Growth Devin Moss Is Incredible


Expert Member
Apr 25, 2008
Rotterdam (South Holland, Netherlands)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
How did he grow so much in just a few years?
Porn has a way of exaggerating things...It's about creating a believable illusion.

For example, in this photo-shoot for FreshmanX, we see Devin and his big dick....

...even a picture of him measuring his famous "10 Inch" cock:.


Hmm, it is 10 inches, sort of... From the photo, realistically it would be 7 or 6.5 inches, were it measured on top from the start of the tape.

But, a 7 inch cock on a slender twink looks huge, particularly when give the right presentation, skillful camera work, small hands, and well-chosen partners. Porn is about creating an illusion, and as time goes on you become more skillful about it.
he was thicker in the shaft from the more recent videos.

I noticed he sometimes looked thicker when I was digging up the picture above. But a vacuum pump can quickly achieve that before or during a shoot. Also, erection enhancing meds, including trimix, have become common during porn shoots to sustain maximum erection, and that might increase girth a bit, too.

There is one big daddy-bear type porn star (I won't mention the name) that, if you look closely, often has a clearly thicker cock in some parts of a scene than at other times in the same scene. As I learned when I did porn more sophisticated than a gangbang or jerk-off, porn scenes are often not shot in the sequence in which you see them. (An then we had to re-create each of the positions to do the stills...) Girth is a funny thing...In one way it makes a cock look big, but it also makes it look shorter (although the visual effect depends on body type, too). So at some point, you may want to take a quick break and fluff it up with a pump for maximum visual effect.
Porn has a way of exaggerating things...It's about creating a believable illusion.

For example, in this photo-shoot for FreshmanX, we see Devin and his big dick....

...even a picture of him measuring his famous "10 Inch" cock:.


Hmm, it is 10 inches, sort of... From the photo, realistically it would be 7 or 6.5 inches, were it measured on top from the start of the tape.

But, a 7 inch cock on a slender twink looks huge, particularly when give the right presentation, skillful camera work, small hands, and well-chosen partners. Porn is about creating an illusion, and as time goes on you become more skillful about it.[/QUOTE/]

yeah this is real.
recently saw 7.5 and it look huge on a skinny white dude
its no shock to me that you mentioned camera work and angles ,plus small hands , this adds to more of the illusion.
when i first sgned up for this site , it was because i wanted to be HUGE like sme of the guys in the gallery, so i wanted to ask how they got so huge , now im realizing as long as im in the ok range the reality is , trying to increase your penis size is just too dangerous , plus it effects how your dikk looks, i think im fine how i am which is probably ''big'' to some girls (6.5 - 7'' )
i think guys should be ok with their own size because its way too dangerous trying to fock with mother nature
that bitch is really mean, and if you try to grow be careful, i tried jelqing and my EQ (erection quality ) suffered because of it
i tried kegels nd that helped alot .
but the reality is we are what we are . if you try to increase your length , be careful.