Hot College Stud's Dark Secret Ch.3 (Younger X Older / Fit Jock X Chubby)


Loved Member
Nov 27, 2019
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Brad checked his GPS to make sure he was still on the correct route. It showed that he was and that he would be arriving at his destination in 10 minutes. He was excited, as evidenced by the erection he was sporting in his jeans. Just 10 more minutes and he would be at the gay bar he found online.

His encounter with Chuck, and subsequently Ron, sparked a fire in Brad. The thrill of hooking up with a random guy that he met in person, and then getting used by two guys, was exhilarating, and he needed more of it.

He'd exchanged numbers with Chuck, and the trucker told him that he would arrange something special for Brad at a bath house. However, this wouldn't happen for another week or two because Chuck had a very busy delivery schedule. (Look out for this bath house scene in a later chapter!)

One to two weeks was a long time though, and Brad had to scratch the itch. He wanted to pick up a stranger and hook up with them. He was still too worried about getting found out though, so he looked for a place that was out of town. He ended up choosing a gay bar called Olives n Lemons, which was about an hour and a half drive out of town.

He arrived at his destination and head through the door. The place was pretty dimly lit, and was playing mellow music. He got nervous when most of the people checked him out as he made his way to the bar. He was used to having all eyes on him whenever he entered the room because he was so attractive. It never bothered him before, why would it? But this time, he was at a gay bar and putting his secret at risk of being discovered.

He took a deep breath and reminded himself that he was way out of town and that even if he shouted his name out, no one would know who he was. Having shaken off his nerves, Brad sat down at the bar and ordered a beer, then scoped the place out.

The bar had a pretty diverse clientele, which was always a good thing. However, almost everyone was with a group. This wasn't unusual, as even Brad himself always went to bars and clubs with friends and never alone, but this meant that his options were limited because he did not have it in himself to try to approach someone who was with a group.

There was however, one guy that Brad saw who was alone and his "type", if you could call it that. Brad gauged him to be in his 50s, was about as tall as himself, and had a dad bod. He gave himself a quick little pep talk internally and then walked over to the man.

He reached the man, said hello and introduced himself. The man was too stunned to speak and took a few seconds to respond, but eventually managed to say hello back and introduce himself as Joseph.

This was the first time Brad had ever done this, and was anxious as fuck. To help himself cope, he tuned out everyone and everything other than Joseph. If he hadn't, he might have noticed that most everyone was looking at them, wondering why a looker like Brad was chatting up some random middle aged man.

It wasn't long before they decided to head out to a nearby motel. This was a huge relief for Brad because he didn't want to stay in this place any longer than he had to and risk being seen by someone he knew. However, on the way out, he caught the eye of a man that he hadn't seen earlier. He was in the corner of the bar and was not within sight of where Brad was sitting. The man was obscenely fat and seemed vaguely familiar.

Panic started to build up inside Brad, but he was able to brush it aside, reminding himself that he was so far out of town that it was extremely unlikely that anyone from home was there. Besides, he didn't have any friends that were middle-aged obese men, so the chances that it was someone he knew were really slim.

They agreed that Brad would drive them in his car while Joseph navigated them to the motel. It was only a short drive away, around seven minutes, but Brad was so eager for it that he put his right hand in Joseph's pants and started giving him a hand job.

He was beginning to regret his decision to drive. He chose to do so because it gave him more control of the situation and helped ease his anxiety over what he was doing. But right now, Brad really wished they had taken Joseph's car instead so that instead of a hand job, he could be giving him a blow job. It would only have been for a short time, but the idea of sucking him while they were on the road was really hot. He didn't fret about it though, and soon they arrived at the motel.

They went to the front office to get a room, and the guy manning the desk gave Brad a cheeky look. This motel was near the gay bar, and some other regular bars, which meant that a lot of the people that checked in were there to fuck. So the man was giving him that look because he knew that he and Joseph were there to fuck. He probably even thought that Brad was an escort, given the disparity of their looks.

Brad's face got red from embarrassment, but at the same time his dick got hard in his pants. This was exactly what he wanted. Joseph had actually offered to go to the front office by himself while Brad waited in the car so that he would not have to be seen with him, but Brad insisted on going together.

The truth was that he wanted to be seen with Joseph. He wanted the guy at the desk to know that he was going to be fucked by this unattractive old guy. Having someone know this turned him on so much, for as long as it wouldn't expose him to people he knew.

This little interaction got his blood pumping, especially to his dick. That Joseph squeezed his ass on their way out, directly in the motel attendant's line of sight, only made it hotter.

They made their way to the room and immediately started making out intensely upon entering. They stripped each other's clothes off within seconds and were on the bed, kissing and licking all over each others' bodies.

Both Brad and Joseph got startled when Joseph's phone started ringing, and temporarily put their lovemaking on pause. Joseph turned off his phone and apologized for the disturbance.

"No worries, Daddy. Let's get back to it," Brad said.

He got on top of Joseph, straddling him. He lowered his face to plant a long, deep, and passionate slow kiss.

When Brad ended the kiss, Joseph couldn't help but let out a "Holy shit, man. I don't think I've ever been kissed like that."

Brad just smiled, then began to slowly and gently kiss Joseph's neck, then continued kissing him all the way down until he reached his cock. He took a hold of Joseph's meat in his hand and started swirling his tongue around it's head. Brad then started licking up and down the shaft. Then he started giving the dick wet kisses all around, before going back to swirling his tongue on the head.

