Is it safe to pick up hitchhikers


Superior Member
Nov 20, 2023
New York, New York,United States
90% Gay, 10% Straight
There was a time .. years ago .. I did pick up hitchhikers .. not all had sex with. As doesn’t hurt to be a Good Samaritan and help those in need of a ride somewhere ..

A lot of people think “ if these hitchhikers would get drivers license and get a car they wouldn’t need to hitch a ride . “…

…. But as with everything in my life .. I never judge people for what they do and don’t do in their lives .. it’s their lives and the things that be may make it impossible not to be able to get their license ..

There’s just several reasons why people hitch bike.. even car breaks down..

I had just turned 24 .. and the months of rain were approaching and then winter time. At this time it is now the month of November .. we had already gotten a record of a lot of rain.. some sleet .. and few inches of snow .. ..

So they announced on the news / weather there’s going to be rain turning to sleet then to snow with a possibility of 6 inches of snow.. where I live up on a hill away from town.. I decided I better go to store and stock up on few items.. I already had a freezer stocked full of meats and other freezable items .. so just need to get some milk bread eggs .. lunch meats. And variety of stuff . ..

I went down for what I needed and then some .. and noticed it was raining already .. the guy at register said the system was moving faster than anticipated .. .. and it was pouring the rain .. and had to be ice cold rain as the temperature was borderline to being sleet turning to snow..

I got the stuff loaded in bed of truck..( had a tarp over it so wouldn’t get wet ) .. .. and got in started truck let warm up and listened to radio .. then started driving home ….

I was driving home .. slowly as the rain was pouring so hard could barely see in front of the truck.. but I passed this guy up . And I instantly thought he was an idiot being out walking in this cold ass weather in the pouring rain.. wearing pair of pants and a t-shirt ..

As I drove past him I looked in rear view mirror noticed he had turned to traffic behind me .. thumb out .. hitching a ride .. I pulled over as he kept walking and no one picked him up .. I reached behind my seat grabbed a blanket I had stored there for emergencies .. and had it ready for when or if he got in my truck .. I saw him approach side of my truck and I rolled window down and told him to get in.. he gets in sitting on the blanket so wouldn’t get the seats wet …. And he was as I said soak and wet ..

I turned the heat high with fan blowing on him to help him warm up .. I asked him where was he heading .. he says to McDonald’s.. I told him that’s good.. as that was along the way .. .. as we got closer to McDonald’s he said he was just going to buy a drink and sit there until they closed .. I was like.. where to after that.. and he says he didn’t know…

I then kind of knew / figured out that he didn’t have anywhere to go.. .. I said my name is Lance .. his name is Jonathon .. all I can really see was his soak wet hair.. black and his blue eyes .. I can tell he had a slender body as his shirt was stuck to his body like a layer of skin..

.. I said that I know we just met .. but if you have no place to go that he can stay at my place.. as there was a winter storm coming and that was not what he needed to be in ..he looks at me in a stare then asked if I was sure that be ok..

I of course said that be fine ..

.. he says thanks.. and we went on to my place .. he was like wow.. nice house .. I said thanks.. as I grabbed some of the groceries he grabbed some too and helped carry them into the house to the kitchen and put on the counter top.. he says for me to go ahead start putting them up as he’d carry the rest in..

A couple trips later they were all inside and I told him I got him a blanket.. that he can take his clothes off and wrap up in it to get warm and I’ll wash and dry his clothes that he had on..

.. I figured he’d go to bathroom and take his clothes off and wrap up in the blanket.. but he stands in front of me taking his shirt off .. kicked his shoes off so take off his socks then the pants and underwear .. and as he wrapped the blanket around him I saw his cock .. n balls .. nice bush around them but he wasn’t showing much hanging as it may been around an inch barely moving between his legs.. ..

.. he says sorry as he probably should went to bathroom and did that.. I told him he was fine as I knew he was freezing his ass off in those wet clothes .. he stood there talking to me as put things away.. and he was shaking .. I had him follow me to living room where I started a fire in the fireplace .. and it was getting warm fast ..

