Idle College Afternoons Part 3 - Phillip

Richard Cock

Legendary Member
Sep 30, 2023
80% Straight, 20% Gay
I met with Linda several more times, widening my sexual experience, becoming proficient at bringing a woman to orgasm whist managing my own, lasting much longer than that first time in Linda’s kitchen with my sperm all over her floor. It was mid-November that she told me we had to stop our sessions, by now once a week, as she had begun seeing a guy from work and she expected she would soon be having sex with him. I was disappointed of course, but expecting it to happen at some stage, equally I might have found a girlfriend and started having sex with her so would naturally have told Linda. Well maybe.

At college I began to use the refectory at mid-morning break. Tea and coffee, etc. were available and I began to meet new people. One morning I sat at a table with a couple of guys from my class. Soon we were joined by another young man, I didn’t know him but had seen him around, usually with an attractive girl, who I assumed was his girlfriend.

He introduced himself as Philip, Phil, in his second year and taking business studies. He appeared a friendly sort, good looking too I thought, quite tall, fair hair, blue eyes, broad shoulders, which explained the very attractive girl I had seen him with.

Over the next week he joined our table at break times, it turned out he had split up with his girlfriend a few weeks earlier but he didn’t seem too bothered, his attitude was he would soon find another easily enough. I sort of envied him that one. I did tell him about Linda once when it was just the two of us, no name, but did say she lived near me and was older, her husband having moved out. Phil thought that was great and was jealous, as he fancied an experienced woman showing him new stuff.

One Friday I was having mid-morning coffee and Phillip came over, the other two I usually sat with at break had gone into town so it was just the two of us. We chatted about the usual stuff, he enquired about any girls I was interested in, he had spotted one he fancied. I shrugged as if to say I’m not in a position to be too fussy. Phillip laughed, then said would I be interested in looking at a magazine he had bought on the way in that morning. Maybe, I said, what’s it about.

“Well, it’s a girlie mag, tits and bums, well a bit more than just that, we know the newsagent as my dad’s business did some installation work there during the summer and I was on my work training there too, so I get the special mags from out back, not that my dad knows of course.”

“Oh, well, yes, sure. Love to have a look.”

“Right, but not here, are you free this afternoon? I am, no classes after lunch on Fridays.”

“I am, yes.”

“Brill, I have a car so I could take you back home, nobodies in, parents working, my older sister is away at uni.”

“OK, met you here?”

“Yes, 12.30 OK?”


We went to his car, a new Ford “Esscort” and he drove me to his home, a large house at the smart end of town where it meets the countryside. He said his parents bought him the car so he could get to different business sites and college. On the way he told me that his father runs his own business, electrical wholesalers for the trade, he has three sites now and had recently started his own contracting business as well, electrical installations for industry and commercial premises. His mother is a teacher, she currently is directing a school play so won’t be home until at least 7:30. His dad never gets home much before 7pm any working day, so we have the afternoon alone to look at the tits and bums.

I explain my own situation and Phil sympathises how tough that must be. I also drove, passing my test at school and had some access to my mother’s car, usually evenings and weekends.

Phillip takes me into a large kitchen and makes tea for me, coffee for himself. I am impressed, so much space and all those shiny units compared to our own small kitchen. We take the drinks to his bedroom, again it is large and looks out over the rear lawn and trees into the fields beyond. His bed sits in the centre of one wall, a table either side, each with its own lamp, two large modern wardrobes and a couple of cushion chairs just about finish the furnishings.

He has his own desk to and it’s there we go to study his new magazine.

“You seen any mags like this,” Phil asked as he pulled the publication from his bag and showed me the front cover, a very pretty brunette with large breasts, bare of course, huge nipples and the girl looking direct at the camera.

“Err, no,” I said, staring at the picture and already aware of my practically instant arousal despite Phil being next to me “she is, well, very nice.”

“This mag gets much better inside, I have a few of them now to err, you know, get a lad horny.”

Phil turned the cover and we looked inside. Fucking hell! The same girl as on the cover but with her legs spread, no panties. Just pussy, hairy too. I felt my cock surge, uncertain as to how I would handle this, Phil would probably be getting hard too, would we see each other’s bulging jeans? I moved closer to the desk, the top near waist high so my bulge would be partly hidden.

“What you recon? Some pussy on her, I love looking at how the girls are there, all different but the same.”

“Not seen anything like this before, just the woman I met, so only familiar with just the one between the legs.”

“You get your face in her?” Phil asked, his index finger now tracing the line of the girls slit.

“Yeah, loved doing that, could spend all day in there.”

“Fuck, me too. Love this girls lips, the way they hang down, the sort that get your face cheeks all slimy too.”

“Tastes nice too.” I offered, just to show my own participation in things sexual.

Phillip turned the page.

A blond woman, more pointed breasts topped than the first with perky sticking out nipples, her fingers seemed to be squeezing the nipples out of her tits. I looked lower, my cock surged again, I felt as if I had released a torrent of pre cum into my urethra, her pussy had only the finest covering of blond hair, she looked almost smooth. Neat pink lips protruded, slightly crinkly and open at her vagina, twin folds above obscured her pee hole and clitoris.

“Just look at her pussy, perfect eh?” Phillip said, “I could fuck her right now, bet you could too, eh?”

“Err, yes, and lick her, those lips pussy lips look good without much hair.”

“Yeah, girls do look good like that, nicer to lick too, I bet, just want to find a girl with no pubes, at least on her cunt where I get my face in.”

We both studied the photo for a short time, I assumed both of us imagining our faces pushed into her cunt, our tongues lapping up inside her, tasting her pussy lube and then up to her clit. Pushing her hood up and gaining accesses to the tip, licking it, flicking it, bringing her off with our tongues and fingers, fingers fucking her quim, as deep as we can get.

“God, I’m so hard,” Phillip admitted standing back from his desk and exposing the front of his jeans, his bulging penis clearly outlined for me to see. “You too?”

“Err, yes,” I managed, somewhat embarrassed in having to admit it to another man and not sure how or if I should respond further.

Phillip sort of did it for me. He put his hand between his own legs and began stroking his cock.

“I wank off to these girls most days if I’ve not got a girlfriend. Well, I still wank even if I have one, unless I’ll be fucking her a bit later.” He then admitted “I usually cum off onto the girls on the page, that’s how got most pages are stuck together in the older copies I have.”

I laughed politely, not sure how to reply. Then I thought, fuck it, we’re both guys, we get hard at naked women, we both masturbate, what’s to be shy about. With that thought I moved back and let the front of my bulging jeans be seen by Phillip, should he look there.

He did, almost immediately.

“Got you hard too, good bulge.”

“Well, can’t help it with these pictures, never having seen so many girls with their legs wide open before.”

“First time I bought one of these mags I wanked off five times in the same afternoon I was so horny. Got hard almost immediately after each time ready for the next, shot good loads too, even the fifth was decent.”

“I can imagine, they are gorgeous girls,”

“It’s not their faces or tits I’m looking at, it’s their cunts, that’s where I want to be. Mouth and cock, fucking them, filling them with my cum.”

I was nodding as I looked between the page and Phillip’s jeans as his fingers moved over the solid curve where his penis showed, wondering what he had in them. I could see Phillip looking at me too, my bulge. I thought I should do what he was doing so I too moved my hand to where my jeans stood out and stroked along the line of my erection, then, having located the end of my penis, massaged myself there slowly.

“Nice, eh?”

“Yeah, sort of can’t help it, it’s got to me, not used to it.” I admitted, losing some of my reserve, similar to when with Linda early on.

Phillip then started to touch what I assumed was the end of his cock too. I was getting so horny by now, I think I could be making more pre cum discharges. It was then that my left hand, my right was on my cock, went to my right nipple and I began stroking it through my shirt. Phillip noticed almost immediately.

“You got sensitive tits?”

“Yeah,” I had to admit to him, “That woman somehow got them sensitive, her husband was into tits and nipples, she knew all about that stuff.”

“Wish mine did more, I’ve touched them but don’t get much stimulation.

“Mostly she squeezed and pulled them a bit, that seemed to get them sensitive soon after,” then I added “just touching the tips lightly can get me hard and, err…”



Then, and I never expected this, Phillip reached over and stroked my free left nipple through my shirt. I was shocked, I froze. It felt nice of course, my nipples did.

“Is that all it takes then?” he asked, still flicking his finger tip.

“Yeah, that’s nice, but, well, you’re a guy, I mean…..”

“Sorry, just curious really, I know girl’s tits are sensitive and it gets them wet and fuckable, but never thought about our tits.”

