I should have said this…


Superior Member
Mar 15, 2011
White Plains (New York, United States)
69% Straight, 31% Gay
I really, really should have said this…

If I had only said that instead…

Oh man, why didn’t I think of that? Stupid!

Yep – I’m the king of the ‘coulda-shoulda-woulda’ said. My life would be 100% different if I had only said – even half of the time, hell, a quarter of the time, what in hindsight would have been a better answer. I am talking in any situation. Every time. I always mess it up. How you say? Want an example?

Easy. 6th grade with hottie Debbie with the budding tits. “What to come over and listen to music”. She was OUT OF MY LEAGUE. “Gee, sorry, can’t. My Mom needs me home to wash the dog”. Seriously. I said that. She just stared at me in incomprehension. She was offering me an invite to 6th grade taboo land – and I was too dumb to notice it.

Same again in 9th, 10th, hell every year. A buddy would be talking about some porn he had and wanted to know if I’d want to check it out with him…easily could have been a rub and tug and who knows what else. But nope, not me…”Sorry, can’t my mom won’t like it.” Again to an incredulous stare. Clearly, now I can see, he was like “who the fuck tells their mom” but he obviously thought I was way too much of a dumb fuck to even bother to explain the basic rules of teenage life…

And that’s been my life – the many missed sex ops come to mind, because who cares about the 2000 stupid responses to a better job, a better wife, a better frat, a better college….the list goes on. But somehow, somehow, it finally sunk into my brain maybe thinking BEFORE I said anything, and – you know, assessing a situation, maybe would allow me to up my chances of saying something less dumb. Which was encouraging to no end – got my fist blow job in a sauna at the gym as I watched one guy blow his load into another guys mouth as he was stroking his cock. I was staring and drooling, my mouth stupidly open…until the blower, his current buddy’s load blown, wanted to know if he could “help me out”. So I nodded and proceeded to have the most shocking orgasm of my life – shocking in that I saw my gism on his tongue but I was so keyed up I didn’t even feel the release. He was a GUY blowing me. Here, at the gym…

So my sheltered and pathetic teens rolled into a little more daring 20s, then my slightly emboldened early 30s, then to an experienced later 30s…but almost regressing in my verbal dumb ass – worried about saying the wrong thing and what people would think, etc. Pathetic and I knew it.

Which brings me to that fateful time and to finally saying, 100%, the right. I think. Maybe. Eventually. Thing. Best and most awesome thing that got me fabulously laid on a recurring basis – and with no collateral damage. PERFECT.

Spring, early last year. I was buzzing home, tunes on, shades on, mildly horny, but nothing out of control, just good. There is this dude – hot, trim, pumping hard as he runs up our steep hill. “Damn, who’s the hard body” as I pass by. It’s my street, so I’m not staring and getting jonesed…but I noted a definite hottie I’d like to see again – I was driving too quickly to check for any cock action (my favorite visual pastime) but the tight body was enough of a cheap thrill…Sigh, as the day and week went by.

I did stop in my driveway and the dude didn’t run by, so he was close – was he the neighbor? Ted or something. He’d texted about some work he was doing, and he and the wife ( I think) had honked and waved as I was out on walks or driving, but I didn’t know him from a hole in the wall. Hell, he’s the newbie, let him suck up to me…

Until Saturday. Out for a walk as it was a mild day for mid-March. Fuck. Same white nylon shorts and shirt as last week, so same hard body dude who riled me up last week…with a very obvious, you couldn’t miss it -- it would be rude to not acknowledge it….this large, puffy, cut, there, long, shlongy cock. In his shorts. Right there, swinging as he (Ted) walks up to me. I’m the literal deer in the head lights. My eyes are stuck on that magnificent cock. Eyes up dude. Fuck. Geez, Ted was kind of an ugly dude. I don’t mean ugly, just not my preferred hottie/pretty boy. He was just a dude. Working out, IN obscene shorts. He looked like a rough and tumble hockey player. A dude. A man. Totally not into making himself look good. But the hotness just oozed from him. But he was kind of butt faced ugly.

“Hey man, how’s it going” as he steps, cock swinging, down his small hill of a front yard. “Just awesome man, how are you? Pumping out some hard miles, I see – good for you” and he smiles, breathing a bit labored from his run. “Had to – if you know what I mean.” And he bends over, hands on his knees.

“You training or something? You look in great shape.” Ha, was his response – “I wish! No man, TMI but this energy is all, 100% unspent sexual tension.” Which does, as it would, leave me speechless. What do you say to that? What does an all straight man say? Let alone one with a healthy (and diverse) sexual appetite and morals more geared to openness? Or perhaps an ally cat, as the expression goes…Everyone should have a good time, after all…as I ponder an appropriate response, I see his wife go by in the house…so she’s not away/dead/ill….

“Dude, your wife is right there – go in and make her happy, it’s what we have them for in the first place!” There. I think that’s the right amount of cool and bravado…guy to guy. Go poke your wife. Gizz in her and your problem is solved…

“Ha, no joy there my friend! It’s PAINFUL. She’s totally on the rag and has been off limits for DAYS and it’s killing me” He’s still bent over and breathing, so I can’t see his face – maybe that’s what led me to be uncharacteristically bold – or maybe I just got stupid lucky. I’m thinking of awesome, daring responses “Let me take care of that for you, big boy” and “Please, fuck me right now, I need it bad” and even worse “Well, I am sure a cold shower would solve that”…none of which seemed suitable to the occasion, and, fortunately, I was saved from the inevitable embarrassment, by his further comment – “MY balls are so fucking blue I’m in pain. That run – I left my fucking jock at the gym in the city, stirred everything up and it’s like a corked bottle of fucking champagne – ready to blow”.. as he stands and his (semi?) is available for all and sundry to see…

“Ahhh” ...wimper…sniff…panic…”That’s awful man – I feel for you…been there, done that and it SUCKS…Hang in there, man, shouldn’t be too much longer, surely, no??” As he, hands on hips, cock protruding in its lazy idleness… begging me, so I am convinced, to make friends with it…

“No fucking way man, and that’s the fucking rub – she goes on the rag and it’s, like, 10 days of sheer hell. Moodiness, aches, pains, bitchy and she so does NOT want to hear about ‘my little problem’ ". Our eyes lock – go for it dude, man up…”So, dude – use your last report and take matters into your own hands…that should make you feel better, no?” God, I can’t believe I just (BOLDLY!) told my neighbor to jerk himself off! He’ll think I’m a freak and he’ll fucking never talk to me again and I’ll never see that awesome cock again – let alone up close!. My face is red and I’m dying a slow death here.

“Yeah, pathetically, that doesn’t work for me – I know, it’s sad, but like I can blow a load (of course!) but I get like total cummers-remorse, feel like shit, and them am back to being fucking super horned an hour later. It’s NEVER worked for me. I was always so jealous of buds who’d talk about rubbing one out and being good for a week. Never. I need skin on skin and sex to have any relief or it’s a total bummer.” He seems so real and so sad about the situation. Heck, I can see how that’d be awful. Every guy I knew – whether they’d admit it or not, loved tugging their chain…it’s what guys do, no? Wow – that’s a problem.

“Uhm, so like – don’t you have, like, a friend who can like help you out? Like, a little?” Which got me a nasty look. “I’m not risking my marriage to fuck some bimbo so I can get off…Not going to happen.” Ah. Yes, straight boy response. Should have seen that coming.

“No, like I mean, a gym buddy, a nice dude who’d blow you gratis in the sauna? Like, towel off, the guy likes cock, you let ‘em feast on yours, then go on your way…”

“Is that a thing? Do guys do that? No guys I’ve ever known have ever or would ever do that. I’m not getting on that app, what is it, Grinder?” Which leads me to believe, who the hell is he hanging out with? This is cool dude, formerly from Brooklynn, which was, IMO, anything goes, central…

“Um, like yeah. It happens all the time. Like every time I hit the steam room, there are always some dudes who look like they’ve either been going at it or are getting ready to…It’s what a “fuck buddy” or something? You know, ‘helping another bro out” – that sort of thing.”

“Really – like here? There are guys that’ll blow you in the gym? I could see in the city, but here?”

“Absolutely my friend! I do not tell tales, but it’s possible that maybe I’ve received some attention – but of course, only when it was absolutely necessary. I’m in a 100% committed relationship, and I love my wife, but every now and then a “buddy” can come in handy – so to speak.” I am so cool. So suave. He never even noticed that I totally said I’d let a dude blow me…

“For real? Wow. Blows my mind. How do you pick them, like what do you do?” He’s definitely interested in the concept, which is good…”Like, but that dude would be a fag, no?”

“Well, Ted, yeah, there are all sorts of guys that seem open to having some fun on the side. There are freaks and geeks of course, but I lucked out and I’ve one or two, shall we say “buddies” – who love to suck my cock and are very agreeable to my, hmmm…erratic availability.” Ted is looking thoughtful, like he is mulling over the idea, the concept…

“Like, no strings? Like a blow and go hooker but it’s a guy? And you don’t pay?” I shake my head. “Neither one of my buddies are paid. It’s always on my schedule. Risk free – and always satisfying. I always feel like I’m in control --- which is not something with the wife and kids and work that happens very often…and I learn new shit, which rocks!”

“No shit. Sounds like heaven here in the ‘burbs – you HAVE to give me his number. He’s local? I can run right over. You are a lifesaver! Literally, man, thanks!”

