A couple of years ago, I had surgery on my knee...long story short...I got a staph infection. Well, there are lymph nodes behind your knee. Well, it took FOUR doctors a month...yes, a MONTH, to figure out why I was so sick and why my knee was swollen and why I was having trouble with physical therapy. Finally the fourth doctor did a blood test and found that my white blood cell count was extremely high, and that was why I was having temps. that were spiking to 103 out of the blue. All of the lymph nodes in my body were swollen, but the wierd thing was that I started having really intense pain in the ones in my groin, so I thought I had pulled a muscle during physical therapy, getting off of one of the machines. It turned out that one of my lymph nodes had gotten so infected in my groin that it had abcessed, and that I was going to have to have a second surgery--this lymph node had formed a pocket that went from the inside of my leg (at my hip) all the way into my scrotum) and was causing things to swell up. Needless to say it wasn't a pretty picture...I had to have ultrasounds done to make sure that there was no involvement of the testicles or prostate, and all kinds of other tests. After a week in the hospital on IV antibiotics, (we're up to week six following my knee surgery now!
they did the surgery on the lymph nodes to remove the infected nodes and the abcess, and clean out all the infection that had gone into my scrotum.
All this is to say, that my surgery was done in the same area that The Overlord's surgery was done in. I have a scar right at the point of where my scrotum joins my body, because the surgeon felt that it would be hidden in my pubic hair, instead of making an incision either at my hip or in my abdomen. Anyway, I was drugged out for a couple of days on pain killers, and I couldn't walk for about a week, then I had to have nurses come and change the dressings, because it was just a packing, so it would heal from the inside out (talk about nasty). There was too much pain to even have an erection. I am a horndog, I jack off a couple times a day, and I get erections when the wind blows, but there was NO WAY that I was going to get an erection with the trauma that had been done working in that area.
Any surgery in the pubic area is traumatic and invasive, and the body just won't respond like normal--it won't allow for a natural erectile response.
A few weeks after my surgery, when things were healed, however, boiiiiiing! Things sprung right back to normal---and all mechanisms are back too 100%.
However, I won't go back to the hospital that I had the surgery in, nor will I ever go back to the orthopedic surgeon or the doctors who couldn't figure out why I was so sick!