All this attention to his dick was making Joseph shiver. And just when he thought it couldn't get any better, Brad slowly took his dick into his mouth, then pulled back up. He went back down again, going further this time, then back up. He repeated this several times, slowly going down and then back up, reaching further along Joseph's dick with each movement, until finally Brad reached the base.

It was at this point where he started to pick up the pace. He started bobbing his head up and down, while still gripping the dick, stroking it in tandem with his sucking. Joseph started letting out profanities and praises, both of which made Brad even hornier.

Brad was going all out on the blowjob now, deep throating him with every motion of his head. Joseph was gripping his head, pushing him down, making sure that he reached the base of his cock each time.

Suddenly, Joseph yelled out "Oh no! Fuck!" and started shaking violently.

Before Brad could react, Joseph's dick began filling his mouth with cum. It was unexpected, but he dutifully sucked and stroked every last drop of cum from the older man. When he was sure he had gotten everything, he looked up at Joseph and opened his mouth so that Joseph could see the cum. Brad swirled and swished it around, and then swallowed it all, then stuck out his tongue to show his now empty mouth.

The dirty old men Brad hooked up with loved seeing their cum in his mouth. It drove them wild seeing such an attractive young stud willing to take their loads, play with it and swallow it. It made them feel so special and powerful. Brad made sure to do it whenever they would cum in his mouth, with the exception of when they blow their loads straight down his throat.

"Fuck man, I'm so sorry about that. That doesn't usually happen to me. You're just so hot, and the blowjob was just fucking amazing. I'm really so sorry. I didn't even get to warn you. I hope you aren't mad," said Joseph.

"Chill out daddy, it's cool. I loved having your cum in my mouth. Besides, this doesn't mean the night is over. I'm sure I can get you going again," answered Brad with a wink.

"Actually, I don't think I can. Please don't hate me, but I have to go."

Brad was so confused. The guy wasn't even that old, and he was sure he could get him hard again. And then he saw the wedding ring on Joseph's finger, and remembered catching a glimpse of two young girls on his phone's wallpaper when he got a call earlier. Brad realized that the guy was married with kids, and now that he'd cum and his libido had gone, that the guilt must have been hitting him hard.

As much as Brad wanted to keep going, he fully understood what it felt like when you've climaxed and all the feelings of guilt and shame come flooding in. He decided to not press Joseph on the issue and call it a night.

It was a lonely and frustrating drive home. Not only did he waste so much time and gas travelling to Olives n Lemons, he also had a case of blue balls thanks to the abrupt end of his encounter with Joseph. Brad decided the best way to cool off and release his pent up energy was to hit the gym for a late night workout.

When he finally reached the gym, he was met with the "closed" sign, with a posted note stating that it was due to a big leak from the pipes being damage. If that wasn't bad enough, Brad's stomach started to grumble.

"Fuck me!" he said out loud.

He then decided to stop head to a café he passed by a few blocks away from the gym instead. Even though everything went to shit tonight, he could at least try to get a good snack before heading home.

He parked at the café, got in, and head for the counter. Brad ordered a sandwich and a diet coke. The place was pretty full even though it was almost midnight, so he took the only table left, which was right next to a really fat man.

Halfway through his sandwich, he accidentally made eye contact with the big fellow at the table beside him, and he froze. It was the fat guy that he thought recognized as he was leaving Olives n Lemons. Seeing him up close, Brad realized he knew who it was.

"Good evening. It's Brad, right?" said the man with a smile.

"Uh, yeah, that's right, Brad. And you're professor Meyer, right?"

"Well yes! I'm surprised you recognize me. And please, we're not on campus, call me Garry" said the fat man.

"It might take a bit of getting used to, calling a professor by his first name, but sure, Garry it is haha. Yeah, my friend Dan is in your class, and I always pass by when it ends because we head to swim training together," Brad explained.

"Yes, that's right. I see you hanging around outside waiting for Dan to be released from the prison that is statistics class," Garry joked.

"Now, I hope I'm not offending you, but I couldn't help but notice seeing you at Olives n Lemons. earlier tonight. I never thought I'd see you there," he continued.

Brad was petrified. He wanted to lie and deny it, but no words were coming to him. He looked like an idiot with his mouth hanging open. His face was now beet red from embarrassment, and not the kind that turned him on, but the kind that crippled him with fear and made him think his life was about to be ruined.

Garry realized Brad was panicking and decided to ease his mind.

"Don't worry Brad, your secret is safe with me. I was bullied my entire life for being gay, among other things, so when I moved here many years ago for my teaching position, I decided to hide that part of myself. I frequent Olives n Lemons because I'm relatively safe from being discovered there. I assume you were there for the same reason?

Garry's words helped Brad stop panicking and start breathing again. He really thought he was done for just then. It's bad enough that he ran into Garry at the club, but then to run into him again right now? What were the fucking chances?

"Uh, well, sort of, yeah," Brad managed to get out.

"Right. Well, I saw you leaving with that gentleman from the bar. Had a pleasant evening, did you?" Garry said, just making conversation.

"Fuck no. The dude accidentally came in my mouth after only like 10 minutes. It turns out he was married with kids, and with his sex drive disappearing post-climax, he felt too guilty to stay any longer. Nothing but blue balls for me tonight," Brad answered.

