Hunks with Small / Tiny VPL - Visible Penis Line - Exposed - Everyday / Accidental Pictures Only

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nice little exposed numbs exposed :)

More like thumbnails, actually. . . I have to see an eye doctor, may need eye glasses or contacts. . . and, unless I do a screen shot, can't download these miniature images to Photos for enlargement. Where did we develop this fetish for teeny tiny postage-stamp-sized photos?

And when did we start saying "numbs" instead of "nubs"? "Numb" means to be deprived of the sense of felling; "nub" is a small lump or protuberance. I have a small nub, but it's never numb. Now I've been called "Numbnuts", as in "Hey, Numbnuts!" but that's a derogatory term for a foolish or despicable idiot, kinda like a "little prick". OTOH, I have big nuts.

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More like thumbnails, actually. . . I have to see an eye doctor, may need eye glasses or contacts. . . and, unless I do a screen shot, can't download these miniature images to Photos for enlargement. Where did we develop this fetish for teeny tiny postage-stamp-sized photos?

And when did we start saying "numbs" instead of "nubs"? "Numb" means to be deprived of the sense of felling; "nub" is a small lump or protuberance. I have a small nub, but it's never numb. Now I've been called "Numbnuts", as in "Hey, Numbnuts!" but that's a derogatory term for a foolish or despicable idiot, kinda like a "little prick". OTOH, I have big nuts.

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Very good points. Always insightful
However did you consider their little nub could be numbs from all that wrestling ? :)
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