I’m An Undetectable + Gay Guy And I Want To Find Love ‍♂️

Would you go on a date with someone who is undetectable positive?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 84.2%
  • No

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
Absolutely! Good luck in finding that person of your dreams. You have worked to get your virus suppressed; make sure you have also worked on personal characteristics that make you a desirable person who is a good listener, honest, has a good sense of humor and confidence.
A guy being undetectable is not a problem for me. There are many things I look for in a guy. A guy that obviously worked on getting back to good health and is taking care of himself is a good thing. If a guy is positive and not taking care of his health, that would be a big red flag. Good luck in your dating.
I have been with my partner for 18 months and he has been amazing. I know we will be together for the rest of our lives.

I likely would never have met him if I didn't get HIV. It puts things into perspective for me.

When I first found out I was + I thought I would be alone for the rest of my life. Don't lose hope, one day you will find someone who is understanding and will love you exactly the way you are.
be honest about your status but don't let it control your dating life, its one part of who you are mate, not the all and everything of who you are.

whats more important is how you manage it, and the type of guy you are in life.

so good luck mate
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Over two decades ago, long before modern therapies, at a time when medicine could not even conceive of there ever being such a thing as an undetectable (and essentially un-transmissible) status, I chose to date, and later lull to sleep in my arms every night, a man whose viral load was so high that most labs were unable to properly measure it. I was then, and am to this day, HIV-negative, tested quarterly. I am not a particularly lucky person. We simply took appropriate precautions to deal with what was an inconvenient fact in our relationship.

Today, with the ability to maintain a stable undetectable status, through meds that are much gentler on the body, and the possibility of further assurance through a partner using PrEP, the situation is far less complex to deal with, and should not be an issue.

When I met him on the patio of that bar long ago, the second sentence out of his mouth concerned his HIV status, frightening as it was*. Simply be forthright about your status. If some one rejects you in this day and age, consider that they have done you a favor, because they simply weren't worthy of you in the first place.

*My response was that you just need to be hugged that much tighter. By the way, my uncle was one of the early casualties of AIDS, so I knew exactly what I was potentially getting into.