Help me find this video please



My boyfriend has accused me of being the female in this video, its not me, i have never made any porn nor allowed recording (knowingly). However he swears its me, its a girl giving a black guy a handjob in a car (amateur). He is in the driver's seat, pants all the way down, only one hand is shown with a black scrunchie on it, and a gray fitted sweater/ sweatshirt. You can only see the sleeve. He cums and she sorta scoops it to use as lube and keeps jerking him off. You can hear him say, "i told you you had pretty spit" (or close to) she says, "i do? Wow." He sent me just a 1 minute clip with no face or anything but swears its me, its caused our break-up. If anyone can help me find it. It says it was uploaded to xvideos on a banner going across it. I am determined to prove he is wrong and fucked up for the way he has treated me over a video i am not in. I want to see if there's more to it and she shows her face. Please help.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the video (the resolution is pretty low, which doesn't help for visual similarity searches), but I thought I should at least offer my two cents. If she doesn't show her face, how can he be certain it's you? The only thing that comes to mind is her voice, so maybe you can provide counterproof it's not you using audio similarity, by saying the same things she did on the video and then comparing that to your voice (here's a professional reference, and here's something online you might be able to use yourself). You can also try taking different screenshots from the video and use visual similarity searches (usually Google and Yandex give the best results) to see if you can find the corresponding thumbnail from the video on xvideos, but the low resolution isn't gonna help. You could also try to look it up on xvideos using keywords (and maybe other info such as duration to filter the results, but it seems that's an unknown), but that query is generic enough to give hundreds of thousands of results. I can relate to that feeling of injustice, but it's important to remember the burden of proof is on the accuser (and not on you). If such weak evidence (and I'd only consider it weak if your voices were similar, which I'm not even sure it's the case) caused your break-up, then maybe it's for the better that it happened.