Hunks with Small Cocks and Long Hair


Worshipped Member
Platinum Gold
Jan 24, 2009
100% Straight, 0% Gay
There's already a thread about men with long hair, but most of the cocks are big or average in size. Being modestly endowed myself, this thread is for photos of good-looking men with small cocks and long hair.

When I was younger and playing football in college, I often wore my hair long, sometimes shoulder length or even longer. It turned lots of girls on! Some even singled it out as one of my best features. I also later wore it long when I got out of the Navy and went back to finish up college. It's always been interesting seeing other guys with long hair, especially, like me, with small cocks.

I've tried to keep the hair as long as possible in my pics, and the dicks as small as possible, but feel free to stretch things a little if you find a photo you really like.
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Poor film quality, believe it's a screen shot from an early film by Bob Mizer of AMG. I wonder how the guy on the left is hung? It would seem strangely appropriate that he'd be hung like a small horse; he does appear to be laughing or sneering a little at his partner's little member. But why so shy? The guy on the right is cute but brings to mind the phrase, "All potatoes, no meat!" (An alternate screen name I've used in the past. :emoji_laughing: ) Great tan! I don't imagine anyone would ever hold his shortcomings against him.

If you've ever wondered what those tough hockey players had beneath their pants -- and who hasn't? -- wonder no more. This is Eric Sanderson, the Canadian center and two-time Stanley Cup champion who helped transform the culture of the professional athlete in the 1970s. He played from 1965 to 1978 for the Boston Bruins, Philadelphia Blazers, New York Ranger, St Louis Blues, Vancouver Canucks and the Pittsburgh Penguins. His cock wasn't that long either, but, like him, cute.

Nice-looking guy. His hair's longer than hers! And she seems to have a problem with something and -- hint -- once more, it's obviously not the long hair. Rule of thumb: the cock should always be longer than the hair on your head. (I'd need a crew cut or a Yul Brynner!)*

I have another problem, though: Who takes pearls to bed? They draw attention from her main attractions. :emoji_laughing:

* This pic coulda been taken at any of my many hookups with women. Her look is very familiar to me. And, remember, I wore my hair long back then. I wasn't aware of the rule that my hair should be longer than my cock. Hell, my pubic hair was almost longer!
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Two nice-looking studs by Bob Miser of AMG. Tico Patterson, the resident big-dick stud in residence, is noting that his buddy's hair is way longer than his short cut, but happy in the knowledge he has the much longer cock. His hard stare is obviously communicating that fact to the other model.

Notice the body language of the two men: Tico's legs are spread wide apart for full view; his friend's are closer together, with the one knee raised, blocking Patterson's view of his smaller dick. Also notice, Patterson's big dick completely covers his balls, while his buddy's are fully exposed.
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Another mismatch regarding the lengths of hair and cock. The older guy really seems to be enjoying the contrast; his long-haired, small-cocked companion, not so much. The long-haired guy can take comfort; lots of gay men prefer youth over size.