.. I stood in front of him rubbing his shoulders and arms helping him get warm .. he took my hand and put it on his chest under the blanket letting me feel how could he still was .. I reached my hands on inside the blanket and wrapped my arms around him.. he wrapped the blanket around us as stood in front of the fire .. “” I was like.. how long had he. Been in the cold weather before it had begun raining .. he asked me if I knew where a place called Thelma’s was at .. I said yeah that’s a good 10 miles from where I picked him up. ..

.. I told him hold on.. my couch was a hide a bed.. so I pulled it out .. got pillows and several more blankets and put on the bed and told him come on .. we got under those covers as I held him against me he was like damn your body is hot .. I told him I tended to be hot nature and that my mom told me I needed to be born in Iceland or some other place.. cold climate ..

Jonathon finally got warmed up enough that he fell asleep .. but he had his left arm over me and holding tight so I couldn’t get up and make sure everything g was fine through the house .. I just assumed it was and just laid there and fell asleep as well..

Morning came along .. and I woke up and he wasn’t beside me .. I thought maybe he was in bathroom so went looked .. and he wasn’t there .. I went down the hall and I have this like sun room on end of the house so can be warm and dry and still look outside and enjoy the view of back yard and trees further up the hill..

He says he was screwed now.. I walked up to him and looked outside .. we had several inches of snow on the ground and it was still snowing… I asked him how was he screwed … he looks at me starts talking about how he was goi g to have to walk all that distance back into town and keep walking ..

I asked him where to..?

He says he didn’t know .. it was then he told me that he lived with his parents and his dad told him to move out and they got into an arguement and he stormed out the door without grabbing any clothes or his coat..

I told him that shit happens .. some parents think they can do whatever and tell you whatever just because they are you parents ….

He says he wanted to be open with me .. and was afraid I would do to him like his dad did.. which was kick him out of the house .. I said.. unless you’re a killer or in trouble with the law I doubt I will kick you out in 30 degree weather and several inches of snow ..

He says he broke a rule of his parents house .. that he wasn’t allowed to bring and guys home and sneak them into the bedroom … I was like oh… so you’re gay.. he looks at me like he was about to run.. and I joked with him what you going to do run outside naked with a blanket wrapped around you .. ?… he looks at me says he would if he thought I had an issue with him being gay ..

.. I told him well we have something in common .. .. he was like… really? ..

Then I told him even if I wasn’t gay he can stay here keep me company until the roads get cleared off .. which as much snow had already .. wouldn’t be any time soon as they don’t worry about these back roads first..

He asked me how long it take.. .. I told him one year it took nearly 10 days to get cleared off .. that’s why I went out yesterday stock up on some groceries .

He says to me .. almost in an asking manner .. so if took 10 days that he could stay with me.. I was like sure ..

He leans forward hugs me and as he did I could see he was a little aroused .. as it wasn’t small and dangling like it was last night ..

I went out his clothes in the washer and then told him I probably had some clothes he can probably wear from the last guy that stayed here ..

And there was sweatpants that he could wear .. and couple shirts but no underwear .. I said he’d have to go commando but this better than nothing .he made this comment that be ok that there wasn’t much there to go commando with.. I said big or small they all can go commando and they all deserve attention just as much as the next penis .. he looks at me and smiles .. like he hasn’t heard of that before .. I told him go take a shower if wanted to
.. he went took shower and comes back out in the sweatpants and shirt .. and says thanks for the comment . I was like what comment ..

About being small that all cocks need attention .. I said there’s more to a guy than his cock .. and maybe one day he’d meet a man to show him that..

We kept staring mainly in the living room.. the rest of the house was heated by a furnace but kept at 68 to 72 but the fire in fireplace was much warmer to stay in .. so we watched tv and some movies ..

