hopped up on vicodin


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Nov 15, 2004
and im crazy and i dont knwo what i might do!


i slept for almost 20 hours after the surgery and lordy i am in pain without vicodins. I love you vicodins.
I had surgery on my hand to put an pin in a break a little over a year ago....Vicodin is great stuff :)

Hope you recover quickly buddy
Sweet Caroline:
Originally posted by TheOverlord@Feb 16 2005, 06:39 PM
and im crazy and i dont knwo what i might do!


i slept for almost 20 hours after the surgery and lordy i am in pain without vicodins. I love you vicodins.
[post=283761]Quoted post[/post]​

Welcome back Overlord, get well soon!

My doctor put me on this crazy medicine about 8 months ago and I got gout in my big toe - let me tell you really painful and unusual for someone under 50 and I am about half that age...All I can say is I had to take 3 to 5 vicodins just to put my shoe and get out the house...All I can say this is a condition you never want to get and I had it for a month...It literally feel like someone hit your big toe w/a sledge hammer and then stands on it - non stop constant throbbing pain...I didn't know what it was and thought I stubbed my toe in my sleep...Me trying to be a man and everything didn't got to the doctor for 3 days - until I passed out from the pain and had to be rush to the emergency room...But think god for vicodin...I was like a crack head when my prescription ran out because I got 20 pills a week and I use to go through them a weekend...Glad that is over because I really hate taking prescription pain pills - I know I probably destroyed my liver that month taking so many pain pills because when I ran out I had to buy them on the street...I honestly use to take about 40 to 50 vicodins a week just to get out of bed and walk and I had a cane too - sucks when you are young and have to walk w/a cane - I have a new respect for older people w/arthritis...
I do try to take it sparingly...but the area above your penis is more sensitive than you may think.

Worst part is I gotta stay away from erections for about a week or so. I hope I have enough penis control to prevent erections as much as i can.
Welcome back dude. Glad everything is going ok for you. Hang in there and get healed up so you can get back to posting and stuff.

I'm surprised they didn't give you yellow poppers.
Originally posted by TheOverlord@Feb 17 2005, 07:32 AM
I do try to take it sparingly...but the area above your penis is more sensitive than you may think.

Worst part is I gotta stay away from erections for about a week or so.  I hope I have enough penis control to prevent erections as much as i can.
[post=283861]Quoted post[/post]​
Ok, sure fire way to prevent them.

Take all the unsexiest things ever.


Orange. The colour orange is not an even vaguely sexy colour.
A plain room. Plain rooms arent sexy.
A boring bed. They arent sexy either.
The headteacher from your school or last one. Not even vaguely sexy, probably a 50 year old guy with a beared.
Jumping. Jumping isnt sexy.

So, what you need to visualise, is:

Your school's headteacher, jumping up and down on a boring bed, in a plain room painted orange.

Not sexy.

If that doesnt work, imageing your headteacher juping naked on a bed in an orange room.

If that doesnt utterly destroy your will for sex, I worry for you.
When I got my wisdom teeth pulled I ended up with dry socket . It happened over Christmas so I couldn't see the dentist all weekend. I was taking 100mg of hydrocodone a day which is equal to 10 vicodin. Thankfully he had given me norco which has half as much tylenol as vicodin. I hate taking drugs but it was necessary. Ask your doctor for norco 10's they are twice as strong as plain vicodin.
I hope you feel better really soon Overlord.
Good to know you're all right there, Overlord. But in all seriousness tho, I'd keep away from anything that entice any arousal for a spell. As for the vicodin, well what ever works so long as you don't get too dependant on it.
A couple of years ago, I had surgery on my knee...long story short...I got a staph infection. Well, there are lymph nodes behind your knee. Well, it took FOUR doctors a month...yes, a MONTH, to figure out why I was so sick and why my knee was swollen and why I was having trouble with physical therapy. Finally the fourth doctor did a blood test and found that my white blood cell count was extremely high, and that was why I was having temps. that were spiking to 103 out of the blue. All of the lymph nodes in my body were swollen, but the wierd thing was that I started having really intense pain in the ones in my groin, so I thought I had pulled a muscle during physical therapy, getting off of one of the machines. It turned out that one of my lymph nodes had gotten so infected in my groin that it had abcessed, and that I was going to have to have a second surgery--this lymph node had formed a pocket that went from the inside of my leg (at my hip) all the way into my scrotum) and was causing things to swell up. Needless to say it wasn't a pretty picture...I had to have ultrasounds done to make sure that there was no involvement of the testicles or prostate, and all kinds of other tests. After a week in the hospital on IV antibiotics, (we're up to week six following my knee surgery now!) they did the surgery on the lymph nodes to remove the infected nodes and the abcess, and clean out all the infection that had gone into my scrotum.

All this is to say, that my surgery was done in the same area that The Overlord's surgery was done in. I have a scar right at the point of where my scrotum joins my body, because the surgeon felt that it would be hidden in my pubic hair, instead of making an incision either at my hip or in my abdomen. Anyway, I was drugged out for a couple of days on pain killers, and I couldn't walk for about a week, then I had to have nurses come and change the dressings, because it was just a packing, so it would heal from the inside out (talk about nasty). There was too much pain to even have an erection. I am a horndog, I jack off a couple times a day, and I get erections when the wind blows, but there was NO WAY that I was going to get an erection with the trauma that had been done working in that area.

Any surgery in the pubic area is traumatic and invasive, and the body just won't respond like normal--it won't allow for a natural erectile response.

A few weeks after my surgery, when things were healed, however, boiiiiiing! Things sprung right back to normal---and all mechanisms are back too 100%.
However, I won't go back to the hospital that I had the surgery in, nor will I ever go back to the orthopedic surgeon or the doctors who couldn't figure out why I was so sick!
I can't even lean forward while sitting too much because like, the skin folds and it hurts.

I can't even sleep laying flat on my back because i fear it will rip open the wound again.
Glad to see your recovery is going well! Try not to worry too much, just no quick movements, and im sure youll feel better in no time! If something hurts, stop doing it till you feel better. All in all, just take care, and you'll do fine!