How do you measure up???

Sally Ann

Superior Member
Aug 14, 2015
No Response
Put in your size and see your results:

Very interesting link, although I'm not sure how scientific it really is. I put my hubby's details in and he is very much average, which is good- average height, average size.

Interestingly (encouragingly?), half the men in a room of 1,000 would be longer, and 210 would be thicker. Almost 2 billion in the planet are longer, but only 458 million are thicker than my husband.

Based on number of partners I've had, the calculator says there is Zero percent chance that he is my biggest ever. Correct!
The calculator doesn't go on the calculate how many past lovers would have been bigger. Maybe they should add that for interest.
( For the record, it's 7, or maybe 8.)

When I put in my biggest lover's details (estimated), apparently there are over 12 million men on the planet thicker, but only 8 men on the planet that are longer, which is clearly nonsense.

It's good for a bit of fun though.
It IS fun! I guess it's pretty close to CalcSD's results but fun because it gives other ratios and relationships.

In a room of 1000 guys, 2 would be longer and 16 would be thicker.

6.4 million would be longer but 61.6 million would be thicker. :(

99.3% chance that I am her longest; 93.9% that I am her thickest.

Bone pressed (as they suggest at the website) I am 7.5" by 6" so these are those results:

Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 99.8%
In a room of 1000 guys, 2 would be larger.
Girth Percentile: 99.7%
In a room of 1000 guys, 3 would be larger.

Non bone-pressed I'm 7" by 6" and these are those results:

Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 98.6%
In a room of 1000 guys, 14 would be larger.
Girth Percentile: 99.7%
In a room of 1000 guys, 3 would be larger.

These results look like they are using the CalcSD data.
No matter what, the results line up with my real world experience with the 13 different women that have experienced my erect penis. All of them mentioned my size as being among the biggest they every had.
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Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 17%
In a room of 1000 guys, 830 would be larger.
Girth Percentile: 32.9%
In a room of 1000 guys, 671 would be larger.

Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 17%
In a room of 1000 guys, 830 would be larger.
Girth Percentile: 32.9%
In a room of 1000 guys, 671 would be larger.
Length 23.1 and girth 26 so I am longer and thinner than you
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Length Percentile: 92.9%

In a room of 1000 guys, 71 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 90.1%

In a room of 1000 guys, 99 would be larger.
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Interesting and amusing! But I do suspect that it uses simple Gaussian estimates which don't seem to reproduce the tails of the distribution. I've seen enough tiny and huge guys to know this isn't right.

In my case, my length (8.5") is well into the 100% category by length, and that's clearly not right. Only 20,000 men in the world longer than me? I don't believe it.

I like the "chances you are her biggest" calculation. As expected, it says every woman I've been with would find me to be her longest, which is true with (relatively small) number of women I've been with. So it would be nice to calculate something like that -- if you've slept with X women who have each had Y partners, what's the chance that you're the longest any of them have ever fucked?
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Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 0.6%

In a room of 1000 guys, 994 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 0.1%

In a room of 1000 guys, 999 would be larger.

And not surprisingly, if she's had 1 other partner there is a 0% chance I'm her largest

Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 99.1%

In a room of 1000 guys, 9 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 90.1%

In a room of 1000 guys, 99 would be larger.
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Comparison to the Average Dick

Length Percentile: 100
In a room of 1000 guys, 0 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 96.2
In a room of 1000 guys, 38 would be larger.

Nowhere near as well as I'd like to ‍ girth gains appear to be VERY slow for me, gained a permanent 1/2 inch of length over probably 6/12 months but about 0.2/0.3 inch girth! Sad times
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Comparison to the Average Dick

Length Percentile: 100
In a room of 1000 guys, 0 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 96.2
In a room of 1000 guys, 38 would be larger.

Nowhere near as well as I'd like to ‍ girth gains appear to be VERY slow for me, gained a permanent 1/2 inch of length over probably 6/12 months but about 0.2/0.3 inch girth! Sad times
Didn't see these stats!!

"Comparison to World Population​

465,946 guys on earth have a longer dick than you.

151,388,198 guys on earth have a thicker dick than you.

Based on world population in February 2022"

Well that makes me feel sad

"Chances you are Her Biggest

Body Count (other than you): 50

Chance you are her longest: 99.4
Chance you are her thickest: 14.1%"

That seems VERY optimistic given the comments of the vast majority of the girls I have slept with!!

I think more realistic would be:

Chance you are her longest: 5-10%
Chance you are her thickest: 3-5%
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No surprises here...

At 6.5 long I am longer than most men, but with only 4.3 inches in girth i am in the lower third.

My girlfriend has been with about 20 guys in her life... we are both in our 60s now. The "chances" section seems plausible...

She claims I am the longest she's had, and the stats say i have about a 24% chance of that being so. So maybe it's true.

And i have a 0% chance of being her thickest. And I know for a fact I am not. She has told me that! Her exs were for the most part thicker.

My ex wife said she wouldn't have wanted me any longer, but also confirmed i was the thinnest she had. And told me she wished I was thicker. So the stats ring true with her too.
I've had most of my women comment on my size and rarely have a guy comment but around here I feel tiny.

FEel free to check my profile for my pics and let me know how I size up.

How Big is Your Dick?​

Enter your measurements in inches.
Length: 7.5
Girth: 6.25

How to Measure

Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 99.8%
In a room of 1000 guys, 2 would be larger.
Girth Percentile: 99.9%
In a room of 1000 guys, 1 would be larger

How Big is Your Dick?​

Enter your measurements in inches.
Length: 8.5”
Girth: 5.5”

How to Measure

Comparison to the Average Dick​

Length Percentile: 100%
In a room of 1000 guys, 0 would be larger.
Girth Percentile: 96.2%
In a room of 1000 guys, 38 would be larger.


It can't be right?
I'm not big, I'm average...

Length Percentile: 92.9%

In a room of 1000 guys, 71 would be larger.

Girth Percentile: 84.1%

In a room of 1000 guys, 159 would be larger.
We’re not all average, baby
you‘re bigger than average