It was only when he'd finished explaining that he realized how much he just overshared. Garry tried to keep a straight face, but Brad could tell he was shocked that he'd revealed all that. The man was clearly just expecting a simple yes or no type of answer.

"Shit! I can't believe I just blurted all that out. I'm sorry Professor Meyer, I didn't mean to be disrespectful and overstep."

"Not to worry, Brad. No offense taken. I was just not expecting you to share so much given that we've only just officially met. But I'm glad that you felt comfortable enough to do so. And please, I already told you, call me Garry."

"Thanks for being so cool about that."

"Again, not to worry, Brad. What are you doing here anyway? I live a block away, so I usually come by to grab a late night snack, but I've never seen you here. It's so unlikely that we'd bump into each other at Olives n Lemons and here in the same night!"

"Right! I was thinking the exact same thing. It must be fate haha. But yeah, like I said, tonight was a bust, so I decided to hit the gym to release my pent up frustration. But of course, the place was fucking closed. Just my luck. My stomach was growling too, so I dropped by for a sandwich before heading home," said Brad.

"Well, seems like you've had quite the unfruitful evening. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know," Garry answered.

Garry didn't say this with any intention other than common courtesy. He wasn't trying to bait Brad, or expecting him to take his answer seriously, so the look on the stud's face surprised him. Brad's eyes went wide and he looked hopeful and excited for the first time since they'd bumped into each other at this café.

"So, we've established why I was at Olives n Lemons. How about you? I think I saw you with a group for guys. Not there to pick up someone?" Brad asked.

"I was just hanging out with some friends I made from out of town. No hookups for me," Garry replied.

"I see. I totally understand not being into hooking up with people. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea." Brad said.

"Well, it's not that I'm not into hooking up. Moreso that no one is into hooking up with me haha!" Garry answered.

"Aww. Don't be like that, Garry! I'm sure that's not the case."

"As much as I wish I were just making a self-deprecating joke, the reality of things is that no one wants me. But don't worry, I'm used to it. It doesn't bother me anymore."

"That's not true, there are definitely people that want you" said Brad.

"Trust me, son, it is. The many years of being alone are proof of that. But hey, if you find someone that does want all this, just point me in his direction," Garry answered with a laugh.

Brad leaned in and said in a hushed voice, "Actually, I do know someone. You said you live a block away, right? If you want, he could meet you at your place. He's very close by and would get there the same time as you."

Upon hearing these words, Garry began having what felt like an out of body experience. He was in such shock from what Brad was proposing that he couldn't respond to the stud. But his body would not waste this opportunity and seemed to act on it's own.

Garry stood up and walked out of the café, Brad in tow. They didn't speak at all on the way to Garry's apartment building, nor did they talk while making their way up to his floor. The tension and excitement was palpable.

Once they'd gotten inside and Garry closed the door behind them, Brad was immediately all over him. He pushed Garry against the wall, grabbed his face with both hands and began giving him the biggest, sloppiest kiss of his life. Brad has had many a passionate kisses, but none quite like this.

Their tongues danced with each other like in some kind of mating ritual. They were devouring each other's mouths so much that saliva was flowing freely between them. Brad placed his hands under Garry's shirt and began crawling, feeling his way upwards til he got a hold of the fat man's tits and started squeezing them.

The pressure on his tits only made Garry go harder on their kissing. It was reaching a point where the kisses had gotten so passionate and rough that it was starting to hurt, but that just made it feel even better and neither could get themselves to slow down.

Garry wrapped his arms around Brad and pulled him in tight. Brad felt one of Garry's hands slip inside the back of his pants and squeeze his ass cheek. He started grinding his crotch into Garry to show that he was enjoying it.

When Brad's mouth couldn't handle anymore of the vigorous kissing, he pulled off and started kissing Garry's neck, if you could call it that. When people described someone fat as being a, or having "no neck", that was Garry. It was just like a big ring of fat where his neck should be, or like there was a tire wrapped around his neck.
This didn't slow down Brad one bit, though. He was giving Garry deep, rough kisses all around, and occasionally moving back up to kiss or lick Garry's face. Brad wanted more though, so he grabbed the bottom of Garry's shirt and started lifting it up. Garry raised his arms up to help the stud get the shirt off entirely.

The second the shirt was off Garry's body, Brad's mouth was on it. The young swimmer was planting sweet, wet kisses all over Garry's torso, making him moan from the sensation.

"Let's get these pants off," Brad said.

He got on his knees and pulled Garry's pants down, along with his boxers, revealing a fat, 8-inch cock that was rock hard and leaking. Brad reached out to it with his hand, took the precum covering his dick head and started stroking down the shaft, spreading the clear sap all over. He continued stroking it as he brought his face closer until it was right in front of him. He stuck out his tongue and started licking the head. More precum started leaking from the slit, which Brad made sure to lap up.

Brad then started swirling his tongue all over the head while still using his hand to stroke up and down the shaft. Then, he opened his mouth wide and took it in, slowly moving his head back and forth as he sucked.

The hot stud loved looking into the eyes of daddies as he sucked them, and they also loved seeing his beautiful face stuffed full with their cocks. However, Garry's gut was so huge that when Brad looked up, all he saw was the underside of the man's belly.

Unable to look into Garry's eyes, Brad diverted his focus back onto the cock he was working on. As he got into a steady rhythm, Brad started going faster and deeper, until he eventually reached the base of Garry's cock.

