Over two decades ago, long before modern therapies, at a time when medicine could not even conceive of there ever being such a thing as an undetectable (and essentially un-transmissible) status, I chose to date, and later lull to sleep in my arms every night, a man whose viral load was so high that most labs were unable to properly measure it. I was then, and am to this day, HIV-negative, tested quarterly. I am not a particularly lucky person. We simply took appropriate precautions to deal with what was an inconvenient fact in our relationship.
Today, with the ability to maintain a stable undetectable status, through meds that are much gentler on the body, and the possibility of further assurance through a partner using PrEP, the situation is far less complex to deal with, and should not be an issue.
When I met him on the patio of that bar long ago, the second sentence out of his mouth concerned his HIV status, frightening as it was*. Simply be forthright about your status. If some one rejects you in this day and age, consider that they have done you a favor, because they simply weren't worthy of you in the first place.
*My response was that you just need to be hugged that much tighter. By the way, my uncle was one of the early casualties of AIDS, so I knew exactly what I was potentially getting into.