I got up the third morning ( second night) he staying there .. decided to go in take a shower .. I never locked the door .. as it was. A habit I never did was locking them.. didn’t feel like had to in my own house.. he comes in .. saying he had to use restroom .. I never told him about second bathroom on the second floor but I was like. “Ok”

As he was pissing he was asking me when last time had room mate and told him it had been several months .. then asked last time dated a man.. I didn’t lie as I told him I wasn’t much for dating.. that I was just a sex only type of guy..

He’d ask me several questions .. was I top or bottom I said versatile .. then asked me other questions bare or protected rough or casual .. I told him bare.. as for rough or casual .. casual at first then if want rougher just say so ..

.. he starts telling me what he likes and and didn’t like..( which wasn’t much he didn’t like )

I got done showering .. slid the door open and grabbed my towel to dry off and he was like sweet .. as I dried my hair and face .. I glanced down to see my cock had risen a little and I asked him “ you like?” ….

He said what’s not to like ..

I asked him if he’s had sex on first night ( or second now) or do you like to get to know the guy..

He says he’s been in a few one night stands .. I told him I think a lot of guys do ( not all guys)..
I stepped out of the tub and worked on finish drying off and told him it was totally up to him.. but wanted to reassure that he wouldn’t have to leave whether we did or not and nothing happens unless both agree with it ..

.. he says he knew what he wanted to do.. and loved doing it.. I said I was pretty much same way ..

I put my shorts and shirt of and went to the kitchen .. got a drink of water .. and he went to living room took his clothes off and laid in the hide a bed .. as I entered the room .. he tells me “ hope I’m not being too forward ..

I said not at all.. and slid my shorts and shirt back off .. he was laying in the bed so I got in bed on top of him.. and kissed him and ran my tongue around his lips .. he did same to mine and then began kissing back.. ..

I began kissing my way down and he acted like he wanted to cover his penis but I knocked his hand away from it as if to say .. don’t do that..

I will admit he wasn’t big as he was barely 4 inches long. Medium thickness .. nice helmet head that was precumming already .. when I began sucking it he takes a deep breathe .. sucking air through his teeth ..and went to moaning as I sucking and licked on his balls.. which.. for him having a smaller cock. His balls were a nice mouth full ..

I reached down grabbed his feet lifting them up .. and kissing his toes as my cock rubbed up along his balls and shaft .. ..

I moved around a little pushed his legs on up and flipped over a little and looked into his eyes as I ran my tongue around and into his hole.. I can tell I was definitely not his first to be near his asshole.. but that was fine by me.. ..

After rimming his ass a while he wanted to see my cock better as he hadn’t seen it hard yet .. soon as he saw it he was like “ fuck yeah” .. I asked him if he liked bigger cocks he says never been with one my size .. and he’s had a dildo in his ass more than cock .. I was like … wow ..

I laid on my back as he began sucking my dick and he must trained himself to suck a dick on that dildo as he was swallowing it all within few minutes ..

I didn’t stop him at any time saying I wanted to fuck him.. I just let him suck as long as he wanted.. even got in 69 so I can suck his rock hard cock and rim his hole some more ..

…. It was then time to fuck as he gets up on the bed standing .i lubed my dick getting it ready for his ass .. he was . facing away from me as he squatted down onto my cock and his ass must been hungry as it swallowed it all ..

He was a little tighter as got all the way in.. and he felt it as he begins riding it … … I put my hands on his hips and time to time I’d push up as he went down slamming it inside him harder .. .. he then gets up turns around and sits on it again and rides it even harder .. and faster for few minutes and then slowed down.. until he stopped with me all the way inside him.. I had him lean to the left as I went along with him. Put his legs/ ankles on my shoulders and began fucking him.. he looks at me tells me he was wanting me to shoot in his mouth .. so I said ok as I kept going ..

I pulled out he sat up and took my cock in his hand and head in his mouth sucking it .. I put my hand on his head.. or to force him or anything .. as I began to feel my cock shooting in his mouth .. and I know there was a lot to swallow as it been few days since I last got off ..

I laid beside him on my stomach and he lays on my back and I can feel his cock sliding inside me.. his cock was wet from precum so it was lubed good .. and he fucks me and I told him that feels fucking good .. he’d push in all the way and then pump few times .. then he did it again and I can feel his cock throbbing and shooting inside me..

