Girlfriend only orgasms with a vibrator

It has nothing to do with your size. If anything it's make it easier to stimulate the g spot on the clitoris at the same time. She most likely only comes from a vibrator because it's intense cultural stimulation. I would try a topical stimulant or possibly a enhancement pill like a vascular dilator.
One of my gf’s who was one of my best lovers ever could not cum through normal intercourse. We would fuck like rabbits but every position we tried she never could cum. I’m really big around and she loved the feeling of being ‘filled up to bursting’ She only came through oral sex or through a vibrator. I finally got over it and my tongue had a thorough workout every time we had sex
One of my gf’s who was one of my best lovers ever could not cum through normal intercourse. We would fuck like rabbits but every position we tried she never could cum. I’m really big around and she loved the feeling of being ‘filled up to bursting’ She only came through oral sex or through a vibrator. I finally got over it and my tongue had a thorough workout every time we had sex
Only 2 of the 10 women I've been in relationships with could have orgasms via vaginal sex. (Which I've heard is pretty much the average with all women). All the rest needed oral sex, fingers, or a vibrator to achieve an orgasm. In none of these cases did it have anything to do with dick size or skill as a lover. It was simply the way their bodies worked.

If the woman you are with has never had a vaginal orgasm with anyone, it's likely she won't have one with you either. If she has had them that way before, then you need to communicate with each other to ensure you are doing the things she needs in order to get her to the point of orgasm.
My wife is the same. @lapdog2001 nailed it. That said... Try the "lazy married persons sex position". You may already be doing it... But we are adding a vibe to the mix:

First, get in this position. Now that you have a free hand... Grab that old school Hitachi Wand. The one that plugs into the wall (use and extension cord if needed). This will be placed against your cock as you fuck her. Even better is if she holds it. She knows her spot and how to work it. That leave you to just fucking her with your now wildly vibrating cock!

Hitachi: Accept no substitutes!
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My girlfriend has only ever cum with a vibrator. We've tried using them while I'm fucking her, but after a while I find my dick starts to go numb. I think it's overstimulated. Anyone else ever have the same issue? How did you manage it?
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My wife rarely cums during PIV
She almost always cums using a clit vibrator or during oral when I suck her clit while fingering her.
I think that's pretty normal.
Any other ladies have this problem?

I, personally, don't see this as a problem considering an orgasm is occurring, regardless. Is that not the goal? Is it a problem for her or for you?

I, too, can only orgasm this way (or with my own hand). I don't see it as a problem because this is enough for me. The only individuals who had problems with it were past partners. Likely an ego situation.
It took my wife years to have her first orgasm. Oral, digital, penis didn't matter. I just figured she was one of those women that never had them. Then one day she just started having them with PIV and having them pretty frequently. Sometimes gushing orgasms that would leave me soaked. After talking to her it turns out she had got close before. She was getting the have to pee sensation which is supposed to be a sign of impending g spot orgasm. The problem was she was freaked by the sensation and would do things to prevent it from going further. We had almost 10 years of good orgasms.

Then things slowed down to where she rarely has them. Now 90% of the time she cant have one with PIV.

This used to work good for my wife. Try very gentle foreplay. Very light clitoral stimulation. No fingering. If she wants something in her vagina make her crazy hungary for your cock instead. Don't let her orgasm. Get her 90% there. Just before sex have her give you head and some stroking so she gets to feel in her mouth and hand what her vagina is about to get.

Also try this if she doesn't orgasm prior to you cumming. Continue having sex even after you cum. Even if you start loosing your erection. For some reason my wife has her best chances of orgasming nowadays when we do this. I don't know if its my cum or my less than full erect dick that does it but for some reason it occasionally works.
Another thing. I recall reading that women that use vibrators frequently to get clitoral orgasms can get conditioned to only be able to orgasm from this stimuli.
I, personally, don't see this as a problem
I was going to mention the verbiage, but someone else beat me to it. Any method that my partner gets off is a positive, not a negative. Seems odd to characterize this as a problem.