Okay, so like I thought I handled that well. But somehow I’m passing My Hottie with the hot cock and hot balls full of cum to my totally gay totally getting laid whenever they want buddies…How did I do so well and fuck this up…

“Easy, tiger! Reign it in man…it’s not like you can head over, drop trou and get a sloppy one…I am merely making suggestions on how you need to set this situation up for future remediation. Brad will absolutely help you out – he’s awesome, lives in town and has his own place – and gives great head – but he’s out of town, in Cali at the moment” –

Ted looks crestfallen. Like the proverbial baby with the stolen candy. Like he could cry. “You said buddies. So that means, what two…tell me, I am begging you, to tell me you have another buddy. Here. Now. And available to blow me? Please, I am begging?” His eyes are intense. Earnest. Damn, this boy needs it. His muscles are taught, strained. His cock hanging, protruding, looking like it KNOWS it’s the center of conversation…

“Yeah, ah, sure – JT is around…his skills are off the chart hot…but he’s not such an easy set up as Brad…”

“Whatever it takes man, let’s set this up and make it happen”

Fuck. Of course sex deprived big dick hottie needs to have it now. I want to die of embarrassment. I’ve gone way father then I ever have with another dude in terms of sex talk. Frank. Open. Cool about it. FUCK, what do I do…

“See, ah, Ted, kind of embarrassing, but like, JT is very cool and gives mind-blowing head—but he insists on like, 100% reciprocation…”

Blank stare from Ted…”See, Ted, like, he blew me once and it rocked, so like we hooked up again and it was awesome and he was fine with me giving him a hand job and he shot loads, and I was cool with it, a little freaked out touching another dudes dick, but all in all it was okay and it was fine, I mean, I have one too and I touch mine all the time, so it’s no big deal and not gay or anything, just two guys helping each other out when their ladies are otherwise occupied…” Shit. Just shut up. He is looking at you like, scornful. I just came out, totally, to my neighbor. May as well put a fucking tutu on and dance in ballet shoes…

“Okay, so, like glad that works for you man…but I’m not touching another guys dick. No way, no how. I’ll take cummers remorse and my chances at yanking the pud again tonight before I’d do any shit like that – but totally cool for you to be into that. I’m an open guy, that’s fine. No big deal…But wait, do you blow him, too? You said 100% reciprocal, and that he gives great head and….dude, you into cock or what?”

Fuck. I am an inch tall. I wish I’d melt into the grass…dry and shrivel up. I just came out to my neighbor and I’d be fine with that if his cock was now in my mouth/hand/ass/slapping my body…but it wasn’t.

“Um. It was really no big deal. I didn’t know. I mean. He blew me like before and it was fine and good and then well, like, he sort of expected the same. Perfectly reasonable if you think about it, which I did not, obviously at the time, think about it that is….Yeah. Like, well, it was no big deal. I just forced myself to like lick it and then like, taste it, and it was weird but okay at the same time. And like he put it in my mouth and I kind of rocked up and down, was like bobbing up and down and jeez, I was proud that I was working my way outta this shit situation.”

“So you let him gizz in you? Wasn’t that gross? Didn’t you throw up? I’d have decked the dude, blow job or not for sticking his cock in my mouth.”

“Well, no, not really. Not then at least. Gizz that is. Fuck this is embarrassing, can we change the subject, please?”

“No fucking way man, I am hearing this, fess up to your pussy boy actions here man, I want to know how, exactly, this ends”.

Groan. This ALWAYS happens and NEVER ends well…Fuck. And he is SO hot, too. I been having precum spurting out of my penis…Fuck.

“So like, well – he grabbed me by the ears and pushed me off his cock. I had no idea why, I was actually pretty pumped that I’d been able to take him. I mean, I NEVER ever wanted to blow a guy, but shit, it actually wasn’t that bad. Okay, turns out, I really sucked at giving head. TJ was like ‘that was the worst fucking head ever. Like rubbing my dick over a cheese grater would have been more fun’ – and he was, justifiably if your think about it, pissed off. Here he was giving me an exceptional BJ to me, and I was a fucking cheese grater. I was so embarrassed.”

“Yeah, and, so, WHAT HAPPENS dumbass! Did you blow him again and did he gizz in your mouth or what?” Ted is clearly vested in the story of my experience. Do I see his cock twitching? Holy hell…in for a penny, in for a pound.

“Well, so, TJ really was a cool dude and besides the great head he gives, he was a buddy – a true friend, and I knew we needed to work this thing out ….so he, God this is awkward… he talked me through it…” Blank stare. “He told me how to work my tongue, stroke with my hands – he is a big boy – and open my throat to him. I couldn’t do it at first, but he made me practice and then.”

“Wait – he made you blow him and you went back and blew him AGAIN?!?!? What are you fucking stupid? I know you are not an all fag kind of guy – I’ve seen your kids, but you went back and let him put his dick in your mouth AGAIN while he told you how to do it???”

“Ah, yeah, sort of. I mean, you make it sound not so good, but he taught me how to pleasure him the best and how to get the biggest load out of his balls by working his taint….”

“STOP! Not another word.” I couldn’t read his (fucking ugly) face. It was blank, except for the hints of revulsion. Pathetic disbelief, too. Like I was a stinking piece of dog shit stuck to his shoe. His scowl and looks – well, let’s just say it was bad…

“Ted, get the fuck in here. My mother is 2 minutes away and we only have an hour to get to the mall – Hi, Ethan, nice to see you. C’mon, Ted, NOW!” As the window above our heads was banged closed.

Silence. Looking back, he was clearly deciding his next action…but there, in front of an uber man, so masculine, so GUY -- pissed that his neighbor was a fag and clearly frustrated that this fairy had got him MORE riled up…it didn’t seem like the best day ever…

“I will text you in 5 minutes. We are NOT done with this. Come through the garage door when I give you the all clear.”

Fuck. I guess the beating was to continue….as he turned and walked his spectacularly round and firm all man ass into his house…
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I open my fucking diarrhea mouth? ‘You should have a buddy’. Fuck. This is your brick shit house built like a Mack truck who looks like he gargles nails and rapid fire shoots them out and pounds the living shit out of ‘fairies’ or whatever NEIGHBOR. Fuck. God, yes, he’s a hottie and that cock is to STOP TRAFFIC….but he’s straight. 100%. He’d never even HEARD of getting a hummer at the gym. Who lives in a cave like that. Shit. Fuck. 5 minutes until death. I need to walk around and clear my head. Shit. Fuck. No WAY am I going home. The wife will dissect me in seconds. “Perving on the hot neighbor with that rocking 15” fat cock who can so tickle my clit unlike your pathetic lame boner never can…” Okay, so that was my imagination….as I picture Ted pushing a hot cock into my wife and her moaning in ecstasy as I jerk my little boy pud as she cums…wait. Stop. You have a perfectly decent cock. Not huge, but above average – I claim 7 ½, but, well, we all know what that means…

Stop. Focus. His wife is leaving and he no doubt wants to hear about how to hook up with TJ. Or maybe he wants to lay down the law – “this will NOT be discussed again, and in fact this conversation NEVER took place”…Yeah. That’s it. Okay. God, I am nervous. My balls are tight and my gut is all butterflies…it’s his manner. His hard body. His attitude. Fuck it, fess up. It’s all about that fucking cock…

“Hey man, she just left. Keep it cool -- Give me 2 minutes then come in through the garage.”

Oh hell. Should I text someone, maybe TJ? Let him know where he can find my body?? Fuck. Okay. You are over excited about this guy and he just wants to talk to you. Of course it’s interesting to him, he’s clearly never heard or seen or thought of any of the brilliant things I was spouting on about. Shit.

I did a lap around the block to kill the time and with my limbs nervously twitching, my gut on fire and my balls impossibly tight, I walked in through his open garage door. Well, guess I keep on going…though the exterior door, up the stairs to the landing.

“Hey man” as he hands me a beer. He’s as I left him. Shorts, cock, shirt, sweat, nerves and cock and smell and pheromones and all. But he’s barefoot, having shucked his running shoes and socks. There is a faint smell of his feet or his pits or whatever. Something smells like man and my cock notices. ‘Don’t fucking betray me now’ I think, as I take the beer he offered.

We stand facing each other, he swigs his beer, so I swig mine. We are maybe a foot, 18” apart. I can feel his heat.

“Look, dude. This is awkward for me, okay. I’m sorry, I hate to do this…”

Oh shit. I was kidding – he’s going to fucking punch me into next week….Another swig of his beer.

“Could you – no – would you, please, like, um, just touch my cock?”

Huh? Touch – T – O – U -C- H – his cock?!? Wasn’t expecting that. Maybe this is the test before he beats me to next week….”Um. Why?”

He signs, shakes his head and swigs his beer, two then three sips, then drains his.

“If you touch it, just touch it, maybe stroke it once or twice, then I can spank it and it should do me good, kind of like sex as someone else touched me. You do NOT need to do anything else. At all. Anywhere or anytime, okay. And this convo stays just with us, okay man. This is a really big taboo for me, man. Having another guy, like, touch my dick. For the first time. EVER.” Pause. No more beer to swig. I hand him mine. “So would you, please? Touch it. Just a little?”

Fucking hell yes, given the alternative which was a slow and painful death….”Uh, so like, you want me to touch your cock?” as I look down and at this thing in his pants. Long and big and hard and at an odd angle of not down, not sideways and definitely not up….but to the side and moving up…as it pulses. Swallow. No, that’s a gulp….he nods. My hand is literally shaking – the emotions are overwhelming…fear, excitement, SEX, attraction, man scent, hard body. COCK…My fingers tremble as they flitter against his shaft…Ted gasps in a little air.

“Breath, Ted. Relax” as I move my fingers gently along him “You are a big boy there, man. Good for you” to which he silently nods, his eyes closed. “Shh. Don’t talk. Just do that. Yes, that. Now back to the tip.” He stifles a soft groan. I can see a moist spot growing larger at the head of his cock. SO hot. So close, so great…yet so far.

“Touch me” as my hand stops. What does that mean? I am touching him. He drops his hands to his waistband and pushes his shorts down just enough so his cock plops out. Oh. He meant touch him bare. Bare handed…Touch that magnificent piece of manhood which NO OTHER MAN has ever touched…It’s rude and veiny and pulsing and alive and purple-ish and I stroke him, feeling the heat radiate from him, my fingers circling, touching around the tip but not at the base, no way. Too fucking thick; Fuck. Long, Hard, Fat, Cut and 100% straight…Pulsing in my hand. I am too overwhelmed to feel any emotions other than lust. Desire. Want. I could shoot immediately....if I wasn't so enthralled with his cock.

