Hot Bodybuilder Chase Savoie

There is nothing feminine in the creation of hierarchies based on physical displays of strength and power and being admired from all for your relative superiority based on that. Half the point of the exercise is to gain the respect and submission from lesser males. We just take "respect" and "submission" to another, rather pleasurable level, if they would just loosen up a bit! ;)
Nicely put. :emoji_thumbsup:
He needs a trip to Greece to see the first gym ever built and what the walls of the gymnasium attests to. Gym culture and the Greek body ideal which bodybuilding exalts have homosexual roots. He follows and aspires to a homosexual ideal of male beauty.
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This guy is a complete asshole. He asks for friends to attack other people that don't agree with him. No wonder why he ended up with an unemployed damaged goods wife.

Pot calling the kettle...yellow? Beige? I forget which color. Anywho, he's just talking shit about sports, not calling some wife bystander damaged goods.

Asking others to "attack" a guy. Oh yes, he's inciting violence.
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I once suggested he start an Onlyfans and he was like gtf dude, I'm not gay. I'm like you don't have to be gay to have an Onlyfans, moron.[/QUO
I once suggested he start an Onlyfans and he was like gtf dude, I'm not gay. I'm like you don't have to be gay to have an Onlyfans, moron.
You should had made an sarcastic retort 'Well you did look 'gay' when you modeled for Pat Lee, Luis Rafael and Allan Spiers'.
I hate it when these guys open their mouths.

You would think that a dude with so many followers would stop and think about what he says before posting.

Instead, we get these shit-for-brains bigots.
What can you expect from this guy who is raising kids from different fathers left and right while not having a job?
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Looks like we have a Davy Muscle 2.0 here again!

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Personally I would not compare this comment on what Davy Muscle wrote. Him stated that Aaron Hernandez was crazy not because not of his alleged sexual orientation but of his closeted nature, according to some psychologists and psychotherapists can cause mental anguish and stress on some people. The added factor that Aaron was suffering from cte which most likely the major cause of his irratic behaviour.
Looks like you are a full nelly Queen. He was just kidding, this is how str8 men debating and arguing on sports they watch and like. They trash talking to each other. You should once in your life go to sport bar, not drag bar. So you can tell how str8 man talking!
LOL are you his octomom wife? I can show here all the posts that are not just because he is arguing like a "straight guy". He even degrades his fans (by using derogatory names) who call him out when they don't agree with his Trump supporting posts but he thanks them when they lust over his body. What kind of person does that?
You should had made an sarcastic retort 'Well you did look 'gay' when you modeled for Pat Lee, Luis Rafael and Allan Spiers'.
Luis Rafael and Allan Spiers had some secret footage of this hypocrite. It's just way too expensive and kept in the vault of Chase's g4p asshole