How can I stretch to be deeper?

Technically speaking, your large intestines are about 5 feet long, so that's your maximum depth.

But I think what you're talking about and experiencing is that the average rectum is only about 6-8 inches in depth before it makes a turn and becomes more properly described as part of your large intestines.

Some people who are into fisting have worked to straighten out their sigmoid colon and shifted their descending colon more towards the middle of their gut, allowing someone to go in about 12-15 inches (the length of a forearm).

Unless you're really trying to get into the realm of fisting, if you feel like your dildo is "bottom out" (hitting the end of the rectum) your best bet is to maybe wiggle it towards your left side and maybe you can start to work it into the part that becomes the sigmoid colon. Eventually you may rearrange things and let you go much deeper. But the down side is that you could also rupture your colon and then you're looking at possible septic shock and death, surgery, maybe a colostomy bag, and a very likely end to your anal adventures.

Positions where your knees are bent to your chest will help straighten your colon. Also aiming towards your left shoulder with your toy. Lots of lube. Never force anything, slow and gentle. You don't want to go to the ER with a perforated bowel. The toy should be very jelly, flexible and bendy.
I have been trying to achieve the same thing, and your first reply was very thorough!

I am trying to rearrange things to take it deeper. I found to get around the bend you have to start with something pretty flexible to gently negotiate the turn. Go SLOW, and don't force it too hard. Use a slimmer diameter at first too, with a simple rounded head... nothing too pointy! SLOW AND RELAXED!

Once I got it to go past the first major bend, then there is the second one in the opposite direction. It went easier for me. Then I was able to go a full 14" deep. I could feel and see it bump below my left ribcage.

I am working to slowly increase the firmness to get my insides into a straighter line. Still working on it! Then I also want to increase the dianeter too.

Hoping to be able to take long cocks balls deep. The feeling of it going so deep is intoxicating! But actually, for orgasmic, anal prostate pleasure I get more joy from more girth that only has to go 5 to 7 inches deep.