I need to know my chances-size-wise


Just Browsing
Sep 17, 2013
100% Straight, 0% Gay
When I see all the girls walking around in shorts and tight clothes I get really turned on. I wish I could sleep with any of them. I haven't had sex and I am 30.

I am worried about my size. I am about 6 inches long and approximately 5 inch around at the base and around 4.5 inches around mid-shaft.

What the hell are my chances of giving someone a good time?

Please let me know.
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LaFemme thanks for responding. I am new here and trying to get some rough answers for myself.

I just need to know the rough ballpark reaction of a supposed someone who may be having sex with me. I would like to do a shitload for her but need to know what I can do.

should i put any hopes in trying to give a good time sexually speaking in which people give a good time to a woman. or should i take up an instrument like the guitar to play or learn ancient hebrew?
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Ever happen upon someone in a wheelchair? Isn't it wonderful how the physically challenged live a full life even though to us it might take extra effort?

How about short people? One of my friends is 4'10" tall, and she has issues sometimes in her own kitchen. But she's learned to work around it.

From your description you are not challenged anywhere but in your own head. The effort required to make you function in society needs to take place between your ears and doesn't involve any other orifice.

Happiness is acquired. It's not doled out like sunshine. Now, get your head out from your crotch and live life. This is not just directed at you but all men who think their entire self worth is hanging between their legs.
I feel bad for you because you seem so clueless. A 6 inch penis is just fine, but in just a short post you showed a number of things that are really unattractive and probably turn women away:
You think your ability to make someone happy comes from the size of your dick.
You lack confidence and you don't think you're a good catch.
You don't have standards and you don't care who you screw - you want to have sex with any cute piece you see.
In short, you sound like a 13 year old. You probably need to grow up a little and improve your relationship with yourself before you think about one with someone else.

When I see all the girls walking around in shorts and tight clothes I get really turned on. I wish I could sleep with any of them. I haven't had sex and I am 30.

I am worried about my size. I am about 6 inches long and approximately 5 inch around at the base and around 4.5 inches around mid-shaft.

What the hell are my chances of giving someone a good time?

Please let me know.
When I see all the girls walking around in shorts and tight clothes I get really turned on. I wish I could sleep with any of them. I haven't had sex and I am 30.

I am worried about my size. I am about 6 inches long and approximately 5 inch around at the base and around 4.5 inches around mid-shaft.

What the hell are my chances of giving someone a good time?

Please let me know.

I'm sorry about the negativity of these other posters. You don't deserve to be patronised like that. This is meant to be a supportive community but unfortunately the snide and inconsiderate responses so far do not reflect this.

Now then: are you at all rich?
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I agree with Tactfulgal and EllieP. Quit your stinking thinking, choose to be happy, get a spine, some self worth, and some standards. Should you learn languages and instruments? Well, you should be well-rounded. Everyone should. I can speak two languages, have read a lot, traveled, am an excellent baker,can play the bass, can sing well, and have run a marathon. I wouldn't be interested in a man who was just a dick. What will we share when we aren't horny? That's really important stuff. In fact, without something to share, why would I be around you when I am looking for sex in the first place?
thanks EllieP, tactfulgal, and AlteredEgo also.

You have been helpful and also very delicate and sensitive to me. I love women like you. But there are women out there who insist on talking about just how great size makes them feel. And not just short and crisp like 'I like big fat dicks' but really subtle and long winded ways of saying just exactly how they equate that with almost every other aspect of the personality of the man and how without that everything else is basically worthless.

do they have a problem that I should know about. you are experienced women with a love for sex. you can help me. are they the rule or the exception. I know that they may be 50% or even a minority, and I have read in many places how women who even if they can't feel their boyfriends penis still insist that he is a great lover. Actually my room mate is smaller than me. And his gf is pretty good looking. Do these women not know how to get a bigger dick or are they more broad-minded meaning that my looks and intelligence also come into play with them.
I am good looking, have long hair, a decent personality and most people call me very intelligent, some call me a genius in earnest. I just call myself smart. But having a less than girthy penis is holding me back. I would like to be in so many relationships because there are so many great women out there, but want to be sure that when we sleep together then she doesn't regret it and leaves and then makes me feel bad.

My IQ is 122, meaning that I am in the 93rd percentile of the population. I am the smartest guy in each of the classes I am currently taking in my graduate program. All the girls like me because unlike in the area of sex, in intellectual stuff I am hyper-aggressive and don't hold back in showing how others are worthlesss. Also, when I took the GRE, graduate record examination, I scored in the 97th percentile. So I am really smart. Somehow that seems to attract women which I don't understand since they have not yet seen my penis and I have grown up believing and subconsciously still believe that at bottom that is what they crave. But if you can tell me that there is more to it, that knowing my dimensions, I should still go ahead, I will do so, if only for your sake since you are so kind and gentle despite being highly experienced.
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thanks EllieP, tactfulgal, and AlteredEgo also.

You have been helpful and also very delicate and sensitive to me. I love women like you. But there are women out there who insist on talking about just how great size makes them feel. And not just short and crisp like 'I like big fat dicks' but really subtle and long winded ways of saying just exactly how they equate that with almost every other aspect of the personality of the man and how without that everything else is basically worthless.

do they have a problem that I should know about. you are experienced women with a love for sex. you can help me. are they the rule or the exception. I know that they may be 50% or even a minority, and I have read in many places how women who even if they can't feel their boyfriends penis still insist that he is a great lover. Actually my room mate is smaller than me. And his gf is pretty good looking. Do these women not know how to get a bigger dick or are they more broad-minded meaning that my looks and intelligence also come into play with them.
I am good looking, have long hair, a decent personality and most people call me very intelligent, some call me a genius in earnest. I just call myself smart. But having a less than girthy penis is holding me back. I would like to be in so many relationships because there are so many great women out there, but want to be sure that when we sleep together then she doesn't regret it and leaves and then makes me feel bad.