He asked if that was ok.. I said fuck yeah.. keep fucking me if want.. so he does and cums again inside me .. then he lays there .. and he tells me that he was glad I picked him up.. as it kept him from doing something stupid..

I told him don’t do that .. do t let family and asshole friends dictate what is right and wrong .. just be himself ..

We laid there and we can see the snow still pouring .. he asked if power ever went out .. I said few times .. but I got a generator for when it does..

It finally quit snowing that night .. stopping at nearly 8 inches …. With 1/2 inch or so of ice melted and frozen underneath .. it was then he believed me when I told him that could be 10 days before we can get out .. it was longer than that as cold weather kept the salt on the roads from melting the ice/snow
As for things going on between us.. it was very nice to have a guy that was gay and being stuck in the place with someone to be with .. to talk to .. to watch tv / movies and cuddle in bed was great .. and I think it was something he needed ..

.. we talked some .. like why of all nights did his dad decide to kick him out with a winter storm coming .. I’d asked him if it was because he was gay.. he said it wasn’t nothing like that .. he had just lost his job for bitching other coworkers out .. said they started it but it was him that cursed and threw the first punch .. I was like damn

Between that and him sneaking guys into his room .. his parents had enough ..

I asked him how long he worked at where he got fired .. he was like 6months ..

Turned out this was his fourth job he’d been fired from.. said he had anger issues and knew he needed to seek help for it .. I went through same shit.. so I told him how I worked through it all..

From figuring out the root of all his anger and what triggered them .. and it really boiled down to his father .. .. never did enough to make him happy .. felt like he was a failure because of how his dad talked to him.. so when people talk down to him .. it would trigger something in his mind and he’d snap ..

So we talked that out and he seemed happy that he was able to talk things out without having to see a shrink .. plus no bill to pay.. .. I smiled and told him I’ll take payment in trade.. he smiles and kisses me and tells me that sounded good ..

It was cool walking around the house in our shorts or even naked since he didn’t have any clothes to wear.. I’d tell him he was my slave that he can be naked and anytime I wanted him to sit on my cock he better do it with no questions asked …. Again he’d smile and say yes sir..

It was kind of fun how it seemed like we instantly got along .. from wrestling around with each other .. and other things goofing g off ( nothing sexual even though I am sure some would think two guys wrestling around either naked of in their underwear would be sexy n hot ..)

We had dinner on the second day and I laid out hamburger for next days dinner .. he says spaghetti or lasagna .. I asked which he preferred and he said lasagna .. I smacked him on the ass told him good answer as that was what I was going to fix ..

Couple hours later we went to the bathroom and I open a sliding door that to some would think was a closet but it actually had a big round tub in it to run nice hot water in and soak in for a while.. .. he saw this and was like sweet.. I started the water got it to where I liked it and had him check see if he liked it and he says it was a little warm for his taste but it was fine ..

As he got in he was like wow wow wow .. then sits in the tub and as he got used to it he says it actually feels pretty good … ..

I sat across from him and leaned back and rested my head in the edge of the tub.. and he does the same.. we stared at each other .. he asked how often I did this.. I just told him whenever feel like need to sit back relax .. the peace and quiet and the warm/hot water relaxes me ..

There was a time .. years ago .. I did pick up hitchhikers .. not all had sex with. As doesn’t hurt to be a Good Samaritan and help those in need of a ride somewhere ..

A lot of people think “ if these hitchhikers would get drivers license and get a car they wouldn’t need to hitch a ride . “…

…. But as with everything in my life .. I never judge people for what they do and don’t do in their lives .. it’s their lives and the things that be may make it impossible not to be able to get their license ..

There’s just several reasons why people hitch bike.. even car breaks down..

I had just turned 24 .. and the months of rain were approaching and then winter time. At this time it is now the month of November .. we had already gotten a record of a lot of rain.. some sleet .. and few inches of snow .. ..