Phillip took his hand off my nipple and rested it back between his legs, before turning the page so we could look at the next girl. As before, legs splayed open but this time her fingers parted her cunt lips, holding herself wide open so that the dark interior of her vagina could be seen along with her pee hole and the tip of her clitoris. Dark pubic hair surrounded her vulva and formed a tangled mass just above her slit and onto her lower belly. We both let out sighs together and laughed at ourselves, our fingers back to massaging our bell ends – both now bound to be very wet and sticky I thought.

“Fuck it, I need to wank off.” Phil announced suddenly, “I can’t hold off any longer.”

I was both surprised at his directness and disappointed. Disappointed as I would obviously have to leave and let Phillip masturbate.

“Err, OK, I can walk home from here, no need to drive me back, it’s not too far.” I said, probably the let down in my voice showing. My hand left my crotch.

“Well, I don’t mind if you don’t, but we could wank off together, I can get my other magazine and we could stick another two pages together.”

I was again taken off guard, I never expected this, to be asked if I wanted to masturbate with another man. The idea both terrified me and excited me in equal measure. My mind flashed back to the now fading details of the dream I had had a short time ago, those cocks, the spunk, being the smallest guy size wise in that bizarre situation. Yes, it was probably only my over active subconscious exploiting the same fears most young men have about their cocks and balls, I guessed.

“Paul?” Phillip queried.

“Um, not sure, you sure, I mean…?”

“I’ve never wanked with mates before either, but right now I need to cum and you do too, you must as well by now, so we both get relief from blue balls I guess it’s called.”

“Well, Ok then, where, here?”

“Bathroom, in case of overshoot, saves the carpets. No awkward stains to answer about.”

I laughed at that, “OK.”

“I’m going to strip off, up to you if you want to, or just get your cock out.”

I decided to strip too, after all once a guy’s cock is out there not much else special to expose I reasoned.

Phillip pointed to his bed and said to put my clothes on it whilst he went to get the wanking off magazine from his wardrobe. I unfastened my shirt buttons, brushing my nipples as I did, my cock, having gone soft, surged again in my jeans. Next shoes and socks, then belt, jeans and finally…. I waited for Phillip to come back to the bed area.

“Sticky mag,” he said throwing it on the bed “there’s a few pages to go, let’s cover them.”

With that he pulled his own shirt over his head revealing his broad flat chest, no hair, a flat belly and nice dark but small nipples. Oddly, I though, my cock again surged at this sight, straining at the front of my briefs even more, was I aroused by the male body too? His footwear followed then his jeans came down and we both stood there, nearly naked with erections making the front of our pants both stand out and with a damp area marking the tips of our penises.

“Together.” Phillip said.

With that we both thumbed down our briefs and our cocks sprung free. Pubic hair surrounded our testicles, his lighter than mine but thicker, his balls less visible to me than mine would be to him I thought. Both of us had a clear line across our lower bellies where our pubes stopped. But its Phillip’s cock that my eyes fixed on. The first real erection on another man, not the soft cocks in the showers. My eyes flicked up to see what he was looking at, my cock was the answer. He also glanced up and our eyes met.

“Just curious, never seen another hard cock, there’s never any in the magazines, at least the ones I can get hold of.” he said.

“Nor me,” I replied, “yours is very nice.” I could honestly think of nothing else to say.

“Thanks, yours to.” Phillip responded.

So, what had I seen, my first erection that was not my own? I estimated he was just a bit shorter than me but he looked a bit thicker, somewhat heavier. Both our foreskins still covered our knobs, his like mine was glistening at the opening. I could see the swell of his glans under his foreskin, hard to tell what they looked like at this stage, hopefully there would be a big reveal very soon. I looked lower, to see what I could of his testicles, yes, I had seen many pairs in the showers so knew what other boys had there and how much they all varied but right now I was just interested to compare what Phillip had compared to mine. Anyway, through his pubes I could see he had a decent pair, his ball sac was rounded and nicely filled out, similar to my own, which I assumed he was also checking out. I think mine were tighter than usual due to, well, the immediate situation, me not being that relaxed yet. Phillip lowered his hand and adjusted the hang of his balls, making himself more comfortable. That I understood so I did the same.

“Ready?” he asked, picking up the magazine.

“Yes,” I came back, eager to get started now.

Phillip turned and began walking to a door I’d not noticed before. I had assume we would head to the landing and some other door off for the bathroom. He opened the door and I followed, then I could see it was a shower room, with basin and loo.

“I’m lucky, we all have our own private bathrooms.”

“Oh, wow, this is nice, just yours?”

“Yes, only the cleaner comes in here twice a week, luckily Monday and Friday mornings so we are totally private. When I come in here to wank I kneel on the towel, easier on the knees than the tiles. Here take this whilst I spread the magazine on the floor.”

Phillip handed me a dark blue towel which I folded and put on the floor, he opened the pages and found some not stuck together with his semen. It was a double page of a girl, so he put the magazine lengthways so we could easily look at her. She was another blond, Phillip had explained that the magazine was published in Denmark, hence the number of blond and fair girls. This one had a really lovely face, her long blond hair trailing down each side of her face and almost reaching her breasts, her lips were parted in a suggestive pout and her blue eyes started out at us. Taking in the rest of her body I found that she had quite modest breasts compared to many we had seen that afternoon, they had a perfect curvature to them and prominent dark pink nipples toped them out.

Phillip had joined me on the floor now, kneeling with his legs parted and his erect penis sticking up, out thighs touched, I wasn’t sure about that but didn’t move away.

“I like her, “he said, “be a shame to stick her together, eh?”

“Err, yes, she’s very attractive, great tits.”

“What do you think of her pussy?”

I looked at her pussy, studied it, noted things.

“I do like the blonds, hardly any pussy hair so it’s easier to see everything.”

“Agree, you can even see her clit, she must have pulled her pussy open wide for the photo then let go and the photo was taken before her flaps closed again. Love to be fucking her right now, my cock right up inside that hole.”

“Fuck, yes,” I managed.

Phillip then took hold of his cock and began to slowly wank, obviously his foreskin was pulled back over the glans of his penis in doing this and I got my first sight of his cock proper, what he wanked and fucked with. Rather like the girl in the photo exposing her clitoris and the very entrance to her vagina, intimate images. Intimate acts.

I watched as Phillip masturbated for a short time, I just wanted to check him out, the size and shape of his bell end, how far his foreskin retracted, small but important details for someone like myself, unsure of his own body still, where I was with other similar guys, guys I was competing with to secure girls.

So, what did I see exactly looking at Phillip? His cock head was overall about the same size as mine, slightly larger than his shaft but not excessively so and with a similar shape to his rim and the bit just below so it forming a reasonably deep groove around his helmet – good for sucking on I thought – for girls of course. What differed a bit was its overall shape, whilst mine was rounded, hence the bell end description – although really a general term for a cock head, Phillip’s was a bit more pointed as it formed towards his opening. Still a nice cock though, the sort I’d be happy to have between my legs anyway.

Other details I noted in my less than discrete glances: his foreskin, like mine came fully back over the rim of his cock head and formed a ring just behind it every time his hand pulled down on his penis. Pre cum appeared at his hole occasionally and became smeared over his glans, same as mine would be.

I glanced a little lower, two good sized balls hung level in his scrotum, the seam that divided his sac just visible through the hair that covered him there. His hand was bumping into his balls on every down stroke he made, exactly like I do when wanking.

I decided to join in, well, I needed to wank now and I clearly had permission to perform this act in front of Phillip. My right hand gripped my stiff shaft and I too slowly revealed my bell end. I could see Phil watching as I did so, that made me feel more comfortable in a way, it gave me permission to look at his body too, well his penis and balls really.

“OK?” he asked as our hands moved steadily up and down our cocks.

“Yeah, think so, getting used to another lad watching me do this, so far only a woman has.”

“Same here, you OK if I watch you as well as look at the girl?”

“Alright, maybe we can look at each other if that’s OK with you?”

“Yeah, I’m not shy. Look, tell me when you’re close and about to cum, I’ll do the same, I really want to see you shoot all over the photo. Do it one at a time.”

“Sure, won’t be long, if I wank any faster I’ll cum right away.” I responded.
Idle College Afternoon Part 3-2 Phillip

With my thigh still touching Phillip’s I managed to keep up a steady motion for about another minute before I announced my impending orgasm.

“Phil, I’m close, close,” then seconds later “Ooohhh, going to cuuuuum…..aaaaahhhhh.”