I feel his hands on my shoulders and that spectacular, famous, universally experienced sign: pressure. The soft nudge, the firm push down…down onto my knees, eye level with this magnificence as he points his cock out straight and my lips are warmed by his heat, his passion…pulsing in him. The need for release obvious, painful to see, yet responsive to a soothing touch.…
It isn’t an action that requires thought or intention. My instincts kick in and I take his cock into my mouth, past my gag reflex and deep into me – just for a second, getting him wet and teasing him with my warmth, my wetness. I put the skills learned, taught, forced into my by TJ on how to pleasure a man. Properly. It’s the cock, the shaft, my hands gently twisting, the friction, the balls fingered, the taint stroked. He parts his legs giving access, enjoying himself. His eyes are closed as I look up and his hands are holding my head and me firmly in place…as my pleasuring of him continues…

His balls are, if anything, tighter now, and I know he doesn’t have much room left before he erupts. I work his shaft, then his taint and brush against his puckered hole. Brush it. Tap it almost, then back to the head, slit and down his shaft. I tap tap up his balls and I can feels the veins ready to shoot their spunky load…I work my finger to my mouth for some extra lube and push my finger back to his ass. The straight boy button. I circle him and sensing his pending ejaculation and pacing myself as TJ taught me, I push my finger just into his ass, just a little, way before his ring. But enough to focus his mind and hummn. Hmmm. There it is. That flood of warm salty essence, all man. All Ted. I swallow and work to keep up with his shots. He’s on his toes now, fingers deep in my hair. “Fucking yes, Man! Fucking BLOW ME!”

I lost count after 7 or 8 or so shots, cum leaking from my mouth as I tried my hardest to swallow him up. I’m losing the battle, but holy hell it was fucking awesome. I pull off him aware he would be sensitive. I work the underside of his shaft, milking the last drops of cum out. The air REEKS of cum. Fuck, there are splotches on the floor and or me. What a mess.

Okay. So. This is the red zone. Cummers Remorse. Where the ‘John’ feels incredibly bad and is liable to do just about anything in retaliation. Ted said he got that way, so forewarned is forearmed. I get up, and spotting paper towels on the kitchen counter, I go in and grab a few. I clean up the mess and give Ted space. “Look. Um. I’ll just clean this up and get out of here.” I steal a look at him. He’s just standing there. No real discernible emotion. Not happy, not sad. Just standing there with his cock wet and glistening. Happy, spent, dripping a drop of late cum, his shorts around his thighs. What do I do.

“Um, you are dripping cum.” As I move the paper towels to catch the last drip. He flinches at the roughness. Breaks his trance and pulls his shorts up. Cock flopping in, shirt askew. My 6 year old can do a better job…”I’ll just, ah, leave you to it, then. Okay?” No response. “You gonna be okay, Ted? I know that was a bit much for one day and maybe it was, well, um, too much, maybe. Like…”

Nothing. So I turn and open the window his wife had called out of, what, an eternity ago, but more like 10 maybe 15 minutes. “Better let this place air out a bit” and I fold the paper towels up and put them in my pocket and turn…”See you around, Ted. And oh, um.. Thanks. That was great. Hope it was good for you too.” Nothing. Nothing but my hard aching cock fully extended and pulsing precum as I leave.

Now for the best part.

“Honey, you home?” as I walk in, adjusting my cock to be less noticeable. “Any chance of a quickie, sweetie? Bitch of a walk”…as I proceeded to consume her soon to be very wet vagina and pounded her but good…all is fair in sex, love and the burbs, after all!

Okay, so I was on an emotional high. For like days. Everyone commented on it. Oh, the usual “someone got lucky” to the more mundane, “having a good day are we?”. I don’t know and I didn’t care. Life was good. I rocked the hottest neighbor-in-the-world world’s…and got laid and spread marital bliss to boot. What could be more perfect then that.

Except however, me. Or more rightly, my moods – my concerns, or more rightly, my imagination and my fears. . I was waiting for the text…”You are a dead man” or maybe “this never happened” or “You need to move”. But all I got was…nothing. Not a peep. No remorseful pity text. No gleeful “That was awesome” or, even better (smile, nudge, wink), “Let’s do that again…” What I got was….nothing.

Now that’s a huge let down. I go from perfect life to ‘did that even happen’ to I hope he’s not mad…

When I finally did heard from Ted, it was pretty much as I’d been coming to expect. It’s 10 plus days, more like 2 weeks since our “meeting” as I called it…and nothing from him over the past weekend. I hung around as un-obviously as possible hoping to run into him, see him running or just hanging out, but he kept himself busy. I saw the cars come and go, but they never passed by me, so not a wave. Nothing. I didn’t know what to make of it, but I went with nerves, fear, concern. Maybe a bit of shame tossed in. A real red blooded male letting a dude/fag/man such his cock. I am not sure why I put myself down, but it somehow fit into my version of the situation.

Then, out of nowhere, I get a text “We should talk. LMK when is good. Today after 3 works perfect for me if good 4 u.”

Damn. Here it is. Okay, defenses up. What will he say, what will I say, what will he do, what should I do? Pacing. If my brain could, it would have emitted steam out of my ears, so frantic I was to understand the situation. In the end, of course, I was completely off base.

He asked for me to swing by his house, again through the garage, after 3:00 and after, for sure, his wife’s car was NOT in the driveway…which I did. God. The thought of the same thing happening again got me hard, excited and scared all at once. So I also worked the other option of this could be a ‘cease and desist’ confrontation. End it so masculine boy could go on and lead his perfect hetero life with the perfect hetero cock and the perfect hetero wife. Wait. Stop. Just meet him. So that’s what I did.

I kind of just stood there. I said hello, of course, as did he. He seemed fine. Again, hard to read – happy, glad, sad, nada. He had khakis on and was barefoot…no straining, achy cock was on offer, as far as I could see…sigh. The silence was killing me and hell or high water, I had to – HAD TO, say something.

“Are you, ah, good, with, you know, like, last time?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? You mean last time you were here and you blew me?” Oh shit. No mincing words. Is he going for the kill….”yeah, that would be, ah, you know, what I was asking about.”

He looked at me and smirked. “Dude, your fucking rocked it. You sucked me so fucking dry I couldn’t get a boner for like 2 days, which isn’t true, as I get them all the time, but I didn’t think of sex, well, wait, no, I think of sex all of the time. Let me re-phase that. You sucked me so good and so dry that I was able to survive the last week of my wife’s period – And, she was super appreciative so that when things were back in order – we fucking rocked it. We’ve been banging around the clock, literally, for days. It’s too funny!”

Huh. Not what I was expecting…so silence was the response…so far at least.

“And uh, like, she’ll be starting her terror state next week, and I just wanted to give you a heads up.”

Okay. Excellent information to have, which all good neighbors should have, on their neighbor’s wife’s menstrual cycles…no wait, that’s not true. Why is he telling me this? Wait. No. Wait. No, it can’t be. My dick plumps just once in anticipation. Is that joy….wait…”you mean, you may need me again next week?” Shock, awe, silence.

“Oh no, man. Sorry. No – no way, I wouldn’t put you through that again – no way, not fair. I was hoping one of your buddies would be home and or around and that maybe you could intro me? Let me outsource the business, so to speak…”

Again, speechless. No way was I letting Brad or TJ anywhere near this stud. If there was cum to be consumed, it was all my job. I found him first and he’s mine. All mine. Mine, mine, mine. Both those guys would totally be in heaven and I’d be sitting high and dry and no doubt with huge full navy blue balls. I know what I want, and I know how to do it, and I know he enjoyed it last time and will for sure enjoy it again…but what to say that isn’t pathetic…that won’t piss him off or worse, insist on meeting the guys – he could easily go to the gym and in about an hour find both Brad and TJ who would NO doubt bend over any which way to get at that cock. Think man. How to close this deal….you’ve gotten so far.

“Well, Ted, I am fucking desperate for your cock and I want to rub my nose in your pits, ass and all over and smell like you and lick you and jam your rock hard big fucking throbbing cock hard and dry into my tight but well fucked ass whenever you want….”

Wait. Nope. Going with that might not work so well. See, I said this ‘thinking before you speak’ thing had some validity to it…

“Let’s ah, you know, maybe take things a little slowly. I, ah, didn’t hear from you after our, ah, um, after (whisper) ‘I blew you’ and I wasn’t sure what your thoughts would be. Let me, ah, check with the guys and see if they might be open to meeting up – they are awfully busy, btw. But don’t worry – any issues, concerns, questions, you might have around your uh, ejaculations or, ah, lack thereof next week, I’d be happy to address.’ Pause. “like take care of”. Silence. “like I can blow you if you need it next week.”

“Oh, cool man. You are a lifesaver. You were talking so fucking much I was like, WTF are you talking about – ‘I can blow you’ is all I need to know. Thanks. Appreciated. I’d plan on from Tuesday on, btw…so LMK if you aren’t around and or if you need me to go find one of your buddies. Do reach out to them, just in case you aren’t around.”

Ha – as if! I can 200% honestly say, I will ALWAYS be around for that cock…attached to that hard body…with that guy. Who was fucking ugly but so fucking hot. I was hard and need to rub one out…Damn. Next Tuesday can’t come (ha, cum!) fast enough…
So a little bit about me. Pretty average in all – I have a good job, some cash, a modest lifestyle I can just about afford. Kids. Things are good. But I do like dick. So, being all gay and out wasn’t an option for me, which left the next best thing, which is the (self) moral permission to pursue things on the side – as needed, without blowing up the rest of my life. No doubt there will be some sort of reckoning at some point in the future, somehow, but as of now, I was (mostly) all good with my life. Keep the wife happy, and grab any passing cock that was willing to be grabbed. Safe, etc., but no reason to pass up an opportunity – I did my job with wife and kids, so this is my safety valve. My release to keep things sane. Until my pervo brain gets hyped up and I get so close to fucking things up…

These fuck-ups happen fairly routinely and with consistency and almost in direct correlation to how horny I am. Which, of course, would lead to – ‘then don’t get horny’ – obvious, if you think about it….but what triggers the old horn-dog gene? That’s where I fuck up. It could be grocery shopping and some dude’s corona is clearly visible in his pants. I’ve been known to circle an aisle (searching for that one thing) a lot. Each time laser focusing on that cock, does it move? How big? Is he into me? Sometimes the answers are yes, sometimes they are no…but now I‘m horny…and I don’t want my medicine…or maybe she doesn’t want to give it up…which leaves my mind to explore all other options. That usually gets me to the gym….or more speedily through a cursory work-out and into the sauna/steam rooms. Where trouble can be routinely counted on to happen…

Which is all good…most of the time, until I get one of my ‘infatuations’. That’s what Ted is. Everything comes back to my infatuation – ‘what time is dinner?’ really means, ‘I bet Ted’s eating now, and oysters so he’s super hard and will fuck his wife for hours tonight’…or, “does this dress make me look fat?’…which obviously means, ‘will Ted be flicking my bean in this dress then fucking me hard to multiple orgasms, which your limp dick never does, in this dress?’…I know, right. I want my wife to experience THAT cock. I know she’d love it…how do I bring it up? Wait, do I want to be cuckhold? This is dangerous. I’m picturing a fantastic 3 way where Ted fucks me and then I fuck my wife, and he cums hard in my super-tight never been fucked (that much) ass, then again immediately in her as she screams in ecstasy, me holding his cock as he pounds into her vag…wait…that sequence doesn’t really flow does it…

So, yeah. Those are my infatuations. Which gets me into huge trouble and always end badly…I just want an aggressive, horny he-man with an impossibly large cock who needs constant sexual attention, which I can easily, no problem, provide 24x7. Hence my dilemma…
“Hey there, neighbor – you around? Maybe want to grab a beer? My place. Like now?” Ha. Reads like Teddy boy is a little horned up and looking for action. It’s what, 10:32 a.m.? Perfect time for a beer. My wife will so think I’m becoming an alcoholic.

