So recently I've ran across this video of actor samuel colt. The caption says he's injecting steroids and jerking off, but the video is private to that user's friends so i am unable to view it. Anyone knows where else can i find it or other videos of him doing that?
Link to both sources i ive found:
Samuel Colt injecting steroids and cumming
Muscle pig cums through his PA hole
or in general, if you have any videos of that genre (bodybuilders injecting and jerking off) — would really appreciate if you'll direct me there.
Thank you in advance! (Photo of the actor for refrence)
Link to both sources i ive found:
Samuel Colt injecting steroids and cumming
Muscle pig cums through his PA hole
or in general, if you have any videos of that genre (bodybuilders injecting and jerking off) — would really appreciate if you'll direct me there.
Thank you in advance! (Photo of the actor for refrence)