Here we go again.
No, no I haven't left a single parter for their dick size. I have however left them for being controlling, jealous, possessive, whiny little bitch boys, cheaters, liars, using me to get back at their ex, keeping me as a dirty little secret, being so fucking insecure that it made me want to rip my hair out, proposing to me after three weeks of dating, threatening to kill themselves if I leave them, referring to me as "just a woman" for reasons as to why I couldn't do something, for being mad that I didn't ask them if I could cut my hair.
The list goes on, I've dated a lot of men. Only one of them had a micro dick, and that's the one who proposed to me three weeks after we started dating via showing up at my school (I was still in school!) with roses for every day we've been together and making a scene while I was hanging out with my friends after class. So, his micro dick had ZERO to do with why I left him, it was trying to wife me after three fucking weeks and two dates when I was baaaaarely legal. That was more than creepy as hell, obsessive and in no way ok to me. So, I left him. He then cried to my mom. So, add to that he was a whiny bitch boy, but not the only one I came across.
I don't give a fuck what is between my partners legs. If I can happily fuck a woman, why wouldn't I be able to happily fuck a dude with a tiny dick? They've got fingers, tongues and toys just as the ladies do.
The only time I'd leave them for size is if they obsessive over it and it causes issues with us because he can't get over the fact that he's small and I just don't care.