Stay the same for me Thanks
Couldn't be bothered going thru all the dramas (emotional not so much Physical) again
especially with straight, and the other sex,s possible peculiarities ..
haha cres, Bi did happen for me
does that mean i unwittingly doubled my hassles? ha
I'm glad that I didn't have that power a few years ago, I would have honestly chosen to make myself straight. I was fighting it so hard that I was miserable inside.
Now? Wouldn't change myself for nothing!! :biggrin1:
Given my environment, culture and the place where I live, I'd change it in a heartbeat...
I personally would no longer tolerate living in a society which discriminates against my sexual preference. I am by no means a "whore" sexually, but this matter is an important part of who you are. Your religion and your government have no moral right to tell you that you are wrong for the nature you are born with. You should consider moving to another place where you are freer to be yourself.