Sucking Garry's dick to the base wasn't easy though, due to the large obstacle that was his belly. Getting his dick all the way down his throat meant that he was getting a face full of Garry's belly. It wasn't just lightly pressing against his face either, he had to basically smush his face deep into the belly to get Garry's cock all the way in. This wasn't going to stop him, though. Not by any means. Brad could have lifted Garry's belly for easier access, but that big belly slapping hard against his face with each sucking motion he did was a hot, welcome distraction.

Garry was starting to feel overwhelmed. He had never experienced such an intense blowjob before, let alone from a hot stud like Brad. He couldn't see the boy sucking him because of his gut, but the sounds more than made up for it. Brad's face was slapping against his belly so hard and fast that it sounded like someone's ass cheeks getting clapped during a fuck. The slurping and sucking sounds his mouth made were also out of this world.

The experience was so intense for Garry that his knees started to buckle and wobble, making him lose his balance and fall back onto the wall.

"Woah, big guy. Are you okay? What happened?" Brad asked.

"Sorry, sorry. Nothing to worry about, I'm fine. You were just so fucking good that I got weak in the knees, literally," Garry answered.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it as much as I am. But maybe we should head over to the couch?" Brad suggested.

"Great idea," said Garry and he moved to the couch, with Brad following suit.

Garry plopped down onto his big couch, and Brad could have sworn he felt the floor shake. Brad didn't take a seat though, but instead stood in front of Garry and took in the full sight of the naked man seated before him.

Garry was in his mid fifties. He had full head of hair that was half dark brown and half grey. He wasn't too ugly, Brad thought. Sure, it wasn't even an average looking face, but it wasn't so bad that it would make people cringe. What really made Garry stand out though was that he was, without a doubt, the fattest man that Brad had ever been with, and he'd been with a lot of really fat guys. The man was so fat that he had seemed to have trouble just breathing normally, and he didn't really walk so much as he waddled.

He was like a giant ball of blubber. His belly was so huge and hung so low over his waist that it almost fully covered his dick when hard despite it being 8' long. His torso was covered with rolls upon rolls of fat. It reminded Brad of the Michelin man, only much, much fatter. He had gigantic, saggy manboobs that were in desperate need of a bra. Smack in the center of those were his huge, puffy nipples/areolas that looked like slices of salami.

Brad was snapped out of his little trance by Garry saying "Holy shit, son. That blowjob was unbelievable. I didn't know it could feel so good."

"It's only gonna get better," Brad replied with a cheeky smile.

He then proceeded to strip fully, exposing his perfect body and cock to Garry, whose face turned so white that Brad thought he might have seen a ghost.

"Get the fuck out of here. There's no way you're real haha! Your body is outrageous. It looks like it was photoshopped! And of course your face, you look like you have a filter on. This is actually ridiculous. No one should look this good," Brad exclaimed in both a humorous and reverent tone.

"Well, this is all yours tonight, Daddy," Brad said seductively and inched his way closer to Garry.

"Wait. Would you mind getting the lights? The switch is by the door," said Garry.

"Oh. Are the lights bothering you? Or do you not like what you see?" asked Brad.

"No, no. They don't bother me. And I definitely do like what I see." said Garry

"Well, I like what I see, too. So if you don't mind, I'd like to keep them on please," Brad replied as he got on his knees in front of Garry.

As much as Brad loved burying his face into Garry's fat belly, him being seated on the couch made it physically impossible to suck his dick with his gut in the way. Garry was ware of this, and lifted it up for Brad so that he could get to work. And get to work he did.

Without the huge gut in his way, Brad was able to really go to town on Garry's cock. His hands rubbed Garry's ginormous thighs as his head bobbed up and down. They then travelled upwards, and he started caressing Garry's fat rolls, making the older man feel desirable for the first time in ages.

Brad had been passionately sucking off Garry for about 20 minutes when the older man dropped his belly onto the stud's face and started patting him.

"Ooh, ooh, fuck babe. Hold on, hold on. " Garry said, finding himself too close to climax.

Brad got off his dick and stood up, looking down at Garry. He wiped the slobber off his face and asked Garry, "Did you like that, Daddy?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, son? That was incredible. You're so good," Garry replied.

Brad leaned down and started making out with Garry again. Their sloppy kiss was making all sorts of sounds, and their tongues invaded each other's mouths nonstop. Brad was still running his hands all over Garry's body, and now Garry was doing the same to Brad.

Then suddenly the large man stood up, lifting Brad up in the process. The stud wrapped his legs around Garry's waist, as much as he could anyway, and continued kissing him.

Garry brought them into the bedroom and dropped Brad down on the bed, before plopping himself on top of the boy. Garry's massive body pressed down on Brad's, knocking all the air out of his lungs. Brad felt like he was being flattened by a boulder and couldn't escape.

His worries flew out the window when Garry started kissing him again. Something about the fat man kissing him made the stud forget about the giant body squashing him, and he could only feel the mouth that was devouring his own.

Not wanting to crush the boy to death, Garry eventually rolled off Brad. There was no pause in their lovemaking though, as Brad instantly jumped on top of Garry and resumed their kissing.

As they made out, Garry ran his middle and index fingers over his dick head, using the precum that was leaking out to grease them. He then slowly pushed both digits into Brad's hole and started finger fucking him. He could tell the stud was enjoying it because he started moaning into his mouth and rocking his ass back onto the invading fingers.

