Healthy Body, Healthy Mind 💪 🔥


Expert Member
Aug 27, 2024
50% Straight, 50% Gay
The impression exists that the great Greek philosophers were a bunch of balding, tubby old men sitting around bullshitting while drinking wine 🍷, when this couldn’t be further from the truth. ❎ ‼️

Socrates is famously short and ugly, but he was also a fucking muscle-bound war hero who charged headlong into the enemy during the Peloponnesian War to rescue some captured officers. 🙌🎖️ Plato wrestled competitively, his wrestling coach giving him the name Plato which literally means ‘broad shouldered’. 🤼‍♂️ 🏆 Some historians think Aristotle may have been a keen pentathlete in his youth given his passion and admiration of the sport. 💓🏃

The ancient Greeks were the first to see the potential of the Gods in their own flesh, 💫 where everyone could be a hero, where fate was not bound by the past. They truly were the first superheroes 🦸and drew amazement and fear from the rest of antiquity. 😲😱 History will always remember the 300 Spartans legends, led by the immortal King Leonidis 😎, and reinforced by only a few thousand-armed farmers and workers, who held back a Persian army of between 200,000-300,000 troops led by the hugely powerful Xerxes the Great, King of Kings. ⚔️ It is no exaggeration to say we owe the existence of our free world to these superheroes 🌍, who fell in the end from betrayal, but giving the rest of Greece precious time to prepare and meet Xerxes on both land and sea to defeat a near invincible foe. 👊 🤩 🎉

Of all the amazing wisdom Socrates has to bestow 💬🧠, take away what I believe to be one of his most important quotes, ⚠️

“…it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” 😍

The impression exists that the great Greek philosophers were a bunch of balding, tubby old men sitting around bullshitting while drinking wine 🍷, when this couldn’t be further from the truth. ❎ ‼️

Socrates is famously short and ugly, but he was also a fucking muscle-bound war hero who charged headlong into the enemy during the Peloponnesian War to rescue some captured officers. 🙌🎖️ Plato wrestled competitively, his wrestling coach giving him the name Plato which literally means ‘broad shouldered’. 🤼‍♂️ 🏆 Some historians think Aristotle may have been a keen pentathlete in his youth given his passion and admiration of the sport. 💓🏃

The ancient Greeks were the first to see the potential of the Gods in their own flesh, 💫 where everyone could be a hero, where fate was not bound by the past. They truly were the first superheroes 🦸and drew amazement and fear from the rest of antiquity. 😲😱 History will always remember the 300 Spartans legends, led by the immortal King Leonidis 😎, and reinforced by only a few thousand-armed farmers and workers, who held back a Persian army of between 200,000-300,000 troops led by the hugely powerful Xerxes the Great, King of Kings. ⚔️ It is no exaggeration to say we owe the existence of our free world to these superheroes 🌍, who fell in the end from betrayal, but giving the rest of Greece precious time to prepare and meet Xerxes on both land and sea to defeat a near invincible foe. 👊 🤩 🎉

Of all the amazing wisdom Socrates has to bestow 💬🧠, take away what I believe to be one of his most important quotes, ⚠️

“…it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” 😍

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This is a great post. I particularly admire a gentleman older than me who takes care of his body. Inspires me to do the same.
I've been lifting my entire adult life and am still going at it with the same intensity now at 73. Not a body builder by any means, but with hard work (and luck), my joints all do what they are supposed to. My window of opportunity might be closing, but it won't close without me giving it all I can to keep it open. Just finished climbing a mountain with my Chocolate Lab while up in NY last week.