So they announced on the news / weather there’s going to be rain turning to sleet then to snow with a possibility of 6 inches of snow.. where I live up on a hill away from town.. I decided I better go to store and stock up on few items.. I already had a freezer stocked full of meats and other freezable items .. so just need to get some milk bread eggs .. lunch meats. And variety of stuff . ..

I went down for what I needed and then some .. and noticed it was raining already .. the guy at register said the system was moving faster than anticipated .. .. and it was pouring the rain .. and had to be ice cold rain as the temperature was borderline to being sleet turning to snow..

I got the stuff loaded in bed of truck..( had a tarp over it so wouldn’t get wet ) .. .. and got in started truck let warm up and listened to radio .. then started driving home ….

I was driving home .. slowly as the rain was pouring so hard could barely see in front of the truck.. but I passed this guy up . And I instantly thought he was an idiot being out walking in this cold ass weather in the pouring rain.. wearing pair of pants and a t-shirt ..

As I drove past him I looked in rear view mirror noticed he had turned to traffic behind me .. thumb out .. hitching a ride .. I pulled over as he kept walking and no one picked him up .. I reached behind my seat grabbed a blanket I had stored there for emergencies .. and had it ready for when or if he got in my truck .. I saw him approach side of my truck and I rolled window down and told him to get in.. he gets in sitting on the blanket so wouldn’t get the seats wet …. And he was as I said soak and wet ..

I turned the heat high with fan blowing on him to help him warm up .. I asked him where was he heading .. he says to McDonald’s.. I told him that’s good.. as that was along the way .. .. as we got closer to McDonald’s he said he was just going to buy a drink and sit there until they closed .. I was like.. where to after that.. and he says he didn’t know…

I then kind of knew / figured out that he didn’t have anywhere to go.. .. I said my name is Lance .. his name is Jonathon .. all I can really see was his soak wet hair.. black and his blue eyes .. I can tell he had a slender body as his shirt was stuck to his body like a layer of skin..

.. I said that I know we just met .. but if you have no place to go that he can stay at my place.. as there was a winter storm coming and that was not what he needed to be in ..he looks at me in a stare then asked if I was sure that be ok..

I of course said that be fine ..

.. he says thanks.. and we went on to my place .. he was like wow.. nice house .. I said thanks.. as I grabbed some of the groceries he grabbed some too and helped carry them into the house to the kitchen and put on the counter top.. he says for me to go ahead start putting them up as he’d carry the rest in..

A couple trips later they were all inside and I told him I got him a blanket.. that he can take his clothes off and wrap up in it to get warm and I’ll wash and dry his clothes that he had on..

.. I figured he’d go to bathroom and take his clothes off and wrap up in the blanket.. but he stands in front of me taking his shirt off .. kicked his shoes off so take off his socks then the pants and underwear .. and as he wrapped the blanket around him I saw his cock .. n balls .. nice bush around them but he wasn’t showing much hanging as it may been around an inch barely moving between his legs.. ..

.. he says sorry as he probably should went to bathroom and did that.. I told him he was fine as I knew he was freezing his ass off in those wet clothes .. he stood there talking to me as put things away.. and he was shaking .. I had him follow me to living room where I started a fire in the fireplace .. and it was getting warm fast ..

.. I stood in front of him rubbing his shoulders and arms helping him get warm .. he took my hand and put it on his chest under the blanket letting me feel how could he still was .. I reached my hands on inside the blanket and wrapped my arms around him.. he wrapped the blanket around us as stood in front of the fire .. “” I was like.. how long had he. Been in the cold weather before it had begun raining .. he asked me if I knew where a place called Thelma’s was at .. I said yeah that’s a good 10 miles from where I picked him up. ..

.. I told him hold on.. my couch was a hide a bed.. so I pulled it out .. got pillows and several more blankets and put on the bed and told him come on .. we got under those covers as I held him against me he was like damn your body is hot .. I told him I tended to be hot nature and that my mom told me I needed to be born in Iceland or some other place.. cold climate ..

