- zbor,
What's up folks, how we doing. I'm a straight man here looking for mostly platonic cock talk that none of my guy friends seem at all interested in. I measured my dick and ran the numbers the other day and it turns out that according to some sources I'm above average. Cool! But ever since then I've been feeling some level of penis dysmorphia. I've never thought of myself as anything other than normally endowed and I'm kind of struggling to integrate this new info into my sense of self. I've had this annoying preoccupation with whether or not I can consider myself "big." I know that it has next to no effect on my life whatsoever, which is why it's so annoying to be concerned with! lol. I'd love to hear if members of the community have experienced anything like this. Also please lmk if there is a more appropriate place to have this discussion other than the introduction forum lol