“Sure man, be right over” – I mean, what else can I possibly say to the guy. Never mind the list of ‘honey-do’ chores. Those will keep. Besides…my ‘beers’ with Ted tend to be pretty in and out…ha! If you get my drift.

He’s wearing his black basketball shorts and nothing else. Which is normally perfect, but black hides his bulge, which minimizes the hotness of it…but heck, I’m about to get that cock anyway.

Ted’s gotten pretty perfunctory. It’s sort of a fist bump, then a push down to the knees, cock flops out and I get to work on his semi. It may sound routine, but it’s heaven on earth to me. His cock is perfect in every way, and I love when it’s needy, but not quite awake…today he has a little crust on it – dried vag juice? I’m not saying nothing…judgement free zone here. Wait, so he got laid this morning AND he needs me here – yeah, like, a little early for the danger zone. Wait -- he just wants head? Awesome! As I lick his head, squeezing his shaft and lifting his balls. God I love big hairy, slap ‘em around balls. My nose goes under them and enjoys the scent of his taint. Deep breaths with slow warm exhale. He likes to know I’m down there, as is there were no other signs…As I lift his balls and refocus on his cock, running his shaft along my lips and tongue like an ear of corn, lubing him up. He’s just so delicious, it’s awesome to enjoy his whole package.

But apparently enough of that and he fists his cock into my mouth and holds my head firmly with his other hand. “good boy, good boy. Suck my manhood and get me going man. Yeah, that’s it" as my tongue swivels the length of him. I love tonguing his piss slit and hoping for the subtle taste of his pre. When he’s full on in and wet, it’s too difficult to taste him, especially today given whatever else created that nice curst. I do like to keep him dry so I can lap at his large first drops of pre as they spurt out. The man is a fluid machine, and it’s a nice part of the overall pleasure I get – seeing him horned up and then when he cums…but back to my man. I’ll tighten my lips and fist and bring up the pressure, his balls are about ½ an inch tighter, so he’s heading to this point of no return… twists, licks, tongue, all working to bring him closer…My palm is open and my middle finger is massaging his ass – which he has really grown to enjoy, anticipate even, as the part just before he shoots…his knees gently bent giving me access to his hole, fingers constantly applying firm then soft pressure, circular motions, tickles, teases, getting his cheeks separated and providing easy access to his button….

It’s like a symphony, really, or band or whatever music you like. My tightening motions, swivels, tongue flat out, hand on ass, his balls up, trusts faster, hands tight on my head, pistoning my head on his cock and or his cock into my head, hard to say which, he’s on his toes and is chin up, eyes no doubt towards heaven, or whatever, “Fuck, dude” and he slam-fucks me fast, eyes focused on my face, my lips, my mouth on his cock, in and out, in and out and hard and wet and fast and fuck, back on toes, “Shhhhiiiiiiiiitttttt”…..fuck, he pops a hard fast gizz load deep into me. I wasn’t deep throating him, I’m not too good at that yet so I had a massive wallop of gizz in my mouth, to swallow, with more coming. That’s when the symphony goes to complete shit and it’s all hands on deck to get that cum out, squeeze the shit out of that cock, every last drop out with pressure – up until that point, FUCK, when nope. Gotta stop. Hands off the Merchandise…sensitive time. “fuck, dude…” he whispers. Enoying his high. He shakes his head as if to bring him back to reality, cock is out of my mouth hanging gently defated there. I kiss his magnificence as a ‘thank you’ and get up off my knees.

“Pretty sweet one today, man. Thanks for letting me help you out – LMK when you need it again. Cheers man.” And I turn and go.

I know. He’s like a buddy. So why aren’t we hanging out? But that’s too close for comfort…when would be be hanging and when would be be having hot, passionate man sex? I’d rather keep his as the sex toy and fuck the friendship part. I have lots of friends anyway.
My legs are on his broad shoulders and his dick is buried deep in my ass. Both of my hands are pulling on his ass, moving my ass sideways to get all of him in. “Harder man, fucking POUND ME like you stole it.” My head is now back and I have spittle of precum across my chest which continues to stream from my cock. This is one superior fuck. I am tired and exhausted and about spent physically. My balls have been glued to my torso (and held up to avoid collateral damage as he slam fucks me) and I think I’ve forgotten how to cum. “Breed me man. Shoot in me. I want to feel it. Please. Now. Yeah, just right there” as he aims his cock to the right. He holds firm. In place. I feel full and consumed as if nothing else could be put into my body. And it feels great.

“You want me to cum, baby?” As his eyes penetrate my psyche as my head goes side to side. I nod. I cannot speak. “You know the rules baby. You cum then I’ll cum” as my hand goes to my cock “HANDS FREE! Or you get punished”. It’s torture, I lift my exhausted body up to him, closing the gap between us to put pressure on my cock as his stomach slides over me. I am hugging him and my cock, lubed and amply pre-cum coated, is getting the friction it needs. Fuck it’s been so long and there have been SO many false starts. He’s edge fucking me – getting me ready to shoot then stopping and it’s awesome and awful at the same time.

“I need to cum. Please. I am begging you” His smile is evil. With his arms at my shoulders, he pulls out his cock and then rams it in again, then out and in and builds up to a slowly increasing rhythm – my cock is numb, over stimulated for sure, but enjoying every stroke delivered by our entwined bodies. Ah. There it is. The faint hint of it … again. This time’s for real buddy, you get to cum…just cum for daddy, just cum buddy …cum baby as I talk myself into an orgasm, which came in a crescendo, it happened with alarming rapidity and a slightly different sensation. My balls are indeed tight, the ducts made too tight to be bringing my semen out smoothly -- no doubt they are very pinched…but it’s a bloody needed relief…My cum wets us and my legs relax and the smell is primitive and bleachy and primal and I can feel him pulling up and pausing, out, in, pause. He is gently erupting in me. Deep in me. Breeding me. Flooding me with his seed. His lips are on mine and we are deep, tongue-in making out. He’s still fucking me, but it’s the end of his orgasms and he’s just emptying into me…my cock now deflating as well. What a fucking HOT afternoon.

“Dude, you fuck so much better after you’ve started blowing your neighbor. Are you sure he’s not fucking you too – passing out pointers and you are holding off on me?”

What, is TJ serious? Like I’d hold out on him? We are tightly entwined. Truth be told, I’d move in with him in a heartbeat if he’d let me. But it’s not in the cards. The best I can hope for is ‘fuck buddies’. The occasional (about once a year so far??) hot, hot fuck, with regular wham bam thank you dude vanilla (guy/guy) sex in between. He does intimacy very well – but very infrequently…

See, TJ is the man. 6’3” easy, built like the marine he used to be. 100% gay. Super cool Brooklynn dude who could easily work in the entertainment industry. He’d made a ton of cash modeling and, well, he just made cash by breathing, so he didn’t need any more ‘work’ to live his perfect life. He’s way out of my league – he and I both know it. But somehow he likes me, and we got to be friends and that led to the fuck buddy part…but he’s a busy, on demand guy. I’ve met his boyfriends, with their private jets and long private trips to Antigua or the Greek Islands or Phuket. And I just don’t compete….

“T’j…(pronounced as one word as in a nickname, rather than two letters)…if Ted was fucking me…you’d be the first to know. So NO. We are not fucking and chances are it’ll NEVER happen. That, according to the laws of Ted, would be 'gay'. Whereas getting head by me is fully justifiable…”

TJ rolls off me and stretches out as he relaxes from our stellar fuck. God, can that man fuck.

“Well, I mean, based on what you’ve said, you want him. And he’s a horn-dog. So get him to fuck you.”

Ha, I think. If it was only so easy. “TJ, I get it – I get him. Fucking is a little intimate…and it is something he does with his wife…whether or not she gives head or not, well, I think he said she did, but it’s not the same intimacy as fucking. He’s never even SEEN my dick, let alone touched it. SO kind of a big step to flash my ass at him and beg to get pegged, no?”

“Plus”, I add for good measure…”I’m not risking the relationship, which is excellent, for a fuck.”

“And, I add, “Besides, if I want to get slam fucked, there is always you, so I don’t need to jeopardize my situation with Ted to get what I’m getting anyway when I get here…”

TJ is just staring at the ceiling. I am leaning on my side in his bed looking at him. He is thinking. Pondering. Which is almost, usually, most of the time, either excellent – or not so good…

“So, Ethan. I think I can fix this situation.”
“So when are you ‘taking care of’ Ted next? Like, when is his wife’s period or whatever so he needs you?”

We’re dressed now. And past the lover stage and back in the friends mode. It’s a nice friendship – such as it is. We can talk about anything. My wife knows we’re friends, but it’s gym buddy only stuff – and she has NO idea what goes on at the gym, so it’s a ‘safe’ relationship. Start being ‘best’ buddies with a gay/hot/aggressive/always horny red-blooded hottie gay dude and all sorts of flags – red, yellow all of them, start getting tossed out. So best to avoid that… He’s just a buddy it’s okay to say I ran into, but not one we invite to the backyard BBQ, if you get the difference.

“Well, she’s just out of it, or getting out of it. I’m blowing him tomorrow and he’s planning to fuck her tomorrow night. So, all going well, for him, that is, he’ll be getting his allotment of marital tale for the next 3 weeks or so. Why?”

