Hot gay clip of Antonin Devos

Link works.
Right click on the link ANTDV.avi at the bottom and save the file.
Do it quick as the page redirects within a few seconds - which seems really silly to me. Lite (BETA) - Porn

Here he is in a straight video with one of the most beautiful porn actresses you'll ever see. The pixel quality isn't the best.

If anyone has more video or galleries of this model please post them. Her incredible face and sleek natural body are not what you generally see in porn.
I posted 2 long clips of this girl and Antonin Devos earlier on this forum. So look them up.

Her name (or rather the name used the most) is Klara Weselowska. You should be able to find plenty of stuff on the net using this name.

But, alas, if this site (Dr-Hardcore - Klara Weselowska) is to be believed, she is no longer active. Pitty.