Horse Hung Theatre Studs Chapter 2
Colin awoke the next morning around 9 AM to his phone buzzing. He and Ben had gotten back to their place around 2 AM after the wildest night of his life.
The boys lived in a standard freshman dorm room with bunk beds to accommodate a futon, large gaming tv and enough floor space to rehearse scenes and entertain a small group of friends.
Colin laid bottom bunk wearing only the tight black briefs from the night before. Even soft, his cock formed an impressive bulge that tested the strength of the fabric. He could tell that Ben was still dead asleep above him. He grabbed his phone and his eyes widened..
He had 127 notifications.
It appeared word had gotten out about Colin and his monster cock.
He opened Instagram and scrolled through dozens upon dozens of DMs from hot guys EVERY single one of whom was mutual friends with a cast-mate of Colin’s. Each a cast-mate who had been present in that dressing room the night before.
Most of the messages were innocent enough appearing as harmless introductions. “Hey, my friend Ken said you were really cool and I just wanted to say hi”.
However, for Colin to randomly receive an avalanche of these messages didn’t seem like a mere coincidence. After all, less than 12 hours before he had unleashed his 11” ANACONDA on the theatre department and the entire campus apparently.
He looked at one less discreet message from a guy that consisted solely of a hole pic with a caption reading, “Destroy Me Colin! Please!!!!”
Colin chuckled and opened the text group he, Jason and Eli had created as they left the theatre the night before.
The group was called “HUNG FUCKERS”
Jason’s idea. Clearly.
“Hey, so… social media is flooded right now”, Colin texted.
“Same lol”, responded Eli. “I also told my brothers about what happened and they thought it was fucking hilarious.”
Colin couldn’t help but picture the image of Eli and his brothers sword fighting with their freakishly long cocks.
Colin began getting hard thinking about it as his cock began slowly poking out the top of his briefs.
“So, how old are you compared to your brothers?”, asked Colin.
“We’re triplets actually”, replied Eli. “All 21. And before you ask, we’re fraternal, NOT identical. Or at least not identical everywhere. Our facial features are different but our dicks are pretty much the same lol. Anyway, after high school they both wanted to join the Navy and I was the artsy theatre one. So they went into basic training and I went to college.”
“That’s incredible! So you’re all three HUNG FUCKERS?” typed Colin as he laughed to himself.
“We are. Although…honestly you can ask them yourself if you’d like.” , typed Eli.
“What do you mean?”, responded Colin.
“They both took military leave to come visit me this weekend. We were gonna go to football game tonight and party it up afterwards. You should join us!! typed Eli.
Colin’s cock pulsed as he frantically typed “FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!”. He then paused before quickly deleting the message and re-typing a NEW message. “That sounds so much fun! Are you sure I wouldn’t be imposing?”
“Not at all! You’re a really fun guy and I know they would LOVE to meet you!” replied Eli.
Colin’s MAMMOTH cock pulsed with excitement
“Actually, I have to go pick them up from the airport at noon. Wanna join me? We could go grab breakfast before and head that way .” typed Eli.
“Sure! I’ll drive!” typed Colin excitedly as a drop of precum oozed from his THICK head. His massive cock now fully hard and engaged.
“YOUR TRIPLETS?!?!?” came a sudden text reply from a new source .
“I see Jason has joined the chat lol”, typed Eli. I guess you can join us too micro dick

“Nothing micro about me fucker

. I’ll join y’all before the game. I’m about to run a 10k for some charity bullshit. I’m trying to fuck one of the race organizers” , responded Jason.
“How philanthropic of you!”, responded Eli sarcastically. “Heroes really do come in all forms!”.
Jason responded with a video of himself free-balling in tight running shorts flipping off the camera. The shorts left NO ROOM for imagination, as his girthy MEATY cock bounced against the confines of the fabric.
“Eli, just give me…15 minutes to freshen up and I’ll head your way.”, typed Colin as he began stroking himself faster.
He then looked up to see Ben staring directly at him jerking off from over the top bunk. Ben stared at Colin’s cock hungrily.
Colin nodded to Ben and gestured.
Ben descended the ladder and crawled into Colin’s bed and began sucking him off.
“Actually………make that 20”, typed Colin.