Embarassing, indeed. I went in for a physical a few years ago & my doctor had been called away on an emergency of some sort, so they gave me the choice of rescheduling or having the nurse practitioner do the job. I had no problem with changing horses in mid-stream, so into the exam room I went.
The nurse practitioner turned out to be a very attractive young lady who was very professional except for the fact that she kept looking at my crotch. I was wearing nothing but my briefs, and had rearranged my package for comfort's sake, so everything was fairly obvious. Her looking didn't bother me, but she had made an erroneous assumption.
When it came time for me to drop my drawers, she said something like "Please don't be embarassed, I've seen plenty of erections. It happens all the time."
Well, I went ahead and pulled down my underwear without comment and just watched her expression. I was embarassed, yes, but I think she was more so. I then informed her that I wasn't erect, and that people have often made that mistake. I told her not to worry about it. Her expression was priceless, and she was obviously doing her level best to remain professional, so I shut up & let her get on with it.
When the exam was finished, she asked me if a question about my penis would be out of line. I told her to ask away, (I was anticipating "How big does it get") and she asked me "Are you sure you're not at all erect?" I told her that, yes, I'm sure. That's as soft as it gets. She apologised for being unprofessional, and said that her curiosity had overruled her good sense. She was obviously flustered and walked away with the comment that she'd never seen one "quite like that" before. I was quite sure she didn't believe me.
Long story short, when my doctor called with the results of the physical we had a good chuckle over the whole thing. I'm still surprised at myself for not being absolutely mortified, but I guess you've got to win one once in a while. Maybe the humor of the situation balanced the embarassment. I don't know.