After a few minutes of this, Brad broke off the kiss and whispered to Garry, "I wanna suck you again now, Daddy."

Garry removed his fingers from Brad's ass, and the boy slid down his body, kissing it along the way until he reached his cock. Garry lying down made it so that his gut wasn't fully in the way of his dick, and Brad was able to quickly get his mouth on it. He started bobbing his head up and down the dick rapidly, deepthroating it every single time.

Brad then stopped working Garry's dick with his mouth and replaced it with his hand, stroking it up and down, and proceeded to suck and lick on his enormous balls. The fat man's balls hadn't received any attention in years, so this brought about a sensation he had almost forgotten about.

He continued stroking Garry's dick and massaging his balls with his mouth, before ever so slowly, licking downwards towards the man's perineum (the area between the ass and balls). Suddenly Garry stopped moaning. Brad was inching closer and closer to his ass, and he wasn't sure if the boy was actually gonna go for it.

Brad had never eaten ass before, and never thought he would, but Garry made him so fucking horny, and he was so close to it now. He reached Garry's crack and paused, then smelled it. It wasn't a bad smell, or a dirty one, just very musky. He couldn't help himself, he had to try it. He stuck his tongue out and swiped it across Garry's crack. He felt the big man tense up from excitement, so he did this a few more times.

The position they were in didn't allow Brad good access to Garry's hole though. Neither of them would be able to fully enjoy it like this. So, Brad asked Garry to turn over, and of course the fat man did.

Now that Garry was on his belly and his was ass up in the air, Brad had much better access to it. He spread the man's gigantic ass cheeks apart, and dove right in. He started eating Garry's ass like it was his first meal in days. He even managed to slide his tongue into the man's hole, which was surprisingly squeaky clean.

Garry had eaten ass before, but had never been on the receiving end of it. Not many people were brave enough to eat out a man as obese as himself. But was down there, licking and slurping and kissing away at his hole. The boy even penetrated his hole and started sliding his tongue on the insides, making Garry moan incredibly loud.

After spending enough time down there to eat an actual meal, Brad finally stopped and came up for air. While Brad was taking a quick breather, he looked down at Garry lying down and thought he resembled a beached whale.

Before Brad could go back to eating Garry's ass, the man stood up and moved to the edge of the bed.

"Get that mouth over here," Garry ordered.

Brad immediately moved to suck him, but was stopped by the fat man.

"No. Not like that. Get on your back and hang your head off the edge of the bed."

Brad knew what Garry wanted to do, and it scared him. He was no stranger to getting his face fucked. Lots of guys have face fucked him, lots of fat guys in fact. But Garry was on an entirely different level. He wasn't sure if he could handle it. His lust, however, continued to push him forward, and he did as he was told.

Once Brad was in position, Garry lifted his massive Belly and moved directly over Brad's face. He placed his dick in the stud's mouth, shoved it all the way down his throat, then dropped his belly onto Brad's face.

Garry started moving his hips back and forth, slowly building speed with each thrust, until he was fully face fucking the boy. His cock went in and out over and over with incredible speed, forcing the boy to give his full effort into ignoring his gag reflex.

Getting face fucked like this caused Brad to get smothered by Garry's huge belly and fatty crotch. His nose was fully submerged in fat and he couldn't breath through it at all. Brad had never been more thankful for the excellent lung capacity he gained through years of being a swimmer. His only reprieve were the split seconds when Garry pulled out far enough that Brad could squeeze in a quick breath through his mouth.

It was still extremely taxing for him, but at the same time it made him so horny. He got so turned on by it, that not only did he endure the assault to his face, he actually grasped Garry's ass cheeks with his hands and started pulling in, trying to get the man's cock even deeper down his throat, even moaning despite being fully stuffed.

Garry was having the time of his life, but he didn't want to use up all his stamina on this, so he eventually got off Brad's face. He looked down at Brad and the stud looked delirious, like he was drunk from lust. That he could do this to guy as attractive as Brad made Garry feel empowered and like he was on top of the world.

"Move up on the bed and lay your head on the pillow," Garry told Brad, and the boy followed.

Garry then made his way to Brad on the bed, grabbed him by the underside of his thighs, the part just below where his knees would be, and parted his legs. He was now staring at the prettiest hole he'd ever seen. Not even the porn stars he watched had a hole as beautiful as Brad's. He had to have it.

The fat man pressed his dick against Brad's hole, and slowly breached the entrance, which made Brad blurt out something between a moan and a groan. He moved his hips forward, pushing his dick deeper into the boy, but still going slow. He maintained this slow descent into Brad's channel until he finally bottomed out.

Once there, Garry didn't move. He spent a minute with his dick all the way inside, just staring at Brad's face.

"Is something wrong, Daddy?" Brad asked, concerned that something might have happened.

"Quite the opposite, son. Everything is perfect, especially that face of yours. I still can't get over how fucking handsome you are. It should be illegal to have a face like yours," Garry said.

"Trust me Daddy, you're gonna like this face a whole lot more once you start pounding the shit out of me," Brad teased him, with a devilish smile on his face.

"I doubt that anything can top your face right now, but we'll just have to see, won't we?" answered Garry.

He pulled out almost all the way, leaving just the tip barely inside Brad's hole, before plunging the entire thing all the way back in.

"AAAHH FUCK!" Brad yelped.

"You like that, boy?"

"Oh fuck yes Daddy. Give it to me. I want you so bad."