My cock erupted, my first spurt was thin and probably mostly pre cum from my tubes, my second, semen proper, shot straight onto the photo, hitting the girl’s face and some of her tits. My following spurts were fast and furious and splashed all over the photo as they left my slit, my hand still wanking but my grip now loose to avoid restricting my cum flow up my cock, something I had learned through much wanking.

“Oh, yes, yes, great, perfect, fuck… I’m going to cuuuuuumm.” Phillip almost cried out as his hand began wanking really fast, his balls virtually disappeared up into his body and then his own sperm shot from his cock in similar pulses to my own seconds earlier. His cum hit the girl, maybe his aim was better, as he splattered her pussy with his spunk.

“Wow,” I managed, still slowly stroking my softening cock, drips trailing from my hole onto the bathroom floor “that was good, looks like you got her pregnant anyway.”

“Yeah, I knew it wouldn’t take much to cum, I was so horny too, as soon as you came that was it, couldn’t stop myself so just went for it. Yeah, lucky shot, right up her cunt as you say. I recon between us we have well and truly covered her, you cum quite a bit Paul. Nice cock too, a bit envious if honest.”

“You kidding? You shot loads too, those pages will never open again. And you have a really nice cock too. I was worried you had ten inches of horse size cock, make me feel inadequate or something.”

“Bollocks! Well, maybe not, to be honest I was about like you, not sure what you might have. Pretty even between the legs, yes?”

“Yeah, thanks. Really enjoyed doing this, never thought I would, you know, with another guy.”

“Me too. I have thought about wanking with a mate, how it would be, just never had the opportunity, luck it was dirty mag day and your friends were out of the college.”

I laughed. I was relaxed now, we were still naked, kneeling on the floor, our penises soft and hanging slightly heavily over our ball sacs, damp around our now wrinkled foreskins that had partially recovered both our knobs.

Phillip managed to stand, our knees getting tight due to the kneeling position. I followed, as he went to the basin, ran some water and splashed some over his penis, pulled his foreskin back and splashed again. He dried himself and offered the basin for me to do the same.

As I dried myself Phil closed up the magazine, sealing our sperm together. The thought of how all that semen would taste suddenly flashed through my brain? I tried to dispel the thought.

We went back into his bedroom, dressed and I followed Phillip down into the kitchen.

“I’m starving, fancy a sandwich, I’m having one, after I can drive you home?”

“Ok, thanks, but you don’t have to.”

Phillip opened a large fridge “Ham or cheese is quickest, what you fancy?”

“Whatever you’re having.”

“Ham then, mustard or salad?”



We ate the sandwich and had a can of Coke each, Phil then drove me home. On the way he said we should do this again, I agreed, the fear had gone, we were wanking together, cumming together. Just friends experiencing together what most men experience alone, sociable.

He asked when I was free again, all weekend except for the evenings I said when I had agreed to meet some other friends. He had the house to himself from mid-day Saturday as his parents were going to stay with his mum’s mother overnight and not getting back until Sunday evening, so anytime then.

I agreed to drive over Saturday afternoon.

I assumed we would masturbate together again over some new girls, sticking more pages together, probably managing to cum twice each. I liked the idea of that, the two of us naked, erections, maybe dripping together, I would taste mine, would Phillip taste his pre cum? I was a bit unsure about us touching, I suppose legs and thighs didn’t really matter that much, but he did pinch and stroke my nipple briefly. OK it felt nice, very nice, better than me doing it to myself I thought. Would I let him do it again? Not sure. Maybe. What about if he tried to touch me elsewhere, my belly, my upper inner thigh? Again, not sure. He certainly wasn’t going to touch my penis or balls or bum cheeks.

Phillip greeted me on arrival, he looked smart, black jeans, a red and green stripped rugby shirt showed off his broad chest nicely. He made me tea, he had coffee, we chatted a bit. He gave me a full tour this time, pointing out various rooms, a huge lounge, large dining room, two downstairs cloakrooms and then upstairs ending in his bedroom. Much larger than mine, no bed against a wall, wardrobes ran down one wall, built-in. His bed was a single, three foot six probably, same as mine, a green patterned duvet on top. Each side was a small cabinet with a table lamp. Overall I was impressed, a nice room to have, plus a view over the fields beyond too. And his own private bathroom.

A couple of magazines lay on his bed, I could see the topless girls, wanking material for us.

“So Paul, I wank over the girls in the magazines, what’s your wank material when you have a free afternoon?”

I wasn’t expecting that sort of question. I felt a bit embarrassed again.

“If I have the place to myself I fuck my pillow.”

“Err? How you mean?” Phillip sounded confused.

I wish I had just said the name of some girl from college or school.

“You just, what, fold it in half and stick your cock in it?”

“Not exactly, better than that, really good, do it a lot.” I felt I was digging some sort of hole for myself now. Shit.

Phillip reached for one of the magazines, opened it and handed it to me. He took the other and opened it to.

Tits, pussy, pubic hair, labia, nipples, pretty faces, great bodies stared back at me. My cock started to swell, lengthen, push its way down into my pants before the restriction of my jeans made its progress much harder. The idea of fucking now seemed necessary, urgent, my brain said I would have to orgasm before long, my penis agreed.

“Paul? Sorry, me being nosy.”

“It’s OK, just sort of my secret really, I’m probably not the only teenager fucking pillows but it’s well more than just a pillow, I tried that and it wasn’t great, made my cock a bit sore if honest.”

Both laughed.

“I tried it too, yeah, does get a bit sore if you do it too long or too much.”

“I could tell you what I do, interested?” I suggested, not sure if it was the right thing to do.

“Yeah, sure, always interested in new ways to cum off.”

I went on to tell Phillip about pillow girl, he seemed fascinated by the trouble I went to in constructing a life size body to get on top of.

“So it just the body, some upper leg, top of the arms and no head.”

“Yeah, the no head thing is a shame, bit weird I know, but at least she doesn’t talk too much whilst I’m fucking her.”

We both laughed at that.

“Look, I’m hard just thinking about it,” Phillip said looking down at the large bulge showing in his black jeans, then he looked at me “you too.”

I was hard, now no longer shy about it either so I rubbed my hand over my bulging penis and felt my bollocks under it too. Then Phillip surprised me, he started to stroke his own nipples through his thick rugby shirt.

“I had a go after I got back yesterday, just to see how mine feel, pretty good, but took me a while to get then responsive.”

“It was the same with me,” I said, “that woman I met squeezed and pulled on them, quite hard at times and held on to them, it would begin to hurt after a while but she kept saying stick with it a bit longer. After a day or so they seemed much more sensitive and I quickly got hard and quite wet just stroking them.”

By now I was also lightly brushing my own nipples through my shirt. We both stood there, jeans bulging, stroking our nipples.

Then Phillip pulled his shirt up over his head, threw it on his bed and resumed stroking his now bare nipples. I rapidly undid my shirt buttons and off it came, joining Phillip’s on the bed.

“This is really nice,” Philip said, his fingers flicking his firm tips similar to my own now. “they get quite hard don’t they.”

“Yeah, mine stick out more now all the time, not like a woman’s, but definitely larger and harder. Doing this gets me wet too, you’ll be wet too I guess.”

“Soon find out.”
Idle College Afternoons - Phillip 3 - 3

We both smiled widely, knowing our cocks would soon be sticking out, no embarrassment on my part now, totally relaxed with my new friend.

We spent about a minute more on our nipples before Phillip came close to me and taking his fingers from his own chest reached to mine. After yesterday and his touching me though my shirt, I was still weary of such intimate touching. However, something inside of me seemed unconcerned and I found my own hands just dropping away allowing Phillip to touch by buds.

“Fuck, that’s nice,” was all I could manage.



“Do mine then,” Phillip asked.

I hesitated, apart from our legs touching yesterday I had never touched another male body in such a way before, stimulating one sexually. His touches had made my cock surge harder, I think I felt a release of pre cum deep up inside, pretty sexual in my opinion.

“Go on, it’s just tits,” Phillip added.

I shrugged and reached out, Phillip dropped his own arms to give me easier access to his chest, my forefingers touched his nipples simultaneously and began lightly stroking the very tips. He groaned in pleasure as I had and reached for my chest again, working around my arms he managed to resume his stoking of my hard buds. I groaned too.

“This is fucking awesome,” he said, “no one has ever done this to me before, I must be dripping, no wonder girls get soaking wet knickers if I play with their tits, no trouble getting a slimly cock into a wet pussy eh?”