Jonathon finally got warmed up enough that he fell asleep .. but he had his left arm over me and holding tight so I couldn’t get up and make sure everything g was fine through the house .. I just assumed it was and just laid there and fell asleep as well..

Morning came along .. and I woke up and he wasn’t beside me .. I thought maybe he was in bathroom so went looked .. and he wasn’t there .. I went down the hall and I have this like sun room on end of the house so can be warm and dry and still look outside and enjoy the view of back yard and trees further up the hill..

He says he was screwed now.. I walked up to him and looked outside .. we had several inches of snow on the ground and it was still snowing… I asked him how was he screwed … he looks at me starts talking about how he was goi g to have to walk all that distance back into town and keep walking ..

I asked him where to..?

He says he didn’t know .. it was then he told me that he lived with his parents and his dad told him to move out and they got into an arguement and he stormed out the door without grabbing any clothes or his coat..

I told him that shit happens .. some parents think they can do whatever and tell you whatever just because they are you parents ….

He says he wanted to be open with me .. and was afraid I would do to him like his dad did.. which was kick him out of the house .. I said.. unless you’re a killer or in trouble with the law I doubt I will kick you out in 30 degree weather and several inches of snow ..

He says he broke a rule of his parents house .. that he wasn’t allowed to bring and guys home and sneak them into the bedroom … I was like oh… so you’re gay.. he looks at me like he was about to run.. and I joked with him what you going to do run outside naked with a blanket wrapped around you .. ?… he looks at me says he would if he thought I had an issue with him being gay ..

.. I told him well we have something in common .. .. he was like… really? ..

Then I told him even if I wasn’t gay he can stay here keep me company until the roads get cleared off .. which as much snow had already .. wouldn’t be any time soon as they don’t worry about these back roads first..

He asked me how long it take.. .. I told him one year it took nearly 10 days to get cleared off .. that’s why I went out yesterday stock up on some groceries .

He says to me .. almost in an asking manner .. so if took 10 days that he could stay with me.. I was like sure ..

He leans forward hugs me and as he did I could see he was a little aroused .. as it wasn’t small and dangling like it was last night ..

I went out his clothes in the washer and then told him I probably had some clothes he can probably wear from the last guy that stayed here ..

And there was sweatpants that he could wear .. and couple shirts but no underwear .. I said he’d have to go commando but this better than nothing .he made this comment that be ok that there wasn’t much there to go commando with.. I said big or small they all can go commando and they all deserve attention just as much as the next penis .. he looks at me and smiles .. like he hasn’t heard of that before .. I told him go take a shower if wanted to
.. he went took shower and comes back out in the sweatpants and shirt .. and says thanks for the comment . I was like what comment ..

About being small that all cocks need attention .. I said there’s more to a guy than his cock .. and maybe one day he’d meet a man to show him that..

We kept staring mainly in the living room.. the rest of the house was heated by a furnace but kept at 68 to 72 but the fire in fireplace was much warmer to stay in .. so we watched tv and some movies ..

I got up the third morning ( second night) he staying there .. decided to go in take a shower .. I never locked the door .. as it was. A habit I never did was locking them.. didn’t feel like had to in my own house.. he comes in .. saying he had to use restroom .. I never told him about second bathroom on the second floor but I was like. “Ok”

As he was pissing he was asking me when last time had room mate and told him it had been several months .. then asked last time dated a man.. I didn’t lie as I told him I wasn’t much for dating.. that I was just a sex only type of guy..

He’d ask me several questions .. was I top or bottom I said versatile .. then asked me other questions bare or protected rough or casual .. I told him bare.. as for rough or casual .. casual at first then if want rougher just say so ..

.. he starts telling me what he likes and and didn’t like..( which wasn’t much he didn’t like )

I got done showering .. slid the door open and grabbed my towel to dry off and he was like sweet .. as I dried my hair and face .. I glanced down to see my cock had risen a little and I asked him “ you like?” ….

He said what’s not to like ..

I asked him if he’s had sex on first night ( or second now) or do you like to get to know the guy..

