Hamish Macdonald


Cherished Member
May 22, 2004
Sydney (New South Wales, Australia)
No Response
Anyone care to speculate/who what lies beneath? :)

A lot of fun could lie beneath. That looks like a style of underwear that is also part jock, so as another poster noted, everything is held in tight. One other thing I have noticed, it is not unusual for blondes to have darker hair on chest and pubes. He could be a natural blonde. If Hamish wants to come to my place, I would be more than happy to check things out and report back to the board. (ROTFLOL)
I think these are the pictures that were originally posted in this thread maybe??

I actually watched the TV program that showed Hamish walking around for a few seconds in his underwear and damn was that hot to watch. Had always been looking for screen grabs of the underwear moment and finally today after all the years i stumbled upon them LOL.


hamish macdonald eyetvsnapshot10101.jpg
Fuck yes I find him so dreamy. I recall watching the project and they made a joke about him and Grindr and it caught my attention. Always thought he was gay but who knows.

His nudes would be incredible.
Fuck yes I find him so dreamy. I recall watching the project and they made a joke about him and Grindr and it caught my attention. Always thought he was gay but who knows.

His nudes would be incredible.
Ahh i must have missed that episode of The Project when they joked about that damn!
I did see though a particular episode of The Project when the story was about Manspreading and they went down the panel and asked the men on it which Hamish was on that night as to why men have to Manspread and his really was because it hurts if there well...and i think he was going to say if u have larger balls but he just began to blush and everyone started to joke & laugh.
Ive sorta had the feeling too that he might be gay...ive never seen or hear about him dating any women at all but then again he could just be super private when it does come to his private life.

Indeed would be super hot to see him naked. Honestly i was shocked that say i saw him in that program in his underwear. I never thought he would have such a large package.
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So tonight on The Project there was a segment about a museum with the worlds most off putting food etc...
anyways one of was bull's penis when the camera cuts back to the panel Tommy Little which was sitting next to Hamish MacDonald goes 'Well Hamish you know the most about bull's penises don't you!'
To me it looked like he got real embarrassed LOL...makes you wonder if the rumours are really true about Hamish huh??
Sorry for the bad quality of the screen/vid grab (can't find a HD source at the moment) but noticed while watching The Project last night and with Hamish walking while doing a report you can see he has some nice VPL going on... from what i could see his dick is pointing downwards sort of towards his right leg/side.
View attachment Hamish Vid-ps3.mp4
Sunday night on the Project when they were interviewing Bianca Del Rio, she referenced Belinda Carlisle as being a spiritual bottom. Tommy Little replied: "Before today, the show only had one spiritual bottom and that was Hamish"
Yeah i saw that..i couldn't believe he got away with saying it LOL

Hamish looked like he was blushing a little.
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