This was all the encouragement Garry needed. He started pounding Brad's hole relentlessly, causing the boy to start moaning and groaning. It only drove him to fuck him even harder when the boy reached up and started running his hands all over his belly.

Garry realized that what Brad said earlier was right. The face the stud was making while his ass was being ravaged by his dick was to die for. Garry wanted to snap a pic with his phone, print a hundred copies and plaster them all over the walls and ceiling of his room. He could look at this for the rest of his life.

The fat man's knees began to wobble though, and like earlier in the night, he lost his balance. He managed to catch himself by placing his hands on the wall behind the bed. He decided that he needed to distribute his weight, and shifted his position. He moved in a bit closer and leaned down a bit more, so he could hold on to the headboard of his bed for support. Once he was confident in this new position, he resumed plowing Brad's ass.

Brad watched Garry's tits jiggle and flop around wildly as he fucked him. This new position brought Garry's chest close enough to Brad's face that if the stud wanted to, he could suck on the mans tits. He, of course, wanted nothing more at this moment than to do just that. He grabbed the base of one of Garry's tits, and squeezed it to make it pop out more. He then raised his head up, bringing his mouth to the tit, and began suckling on it.
Brad suckled on Garry's tits and salami nipples nonstop as the fat man continued to plow his ass. When he had given enough attention to one tit, he moved on to the other, then back. He continued moving back and forth between Garry's tits, and then with his other hand, was grabbing chunks of Garry's fat rolls and squeezing them, until eventually, he started cumming involuntarily.

The sensation of Garry rubbing against his prostate with every thrust and his fat belly pressing against his dick as he continued to get fuck, and the fact that he was suckling on this those fat tits the entire time, was enough to make him cum without touching himself.

Once the cum started squirting out, Brad lay his head back down and started moaning.

"Oh my god Daddy! It feels so fucking amazing. Please don't stop. Keep fucking me!" Brad shouted.

And Garry did. He kept fucking Brad despite the boy having already cum. He even took advantage of the copious amounts of cum that had splattered all over Brad's 6 pack abs and muscular pecs. He gathered all of the cum with his hand and then smeared it on his manboobs.

"There you go, boy. Now you can really suck Daddy's milk from his tits," said Garry.

Brad didn't hesitate at all. His mouth was immediately back on Garry's tits, sucking the cum off them.

This was a cathartic moment for Garry. His manboobs were the part of his body that he was most self conscious about. Brad had been obese since he was a kid, and people had always made fun of him for this, especially his tits. Bullies would pinch his tits in the hallway, would tell him to go buy a bra, and even make gestures of milking a cow's udders. Brad so eagerly, no, so desperately suckling on his tits, even with his cum on them, was like nirvana for Garry.

Brad's continued suckling on his tits made Garry nearly climax himself. He only just barely managed to stop from cumming by biting down on his lip really hard, using the pain to subdue the pleasure that was building up to his orgasm.

Garry had to practically pry Brad off his tits when he moved to stand up.

"Give me a minute, son. I just need to catch my breath and grab a glass of water. Do you want one?" said Garry.

"No, I'm okay. Hurry back, Daddy."

Garry went to the kitchen to have a drink. He stood over the kitchen sink for a bit, just thinking to himself how crazy his night has been. It was like some wild fever dream of his greatest fantasies, and he had to pinch himself to make sure he was awake and it was all real.

When Garry got back to the bedroom, Brad was on all fours by the edge of the bed, wagging his ass up in the air.

"Come fuck me Daddy. Take me, I'm all yours."

Garry didn't waste any time. He got behind Brad, plopped his gigantic gut onto Brad's ass and lowerback, using them as a shelf for his belly in order to get it out of his cock's way. Then he pushed his head dick through Brad's opening and went all the way in, managing to bottom out in one smooth motion. He started rocking his hips back and forth at an intense pace, causing both of them to moan and groan.

Garry's fat belly was bouncing and flapping violently on Brad's ass and lower back. The feeling of pure fat slapping against him, and the disgusting clapping sounds this made, were driving Brad crazy with lust.

"You like having fat Daddy's dick deep in you, boy? You like feeling my belly slapping against your back?" Garry asked.

"Fuck yeah. I love getting railed by fat daddies like you. It makes me feel so fucking dirty," Brad answered.

Garry continued to pound Brad, but there was something about the way the boy said "dirty" that gave his mind pause. He didn't say dirty in a fun, naughty way, he actually meant it. That's when Garry realized that Brad wasn't with him because he found fat guys like himself hot and attractive. It was, in fact, the exact opposite of that. Brad found Garry absolutely disgusting, and this just so happened to turn the boy on. Just when Garry finally felt for the first time that someone, no, not just someone, that fucking BRAD wanted him for who and what he was, it turned out to be for all the wrong reasons.

Garry had been bullied for as long as he could remember. From kindergarten all the way to college, and even in adulthood as a working professional. He was ridiculed and ostracized because of his body. He’d done his best to brush off all the negativity directed towards him over the years, but stuff like that doesn’t just go away, it stays with you whether you like it or not, you just keep it buried deep down.

However, during this intimate moment where he'd let his guard and walls down, the hurt caused by his realization about Brad's intentions triggered him. All the pain and anger he had suppressed his entire life came bursting out.

"You like being a disgusting whore, eh? Well then I'll treat you like the dirty little faggot you are." Garry shouted in an angry voice.