“Well, the solution to making him want to bed you is very simple, and with the right planning, he’ll be suggesting it before too long – how long is always hard, but I think I have the tools to make you irresistible to him.” He starts to walk slowly around me, eying my body, now clothed. Touching my arms, then ass and legs. He has a finger to his mouth, assessing me for god knows what.

“Are you done? What am I, the Thursday special at the market? Dude – no way is he ever going to want to voluntarily fuck me. I could maybe trick him into it, or drug him or something, but that’s just wrong and he’d never forgive me. So again, NOT ruining what is a perfect situation so that I can get more. Get it. I won THE MAN LOTTERY. I do NOT need more. Copy?”

TJ circles me again. “Nonsense. Of course he wants you. You are a stupendous piece of ass, way better than anything he’s ever had or ever will again. He will want you and he will take you and he will come back for more. 100%. Guaranteed. Just be here tomorrow – immediately after you take care of Ted, at whatever time, but the sooner after the better, and be prepared to follow my instruction. To the letter. Go it?”

“You are fucked in the…”

“Do you want him?” I nod, of course. He’s the perfect man.

“Do you want him to want you?” Another nod.

“Then be here tomorrow and expect to follow my orders. They will be hard. You will not like them. You will bitch and moan and complain. But in the end, when his cock has made peace with your ass, and his lips are locked onto yours…you will thank me. Got it. So – tomorrow, right after.”
So the thing is, as I leave TJs – WELL fucked. Happy, contented. Feeling loved. God, my hole is sore and it feels so fucking awesome. I gave my all to a man who is all man and just incredible in every way. But fuck. I know, heart of hearts, as much as I feel like I love him and would move in with him if he’d let me – real life be damned, BUT and there is always a BUT with guys like TJ…he just doesn’t LOVE me. I’m a hole. Oh, sure, a friend and all, but we are ‘friends’: ships, allies, passing in the night. There is no future, per se, with him – like I have right now with my wife…guilt trip starts. Major guilt trip…and I really, really want a future with Ted…

Wait. What? God my life is so fucked up. Okay. So TJ and I are buddies and we care for each other. It’s what friends are and do for each other. But we are just ‘friends with benefits’ as only guys can do – versus a mistress, which if your friend was a chick she would absolutely be…which would be a problem. More so, in the home wrecker sense, then your fuck buddy from the gym….somehow I worked that out logically in my pea brain years ago, but I forgot the moral of it. And both situations sound bad and like divorce central…which I do NOT want…

Fuck. So Ted. No way would be ever want to fuck me. He’s basically said so. The head, awesome as it is, is for, literally mental medicinal purposes, which is perfectly fine. Even natural for a gay-guy-in-disguise, to provide for a straight man. I mean, that makes sense. How is TJ ever going to change that? No way, no how as Ted likes to say…

But….there are those buts again…TJ is the man. If he says something is going to happen…just this small, tiny part of my brains says….believe him. Hell, believe IN him…No way. No how. But god, if he could. Imagine, 220 pounds of like 0% fat TED pounding those beefy hockey toned ass cheeks into me…yes, just like TJ, but with LOVE…god, fucking me because he wanted to….versus it was the closest ass available….which isn’t really fair to TJ, but still. He fucks around the clock and around the globe. I am never anything special…if it was my man. My Ted, between my legs, his lips on mine, his arms around me, as he softly, softly pounds the living shit out of me…well, that’s something to at least HEAR what TJ is thinking. Right?
“Ah, perfect. You are right on time” and TJ leads me into his place. I do not really know why I am there, other than I was literally summoned there. “Tea? I am having a cup, would you like one? Cream in it as usual?” As he smirks knowingly at me. “Hardy Har Har – no on the tea. And yes, I’ve had plenty of man cream already today.”

And I had, literally like 30 minutes ago. I mean, I don’t even really think about it, it’s so routine, I just go and take my pleasure, make sure the place is clean – no tell tale evidence (cum) left behind, and leave…Ted’s texts are speedy. More concise. To the point. “Around?” or “Available?” which recently morphed into “3:10”. If I had an issue, which I made sure NEVER to have…I could say, 3:30 or whatever. But really, this was so mutually beneficial and so mutually satisfactory…that I doubt if either one of us noticed the change. The brevity.

It was just such a pleasure, a treat, a highlight of my day, so get on my knees and inhale his musk. See his heavy cock there, at rest, covered….but knowing something was up…. Then pulling his shorts/pants/underwear/bathing suit down, whatever he was wearing, exposing his cock. His manhood. His essence…HIM. Then quickly visually assessing it’s state, it’s readiness, how to approach it, what the situation demanded…and then smelling, tasting and consuming his manhood, working his genital area(s) into that highly desirable, heightened sensitive space that all men want and love. Literally feeling the sperm, cum, fluid shifting through your testicles and prostrate – “C’mon, boys, get the action on and get ready for at least 8 salvos today, we have about 3 minutes, get ready guys…Prostrate, you got the fluid ready, nuts – you got the swimmers ready, on my count, 8, 7…”Or so my mind plays it out…

His cock is just lovely and mine and perfect and we both know exactly how to maximize the experience. The familiarity is welcome and homey. He’s on his toes and his fingers massage my scalp, God, I have to steady myself on his calf muscles…I am wobbly with greed, lust and desire, as I always am when I’m with Ted – and I will until tonight when I spread my seed deep in my wife, as she willingly invites the tiger into her bed…The tiger being hopped up and hyped on serving Ted, but no matter….So yeah. I blew Ted, as per usual and all was good.

Does it bother me that Ted never reciprocates? Well, I mean, a little. It would be nice. It is only fair. But I get it. It is NOT his thing. I mean, I’ve absolutely never jerked off while blowing him. I’ve never even shown him my dick. I thought about it once and had my hands down my pants, but he quickly was like “what are you doing. Stop it. Focus on the cock.” So I did, and have remained doing so…it’s odd, but not a huge issue. But it definitely is feeding my interest in what the all-knowing, all powerful TJ has in mind…

“Good boy. Now, when did you last cum?” TJ is inquiring like it’s a perfectly normal question. Which, of course, between lovers it is, but still…”Uh, well, I got head two days ago at the gym, then we came as you pounded me yesterday, and I’ll be fucking my wife tonight. As I usually do after helping Ted out.” Which is true and is absolutely my plan and intention. Sharing the benefits with my spouse and life partner of my extracurricular activities is part of what helps me justify my activities. Better a willing tiger in the bed, however falsely incentivized, versus a lame assed undersexed fag who has no real interest in your clitoris…IMHO…Anyhooo…

“So Tuesday” as TJ enters the date into his book. “Why are you still in your clothes. Take them off. I told you.” Of which he did no such thing. “Umm – TJ, not sure what you have in mind, but I need to perform in a couple of hours, so I’d like to save it, if you get my drift.” As TJ waves his hands at me to speed up the disrobing.

“Don’t be silly, Ethan. We need before pictures, and I need you butt assed naked. Here, put this hat on.” It was a brimmed fedora. Kind of cool in a hip way. I am decidedly not hip. TJ adjusted it to cover most of my face.

“Pose. Give me different shots.” To which I was like…what?? I am no model and posing is about as foreign as well – china. So of course I looked stupid. Which led TJ to pose me. My back, my ass, one leg raised. Hand on ass cheek, bent over, all fours, cheeks apart exposing my hole. Then, oddly, a measuring tape and shots of the tape around my legs, waist, ass, every which way. But no cock pics, oddly. TJ was taking pictures everywhere else like mad. “bend over baby, and push out, I want to see the rose.” Which is embarrassing, and not easy to hold for the camera, but I did. TJ pausing regularly and examining his work.

“They are good shots to start – you looks hot enough to fuck, by that I mean not pathetic. Which is exactly what we need.” I’m sitting down now as TJ is loading the shots onto his PC. Editing our ones that show my face, explaining what he’s doing and why.

“Great. We have about a week’s supply of shots, which should be enough. Plan on being here every day. Better make it in the morning on the way to work. And bottom left drawer, I have a present for you.” Which is gosh, very nice. We’ve never exchange presents before. And here I am thinking he’s shallow, well, not really, but self-absorbed and hot and he has his own life, and I am really just the occasional convenient hole…and he got me a present. Naturally I was intrigued and pleased. What would it be?

No really. Like, what could it be? Like a roundish metal contraption. But lightweight. Odd. Softball holder? But why? Hinges to open it. Some sort of odd personal salad spinner? “Um, TJ, awfully nice of you to get me a present and all, but dude….WTF is this?”

“Ha, Ethan. I knew you’d like it. I wanted to get you to check the sizing for me, I’m thinking of maybe getting one for a friend and figured you could help out, and I’ll give this one to you. Put it on.” Which may have well been in Swahili as no way no how was it obvious where to try it on. My hand was too slim. It wasn’t a nipple clamp. WTF.

“You got me. Try it on, exactly, how?” as I held it up for his inspection. Clearly he had gifted the wrong thing or simply missed a piece or this was a gag thing or something. “Here, stand up”, which I did. TJ opens it up and hands it to me. “Put your cock into it”, which was a surprise, but intriguing. Sure, why not. Only easier said than done, and where do the balls go and it’s more sort of stuffing everything in…and a tight squeeze at that. “Hang on, Ethan. I bought the extra spacers to go with it.” Which turns out are metal ribbed pieces about an inch wide that TJ zips like a rubrics cube onto this contraption and hands it back to me. “Here, try this” which, for a medieval torture device is kind of hot. I could see how one would be fun for a night of restraint…balls in, cock in, gage closed. “Swing it around” which I do…it pulls your nut bag but was otherwise okay. TJ wanted it back and worked some tighteners which made it a little snugger as I fitted it back on.

“There, should fit perfectly, and I added padding to where it hits your groin”, which he did. It felt like a leather padded, snug cage. Kind of hot. It looked humungous in the mirror. I felt like a go-go dancer with this black cage holding my hammer and crown jewels…

“Comfy? Shake it again.” Which I do – “yep, thanks. Kind of hot, really. Kinky, which is cool. Thanks man.”

I should have known by TJs smile—yes, the evil one. “No problem, Ethan. Here, just to keep things snug.” He whips out a small lock, like diary lock size or something small (and flimsy) which my sister had as a kid…and proceeds to put it through the before un-noticed rings in the cage and snaps it shut.