My eyes were now closed, I had tried to imagine Linda at my chest, but Phillip’s face kept appearing, probably his voice doing that, making it harder to refocus. I opened my eyes, he was closer to me now, much closer.

“Sorry, just easier for us to do it together being closer, arms not so much in the way, is that OK?”

“Err, guess so.” I managed.

“That nice? He asked.

“Yes, I just felt some pre cum release, I get more through nipple stroking than wanking.” I let Phillip stroke me for a short time, it was nice and I could feel my cock surging every few moments, constrained in my jeans and briefs. I assumed her was also hard and straining in his pants too.

Then I suddenly thought, what if wants to wank me? Or me to wank him? I stood back. I needed to distract him.

“Would you like me to show you how I build the pillow girl then we could both fuck her?”

“Oh, OK, yeah, let’s do that.” Philip sounded a bit disappointed, “love to see you fucking, if only a pillow.”

Great I thought and we set about collecting the bag, the lotion and some jumpers and another pillow. We soon had pillow girl together, her pussy “lips” protruding from the fly of a pair Phillips other jeans, lotion visible and ready to lubricate our cocks as we pushed inside her. I have to admit the idea of being watched excited me too, especially after yesterday and having another guy looking at me as I wanked off.

“We better get fully undressed,” I suggested. I could see Phillip was still very hard by the bulge he had, I was the same.

We both stripped naked, our cocks springing upright, I peeled my foreskin back, confident now in my penis size and shape, my pre cum was everywhere, some was about to drip on the carpet but I managed to wipe it up with my finger and then put my finger between my lips.

“You put that in your mouth?” Phillip queried, stating the obvious.

“Oh, yeah, it’s nice, sweet. You never tried yours?”

“No, nothing that’s come out of my cock hole. I leave that for girls.”

“I just like it, tastes better than cum anyway, but that’s OK too really.”

“You tasted cum? Fuck! I’ve never done that either. How do you do that, I mean, it’s cum?”

“The woman I met, she sucked me off then kissed me with her mouth still full, I didn’t know it at the time. Then she pushed me back and I ended up with a mouth full of cum that I had to swallow.”

“Swallow? Not even a girl has swallowed my cum. Yet, anyway.”

I was quite chuffed that I’d done more than Phillip.

“So it’s not that bad then? Cum I mean, it looks a bit gross that’s all.”

“I’ve found it varies. I could definitely taste it from the woman who gave it me but obviously it was a bit diluted by then. Normally it has more of a taste to it.”

“Normally? What you mean by that?”

“Well, I have tasted it, you know, after cumming.”

“You mean you wank off and taste your own cum?”

“Err, yeah. Just curious to see how it tasted, all thick and creamy.”


“It’s OK, really, it just takes some effort to actually want to taste it after cumming, just seeing it all there in my hand or up my belly and chest.”

“You just, what, lick it up?”

“Yeah, all in one go I’ve found best. A swish around and then….”

“Then what, Paul?” Phil demanded to know.

I wished I’d never said anything about Linda kissing me like that.

“You swallowed, right?”

I nodded.

Phil stared at me, astonished I think.

“I just thought that, well, you know, if guy expects a girl to suck him off and to swallow, then he ought to know what he’s asking her to do.”

“Wow.” Was all Phillip could manage.

Phillip looked amazed, but then came back.

“Can you suck yourself?”

“Err, suck my own cock you mean? Never tried, never even thought about it.”

Before I could ask Phil he answered my obvious question.

“Neither can I, I tried a few times but can’t get anywhere near, too long in the body I think, bet you’re the same even with a slightly longer cock.”

“Going to have a go.” I responded. “But what made you try?

“It was when I first heard about girls sucking cocks. Must admit I was a bit shocked that girls would actually get a cock in their mouth at all. But then I realised how good it would feel, probably better than my hand so had a go.” “So hgow close did you get?”

“Miles, must be at least 6” or more. Looking at my cock was horny though, so close to my face and mouth.”

“I bet it was. Did, you, you know, err, wank off with it like that?”

“’Course, still do sometimes. First couple of times I kept my eyes closed, thing was my cum went everywhere, hardly any on my face. Then next time I stopped rubbing as I came. That worked and it mostly landed on my face. Getting it in the eyes can sting though, but worth it seeing cum shoot from your cock.”

“I bet. But none went in your mouth?”

“Nah, kept it tightly shut.”

All this time our cocks remained erect and hands stroked them lightly, all this sexy chat keeping us both very turned on.

“Ok, shall we fuck this girl?”

“So, you going first?” he asked.

“OK, we fuck until we cum, right?” I added.

“Def, want to see how it compares to real fucking.”

With that I climbed onto the bed between the open legs of pillow girl, knelt between them and checked the bag opening was ready for my penis, it had to be such that the cut back opening of the bag was inside the open fly of the jeans and held in place by being pushed between the jeans and the pillow, that way it stopped my thrusting from pushing the bag into the pillow.

I could see Phillip watching closely, he moved around as I got myself in position, my bell end now touching the fly and about to push open the lubricated plastic bag.

“You need any lube on your cock?” Phillip asked as I began to enter the pussy.

“Normally it’s OK, done this many times, plenty in the bag.” I responded, more focused on my penetration.

Philip was now behind me, he must have been looking right between my legs, he would see my balls, semi tight in anticipation, my shaft ridged. Fuck! I thought, he can probably see my arse hole too as my skinny bum cheeks would be opened up as I fucked. Can’t bother about it now, my cock was sinking in deep now and it felt really good.

“Yeah, fuck her Paul, fuck her deep, go on balls deep, get in that cunt.”

I sank right in, it felt really good on my cock head, it always did those first few strokes. I moaned, probably a bit too loud as I heard Phillip laugh.

My bum began to bob up and down as I fucked, I could feel my testicles, firm now, press against the jeans as I pushed right in. Phillip kept up his encouragement, fuck, cunt, deep, pussy, cock, bell end. Words repeated as my cock went in and out, my breathing getting faster with the effort of fucking, I was getting faster and faster now, slamming my hips against Phillip’s jeans. I fucked hard, fast and after another minute sensed I was close, I kept up the pace, I needed to ejaculate now, I had to spunk, Phillip’s face appeared close to mine, wanting to see me orgasm, see my expression as I fucked and spunked.

“Cum, Paul, cum, go on Paul spunk in her cunt, fuck her, fuck her…..”

“Yeah, yes, aaaahhhh, aaaahhh, aaahhh……” I spunked, my bell end felt every thrust of my hips as I pounded away. I kept going, fucking hard, fast, not wanting my orgasm to end, my cock stiff and still throbbing, I sensed Phillip really close to me now, I almost wanted him to grab me by my bollocks and squeeze the last sperm from them as I my contractions subsided, I could certainly feel the difference as I slid in and out, so much more slippery now my cum had added to the lotion lubricating my penis.

Finally I collapsed onto the body beneath me, panting, spent.

“Fucking awesome, Paul, wow, I loved seeing you cock go in and out, your balls pressed up against her - its, well, pussy. I want to get in there now, move over.”

“Yeah, that was good, best one I’ve had I think,” I managed, still balls deep in the pussy, my cock now quite soft, but feeling wet all over. “Ok, let me get up.”

I climbed off, my penis soft, dripping semen and a coating of white lotion. Phillip watched, he was looking between my legs, checking out my cock with its foreskin all damp, a thin trail of fluid dangling from the end.

“Want a new bag?” I asked.

“You kidding, you lubed it for me.”

I laughed as he manoeuvred between the legs of pillow girl.
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Phillip had clearly watched and leant. Kneeling as I had between the legs of the girl he held his cock to the fly, located the opening in the plastic and slid inside with the faintest sigh.

I watched as his bum began to bob up and down, this shaft visible every time he pulled out. I could see he was focused on fucking, just as I had been, his face looking at his bed where a girl’s head and face would normally be.

I moved around him and looked at his body as he fucked, how he held his upper body weight on his arms so his hips could thrust freely – fast and deep, his hairy testicles now tighter between his legs and oh, repeated sights of his anus too, that small dark ring of his. So, he must have seen mine too, I reasoned.

Phil lasted much longer this time, I watched him as he fucked, noted his movements again, his body, how good he looked, how he smelled too, that was sort of new, exciting, erotic almost. I watched his face as he had his orgasm, I now do like seeing another man have his orgasm and I like to be watched as I have mine too.

Phil was close up to me when I ejaculated, I still fanaticised about him reaching for my bollocks as I shot, but that was all.

After he had pulled out I retrieved the plastic bag and we looked at our combined spunk load, quite a bit I thought, be good leaving that inside a real girl. As we dressed there was more chat about us both with one girl.

Eventually I went home, I would see Phillip next week at college. That evening on returning from the pub I masturbated, this time to new fantasies. One being Phillip having a wank and tasting his cum for the first time. He swallowed, of course.

I met Phil again the next Friday for more masturbation, he had started building his own pillow girl and we had both used this method of satisfying our sexual needs during the week. I was much more relaxed now, we managed to stick more pages of his magazine together, I actually took the initiative and stroked his nipples from behind him with my arms under his armpits and around his chest, but my penis, whilst stiff, kept its distance. However, not long after I had started Phil seemed to come back onto me so that his body touched mine, my cock touched his body, his bum as his had done to mine. I continued to flick and stroke his tits, he clearly like me doing it as he groaned in pleasure. I was close to reaching for his penis, to begin wanking him, bringing him to orgasm. I sort of wanted to but just couldn’t. Sometimes I just wish he would grab my cock and wank me, even bring me off. Would I reciprocate? Yes, I really think I would and go all the way too.

Two weeks later at college, it was Monday morning, my first class was pure maths but due to the lecturer being ill the class was cancelled. As I did quite a mix of subjects there were very few fellow students common to all three subject so I only got to know those who sat close to me, others I would say hello to but not much more.

I decided to head to the refectory and have a coffee and read the text book for a bit, looking at where the class had reached last time. This being college, there were usually three classes a week, so hopefully the lecturer would be back for the next one on Thursday morning.

“Hi, mine if I sit with you? Paul, yes?”

I looked up, it was one of the girls from maths, of course I recognised her but apart from the usual pleasantries we had never really spoken before.

“Err, yes, of course, Paul, your Denise, right?”

“Yes, shame about Mr. Baker. Still, makes for an easier start to the week.”

I had noticed Denise, long brown hair, brown eyes, nice figure, probably smallish breasts with narrow hips but she looked great in tight jeans. She was maybe three inches shorter than myself. Pretty face, nice smile. Bright too, well maths?

We chatted for the whole two hours of what should have been the lecture, we bought each other more coffees. It turned out she lived in a village about six miles away, so had gone to a different school to me and was now also repeating A levels to go to teacher training college. She told me her parents both worked, her father at a large company where he was in charge of the purchasing department, buying material for the manufacture of car components, her mother worked in an office in the nearby town, invoices and that sort of thing. From what she said I reached the conclusion she was unattached so I let her know in a roundabout way that I was the same, although had recently had a relationship.

I enjoyed my sessions with Phillip but they were of course no substitute for a girlfriend, just an outlet for spunk really. It turned out we were both free for the period up to lunch so I suggested we walk into town for a change and Denise agreed. I was really delighted, an indirect way of asking her out without asking her out.

To get to the point, I did actually ask her out, just for a drink, and she said yes.

We did what most late teenagers do, meet up, have some drinks then at the end of the night, I would take her home and hopefully have at least a kiss. I had the car, not a huge “bird puller” as some friends had described the dark green metallic Vauxhall Viva, but it served its purpose and we could be alone when it was dark. There was no way I was going to mess this up, no groping her breasts or coming on too much, just a goodnight kiss, which Denise reciprocated and a second date the next night.

Over the next couple of weeks we saw more of each other, both at college and in the evenings. We seemed to have clicked as a couple, enjoyed each other’s company and gradually became more intimate. I assumed Denise had had boyfriends and was sexual experienced to some degree, by nineteen she would probably not be a virgin, anyway.

One Saturday night we had stopped off just before her village, a narrow lane, nice and quiet. We had often parked up there for a goodnight kiss and we began kissing as usual but nothing more than that. I would be hard of course, my jeans bulging but in the darkness of the car not visible. I assumed Denise would be wet too, but that was for later discovery.

After about ten minutes of kissing Denise turned to me.

Paul, you can touch me, I would quite like you to.”

“Oh, OK, hope you don’t think I don’t like you, I didn’t want to go too fast.”

“I know you like me, that’s why I’m here. Now give me your hand.”

Denise reached and took my right hand from her upper thigh and bought it to her left breast. I cupped her tit, she felt firm, I assumed her bra did most of that. Her breasts were modest, probably smaller than Linda’s but I didn’t care, I actually preferred smaller breasts. Of all those girls Phillip and myself had masturbated over I would go for the ones with nicely shaped tits with a decent nipple rather than the very large ones Phil seemed to prefer.

We kissed as I felt her, my hand then began tugging up her top and touching her bare belly for the first time. It was like an electric shock, my cock surged in my tight jeans, almost hurting as it bent. I moved up her soft belly, touched the underside of her bra cup, went over it and again found cool delicate flesh. I met no resistance, just more tongue in my mouth, her way of saying yes. My hand slipped into her bra, soft breast, nipple already hard, her shape, more prominent with her breast pushing forward to the nipple, I was really excited now as we kissed harder.


Nothing further happened that evening, Denise did make one comment as she sorted out her clothing before I took her home.

“I expect you’ve been stiff all that time, I’ll be thinking of you when you get into bed later.”

“Err, yes, well, I have, can’t help it of course.”

Denise just laughed, kissed me goodnight and climbed out of the car. I was to pick her up at two tomorrow.

Then I thought, she assumes I’m going to masturbate in bed.

It so happens she was right.


Sunday: It turned out that her parents were out all day, she had the house to herself, so after about an hour Denise suggested we go back there. I thought she looked so sexy, tight jeans as usual with that daylight between her thighs, also a pink top with long sleeves, quite tight, so it showed off her shape, two modest breasts, which whilst not large overall, seemed to stick out a reasonable amount, consistent with what I had felt the previous night.

Her home was again larger than mine, detached, the only one of its architecture on the road, which was quiet with mature trees either side. Inside I was led through the spacious hallway into the kitchen, light and modern, a dining table at one end and fitted units at the other.

Alone in the kitchen she hugged me, gave me a big wet kiss, made tea and said follow her. I followed her upstairs and entered her room, my cock was anticipating things which may or may not happen, being alone with a girl again.

“So Paul, where were we last night?”

Her hand took mine and pulled me to her, again we kissed, my hand on her hips then bum, Denise had both her hands on my waist pulling me to her. There is no way she would have not felt my erection against her thigh, I thought. Indeed she repeated pulling me onto her which had the effect of giving me the slightest of wanks and a wet foreskin.

Denise then pulled away, took my hand and led me to her bed, a single, about the same as mine, probably three foot six wide. We sat side by side for a brief moment before she spoke.

“Shoes off, can’t have marks on my bed can I.”

With that she removed her own pumps and I removed my shoes, then I was pulled towards the centre of the bed and we sat facing each other, our faces only a foot or so apart.

“So, we’re finally alone,” Denise began, “I know we’ve been in your car, but now we have privacy too. Happy?”

“Yes, of course,” I said, conscious of my bulging jeans still as my legs went each side of hers “you look lovely.”

“Come here,” with that she pulled me to her so we could again kiss, my hands went to her waist, hers rested on my thighs. I had permission to touch her breasts, carrying on from our time in the car, so I moved my hands upwards, to where her top showed off her shape. I touched her breasts. Denise made a sound of appreciation as we kissed, I estimated where her nipples would be through her bra and stroked the area, more murmurs of delight, I must have been spot on.

Our kiss ended, we both sat back a bit, my hands fell back into my lap, but not covering my bulge.

“Shall I take this off or are you going to?” Denise asked, obviously referring to her pink top.

“Oh, I will, just pull up?”

A nod.

I took hold of her top from around her waist and began to pull it upwards, Denise raised her arms and with relative ease I pulled her top over her head and off her arms. It was then that I could really appreciate the form of her tits, her bra still disguised her actual shape, but I really liked what I saw, modest in size as I had assumed, more pointed than full and rounded as Linda had been. I anticipated I had permission to take her breasts out or to remove her bra, so I reached for her straps and slipped them off her shoulders. She nodded and smiled as I did, so I came really close, my face next to hers and reached around her back, found the hooks and undid them. Before I could pull back and see her bare breasts I felt her arms again pull me to her and we kissed again.

At last we parted, I still held her bra so it came away and revealed her breasts. I just sort of stared at them, so beautiful, so youthful, firm, pointing right at me with quite dark circles with full nipples at their tips.

“Paul, you can touch them,”
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I reached and began to stroke the tips of her nipples, Denise’s mouth opened as she gasped.

“Ooohh, that’s nice, oooohhh, don’t stop, yes, love how that feels.”

Her hands ran further up my thighs, the fingers of her right hand now an inch or so from where my jeans stood out. I stayed on her nipples, that must have made her wet and I will be dripping pre cum by now, I thought. With her eyes now closed, Denise just enjoyed the sensations in her tits, my fingers stroking the tips then moving further to circle both her areolae which sort of formed the shape of her actual breast rather than being on the surface of the natural curve of breasts as with most girls or women. A little different, I thought, but fucking sexy.

Suddenly Denise opened her eyes, smiled and said “Take your shirt off, I want us to be equally undressed.”

I unbuttoned and slipped it off.

“Mmmm, you have a pretty nice chest,” with that I felt her hands touch my pecs and run down my chest to my belly and then my sides “I love a flat tummy too.”

I laughed, “not as nice as your, eer, chest,” with that I again touched her breasts, my fingers drawing out from her sternum to the tip of each nipple before stroking each lightly.

“Mine are sensitive too, “I said, hoping that Denise would stroke them too.

“Oh, I’ve not come across a man whose nipples are particularly sensitive, so, do I just stroke them like you are mine?”

“Yeah,” with that she raised her hands and softly stoked my tips, making me groan in delight.

“Wow, they are sensitive, maybe more than mine. You must now be getting uncomfortable in those jeans, I could feel you against me earlier. Men.”

We both laughed, I looked down, yes I was making a visible arc in my jeans, and yes, it had begun to become uncomfortable, especially each time my cock tried to harden and stretch out, which it was definitely doing every few seconds right now.

“What you want me to do then? I can’t actually do much about it.”

“Only thing is to take them off, I suppose.”

“You sure?”

“Of course, I’ve had several boyfriends before, usually I have to tell them to keep them on.”

I laughed. “Just didn’t want to be to, you know, pushy that way.”

“Paul, get them off.” Denise said pointing down to my jeans.

I obeyed, reluctantly of course. I had to move way, then stand as it was much easier that way. My cock must have been so clearly discernible as I unfastened my belt, the top button and pulled the zip down, then pushed down at my hips and then rather awkwardly managed to get free of the legs, before just standing there. I pulled my socks off.

Now in just my briefs, there was no hiding my arousal, the front pushed out, pubic hair from around my balls was probably visible from the opening either side created by my penis. Looking down I can see the outline of my glans though the thin fabric, the line around the end of my cock, indicating to some extent, my potential length as it curled around. Oh, and a wet patch.

“Mmmm, now that is one of my favourite sights,” Denise said smiling broadly “a man full of potential, we don’t get as visibly excited but I can tell you, if I was a man, I would be as hard as you are too.”

I sort of blushed, not exactly sure what to say next. Denise fixed that, she reached down and slipped a finger from each hand into the gap I mentioned and stroked in there. My balls, that sensitive part of the ball sac near the base of the penis, just light strokes, some touches to the base of my cock too. I hardened even more, my pants straining with my erection trying to break free and straighten out.


“Yeah, too nice I recon,”

I went back to her tits, stroking the points of her nipples, trying to reciprocate the arousing sensations in our flesh, my efforts produced a soft groan, a sigh.

Finally I managed to gather my thoughts, the sensations between my legs having overridden everything.

“I thought you wanted us to be equally undressed? Looks like I’ve gone further.”

“Well, a bit, but you looked sort of in distress, between the legs, that is. Too confined. Anyway, you look more comfortable now, yes?”

“Err, yes, but…..”

Denise began to climb off her bed, her tits bouncing as she did and looking so incredibly sexy, then she stood facing me, rubbed her hands over her breasts, pulled on her nipples and blew a kiss at me. I smiled, unable to think of anything sensible to say. Then she ran her hands down over her belly and between her thighs over her jeans. I could feel my cock moving, pulsing with my erection as she toyed with me, teased me.

“Right, jeans off then, OK?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Denise then unfastened her jeans, wriggled her bum and pushed them down, first in sight were a pair of brief white panties, barely enough to cover her…. pussy mound. They looked like cotton, a band of coloured trim finished off the leg holes and top.

I watched as she managed to get her jeans down to her ankles and finally off. She stood there, naked apart from the tiniest of panties, the swelling of her mound clearly showing, the merest hint of a damp patch lower down but I might have been imagining that.


“Wow, yes, come here,”

Denise climbed back onto her bed and knelt before me, her knees apart, I was still sitting with my legs out so she straddled me. Leaning in to each other we kissed, my hands reaching out to hold the sides of her abdomen, hers on my shoulders. My mind whirled, I assumed we would soon both be naked, seeing each other for the first time, touching between the legs, me being stroked, her being entered, at least by my fingers.

I let my hands slip down to her hips, I could feel the top of those skimpy panties, the tiny strip of elastic holding them in place. My fingers carried on, our kiss became more passionate, tongues played sword fighters, saliva was swapped, panties lowered, the soft but firm feel of her bottom filled my hands with cool skin, I massaged it lightly then separated her cheeks and let my fingers slip between them, following the path set out by her crack until I almost touched her anus.

The kiss broke, Denise pulled back, looked at me.

“Cheeky, that’s my bottom! You wait, I can be naughty too.” The kiss resumed.

My hands now on her hips I proceeded in pulling her panties down until they were as low on her legs as I could get them. I didn’t yet look down, we just looked at each other and then our lips came together in another kiss. I let my right hand move down along her thigh then slowly move up again but on the inside this time, her soft flesh warm to the touch and getting warmer as my hand moved towards where her legs joined. I was still straining in my pants, I felt surges in my erection on a regular basis, my cock head must be soaked I rightly assumed.

I felt my fingers touch were her legs met, Denise let out a moan of delight. But something was odd. I had expected the usual hair, like Linda, like those Danish girls, even the blonds with wispy pussy hair. Nothing. Just skin and well, soft fleshy folds, all warm and wet, slippery, inviting. I felt around, touching her crotch where her hair would normally be. Smooth. Each side of her slit was smooth. I felt higher, Denise still had her mouth to mine, murmurs of approval came from between her lips.

Up over her vulva I went, her wetness letting my fingers glide easily though her labia, over the hood of her clitoris and up to where her flesh finally came together again. Then some hair, it felt quite short and only a small area of it, smaller than most girls I had seen it seemed. Not the usual thick bush. I wanted to see this right now.

I broke the kiss this time, pulling my face back, looking at Denise. She must have known what I was thinking, going to ask, maybe.

“First time with a smooth girl, eh?”

“Well, yes, but its fine, just, well, a bit surprised, that’s all.”

“You might as well see, but first I need to get these off, and so do you.”

With that Denise sat back and pulled her knickers off, throwing them on the floor. I tried to catch a first glance of her bare pussy but getting my pants off took some effort. Eventually we were both naked, my prick, hard obviously, still with its foreskin in place. Denise, legs open.

We more or less resumed our positions on the bed, this time Denise reached for me, taking hold of my cock, a quick look up seemed to ask a question – can I pull your skin back? I must have made the slightest of nods as a slow pull down bared my knob, wet, shiny, ready.

“Mmmm Paul, you have a nice one, these are nice too.” I felt my balls lifted then let go, followed by a few rubs of my shaft, her eyes fixed on it as her hand manipulated my foreskin back and forth over my glans. I signalled my pleasure, she knew how to handle a penis, I just hoped I could handle her pussy as well.

Looking down past her belly I could see her pubic hair, it looked like a triangle, pointing downward to where her flesh parted and formed that slit that girls have there. Below that just her bare body, smooth, interrupted only by the protrusion of her labia, small inner lips just visible between the large outer pouting lips.

“I suppose you want to know why I’m smooth there, why I shave?”

“Well, Ok, yes, I mean, not many girls do, from those I’ve seen in photos.”


“Girlie mags, a friend gets them and we have a look.”

“You bring yourself off to them, yeah?”

“I might.” I said, managing a laugh, but feeling pretty guilty.
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“Right, I had a boyfriend, about a year ago, he would go down and, well, he liked to kiss me between the legs. He was good too, so no pressure, but he said that my hair irritated his face. I tried trimming but that made it worse, like stubble on a beard I guess. He asked if I would shave myself smooth, so I agreed….”

“What with, a razor?”

“Yeah, at first I used my dad’s when he was out, but then bought one and some cream. Anyway, it worked for him and I got bought off with his mouth and tongue a lot, so all happy. After we finished I decided I liked the feel and look of it all smooth, other boyfriends loved the look and feel too, so here I am. Well?”

“Yeah, perfect, you look incredible, can’t wait to…..”

“Get your face down there, but guess what?”

Oh no, I thought, she’s not going to let me.


“I’m going first.”


I didn’t get an answer, at least not any words. My cock, still in her hand, was drawn forwards as she repositioned herself on the bed and lowered her head parting her lips for my penis.

“Ooohh, that’s nice,” came from my lips as my bell end disappeared into her mouth and her hand began again to slowly move up and down. Moments later I felt myself pushed onto my back as Denise positioned herself for a more comfortable cock suck. I lay back, legs wide open and slightly pulled up, Denise between them, her head bobbing, one hand wanking, the other holding my balls and rolling them round and round.

The feeling was amazing, it always is when sucked well, her soft mouth slid silkily over my shiny knob, my rim and on to my stretched skin beneath, all so incredible sensitive, I gasped periodically as her tongue licked up the underside of my cock head, the really sensitive bit. I needed to be careful, this was no time to fill her mouth, I wanted this to last and do more, much more, I had a shaved pussy waiting for my mouth, it had been a while since I’d lapped up the juice from a randy woman.

I felt my testicles let go of, then my shaft relinquished, only a mouth rode my cock, then the sudden feeling of fingers flicking and stroking both nipples simultaneously. That pushed me too far, my orgasm was unstoppable. I tried to warn Denise, but I ejaculated suddenly and probably with force. My cock head was insanely sensitive, I pumped the first load, which must have gone inside her mouth, then another before I somehow managed to grab by still spurting cock and begin wanking myself, splatters of hot sperm hitting my chest then belly, some probably hitting Denise in the face.

My eyes opened and the last cum dribbled from my hole, I could see Denise before me, her head up and looking down at me, she was grinning, but also licking her lips and wiping a trail of white from her cheek.

“Sorry, didn’t expect to do that, to cum in your mouth like that, it’s just that when……”

“It’s OK, I’ve had cum in my mouth before, I thought you might unload if I touched your tits from how you reacted earlier and I thought it best to let you release now rather than when we start properly.”

“Start properly?” I asked, not actually sure what Denise meant.

“Oh, I assumed we would, well, have sex.”

“Err, yes, of course, if you want to, I do.”

“It’s, well, most guys I’ve known usually cum pretty quickly first time, so I thought I might get you off first, have some time to recover, get you hard again, then get you inside me. Is that alright?”

“Yeah, its fine. True, would probably have cum pretty soon, but didn’t mean you to get some in the mouth, not yet anyway.”

“I’ve sucked guys off before and swallowed, had quite a bit of practice, so don’t worry. What I want now is you getting your head between my legs, OK? You are OK with that?”

“Err, yes of course, I like doing that. I just hope it’s OK for you too.”

“Paul, it will be.” With that Denise smiled and gestured for me to move.

I sat up, still covered in my now runny spunk and pulled Denise to me and began kissing. I thought I could detect a hint of semen on her breath as we kissed, as my hands again felt for and held her breasts, pulled her nipples. I knew what I had to do, Denise was only 19 but experienced, knew her way around a penis, probably more, hopefully a lot more and I am willing.

I ended the kiss and manhandled my girl so she was now where I had been, head on the pillow, legs spread wide, very wide, as I pushed her thighs apart and I had my first proper view of her smooth pussy. Apart from her vulva being hairless, her labia was tiny and smooth, two dark pink lips protruded from around her vagina, not thick and fleshy like some I had seen or even like Linda’s. Further up her clit hood was neat too, almost revealing what was hidden underneath its folds. Above that a tidy triangle of short brown hair pointed down to where her slit began to open out, to where I was to begin.

“Paul, you OK?”

“Oh, yes, sure, just looking, just not seen, you know, a smooth….girl before, very nice, can’t wait to…”

Before I could say anything else Denise grabbed my right arm and pulled me towards her, then pushed my head towards her abdomen. I got the message.

With her knees now up and legs spread I lowered myself so I could begin licking her pussy. I was intrigued to see how she tasted compared to Linda but thought I would begin on her clit, give that some attention. A quick glance up showed Denise watching me, waiting for me to pleasure her before it was her turn on me again.

I felt my tongue touch her body, immediately I tasted her scent, the powerful aroma rising from her clearly wet but still to be opened up vagina. I added my fingers between her spread legs, but with her compact vulva and small inner lips there was not the usual amount of pussy to open up, so I kept them each side of her clit stroking lightly. My tongue pushed under her hood and finding the smooth bud flicked at it, then licked upwards into the folds of its flesh. Moans soon emanated from the girl above, fingers touched my head, ruffled my hair and lightly stroked my cheeks.

I moved down, my lips in constant contact with her body, my tongue flicking as much as it could, I wanted pussy, wet and dripping, metallic and just fucking incredible. I sucked her small lips in turn, left then right, then pushed may face in between them, slurping and lapping at her. I felt my face pressed in further, my nose and cheeks were both wet now as my tongue entered her quim. Denise was heavenly, her juices just flowed and I wanted them all, to have to physically swallow as she would my spunk loads.

I knew I would soon have to fuck her, my cock was already solid again, but first I had to bring her off, get her to orgasm as I had just had. Guys are easy to bring to ejaculation, girls harder I had concluded, but I would do it, and now.

I would finger fuck her and lick her clit together. I moved my position slightly so my right hand was free to penetrate her vagina and my fingers could move rapidly whilst sucking and licking her clitoris.

Ready, I began to slide two fingers into Denise, her wetness made penetration easy, rapid and deep and accompanied by moans of pleasure. I then began to move my fingers slowly, in out, in out, then gradually I lowered my head and began to work her clit, licking up and down in long smooth and regular strokes, building up her sensitivity, winding up her pending orgasmic release and then demand I fuck her hard and fast, to spunk deep in her cunt. To spunk in her cunt, eh. Good job I had some rubbers with me, pack of three in my back jeans pocket. I had been buying some whenever I was in a pub with a machine in the gents. I would check no one was following when I went for a pee and if the toilet was empty, stick a 50p in the slot and buy another three pack. I now had a dozen in total, 12 fucks, 12 of my loads filling a teat, great value.

My fingers and mouth worked away, Denise moaned and groaned with pleasure, she wriggled her hips and pushed my face harder into her cunt. In response I finger fucked her harder and as deep as I could, also trying to angle my fingers upwards to probe her G-spot as Linda had taught me to do. That achieved a reaction, a loud cry, her gasping for breath, more wriggling of her bum and me, licking her clit as fast as I could.

Denise orgasmed. I kept all my efforts going until I felt her turn her body away from me, she must have been squirming to generate the force necessary to push me off her, shrieks followed as both her hands clutched her pussy preventing me from any access. There she lay, curled up, like a guy who’s been kicked in the balls, hands between her legs, protecting herself.

I got to my knees and watched, amazed at what I had just done; this girl, taken to her limits by my mouth and fingers. I was a bit pleased with myself, my cock was obviously beginning to become solid again, still to get up inside her vagina, to unload my cum into her. I reckoned that having just recently ejaculated I would last a good long time, maybe try some different positions, even bring her off again.

Finally Denise rolled onto her back taking her hands away from her pussy, exposing herself to my gaze again, her intimate lips still glistening from her and my secretions, her breasts pointing upwards, her nipples dark and taught looking in their arousal.

“Can, I, well, get inside you?” I asked “I have some condoms so……”

“Yes and no, no need for a condom, I’m on the pill, have been for over a year, but you must never say anything to my parents, OK?”

“Oh, right, great, I mean no, of course not,” I said, now very excited, “so I can just cum inside, yeah?”

“Yes, now come on, I want to feel your cock go in me. One other thing, I like it hard, so you can pound away fast and deep plus squeeze my tits as you fuck me, OK?”

“Yeah, sure, no problem.” Fuck, what an invite, I thought.

“How hard on your, er, tits? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You can pinch the nipples and pull on them, reasonably hard, if you go too far I’ll say so. You can also nibble them but don’t bite. OK?”

I confirmed I understood.

Denise now lay ready, her legs wide open, really wet were she needed to be, her small lips stretched wide revealing the inside of her vagina visible as an inviting darkness. Climbing on top of her I positioned myself between her legs, stretched out my arms to where her shoulder were and lowered myself with the intension of my bell end locating her opening and sipping inside. It’s never quite that easy, of course for us men, my end wedged under her pussy, no way would it slide up and in.

“Here, let me help.”