He pulled out of Brad, pushed the boy to the center of the bed and on his belly, and then mounted him like a an animal. He drove his cock all the way to the hilt with one powerful thrust, and then started humping him like a maniac.

Brad was too stunned to react. All he could do was take it and moan like a bitch at the pleasure this new assault on his ass was giving him. It was different now. There was no longer any passion or tenderness, just pure lust. Garry was rage fucking Brad.

The young stud thought Garry was already fucking him as best he could awhile ago, and so did the fat man, but there was suddenly a fire that burned in him now, pushing him to go even further. Garry was humping Brad so hard, so deep and so fast, much more than he thought humanly possible.

There's that saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Whoever came up with that had certainly never met a fat closeted man who was bullied his whole life, thought someone finally appreciated him, only to have it turn out to be a lie and thrown in his face. Hell certainly hath no fury like Garry scorned by Brad, and the fat man was channeling all that fury into fucking the young stud.

Garry fucked Brad so forcefully that his bed, which was specifically reinforced for overweight people, snapped and fell apart. The mattress, with Garry and Brad on it, came crashing down onto the floor.

"Fucking hell!" Garry shouted, as he got up and moved away from the mess.

"Wait, Daddy. Where are you going?" Brad asked in a soft, submissive voice.

"To get my fucking phone so I can leave the manufacturer a message to fix this mess," Garry answered.

"You're still gonna fuck me though, right?" said Brad.

"Are you crazy? My goddamn bed just fell apart, what the fuck do you think?" Garry said angrily.

"No! Please Daddy. Please keep fucking me. I need your cock in me so bad."

Garry was about to tell the boy to fuck off, but then he saw his face. He had the most pathetic and desperate look Garry had ever seen. He was pleading to be fucked like his life depended on it. The damage had already been done, both to himself and his bed, so he might as well just make the most out of the situation.

"Beg for it," Garry commanded.

"Oh god daddy. Please, you have to fuck me. I beg you, please, please, fuck me."

"You want my dick inside you?"

"No, Daddy. I NEED it inside me. I'm begging you daddy, please pound my ass."

"Why do you need MY dick? Why do you need ME? You're so hot, you could have your pick of hot people your age. So why are you here right now, begging for me to fuck you?" Garry questioned him.

Brad suspected that Garry's extreme fucking came about because he realized what turned him on from the way he said "dirty" earlier. He was trying to coax it out of him now. Brad had never told any of the guys he'd hooked up with why he did so. They just assumed he found dirty, fat, old guys attractive. After all, there are those that genuinely do, so he just let them think that. There was no reason to tell them the truth. It would have only hurt their feelings, which he had no desire for, and possibly cause them to back out or leave.

Right here and right now with Garry in his room though, all the cards were on the table, so there was no point in trying to cover up or lie. Garry knew what turned Brad on, and if he didn't want him to say it, he wouldn't have asked.

"Because you're a revolting, fat old pig. When you're on top of me plowing my ass, it feels like your body is swallowing me up, it's horrific. I feel so disgusted with myself for letting you use me." said Brad

"And?" Garry prodded.

"And it makes me so horny. The dirtier I feel, the more turned on I get."

"You're fucked up in the head, aren't you boy?" said Garry.

It just hit Brad that this wasn't just the first time he'd told a hookup about this, it was the first time he'd admitted it out loud, ever, even to himself. Revealing his dark secret to Garry and the man using it against him made Brad feel so exposed and vulnerable, and at the same time, so disgusted and ashamed of himself. Of course, we know exactly what that does to him. Brad was hornier than ever.

"Why else would I be here if I wasn't? I could be with any hot person I wanted, and yet I've been here suckling on your tits like a baby trying to breastfeed, and letting you pummel my ass with your dick. You should consider yourself the luckiest man on Earth for being able to tap this. Coz if I weren't so fucked up, there's no way I'd ever touch a grotesque monster like you," Brad said.

What Brad said dialed up Garry's lust and rage to critical levels. His blood started pumping hotter and harder than ever before. It was like he became possessed by a demon, and Garry growled and rushed over to Brad, mounted him again and drove his dick in to the hilt instantly and started pounding away at Brad's hole.

Garry felt such blissful release as he hurled degrading insult after degrading insult at Brad, shaming him for his kink and telling him how fucked up he was. This in turn made Brad feel more and more disgusted at himself, which made him hornier and hornier, and made him beg for more. They were matching each other's freak perfectly.

With each movement, Garry pulled out his dick all the way until just the very tip was left inside Brad's ass, then pushed it in until he he bottomed out. He was fucking Brad like a jackhammer, so hard and so fast that each and every thrust practically shook the entire bedroom.

The hot young swimmer moaned, groaned and begged for it so loudly that he was screaming. Garry was almost certain that people would think someone was being murdered or tortured and that the cops would be called on them.

That feeling when someone punches or hits you and electricity courses through your body, leaving you stunned? That's what Brad was experiencing each time Garry slammed all the way into him, hitting his prostate in the process. The pleasure was unimaginable, and he didn't want it to end.

To Brad's utmost surprise, this went on non-stop for well over an hour now. At no point did Garry's thrusting slow down or weaken, nor did he take any or breaks. The man just powered through, bulldozing Brad with the same ridiculous intensity the entire time without pause.

Brad had never been railed this hard for this long in one go. It should not have been physically possible for someone of Garry's physical condition to accomplish such a thing. Brad was even beginning to wonder if there was something supernatural going on, because there was just no conceivable way that Garry was managing to do this.

Another bizarre thing was that during this time, Brad had cum twice more, both times without touching his dick. Just the pleasure from getting fucked in the ass, as well as the psychological stimulation he got from letting Garry use him and the degrading insults being thrown at him, got him to blow his load twice hands free. That was three times that he'd cum without touching himself tonight. Meanwhile, Garry had not cum once.

It seemed like whatever was fueling his physical stamina, be it the utter rage and lust flowing through him or some otherworldly force, was also fueling his sexual stamina. But even this newfound resolve crumbled when Brad turned his head back to look at Garry and started begging to be bred.

"Please breed me Daddy! I need your cum inside me! Please! I want my guts overflowing with your cum. Dump your load in me and complete my humiliation!" Brad begged.

The look on Brad's face, along with his begging words, finally brought Garry to orgasm. He didn't just bellow, he was screaming like he'd just been stabbed in the chest, as his cum came bursting forth from his dick. Previously, Sam came inside Brad with the biggest load he had ever taken, but that was nothing compared to what Garry was unleashing inside him.

Having been fucking Brad for almost two hours straight, along with all the other sexual things they did before that, and not having cum in a week, Garry's huge balls were fully locked and loaded. He came so much, and so hard, that Brad thought the fat man had replaced his cock with a firetruck hose that pumped out cum instead of water. The boy even began to wonder if the man wasn't cumming and actually just pissing inside him, because there was just that much fluid being pumped into him.

Much like Brad wondered if there was something supernatural going on with Garry's physical and sexual stamina, he began to wonder if there was something supernatural going on with the man's orgasm. It seemed like way too much cum for a human being to shoot. Garry's dick just kept shooting and shooting cum into his ass. He filled his guts up so much, to the point that it overflowed and the cum started dribbling out of his ass despite his hole being fully stuffed and plugged by Garry's dick and the load being delivered deep inside him.

After Garry had finally finished riding out his orgasm and dumping his unnaturally large load into Brad, he remained on top of the boy, practically crushing him under the weight of his body. Brad now enjoyed the feeling of Garry's fat body enveloping his own because it made him feel so dirty, but he couldn't have gotten out even if he wanted to.

Eventually, Garry was able to muster the strength to roll of Brad. Getting off of the boy also meant his dick slid out with a "plop", and cum started cascading out of Brad's ass and onto the bed. The amount of cum that came out of his ass was both terrifying and comical at the same time. But, as always, the cum was in pristine condition, with not a single trace of dirt in it thanks to Brad's rigorous cleaning.

Brad was still so fucking horny though. He decided to take a page from Garry's book and scooped up all the cum off of himself and the bed and smeared it across Garry's tits and body. There was so much cum that despite Garry's massive size, Brad was able to coat his entire torso with the sticky white fluid.

Then, Brad started licking the cum off Garry. He licked and he licked until he there wasn't a spec of cum on the fat man's body left, and then he continued to lick even more. He began worshipping Garry's grotesque fat body with his tongue, exploring places no man had ever gone before.

Brad was licking Garry's underboobs and licking between the folds/rolls of fat that covered his body. He even lifted up Garry's huge gut and began licking the underside of his belly. He didn't just light pass his tongue over these areas briefly, he was avidly licking and swiping his tongue deeply across them as if Garry was made of candy.

The boy carried on worshiping Garry's fat body with his tongue for a good thirty minutes, coating his body and the insides of his fat folds with his saliva, at which time the man's dick managed to spring back to life. Brad moved down and took the whole thing into his mouth. He felt the head press against the back of his throat, and he slowly slid it all the way down until he reached the base of Garry's cock.

The boy got into a rhythm, and before long he was bobbing up and dock Garry's dick at full speed. He was so into it that he didn't even realize he had just cum, again without touching himself, until it started splattering on his thighs.

Brad cumming a fourth time without touching himself managed to get Garry to his second climax.

"Oh fuck, I'm about to cum again, boy!" Garry shouted.

The stud quickly mounted him in reverse cowgirl, and skewered himself onto Garry's dick just in time for the first eruptions. It was nowhere near the ridiculous amounts of cum as the man's first orgasm, but it was still a fucking massive load. He rode him until he'd milked the last drops of cum from Garry's dick with his ass, and then hopped off, plopping down beside Garry on the bed.

They were both speechless. There was nothing they could say about they just experienced together, it was beyond words, so they just lay there for a while in silence.

"I have an early class tomorrow. I think it's about time you head out," Garry eventually said, breaking the silence.

'Yeah, I have swim practice tomorrow too, so I should go get some rest," Brad replied.

"When you shower at your place, make sure you don't clean out your ass. I want you to keep that second load of mine inside of you all night long," Garry demanded.

"Yes Daddy," said Brad compliantly, as he gave Garry one last deep, sloppy kiss, before putting his clothes on and heading out.

As Brad showered at home, he thought about cleaning his hole. After all, it had gone through so much tonight, and Garry wouldn't know whether or not he actually cleaned himself out. But having the fat man's load inside him made him feel so dirty, and he decided to leave it in.

Utterly exhausted and spent, Brad collapsed onto his bed and fell right asleep, with his fat daddy's huge load still inside him. And it would stay inside him all night as he slept.

End of chapter 3.