“Now, I want you here every morning. Here, take this pill” which he hands me. “That’s PreP, which you will be taking daily for the duration.” I mean, wtf, but I take the pill. Look around for water and put it in my mouth and swallow it. No big deal, I’ve been on PreP before – I had a bit of a bottom phase where it was really kind of essential to take, just in case, you know. But now, wtf??

“And here, take this. You will need to get used to this, and this will help.” Huh. I know a little blue pill when I see one. Candy at the orgies. Gives a man a ‘dick of steel’ or whatever the add says. Not a problem for me, but it’s a party drug, so like, whatever, as I toss that in and swallow it, too.

“Okay, TJ – pills down and the cage is a nice gift, should have fun with it some night. Pass me that key and let me get outta here, I got stuff to do and I lost enough time blowing Ted and coming here…” Really, even then, I had NO idea. I mean, yes, I should have said…should have insisted, then and there, that he should have gotten this pagan fertility chastity iron mask brute clunk of metal off me…it would have been only reasonable. I had some work to do, and then home to fuck the wife. As planned. And mutually discussed and agreed upon by ALL parties this morning. “I’m fucking your later” or words thereabouts (“I need you so badly darling, my cock is aching for your moist flower), which earned a response of “why bother, your cock is too small to get me off, but I appreciate the high school/junior college try” or words thereabouts as well (“yeah, sure, honey. Don’t forget to pick up the dry cleaning on your way home…)”.

But now. I. Have. A. MASSIVE. METAL. CAGE. LOCKED. LOCKED mind you. LOCKED did I mention, TO MY COCK.

Umm…Awkward anyone?
“TJ, my man. Seriously. This is NOT funny. I’ll look like a perverted Iron Man walking around with this thing. How the hell am I supposed to piss, let along fuck my wife. I can’t even get a boner in here. THERE IS NO ROOM!” And yes, for the record, I was in an absolute panic and yes, yelling.

“Dude, relax. Your dick is so small, you can just tug it though the cage, surely, no?”


“Okay then ‘cute’!”

“IT’S NOT CUTE EITHER. I mean, it absolutely is, but NOT THE WAY YOU ARE SAYING.”

“Well, true, it’s not a micro dick or anything, but it’s certainly not large, now is it? My cock is large, in case you needed a reference…”


Where I literally grabbed TJ to shake sense into him, whereupon I was then promptly deposited on my ass. Hard. On the floor. Do not attempt an aggressive position with a marine. Apparently. It will not end well.

“Dude, I am begging you. Enough of this. PLEASE TAKE THIS OFF.”

“Ethan, sure. I’ll take it off this minute if you tell me that you don’t want Ted to fuck you.” My rattled brain is in incomprehension. Why on earth would Ted fuck me because of a cage. It makes no sense. He’s never even seen my dick, caged or not…

“Fine, I don’t want Ted to fuck me”. For the record, my fingers were crossed. “Liar” was the response.

“TJ, Ted doesn’t care about my cock whether it’s caged or swinging free and he’ll not want to fuck me one way or the other, with or without it so this is stupid and you have, really, gone too far.” I mean. Surely reason will prevail.

“Did you want Ted to fuck you? Willingly, and like a lover? Truly now, don’t lie to me.”

Our eyes lock. I nod. I mean, of course I want that. I literally always have wanted that, since I met the poor unsuspecting oaf that is…

“Then you will have to trust me. There is a reason for this. And we have a LOT to do, so if we are doing this, we need to talk rules, guidelines and what to say. You want him to fuck you right?” Nod. “Okay then, so stop this shit – but wait, I need pics of this, this’ll up the views a lot” as he got shot after shot of my on the ground, cock in a black metal basket and disbelief all over, just not on my face, which never gets into the pictures…
“TJ,” as I am now sitting on his bed. Still incredulous at the state I am in, but no longer in a blind rage. “Umm – what are the pictures for, you never said.” As I watch him upload more.

“Well, for my Only Fans. I thought you knew. I know I said something before, you must have forgotten.”

Woah – woah – woah there Nellie. “Only Fans?” I ask.. I know what it is, and how it operates. I’ve been tempted a lot to pay the fee and see whatever promised tantalizing sites were on offer – but I did not. The wife reviews the credit card statements like a hawk…

“Well, yeah. The guys need to see this. You are their hope, their inspiration. If you can do it – surely, anyone can. So that’s how I’m selling it. 18500 followers so far, which is up since I posted your measurement pics. Bet we’ll get to over 20k with the cage. Maybe even 25k. And that’s cool, but the cash is really at the 50k, which is where we’re going with this…”

I mean, as you can no doubt imagine. At this point, I just gave up. Preverbal hands in the air in surrender. But I just sat there. Dick in a clamp. I can’t even put my legs together – ‘mansplaining’ spread is the only way to sit with this fucking massive basket thing. I had no idea what he was talking about. No idea as to why. I had a cage on my cock and fuck it, I was horny to boot, which is odd, I never had a cock cage fetish before. Oh, right. The Viagra. Fuck. I don’t know how I got here. I do not know where I am going. I have no fucking idea. It’s like a bad dream – not a nightmare, for sure, but just a bad one. One I was not enjoying. And definitely NOT a wet dream…it just sucked. And I had no control.

“Um, TJ, like, NO, you never mentioned any Only Fans and NO, you haven’t mentioned your plan or anything, other than a blank ‘Trust me’, which, gotta say, is wearing kind of thin right about now…TJ, I mean, I like you man, but I have to work. I have to fuck my wife, in, like a few hours. I need to pee. I’m about to get a stiffy from that fucking Viagra, and this man, it’s just, I don’t know, king of shitty. So – what’s going on? And give me that damn key or I’m going to break your little girlie lock off. Enough is enough.” Ha! I have a spine! I am a dick yielding man, after all!

TJ paused his picture uploads and glanced at me in a distracted way. “The cock cage stay on. That ‘girlie’ lock is pure Titanium. No bolt cutter will cut it so you’ll either need my key or an acetylene torch to break free, but frankly, I wouldn’t suggest that as the 1000 degree torch needed to melt titanium will burn your little cock and bitty balls off for sure, hurt like hell, and probably kill you anyway…so best to leave it for now.” And he’s back to his pictures. I’m like in a dream. A very unreal dream. La de da…Okay. So it’s a cage. Not like I flash my cock on a daily basis (oh, uh, yeah, I do at the gym…), but I mean at people outside, which is what matters here, I can towel it (for modesty, surely) at the gym for now. So that leaves peeing and sex. Yep. No options around either one of those. No obvious get-out-of-cage-jail-free thoughts pop up. Oh, and boners. So no flashing is solved, but now it’s how to pee, how to fuck and what to do with a boner.

“Uh, TJ – like. I appreciate that you are taking my desire to have Ted fuck me, and that’s great and all, really. It is super great. And this cage really, isn’t really as uncomfortable as it looks. Why, in time, I am sure I’ll forget for like a whole minute that my cock is not vice clamped in this steel like device. But, I do see, well, at least three potential issues here with your plan – which, BTW, I have not yet had a full and true accounting of…So, in the sake of friendship and brevity, what, perhaps, is your suggestion on how to pee, fuck and popping a boner? That’s the sum of it, really…so maybe your thoughts, perhaps?”

“Oh. That’s easy: Sit, Oral and deal with it, it’s building character. Anything else, I have a busy afternoon planned here.”

Like, seriously? My world is ending. I have the jaws of hell clamped around my beautiful manhood and precious balls and I get the brush off…now wait a damn minute here, buddy, as I rise up to full and intimidating offensive stance…to be met with a standing bull of a man, literally twice as heavy and twice as built. Oh, fuck.

“C’mon, Ethan. Look at this as part of the challenge in the ‘game of laying Ted’ – huh? C’mon. Let me show you how to pee” as he leads me, his hand in mine, to his bathroom. Seat down, sitting down, he tells me to lean in, tight, pushing my cock and cage down. I piss, but it’s more a dribble, ricocheting off the mesh of the cage. “See, that worked, as water (piss) dribbles all over the bowl. It’ll take some getting used to. Ha, you sound like a girl when you piss now. (and I did) as water cascades from my cock and the cage into the bowl’s water…think like a girl pissing and have a wad of toilet paper ready to wipe your cage and just shake the whole thing to get the drops off. If you need to wear a absorption pad around the cage, you may want to get a supply. No one needs to see a wet spot there.” It’s like he’s making sense. Humiliating sense…but sense none the less. The start of the relief is making my cock want to swell, which is difficult in its confines…”uh, but like a boner” – “Oh, that’s easy, we’ll get to that last before you go. Let’s get you dressed and we can talk about sex.

Like that’s a ‘safe’ topic when my cock is in confinement and I just popped a blue pill…

“So, Ethan. Your wife will obviously see the cage and be a little curious” – “What! You THINK! Are you MAD!”

“Ethan, I have everything all worked out. Be quiet and let me tell you want to do. Okay, so you have a little dick” “IT”S NOT LITTLE” – “Fine, you love your wife and you read about how women can achieve greater strength and frequency of orgasm by oral stimulation, and as your not large, but not small cock really doesn’t get her off, you have put this cage on to selflessly (emphasize selflessly), force yourself to please her for the next month”

“MONTH!!” Panic.

“Orally. I know you dislike licking her vagina – really, are you sure you are straight man, I mean, I’m gay and I have NO problem orally stimulating a girl’s clitoris, but you say you are afraid of it, and she knows it, so, to show your love for her and a complete disregard for your own preferences, you will be attempting to please her orally for the next month. At which point, you will free your genitals from its restraint and you will agree to please her any which way she likes going forward, orally or with your not-large, not-small penis. Got it.”

OMG. Like, really, OMG. That’s believable. Crazy. But believable. She knows I can’t stand, err - would prefer not to get too visually close to her vagina. Scared to death of the thing. It’s a no-go area, meant for her fingers or my more than ample cock… She’s begged me to go down there for her ‘if I can suck that shriveled up old wiener of yours, you can flick my bean’ or some such words as those. So, yeah. The yuck factor of oral sex for a month wasn’t exactly appetizing…but it would work. That’s unbelievably believable.

“Okay, so oral care. Got it. It might work if I suggested it properly. Maybe talk about an article I read or something. But seriously man. Joke about the size of my cock all you want – it is above average, I am 100% convinced – there is not a lot of room to expand here….which is, oh Brilliant One, still a problem to work through, no?” I like that my humor has remained…while all other shreds of humanity have been expunged by this cruel and unnecessary contraption.

“Hmm. Ethan. So, like, you want Ted to fuck you, right, this is why we are doing this, right” as I nod agreement. “Look. Ted is like a god. He is perfection and he has it all. You want to give him something extra. Something that he doesn’t know he’s missing, but once he tries it, he’ll never want to give it up. Like a iPhone. Something like that, right?” More nods.

“So this is the hard part” Ha, as if the afternoon has been a walk through a pansy strewn field…Incredulous. ‘Hard part!’ Ha!

“The cage will teach you how to focus on pleasing others, at the very best level that you can, with all due sacrifices willingly given up on your behalf…which will allow him to experience the ultimate in sexual nirvana. You with me so far? Good. We will be entering into a rigorous regimen which is designed, by experts, to teach you all you need to be the world’s most selfless lover, the greatest fuck ever, and the ultimate in sexual achievement. You with me so far?!?”

If it was a bridge, honestly, so persuasive was his argument, I’d have bought it. Gladly. Almost. Maybe. I wanted all of those things, and if Ted, happily between my legs getting the best lay of his life would be the end result – hhhmmmm!
“So wait” I say as my pea brain attempts a review of the facts on the ground here.

“My cock is viciously locked up, and I can’t pee like a man, can’t get a proper boner and can’t use my cock to fuck my wife to her orgasm, which keeps the peace, BTW, but somehow, this will teach me to be a perfect fuck buddy for my straight neighbor, who will, at the end of this tortuous nightmare, dive into my bed, nail my ass to heaven and back and swear his undying love and he’ll never leave me, right. So, TJ….Gotta say, ‘Little SKEPTICAL’ here….maybe you could review one more time…”

TJ literally had the nerve to roll his eyes in his head, and he condescends to turn from his PC and the posting of pictures of ME in a cage, to explain, remedially, to this clearly special needs idiot….

“Ethan. This is a process. You will be focusing on providing pleasure to others while denying satisfaction to yourself. You will orally care for your wife, but more importantly, you will be getting fucked by as many experienced fuckers as I can find in the next 30 days. Hence the PreP. You will be focusing on learning, memorizing and repeating EACH AND EVERY POINTER and suggestion they can give you on how to make your ass/the fuck BETTER for them. And you will repeat it for each new guy, again and again until you can fuck like a pro. You will also then be perfecting your body. We will work on your legs and ass and your hole, we’ll get rid of your body hair and make you pleasingly shapely. Not feminine, mind, the guys want to fucka guy, after all, but less threatening and most importantly, VERY INVITING. Your rose bud will be made up to be the perfect and willing man-vagina that is needed for a quick, SMOOTH but FAST entry. You will lose all inhibitions and show no pain on entry or on fucking. You will compliment your men and get expert at making them feel, literally like they are on top of the world. You will, simply put ,make yourself into the Best Fuck Ever. And it all starts today. That, Ethan, is what you will lovingly give to Ted…and he will dive – yes, DIVE in and be very happy. Got it.”

And then, I just got up and walked out the door, letting the cold hard reality of the situation and all that he said hit me, sort of percolate around. Fuck. Getting fucked endlessly, but not cumming. Tonguing my wife. I wasn’t even thinking about this cock bulge as I walked down the street to my car. It seemed a non-issue…

TJ had helped me dress, and showed me how to loosen my shirt, ‘maybe a looser pair of pants tomorrow, hmmm….maybe make it less obvious.” Ha. Less obvious. As is you could hide this massive, Henry VIII would be envious, cod piece. I was like I had a permanent erection and swollen balls. Or a sock or towel stuffed down my pants. The profile was obscene. Fuck. Then I thought of Ted and resolution worked its way back up to my brain. I was committed.

Fine. Better pants, a shirt untucked, nothing unusual for me, maybe a tad casual, but run with it.

So I headed home, lackluster about beating my wife there. I’d left before she woke so I could change clothes without being seen or noted as doing so – which I did. But frankly, what did it matter? It was all bound to come out eventually…I did a khaki pant swap, the bigger ones from before when I’d stopped working out and was fatter. Then a gifted but previously unused ‘UnTuckIt’ shirt, which I had thought I loathed but would be ordering in mass tomorrow. It looked passable. A bulge if you were looking…but nothing too, oh hell. You could see it but fuck them. As far as the world would know, this was all me. Do men stare at a 38D set of breasts. No way, they are too polite. Oh wait..Yeah, lame example. But it is what it is, Plenty of guys cock's bulge, and you love it. So payback is a bitch. Whatever.

I cooked a nice dinner, one of her favorites, She called to say she’d be later than normal so I had extra time. I set the mood by setting the table. Candles out then back then out again then back. Fuck. I wanted to create an intimate environment…but not too over the top. Music to her favorites, wine chilled – Chardonnay, her preference. Cocktails made and ready to speed the way to a condition that (hopefully) my lame ass story might be believed…and then she was home and it was game time...

And I panicked. I had a metal cage locked on my manhood with no way to get it off. By my 100% gay lover, who I like fucking me regular like, all so I can get fucked by my 100% straight blow job buddy next door, all so I’d be happy to fuck my wife, which I could not NOT do…god, this is so hard it’s unbelievable. Fuck. State ahead. MAN UP.

I stiffened my spine and smiled at her as I welcomed her home, serving her a drink and asking about her day and listened as we are accused of never doing, as I got her settled in. Then massaged her feet. Literally, nervously grabbing them and dragging them onto my knees (not my cage filled lap!) and stated to smoothly rub them.

“What did you do?”

Huh? She can’t be onto me. She might see a budge, but honest to god, like, guess number 235 would be that the huge visible bulge would be a cock cage…what does she mean…

“What do you mean, sweetie? Can’t a guy just show his appreciation for his girl?” Disbelief was clear on her face as she swung her feet back to the floor.

“Thanks for dinner and all and the drink and the candles and the foot massage. But this is suspicious. What have you done?” Dead stop. Dead stare.

Well, time for some honesty, I would say. If you cannot be honest with your partner in life, honestly, who can you be honest with. Whatever it is, however huge, with the bonds we shared, the joy and love we had, we can overcome this. Surely.

“Well, Hon, you know I was at the doctors earlier this week”

“OMG, Ethan. YOU ARE DYING. Is it cancer? Bowel, pancreas – that’s the worst. Long, lingering and painful. What is it darling, you are scarring me.”

“NO! Wait, stop it. Honey, this is embarrassing. God, so embarrassing, you have no idea. Let me tell you what’s going on.”

“So the doctor has an old magazine, Cosmo or some chick thing. Disgusting and well read it was. But there was an article in there about how to show your love for your spouse – and the doctor was backed up and it was a long wait. The article was how to show your woman that you love her and that her pleasure over yours (mine) is paramount. And that got me thinking – wait, let me finish. The article was about oral sex. About how it was special for women and actually more stimulative to them then intercourse. So I got to thinking, how can I show my love how much she means to me – which was now obviously, by learning to orally please my wife – without succumbing to our regular intercourse. I could see me so easily selfishly giving in to that, to my needs, you getting me hot and bothered, and the flesh is weak, as they say. So – I read some articles on this, and I took their advice…and.. I hope you approve, it’s all for you after all…” as I stand up and push out my cod piece midriff.

Disbelief shown across her face as she reached her hand out and touches the hard metal (carbon fiber?) of the cage, reaching up for the button and zipper to open my pants and pull them down. Getting an up-close and personal view of my genitals stuffed into their new confined home.

“Phew, thank god”, which is not what I was expecting. Surely, a cock cage should, no, would, never really be accepted as a relief. And as not bad as…what, exactly? “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, honey, you’ve been acting so weird tonight. Then about sex and your penis. It’s fine, perfectly good for me. It’s not big, but it’s not small and it gave us our kids, which is great.” She stops. “I thought you got an implant or one of those inflatable erection dysfunction things you read about”

Erection dysfunction inflatable? WFT?!? What is she reading? Has she not been in bed with me for like the last 100 years and has my cock EVER failed to do it’s duty? Well, yes, truth be told. Once or twice – strictly due to copious alcohol consumption, willy junior did fail to rise to the occasion. But that’s it. “An implant? Honey, really?”

“Well then what the fuck is this thing?”

“Honey. My love for you is strong..." Smirk, Uh Huh.

“Cut the crap. What is this thing”.

Okay, so let me try this again this to her….reasonably, like TJ did so well to me…I think…

“Look. I want to LEARN how to orally please you. I will NEVER be strong enough to do so to the level that I want to be able to give you if I am allowed to pleasure myself. Hence the restraint on my genitals. So I’ve locked myself up and mailed the key away and any love we will be making for the next month will be ME ORALLY. That is TONGIUE out, working your folds and petals” (or whatever the fuck you call them) “and attempting to bring you pleasure and satisfaction. You will need to talk me through it, guide me, direct me. Tell me what feels good and right. Okay? Does that work? Please say it does…this is, well, really, it’s just how much I love you.”

And I believed it. Honestly. Hook line and sinker. And so did she. That, my friends, odd as it may be, was the easy part, this huge and (un)welcomed, big, wet, oral plunge…If I only knew then what was in store…god, I’d never have had the strength to persevere….
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So, gotta say guys. The oral pleasuring was not at all what I had been fearing. It was the LEAST painful part of the next few days. I do not know why I had a lifelong fear, trepidation, revulsion, to the female anatomy. Was I put off by adolescent “it smells like a Tuna” or by early pictures where it looks scary…not, for example, like a simple, happy, friendly penis…but as I was invested in this project so far, it was necessary to dive right in there…so to speak. And it was awkward, to be sure, such a marital switch like this. But we worked through it….we’d start with a shower to “cleanse” the area down there…and then I asked her what would feel good and how to go in there so I closed my eyes and dove in….and messed up and a nibble isn’t a bite and there was clearly room for improvement….but I went in. And she came. A big one. Maybe two, be def one big one. Which, gotta say, is in no way guaranteed during our usual intercourse, with my quite frankly inadequate penis.

