Go easy when it's soft



headbang8: I'm embarassed to bring up this subject for a number of reasons that soon will become obvious.  But we have no secrets here, and the following tale certainly pertains to penile health.

A couple of weeks ago, I was away from my partner on an extended business trip and missing him badly.  One evening, I retired to the hotel room, exhaused and lonely, and in the mood for some self-comfort.  

I planted some strokes on the flaccid old fella to get him to attention--that usually does the trick in short order.   But he wasn't co-operating; I must have been more tired than I thought.   Frustrated, I gave him a few more vigorous tugs, which set the problem right.  Or so I thought.

The rest of the wank passed pleasantly and unremarkably, until it was time to come.  A wave of pain and burning sensations flowed down my dick.  The semen dribbled on for what seemed like an eternity, rather than bursting out in fast spurts.

Needless to say, it scared the crap out of me.  In a moment of weakness two days before, I'd been unfaithful.  I pictured the scene when I had to go home and fess up to catching a disease from some stranger I met in a seedy bar.   Our relationship would survive, probably, but it would break my poor guy's heart.

The next day, I had to tell the story to a strange doctor--a strange straight doctor, of course, just to make matters worse.  

To piss had become agony.  It took an almighty push to get a stream going, and no amount of "kegeling" seemed to empty the bladder.  And it always felt as though a few drops were left, stuck somewhere in the middle.

The doc ran a few tests that, surprisingly, came up clear.   There was no discharge, nor blood in the urine or semen, so we could rule out infection or a tear.  

And it appeared too suddenly for prostate trouble.  (At 46, the thought had crossed my mind).  

Nope.  I had bruised the inside of my dick.  And in time, the bruise would subside.  So I could go home and safely enjoy the customary reunion fuck.  Though in this condition, "enjoy" was too strong a word.  

The 13 hour plane-ride home was excruciating.  And the internal swelling still hasn't gone down completely.

How did this come about?  Reckless handling of a limp dick.  Be warned, gentlemen.  

An interesting side effect is that orgasms are prolonged (if painful).   One short dribble emerges, and about ten or fifteen seconds later, another has made its way down the pipe, and so on.  My partner is sort of intrigued by it, but I just wish it would go away.

Has anyone else had this problem?  How long did it take to clear up?   I'd appreciate hearing about your experience, if it doesn't make you wince to recall it.

Thanks from (the now-perfectly-faithful) headbang8

I have never bruised my willy, but I did do a foolish thing and 'tore' some ligaments in the lower section of my shaft.

A few years ago, while pumping my cock with an electric pump, I got enthusiastic and really horny with my dick in the tube and began to swing it from side to side. I let it slap each thigh really hard as I continued swinging it, really getting a good feeling from it.

When I stopped and pulled my penis out of the tube, I noticed a little strange feeling, but didn't think too much about it until I went to bed and turned over on my stomach with my dick in the up position. It hurt! I couldn't get it easy in any position!

I had torn some ligaments and scar tissue even formed during the healing period. This, in turn, caused my erections to bend to the side for several years, but I think coz of lots of use, it has gotten back to the 'normal' straight erection now.

Moral to the story? Be careful how you handle your appendage and treat it like you would a breadable object. Also, it is possible for a vagina to cause this same thing, if she leans back while it's inserted. I guess any stiff object can break/injure! I
[quote author=headbang8 link=board=health;num=1064931405;start=0#0 date=09/30/03 at 07:07:45]

"...The doc ran a few tests that, surprisingly, came up clear.   There was no discharge, nor blood in the urine or semen, so we could rule out infection or a tear.  

...  I had bruised the inside of my dick.  And in time, the bruise would subside.

...the internal swelling still hasn't gone down completely.

Has anyone else had this problem?  How long did it take to clear up?   I'd appreciate hearing about your experience, if it doesn't make you wince to recall it..."


I believe you can (and probably by now, SHOULD!)
relax somewhat about all this.

Having conducted P.E. /conditioning exercises for almost three years now, I have had my share of "scares" and other frights from "getting too vigorous" at times. I know of what I speak! From bleeding to burning urination, to swollen veins, I too, had visions of permanent damage, disfigurement, etc.. Men don't like those kind of notions about things going wrong "down there"! And, btw-I'm a bit older than you. --We're in the same age bracket more or less. You can trust me here.

Experience has taught me that it takes time to heal.

And, that translates into leaving "it" alone for at least several days to perhaps a week or more! :(

Arousing yourself only aggravates the healing...
i.e. increased tumescence (swelling via erection) is not good during this time...just aggravates the situation.

Sorry, you'll just have to be patient.

It's good you were examined and tested by an MD.
--btw, a good (and smart!) move on your part. ;)

So, that much is at least settled. --You now know WHAT is wrong and the guesswork is now over.

If your symptoms don't subside say, in another week or so, I would again get this prob. checked out further.

Too bad the MD didn't suggest "refraining" for awhile.
Or, did he? Whatever, I'm offering that advice for free!.

I think having to "cut back on usual activites" is the most difficult fact you must accept for now-while you heal. Best wishes.

One more thing---your advice to other men about going easy when it's flaccid....I can "second" that! :)