HelpMeGetHUGE: Hey guys, I'm a cute young white boy in Los Angeles and I am looking to get my dick FREAKISHLY HUGE! I have no idea where to start or what to use, but willing to do anything. Use me as an experiment....ANYTHING to get me BIG BIG BIG. I want to get where I can't put my pants on anymore :)

So if you guys can help me out, my email is :

I am a cute white boy, 6'3", 165#, brown hair, green eyes, 7.5c thick.

Doesnt matter your age/looks, just be interested in getting my dick BIG! Please email me, and I'll send my pic. ( Can't figure out how to do it on here) :) Very sweet guy here looking for the same!!!!!

Thanks! Matt
There is a method that worked for me but takes a very, very long time. I held the penis stretched out till it hurt then just tugged further, relaxed a bit, tugged almost as hard as I could, relaxed and kept this up for about 20 minutes 2-3 times every day -- also used jelqing afterwards. It seemed that this would never result in anything other than an injured penis, but after about 3 months I could get a stretched measurement of 7 inches (initial goal) from former 6. Believing this to be legitimate lengthening, I continued and kept ruler alongside penis during stretch so that I could see even extremely small changes. After another several months I was at 7.5, then a half inch or so every 3 months of so. Of course as you say, a man is never satisfied with his size so I just kept this up, more as a competition to see if there would ever be a time that no lengthening would occur. Now after four years I am getting rather tired of this and probably only do the exercise 2-3 times a week and that is why I probably have not seen any further lengthening in several months. However I can get between 11 to 11.25 fully stretched. This translates to a number considerably smaller for fully erect, not stretched but a length of 8.5 to 9.5 or so is not bad. Why do I say 8.5 to 9.5. Regretably I have experienced that the longer the penis becomes, the harder it is to get a really rock hard erection. Even less than rock hard it is still pretty gratifying to see a much larger penis in the mirror. Even extremely flaccid, the length is 5.5, just a half inch short of my pre-lengthening 6.0 length. With your plea, I am once again inspired and think I will go at again every day and see if I can get what every man dreams of, a 12 inch penis. I will probably never get that in a fully erect form, but I am not far from that in stretched form. Good luck and if you are young (I am not!) you will have many years of a really longer penis to enjoy and be proud of from a sacrifice of several years of admittedly rather painful tugging -- only wish I had invested the four years when I was 16 or so.
darkfox: motlissof,

dood, you should probably go talk to your doctor before you keep doing that. you could be damaging your penis. iv'e read about sikhs in india that hang weights from their penises. they stretch all the way down to their knees but they destroy all their erectile tissue and can no longer get hard. that could be happening to you. hope this helps.
Originally posted by darkfox@Feb 25 2005, 04:49 PM

dood, you should probably go talk to your doctor before you keep doing that.  you could be damaging your penis.  iv'e read about sikhs in india that hang weights from their penises.  they stretch all the way down to their knees but they destroy all their erectile tissue and can no longer get hard.  that could be happening to you.  hope this helps.
[post=286409]Quoted post[/post]​

Well to the knees is well beyond my dreams. I still can get a good erection, but it is more often than not like the ones you see on the well hung porn stars, arching downwards and somewhat soft during most of the sex act and only really stiff and fully engorged during the most intense parts of the sex act. I think that hanging weights for long periods of time would probably cause greater risk of damage than short periods of tugging as I have done. Good advice though would be to take it slow and easy and if obvious damage is occurring, stop it. I wonder why these guys from India kept up the weight program when erection was becoming increasingly impossible??
darkfox: I guess I'm just saying that if it hurts, it might not be good. Be careful.
:D well i have thought of a enlargeing machine its a bit like jelking but without all that work all you would do is stand there and the machine would do the work,this is after years of think of a machine that helps with out much efort .the best way to discribe it is a hamster weel with 6 horizotal bars fixed to a frame with a gap ,ajustable ,depends on thickness of dick revolves and as each horizotal bar passes over cock it squwezes cock like jelking but the base and bar act as your finger and thumb when jelking and the faster it revolves ect could be hucked upto a motor to remove even more persoal efort the still to build a proto type will let you know,have to say jelking does work but its hard to do and it takes awhile for results