My IQ is 122, meaning that I am in the 93rd percentile of the population. I am the smartest guy in each of the classes I am currently taking in my graduate program. All the girls like me because unlike in the area of sex, in intellectual stuff I am hyper-aggressive and don't hold back in showing how others are worthlesss. Also, when I took the GRE, graduate record examination, I scored in the 97th percentile. So I am really smart. Somehow that seems to attract women which I don't understand since they have not yet seen my penis and I have grown up believing and subconsciously still believe that at bottom that is what they crave. But if you can tell me that there is more to it, that knowing my dimensions, I should still go ahead, I will do so, if only for your sake since you are so kind and gentle despite being highly experienced.
It takes all kinds to spin the world. It doesn't matter what I think, because I'm not likely to be one of your partners. There are women who don't like a penis with the same girth as yours at all. What percentage of women is this? I have no idea. I imagine that casual sex with those women would mean they might not return your calls. I imagine that early discovery while developing a romance might mean rejection. Either way, it doesn't mean something is wrong with your penis. It's incompatibility, plain and simple. So you'd dust yourself off, lick your wounds, and try again with another woman. What you seem to be asking for is something I can't give you. You seem to be asking for some kind of guarantee that if you put your cock out there, you won't ever get hurt. I promise the opposite. If you have sexual relationships, sometimes you're going to get hurt. But that's true for everyone. To find satisfaction and love you have got to risk rejection and pain. There's no way around that for anyone.

Personally speaking, if we were attracted to each other, and got along well, and decided to explore our mutual attraction, I'd try out your cock. It is thinner than what I'm used to, but not so thin that I'd worry I couldn't enjoy it.
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It takes all kinds to spin the world. It doesn't matter what I think, because I'm not likely to be one of your partners. There are women who don't like a penis with the same girth as yours at all. What percentage of women is this? I have no idea. I imagine that casual sex with those women would mean they might not return your calls. I imagine that early discovery while developing a romance might mean rejection. Either way, it doesn't mean something is wrong with your penis. It's incompatibility, plain and simple. So you'd dust yourself off, lick your wounds, and try again with another woman. What you seem to be asking for is something I can't give you. You seem to be asking for some kind of guarantee that if you put your cock out there, you won't ever get hurt. I promise the opposite. If you have sexual relationships, sometimes you're going to get hurt. But that's true for everyone. To find satisfaction and love you have got to risk rejection and pain. There's no way around that for anyone.

Personally speaking, if we were attracted to each other, and got along well, and decided to explore our mutual attraction, I'd try out your cock. It is thinner than what I'm used to, but not so thin that I'd worry I couldn't enjoy it.


Thanks. It means a lot to me. Your words. Just the thought of a woman approving of my penis means worlds to me. And it would be so much damn fun to fuck. I could never get enough.
Hey girls,

I finally gathered the courage to take some pictures and upload them on BlogSpot which allows nudity as long as its marked adult.

AlteredEgo, can you take a look and let me know where I figure in the scheme of things?


Please tell me as fast as possible. I can't keep living in this dilemma. I need to go to a girl who has proved herself worthy of my admiration, she has literally wrenched these feelings out of me by fucking my mind, and want to know whether to keep looking at my crotch or look at her. I know that either way she will like me, because she knows how much I like her. I just hope she does not play with me too much. I think I will go ahead and talk to her anyway, regardless of my dick size and stuff. But it would be great if that aspect was on my side as well. Though, you know, fear does make things more exciting.
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Hey girls,

I finally gathered the courage to take some pictures and upload them on BlogSpot which allows nudity as long as its marked adult.

AlteredEgo, can you take a look and let me know where I figure in the scheme of things?


Please tell me as fast as possible. I can't keep living in this dilemma. I need to go to a girl who has proved herself worthy of my admiration, she has literally wrenched these feelings out of me by fucking my mind, and want to know whether to keep looking at my crotch or look at her. I know that either way she will like me, because she knows how much I like her. I just hope she does not play with me too much. I think I will go ahead and talk to her anyway, regardless of my dick size and stuff. But it would be great if that aspect was on my side as well. Though, you know, fear does make things more exciting.

CMON already. this sounds like a load of crap.
Go to her, but leave your insecurity at home. If you can't do that, pretend you have. Fake it for as long as it takes to become real. You have, by the measurements you posted, a perfectly normal cock, and a woman who drives you crazy. From what I can tell, most women don't have much of a preference for size as long as the size is about average. Too much bigger, too much smaller and obstacles become a part of the real world as opposed to just in your head. In your case, problems are just in your head. Now go let her smash you I to the mattress.
find an older virgin (female) or prostitute thats not in your normal social circle, get a little experience under your belt. Each woman is different, some insist on size and some don't. But just remember, women DO talk so make sure your foreplay is A1.
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Go to her, but leave your insecurity at home. If you can't do that, pretend you have. Fake it for as long as it takes to become real. You have, by the measurements you posted, a perfectly normal cock, and a woman who drives you crazy. From what I can tell, most women don't have much of a preference for size as long as the size is about average. Too much bigger, too much smaller and obstacles become a part of the real world as opposed to just in your head. In your case, problems are just in your head. Now go let her smash you I to the mattress.

Thanks, AlteredEgo :069: