Goodbye 2021 / Hello 2022

This pretty much describes my last few New Year's Eves:


However, since I have to work New Years Day this year, I'll have already been asleep for four hours at midnight on the Eve and miss the ringing-in thingy...meh.
I have absolutely zero faith that 2022 will be any better than 2021 was. I'm very tired of losing people I love. Very tired of missing funerals, weddings, babies being born.

*silently screams in the well known tone of existential dead *

But hey, new years day is mine and @Mr_Mitt wedding anniversary. So that is something to certainly celebrate in 2022 :blush:
But hey, new years day is mine and @Mr_Mitt wedding anniversary. So that is something to certainly celebrate in 2022 :blush:

Congrats. Ours is the day after Christmas and even though I'll have to work, but at least I managed to get off both Christmas Eve & Day after two years in a row of not, so we can spend it with friends & family and any romantic interludes we can always make up for year-round :D.