not, we continued talking like nothing had happened. I remember I asked if having a swim in a client's pool would give him any sort of trouble, and he ended up telling this story about this employee who got fired for using one of the pools without permission (the client sent a footage of a security camera), but he was cool about it since he was one of the managers and no one would even find out.

Anyways, after almost an hour and 3 beers, he said he needed to head back. As I got off the pool and started to dry off, I told him he could have a shower if he wanted, but unfortunately he refused. I knew I was very close to having him completely naked in front of me, so I decided to make this last move to see if I could motivate him somehow. As he was getting off the pool I simply took off my boxers and kept talking and drying myself like nothing had happened. His reaction was priceless lol. I could see him immediately raising his eyebrows as he looked at my junk, but he didn't say anything about it, he just kept talking. He then started to dry off but his boxers were completely soaked. So I offered him a pair of dry ones. At first he looked like he would accept it, but the he said no. Then I said: "but your pants are gonna be soaked for sure". He stopped for a second and the out of nowhere dropped his boxers to the floor. My oh my. That was unexpected. He was very quick, took off the boxers, dried off, grabbed his pants and put them on. I obviously had a good look but did my best to not make a fuss about it. But man, what a nice cock. Bushy, cut, low hangers. I was definitely not expecting that!

He then finished drying off, put his tshirt and shoes back on, and went ahead to the side gate of the pool. I was naked the whole time, and I could se he had a couple of looks lol. As we were heading out, I wrapped the towel around my waist and made sure I keep talking the whole time to avoid any weirdness, and I think it worked. I even said he could come hang with us anytime. He laughed and headed to his car.

Man, Redfield was shocked when I told him lol. He doesn't see a problem with these experiments of mine, he actually encourages me. But to quote his words "damn you lucky bastard!". He said he needs to be there the next time lol, hopefully we'll be able to pull it off again, since T is still coming back in a few days (hopefully a hot week once again!).
This is VERY hot.

Were y'all wearing loose boxers, or boxer briefs?

And of course, what brand? Lol
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This is VERY hot.

Were y'all wearing loose boxers, or boxer briefs?

And of course, what brand? Lol
His were pretty loose, i don’t remember seeing a brand tbh lol. Mine were red pumas, not so loose tho
dude, I literally just log in to tell you guys the most juicy story about what happened this weekend!! It involves this pool maintenance worker that's been working for me for the past 2 months.

As I mentioned before, I'm currently living with my boyfriend, Redfield, and we are both still closeted. Since we have this very straight vibe, as far as everyone knows, we are just roommates. We have this nice pool area in our place, and recently we had this issue with the water pump so we decided to call maintenance. At first, the pool company sent this guy that didn't know much about what he was doing, so after a few complaints, they ended up sending another worker, one of the managers, apparently. For privacy reasons, I'm not gonna disclose his name, but we can call him T. He's probably in his mid 40's, divorced, average height, I could tell he works out.

So this guy T comes in and immediately knows what's the problem. He was a very nice and polite fella. As he was doing some inspection and initial repairs, me and Red were there with him and conversation was very casual and friendly. We even talked about workouts and stuff. As he was leaving, he told us the job would probably require a few more visits (little did he know the issue was gonna take months to solve), so I went ahead and asked if he was going to be the one coming back, since we had a problem with the guy previously sent. He giggled and confirmed he could be the one taking care of our pool if that's what we wanted.

So after a lot of visits from T, we became friends with the guy. Since me and Redfield work during the week, most of the times T comes to visit is during the weekends, and it happens to be while either me or Redfield are using the pool. This gives us the opportunity to chat with him while he does his job. And we live in Florida, which is very hot most of the days. So eventually he would even enjoy a beer with us during his visits. Since most of the times me and Red are only in our swim shorts, I could say he got very comfortable with us around, to the point he would even work with his shirt off as well.

Anyways, this has been happening for the past months. But this weekend it got saucy. T came to continue his work and again during the afternoon. I was alone that day, so as he was working, I decided to keep him company and do one of my swimming workouts since the pool could be working as he was doing the maintenance. He was again working with his shirt off. After working for almost 4 hours under the hot sun, the man looked soaked. I felt bad for him, so I offered him a beer and asked if he wanted to join me in the pool. He accepted it right away. At first I was actually surprised, but to think about it, he feels very comfortable around us and in our place so that was pretty normal.

As he was undressing, I offered him a pair of swimming shorts but he said it was ok and undressed to his boxers. Man, that was nice. He was wearing this gray pair of boxers, that left little to the imagination. After a few minutes talking and having a beer, I got inside to get us towels and as I was heading back to the pool, I decided to take off my swimming shorts and be in my boxers too, to test and see if this would make him uncomfortable. But apparently not, we continued talking like nothing had happened. I remember I asked if having a swim in a client's pool would give him any sort of trouble, and he ended up telling this story about this employee who got fired for using one of the pools without permission (the client sent a footage of a security camera), but he was cool about it since he was one of the managers and no one would even find out.

Anyways, after almost an hour and 3 beers, he said he needed to head back. As I got off the pool and started to dry off, I told him he could have a shower if he wanted, but unfortunately he refused. I knew I was very close to having him completely naked in front of me, so I decided to make this last move to see if I could motivate him somehow. As he was getting off the pool I simply took off my boxers and kept talking and drying myself like nothing had happened. His reaction was priceless lol. I could see him immediately raising his eyebrows as he looked at my junk, but he didn't say anything about it, he just kept talking. He then started to dry off but his boxers were completely soaked. So I offered him a pair of dry ones. At first he looked like he would accept it, but the he said no. Then I said: "but your pants are gonna be soaked for sure". He stopped for a second and the out of nowhere dropped his boxers to the floor. My oh my. That was unexpected. He was very quick, took off the boxers, dried off, grabbed his pants and put them on. I obviously had a good look but did my best to not make a fuss about it. But man, what a nice cock. Bushy, cut, low hangers. I was definitely not expecting that!

He then finished drying off, put his tshirt and shoes back on, and went ahead to the side gate of the pool. I was naked the whole time, and I could se he had a couple of looks lol. As we were heading out, I wrapped the towel around my waist and made sure I keep talking the whole time to avoid any weirdness, and I think it worked. I even said he could come hang with us anytime. He laughed and headed to his car.

Man, Redfield was shocked when I told him lol. He doesn't see a problem with these experiments of mine, he actually encourages me. But to quote his words "damn you lucky bastard!". He said he needs to be there the next time lol, hopefully we'll be able to pull it off again, since T is still coming back in a few days (hopefully a hot week once again!).
If u get that many men to strip down and show their cocks to you, you must have a nice cock yourself
If u get that many men to strip down and show their cocks to you, you must have a nice cock yourself
Well, Im a bit above average tbh so that might have something to do with it also the fact Im uncut probably gets some of them curious as well.

But the key is always making them think you are 100% straight, no doubt. If they know you have any kind of interest in men, of course they will never show their cock.