He says he’s been in a few one night stands .. I told him I think a lot of guys do ( not all guys)..
I stepped out of the tub and worked on finish drying off and told him it was totally up to him.. but wanted to reassure that he wouldn’t have to leave whether we did or not and nothing happens unless both agree with it ..

.. he says he knew what he wanted to do.. and loved doing it.. I said I was pretty much same way ..

I put my shorts and shirt of and went to the kitchen .. got a drink of water .. and he went to living room took his clothes off and laid in the hide a bed .. as I entered the room .. he tells me “ hope I’m not being too forward ..

I said not at all.. and slid my shorts and shirt back off .. he was laying in the bed so I got in bed on top of him.. and kissed him and ran my tongue around his lips .. he did same to mine and then began kissing back.. ..

I began kissing my way down and he acted like he wanted to cover his penis but I knocked his hand away from it as if to say .. don’t do that..

I will admit he wasn’t big as he was barely 4 inches long. Medium thickness .. nice helmet head that was precumming already .. when I began sucking it he takes a deep breathe .. sucking air through his teeth ..and went to moaning as I sucking and licked on his balls.. which.. for him having a smaller cock. His balls were a nice mouth full ..

I reached down grabbed his feet lifting them up .. and kissing his toes as my cock rubbed up along his balls and shaft .. ..

I moved around a little pushed his legs on up and flipped over a little and looked into his eyes as I ran my tongue around and into his hole.. I can tell I was definitely not his first to be near his asshole.. but that was fine by me.. ..

After rimming his ass a while he wanted to see my cock better as he hadn’t seen it hard yet .. soon as he saw it he was like “ fuck yeah” .. I asked him if he liked bigger cocks he says never been with one my size .. and he’s had a dildo in his ass more than cock .. I was like … wow ..

I laid on my back as he began sucking my dick and he must trained himself to suck a dick on that dildo as he was swallowing it all within few minutes ..

I didn’t stop him at any time saying I wanted to fuck him.. I just let him suck as long as he wanted.. even got in 69 so I can suck his rock hard cock and rim his hole some more ..

…. It was then time to fuck as he gets up on the bed standing .i lubed my dick getting it ready for his ass .. he was . facing away from me as he squatted down onto my cock and his ass must been hungry as it swallowed it all ..

He was a little tighter as got all the way in.. and he felt it as he begins riding it … … I put my hands on his hips and time to time I’d push up as he went down slamming it inside him harder .. .. he then gets up turns around and sits on it again and rides it even harder .. and faster for few minutes and then slowed down.. until he stopped with me all the way inside him.. I had him lean to the left as I went along with him. Put his legs/ ankles on my shoulders and began fucking him.. he looks at me tells me he was wanting me to shoot in his mouth .. so I said ok as I kept going ..

I pulled out he sat up and took my cock in his hand and head in his mouth sucking it .. I put my hand on his head.. or to force him or anything .. as I began to feel my cock shooting in his mouth .. and I know there was a lot to swallow as it been few days since I last got off ..

I laid beside him on my stomach and he lays on my back and I can feel his cock sliding inside me.. his cock was wet from precum so it was lubed good .. and he fucks me and I told him that feels fucking good .. he’d push in all the way and then pump few times .. then he did it again and I can feel his cock throbbing and shooting inside me..

He asked if that was ok.. I said fuck yeah.. keep fucking me if want.. so he does and cums again inside me .. then he lays there .. and he tells me that he was glad I picked him up.. as it kept him from doing something stupid..

I told him don’t do that .. do t let family and asshole friends dictate what is right and wrong .. just be himself ..

We laid there and we can see the snow still pouring .. he asked if power ever went out .. I said few times .. but I got a generator for when it does..

It finally quit snowing that night .. stopping at nearly 8 inches …. With 1/2 inch or so of ice melted and frozen underneath .. it was then he believed me when I told him that could be 10 days before we can get out .. it was longer than that as cold weather kept the salt on the roads from melting the ice/snow
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