Hairloss treatment


Cherished Member
Mar 19, 2018
Sydney (New South Wales, Australia)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Hi Guys, bit of an odd health topic.
I'm a 28yo cis man and I've been semi fortunate with a thick head of hair until recently I noticed it's thinning around my temples and will inevitably continue to fall out. Family history confirms this.
I wanted to know if anyone has had success with hairloss treatment.

I know that there are many over the counter products that claim to work or "organic" serums that promote hair growth. But I am rather sceptical of these products as well as the expensive businesses like Ashley and Martin that claim success when really they're just a giant money grabber.

Does anyone have any info they would like to share?
You could try getting you a bottle of tea tree oil. It's inexpensive, it has antibacterial properties, and it will help thicken the hair.

I've used it for a couple of yrs. My dermatologist recommended that I buy some shampoo with tea tree oil in it to treat seborrheic dermatitis.

While I couldn't find shampoo with tea tree oil in it. I did find the tea tree oil and added it to my shampoo. Dr said he would start telling his patients to do the same thing. Since it had cleared it up. Haven't had that problem since. But I still will a couple of times a month put tea tree oil on my scalp and rub out in real good. I'll leave it in my hair for 30-45 mins before I shampoo.

Also you can buy some coconut oil and try that as well. You should find it next to the tea tree oil.

You might also consider having your thyroid checked. My hair, eye brows and eye lashes started falling out. Turns out my thyroid was under active. Not saying that it is the same in your case but at least you'd know for sure.

Good luck.
I started w propecia at .5mg per day and nizoral shampoo about 18 months ago and best thing I have loss stopped and went from limp shitty hair to noticeably thicker healthier hair...I think i was fortunate where I caught it while I still had a lot of active but definitely struggling hair follicles sides at all from propecia
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Accept that fact that you are balding and save your money.

Own it and shave your head

That was my decision. My hair was always a struggle to keep in some sort of style. It always did what it wanted. In my late 30's it started to get thin. I run clippers over it every 2 weeks to keep it short. The only reason I don't shave it is that it becomes another daily thing to keep up with. Low maintenance is a good thing. Now if only I could do something about the forest of hair on my back....
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You could try getting you a bottle of tea tree oil. It's inexpensive, it has antibacterial properties, and it will help thicken the hair.

I've used it for a couple of yrs. My dermatologist recommended that I buy some shampoo with tea tree oil in it to treat seborrheic dermatitis.

While I couldn't find shampoo with tea tree oil in it. I did find the tea tree oil and added it to my shampoo. Dr said he would start telling his patients to do the same thing. Since it had cleared it up. Haven't had that problem since. But I still will a couple of times a month put tea tree oil on my scalp and rub out in real good. I'll leave it in my hair for 30-45 mins before I shampoo.

Also you can buy some coconut oil and try that as well. You should find it next to the tea tree oil.

You might also consider having your thyroid checked. My hair, eye brows and eye lashes started falling out. Turns out my thyroid was under active. Not saying that it is the same in your case but at least you'd know for sure.

Good luck.

by thicken hair do you mean more hair grows or do you mean each individual hair will be 'thicker'
by thicken hair do you mean more hair grows or do you mean each individual hair will be 'thicker'

More hair grows. At least it did for me. Don't over do it. Start out by adding the tea tree oil to your shampoo. I usually put one bottle of tea tree oil to one bottle of shampoo. Shake well. I use it every morning when I shower. You should notice a difference in about three weeks or so. Hope it helps you.
That was my decision. My hair was always a struggle to keep in some sort of style. It always did what it wanted. In my late 30's it started to get thin. I run clippers over it every 2 weeks to keep it short. The only reason I don't shave it is that it becomes another daily thing to keep up with. Low maintenance is a good thing. Now if only I could do something about the forest of hair on my back....

You can always get that waxed. I get waxed regularly every 4 to 6 weeks. Nose, ears, brow, and back. Been doing it for a year at least. I'm high maintenance I guess. Keep my hair cut high and tight.
You can always get that waxed. I get waxed regularly every 4 to 6 weeks. Nose, ears, brow, and back. Been doing it for a year at least. I'm high maintenance I guess. Keep my hair cut high and tight.

I did that once and won’t do it again. The tech put numbing cream in my back that left me numb for almost a week and then I ended up with folliculitis all over my back. I may opt for laser removal but I’m never waxing it again.
I did that once and won’t do it again. The tech put numbing cream in my back that left me numb for almost a week and then I ended up with folliculitis all over my back. I may opt for laser removal but I’m never waxing it again.

Never had any numbing cream applied. I take a couple of alleve before I go. Exfoliate really good before I ho get waxed. Don't blame you for not going back tp that place. You could always try another waxing salon and see what their procedure is. Sorry you had that problem.
like you my brother! I had a head full of hair till I hit 30 the slowly started thinning and but 32 it was thin enough on top you noticed so I been shaving ever since..... it bother me when it first started but after I realized I was sexy as hell with it shaved!!! LMAO :)
Own it bro!!!!! Confidence is key.
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