I felt Denise move to reach down and take hold of me, then the feel of my glans being pulled upwards over her perineum and into the wetness of her vulva, where I cautiously push my hips forward and thankfully slipped inside her body. I could feel myself sliding in, the silkiness of her vagina on my bare knob, yes I was bare, flesh on flesh, free to spunk into her actual pussy rather than some rubber teat hanging off the end of my cock. The idea of going down on her afterwards flashed through my mind, licking her out, taking back most of my own sperm, our juices mixed in some incredible cocktail, then maybe even kissing her with it in my mouth, sharing together our sperm and cunt.

“Mmmm, that’s nice, I can really feel you in me, it’s a good job you’re no longer than you are, I like to feel a guy right in me and pressing right up inside me as he fucks me.” Denise murmured as we copulated.
Idle College Afternoons - Phillip 3 - 7

I was, well, in as far as my balls I suppose, I could detect I had reached the end of her vagina, a slight pressure on my cock head, her cervix I assumed. A good target for my semen to hit without the concerns of pregnancy.

“Oh, thanks,” I managed just as I began to move, pulling my hips and bum outwards, being careful to leave at least my bell end and about an inch or so of shaft inside her, no danger then of me slipping out and then hitting some delicate part of her trying to push my way back inside.

I began to fuck, a steady rhythm at first, full depth, to my testicles each stroke, it felt really good on my knob too, like inside Linda when I also had no condom on. Up top we kissed, my hands on her chest now, her tits cupped but barely filling my hands as I trapped the firm nipples between my fingertips and worked them, squeezing her teats, pulling then outwards, flicking my fingertips and nails over the very ends.

I soon felt confident enough to gradually speed up, I could feel my balls, still fairly relaxed after my first ejaculation, jumping around, sometimes slapping Denise right between her spread thighs. I then tried to maintain my new pace as we carried on kissing, I knew I would need to stop being so passionate soon as I needed more air, I wasn’t yet slamming into her full force but close enough, that took effort, but it rewarded me big time. The feel of my rock hard cock, bare, moving inside a girl’s willing body, only my second girl too, made me feel so more a man, odd that really I thought.

The kiss broken, I was now able to being hammering into Denise as fast as I could, I knew it I couldn’t keep it up for too long though, either I would get too tired or more likely cum again. I could feel her warmth beneath me, her body trying to move with me, to maximise my penetration even though I felt the very limits of her pussy, maybe she also wanted to keep feeling my testicles slapping against her body too as they were now, it felt really good for me too, adding to the pleasure in my cock head each thrust my hips made.

I still had my hands on her tits, fingers working her ridiculously hard nipples, wanting to bring her to another screeching orgasm as we fucked.

I was beginning to flag, my pace had slackened, I was breathing fast and deep, still my bum bobbed up and down as I copulated, I could almost feel my buttocks flex each inward thrust. My mind focused on my own movements now, how my hard penis was slipping in and out of her wet twat, how her cunt lips would be wrapped around my shaft as I fucked her. Then, without warning my mind switched to the sight of Phillip on pillow girl, his bum, lean like mine, his cheeks opening and closing with each thrust he made, the sight of his arsehole, a brownish circle, exposed in short flashes, opened slightly as his cheeks parted, mine must be doing the same right now I thought. Then I thought of Linda with her finger pushed up my arsehole, how good that had felt, would the girl under me be as daring I wondered.

I must have slowed more, Denise was saying something, I looked down at her.

“Paul, that was good, but I have never yet cum through having a guy inside me, it’s not you or them, must be me. I love sex like this and want to cum.”

“Oh, OK, so what’s happening then?” I asked, unsure what to say.

“I want you to carry on and cum in me OK, but I’ll rub my clit as you do, that usually brings me off, OK?”

“Err, sure anything you say, we’re obviously not that used to each other yet,” I added the “yet” more in hope that this would not be the last time we were in bed together.

By now my movements had all but stopped, I had kept up a slow and gentle thrusting, more to keep me hard than anything else, but I did actually stop moving, I was about half way inside, her small red lips caressed my shaft as I had stopped on the withdrawal stoke.

“You don’t mind, do you?” Denise asked, her right hand now on her clit, just an inch or so from where my shaft entered her.

“No, ‘course not, I love watching someone else wanking themselves off.”

“I take it from that you’ve watched girls and maybe even other guys wanking off.”

“Well, yes…”

“Tell me later, shall we go for it then?”

I smiled, nodded and pushed myself back deep inside, my arms were still outstretched so if I looked down I could see Denise’s hand on her pussy and watched as she began to move her fingers around and around her clitoris, back and forth, up and down, collecting her own lubrication from around her labia and also from around my cock as it slid in and out. I could feel her fingers around me and that felt special, an acceptance of me as her lover.

I wanted her to cum first, so she would still have the pleasures of a cock inside her pounding away and then hopefully she would feel my spurts as I orgasmed. I would really like that she would bring herself off and her orgasm would trigger mine, like when I had wanked with Phillip.

So I had sex with Denise, a steady rhythm, not too fast now, nice and easy controlling both my path to orgasm and still able to watch my girl wanking herself off whilst being taken. It was probably half an hour at least since I had cum in Denise’s mouth, I felt that I could cum again now but also that I could hold it off until the girl beneath me had cum too, maybe it would be even better if we could cum together. I would be watching closely for signs she might be getting close, like she had earlier with my mouth and fingers, sounds, her breathing, body movement, like the way my balls rise as I approach spunking off.

Soft groans now, getting stronger by the second, came from the girl beneath me, her hand was frantically working her clit now, rapid sideways swipes right across her tip, more moans, her hips rising rhythmically now even with me thrusting into her snatch, she was clearly getting close. I increased my speed, made my strokes longer and more forceful each entry, I wanted to cum.

Then Denise orgasmed. He cries were amazingly loud, I watched her left hand pulled savagely on her nipple, squeezing it hard in the process, her right hand still rubbed her clit furiously, then it suddenly stopped as she must have reached such an incredible orgasmic intensity within her body that she could no longer stand it. Sometimes when I wank my bell end becomes so sensitive during my orgasm that I have to stop taking my hand and foreskin up over my glans, it’s just too much for me to stand.

I was close now too, getting closer, then cumming, my internal organs began to pulse strongly, my cock head swelled, I moaned in ecstasy as I shot my sperm into Denise, the moans turning to almost animal grunts as I thrust hard and deep into her. I kept up the fucking motion as long as could, my end being so sensitive, then beginning to soften as the last throbs of my orgasm subsided. I sank down onto Denise, her arms seemingly automatically wrapped around me and we stayed like that for a time recovering.

“Thanks, Paul, that was great, it’s just that I can’t seem to cum with just a man,”

“It’s ok, I liked seeing you playing with yourself, is you nipple Ok, you were really pulling on it?”

“Yeah, its fine, I do that quite a bit when alone and bringing myself off, I do swap at times but it’s not so easy with my left hand between my legs, I just can’t seem to get the coordination.”

“Same for most guys, I assume, I wank best right handed but do sometimes use my left, feels different in some ways, I still cum though, which is the main thing.”

We continued to chat, lying there naked alongside each other, touching, my right hand gently stroking her left breast, stroking her nipple the lightest I could, kissing now and then, just enjoying each other.

I was very encouraged by what Denise had said earlier, about me meeting her parents, that suggested she liked me and expected “us” to continue for some time yet, rather than just a short sex fuelled romp, although nothing wrong with a sex fuelled romp, but I really wanted a steady girlfriend more than just sex right now. Well.

After a while Denise moved over to put her head on my chest, her long dark brown hair trailing over my shoulder, her left hand gently stoking my belly as far down as the start of my pubic hair. I began to feel some arousal again, but it was the closeness we now shared which was the most wonderful feeling I had ever known.

Several minutes passed then Denise suddenly sat up, looked at the clock next to her bed and said we had better get up or there was a risk of getting caught by her parents. This we did and we arranged to meet again later that evening.




Over the next few weeks I continued to see Denise, we had sex in bed when we could, otherwise it was what we could manage in the car, although we did have a couple of goes at actual penetration, it was not that great. And yes, I did manage to get my cock into Denise but it was extremely awkward and we both ended up wanking the other off. I did get some great blow jobs though, we swapped seats so the steering wheel wasn’t in the way and Denise began sucking me off properly with me cumming in her mouth and she swallowing. I even managed to get us cum kissing as well with me sharing my sperm and swallowing it too. That was something she really liked doing, maybe it meant she didn’t have to swallow, but I really think she is OK with cum, whoever had introduced her to sucking off and swallowing did a really good job.