I mean – 100%. The high libido guys like myself deserve the big-ass, commanding attention, deserving worship, BIG cocks. It should be given to us as a priority, rather than randomly or wantonly, as they seem to have been assigned. The mileage, as an example to provide further clarity, on my little ‘4 cylinder’ (a simile) cock is way too high, and frankly, I need an ‘8 cylinder’, or a ‘Diesel’, which is designed and built exclusively to be high mileage, but my preference would be for the old massive 12 cylinder Jaguars. A 12 cylinder cock, frankly like TJ or Ted, would do me proud. REAL PROUD. But no….us sluts with the high mileage needs get assigned the no frills Econobox…The lowest price rental car at the counter that goes from 0 to 55 in about a minute, with, “Sorry, no upgrades available, too!’ God, I hate my cock. Which I actually love of course, I just WANT IT BIGGER. Sigh.

So, like a good soldier, I marched on. By the start of the week, I felt like an old pro. I was stopping by TJ’s, as commanded, in denial, but eager for the usual casual action we always had there, but limited by the metal barricade these times around. I popped my PreP pills – as yet to be clarified why this was needed, as there was no cock anywhere near this ass. As well as the Viagra. Which was annoying as hell, but oddly, it kind of made me un-horny, if you can follow the fucked-up logic. I’d see something to stimulate my cock, it would begin to inflate, like with one heartbeat, hit the metal cage, stay there, mad, then deflate, accepting the confinement. There was no real chance (i.e., room) for a raging hard on….so it just became an non-issue. But already it felt like my balls were protesting...

What there was, however, was regular, consistent, seemingly never ending work out at a variety of difference gyms, all away from our usual haunts. I was in shape, but I was getting trim. With emphasis on my legs and ass, but everywhere, too. I was getting ripped…

Sleep, which should be easy after the work outs, became a new but later concern, rolling around with my very own portable dungeon, was simply solved by side or back sleeping. And after orally going at the wife, and the pills, I slept like a baby…Sex with men was out of sight and out of mind and not a problem. Nothing from Ted, work was good. I had this under control.

Then I agreed to meet TJ at the gym. Not our new ones 20 minutes away, but one much farther…. TJ wanted access to as many gyms geographically spread out, so he paid for passes to go what seemed about everywhere, or at least gyms with free weights and steam rooms/saunas. I guess where we’d not be recognized…Not an unusual occurrence, but a little odd. The gym locations that is, or the desire for anonymity, since we were gym buddies. But today was more of a command and control situation. We’d be focusing again on my legs and gluts, he said. Like it would be news. Since, frankly, these work-outs had turned into exclusively about the legs and glutes. And, the work outs were starting to bare fruit…just as it was obvious what the goal was: Bubble butt. Fuck. Hot, but hard to attain.

But, remember, there is a scientifically proven formula to achieve this perfection, which means a process. So, after grueling work outs. TJ would torture me with the sauna. What had been all fun, cocks and potential for play…with my cock locked up. Ha. Was torture, modesty and keeping my eyes off the candy so I wouldn’t/couldn't sport wood…or attempt to…and I never could tell what TJ would think up next.

Today, we are in the sauna and these two dudes walk in and take their seats. Hotties, trim, nice chests, Cocks visible under towels. The usual eye candy, or so I presumed.

“C’mon, Bob. Time for your stretches.” As TJ gets up and motions for me to join him in the center of the room. Yeah, he’d been using ‘fake’ names to help keep me anonymous…as if that would work after all we’d put these guys through. “You know the drill. Arms crossed akimbo, and deep knee bends. Bend down and hold it. You are working your core and gluts – you don’t mind guys, if we do this here, do you? Won’t be more than a couple of minutes.” Silent shakes of heads. Sort of ‘whatever dude’ looks. Well, screw them. This is all new, but fuck them. I stand facing the door and TJ taps by legs apart with his foot, so my feet are should width apart, and raised my crossed arms up so they are perpendicular to my core…”now deep breath in and lower yourself down so your kneed are at a right angle …” which sounds easy, and is, I would imagine, in a normal state, Which this is not.. .so with a normal breadth and dip….but keeping straight up, arms crossed, legs apart I go…which expanded the muscle around my waist, untucking my wrapped towel which I could feel was just holding on… the mild panic around wanting to cover up making me want to break my form and keep my towel in place…the shame of exposure…

“Leave it. Keep your form. Down slowly, breath out. Hold it. Breath in and rise slowly” as the towel succumbs to gravity. “Leave it. Count to 3 and repeat, breath in” - “can’t I just grab my towel, please, these guys don’t need to see my ass” I very reasonably stammer.

“Bob, these guys are gym rats, you can tell by how worked out they are. They won’t mind seeing your puny ass and it’s a dip for fuck’s sake, there is nothing to show. So repeat again, down, slow, breath in. And I do my reps. “Now hands above your head and bend your torso around in the large circle like we’ve practiced (we have not), leaving your feet in place…which makes me like a big fucking windmill, but my body needs to rotate to make the arch, which I’m thinking about as the metal cage on my dick swings around with the movement of my upper body, stretching out the deep knee bends…who would, after all, think about the strange metal/carbon fiber cage currently fixed to my genitalia…being flashed around for all to see as I wave my arms….

“What the…” is all I hear, as left hand stud gets up and moves in front of me to check out what he couldn’t have possible seen…” “dude, what the fucking gismo’s on your cock, it looks painful.”

As I go beet red and stop moving. I reach down to save my manhood from utter embarrassment, my hands being very inadequate to the task and my towel at my feet.

“Bob, stop it, you are embarrassing yourself.” WTF…I am embarrassing myself…not with a cage but for wanting to be modest…no...nope….not making a bit of sense.

“Sorry, guys, you weren’t supposed to see that. Sorry, really. He’s being punished. So he has to wear that thing for a very long time.” I’ll say…

“What did he do that he’s getting punished, seems harsh?”

“Well, you aren’t really cleared for this, but I guess it won’t hurt to tell you. I am actually supposed to explain it to unknown men as part of his punishment. You see, Bob here is one of the eunuchs at the court of Omen, you know coast of Africa” -- wait, isn’t that Oman? What’s he bullshitting about. And EUNUCH…I am intact, brother, fully intact…Caged, but…

The guys look mystified, too. “You see, Bob signed a contract where he accepted a life of security, wealth and luxury, in exchange for his masculinity. He is in effect owned by the Sultan of Omen. And well, Bob took a solemn and irrevocable vow of chastity – meaning he can never ejaculate again in exchange for keeping his testicles. See, it’s Omen, but the European court of crimes ruled they couldn’t chop his nuts off like they used to do to create eunuchs, so they lock them up and make them take pills to drop their libido. And they give them pills to shrink their dicks, making them small like a little a boy – see, that dick is way smaller than anyone would like”

“What the…”I let it go. All in all, I’m not dying on this hill today. Let him keep going…

“Well, Bob here was caught fucking one of the princesses and the Sultan banned him from the realm, to wear this cock cage for all eternity. He can only go back if and after he’s served his term or he’s fulfilled the penalties assigned to him. “

“Gosh, man, that whole thing sounds harsh. Chemical castration, no cumming and he dicks a priciness so he’s locked up? What does he have to do to get back? I mean, sounds like hell, but better than getting your balls cut off, right?”

TJ just nods, “That’s right. He’s desperate to get back, but he has to meet the terms of his penalty. He can choose IF and when that would start, but he only has 3 months to accept his penalty (and 3 days to comply with it) or he is banished for life.”

The guys look confused…I do as well. Where is this fucking thing going, TJ???

“Okay, in simple terms. He had 90 days, which means he’s down to about a week now – cutting it close. I am his ‘jailer’ if you will.:” VERY TRUE, he has the literal key…”To accept the Sultan’s form of punishment for his crime. If he accepts the punishment, he has 3 days to satisfy the terms, or he remains banned from the Kingdom. If he chooses not to accept the punishment, he can remain free, anywhere but the Kingdom and it’s realms, but he will remain caged until he dies.”

“Fuck. Those are shitty terms and ‘until death’ is a long time to be locked up…just what does he have to do, like kill somebody or something, rob a bank?

“Ha! Good ones my friend. Well, he has to symbolically return to men what he had unlawfully stolen, which the Sultan has decreed he can do, IF he accepts for pleasure 100 amply endowed men, to their point of release, within a 3 day period. Sunset to sunrise. If he can successfully anally pleasure these 100 men, with their ejaculate expunging from his anal orifice as evidence of their pleasure and desecration , within that timeframe allotted, he will may return to the kingdom and the Sultan’s good graces and be allowed to continue the anal pleasuring of whichever man the Sultan approves of, as part of the eunuch harem. He, in effect, stopes becoming a man.”

Dead silence. I’m believing it and like, ‘harsh dude’ – and I KNOW better…

“He has just a week left to accept if this will be his fate, or if banishment it is to be. Then he must pleasure 100 men, which is difficult both logistically and realistically…as you can imagine.”

“Unless, of course, I mean, you’d like to help him…there are two of you here, if you’d be so kind as to help us…and I am sure we can find a few more good men to contribute…”

Stunned silence. From the whole room. Including, nope, MOST OF ALL! ME! 100 guys. FUCK. 72 hours! To go home again?!? God I want to go home…

Wait, wait. Wait…reality sets in. I turn slowly to the guys, not bad looking. Kinda hot, really. Their cocks are stiff and perpendicular to their bodies, that is, raring to do…that is, ‘up for it’, apparently. TJ walks to his towel and pulls out a tube of lube. “you guys want to help him get home? Get him 2 down? That leaves 98 in what 71 ½ hours…” as two guys look at each other…not believing their luck , not ashamed to admit the need, the desire to fuck. The bigger, studly one stand up and takes the lube, “if it’ll help him getting home faster, as he slathers his nice big cock up and I feel him at my ass…
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Fuck. So this was what TJ was all on about. Fuck. “Tell him what you need” he says to Guy 1…”Push out, slave, and make him welcome you in? And his cock pushes rudely past my ring…”Make him happy that he has chosen you…Tell him how good he is making you feel…” which I do.

“Focus your anus on your man’s pleasure. GIVE HIM PLEASURE. He is training you to someday, maybe, accept his Holy Awesomeness the Sultan. EARN IT!”

So I do. And Guy 2 and then a few other guys that walked in and wanted in on the action. I gotta say, interestingly enough, who knew, but guys will happily give you verbal instructions on what they need…if and when you ask them. Which TJ and I did…and we processed it, and I delivered as best as I could...with the sore ass and cum "expunging" from your anus as proof....sheesh!
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