Is My Friend Bisexual?


Sexy Member
Account Deletion Pending
Apr 21, 2023
50% Straight, 50% Gay
My close straight friend is in a relationship with a girl for a few years now. Before her, he had lots of other girls. He is very homophobic, doesn't like gay people, and sometimes very aggressively talks about them. I am bisexual and he doesn't know it. Very often he asks me intimate questions like: when did I start jerking off, how often do I do it, how far do I cum, have I ever tasted my cum, do I shave my balls, then asked about shaving my asshole, how big my cock is. He described his cock in detail. He made a comment about how he hates when guys in straight porn have shaved legs. Once I showed him porn I had downloaded. At the beginning, there was just a woman playing with herself and he asked if some guy would come there. We do some sports together. He recently asked me if I wanted to wrestle. It's really lots of fun to do that with him, and it makes me very horny. I see he enjoys it also, and we take every opportunity now to wrestle again.

My question is: do real straight guys behave like that and ask those kinds of questions?

As a bisexual, I would really love we could jerk off together, but I don't know if he is into it because of his homophobic statements and behavior, and I don't know how to ask him.
I think he doesn't know he likes dick but he is willing to try it.

He seems to trust you. Just go with it. Pin him down and hump him or let him do that to you just playing around. Grind back if it happens. I would definitely grope him during wrestling. He probably doesn't want a relationship or anything "GAY" but I'm sure he is willing to try some sexual stuff if given the chance in private.

I wouldn't suggest questions with titles. "are you bi? "are you gay?" I would just give him subtle hints, grope him during wrestling, let him do the same to you. Just let it happen naturally in secret.
Thanks for the advice, I will certainly try it.

Hope he wanna try it also.

Once we had an interesting moment during changing our clothes together - we were looking each other in the eyes and compete who will undress first. It was very intense.

When he is with his girlfriend, he doesn't contact me. When he is alone, very often. Sometimes sends me his photos doing something or to see how he is getting bigger after working out.

I am not thinking about having sex with him or a relationship. He is really a good friend. But some jerking off after wrestling wouldn't be bad.
Maybe, he just thinks of you as a bro who's very close. I have straight friends who are so comfortable with each other and do 'sus' things, at least in my eyes as a gay person. Sometimes (no, actually most of the time) straight people are like that if they're super comfortable with you. But yeah, I agree with the comment above mine. Try putting him to the 'test' & see how he reacts. (Sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language).
Almost at the beginning of your post you described him as very homophobic and doesn’t like gay people. So right there, even if there is a twinge of repressed appreciation for dick it doesn’t mean he’s ready to explore making out with a man at this time in his life. But that’s for him to figure out on his timeline. It may turn out that he really just likes dicks or the idea of dicks but not necessarily the men they are attached to. It could be a curiosity that once explored he finds he isn’t so enamored with men/dicks as he once thought. And it could be that he just wants to bond with you in a bro-y way that you’re not used to from a straight guy. Whatever the case, I think he needs some room and space from his friend (that’s you) to figure it out.

Lastly, and I don’t hate myself for saying this (though others might). Please don’t ever put him down and hump him, grope him or make any other overt, unsolicited sexual advances as has been suggested. This isn’t to say you can’t goof around and horseplay with your friend, but doing any of those things to a person who has neither consented to them nor expressed any sexual desire in you is just wrong. Given how strongly you said he feels against homosexuality I can see that going horrendously bad.
Thanks for different opinions. I usually never started any sexually topic, but I have no problems talking about it. Also, I let him decide when and how to wrestle. When he starts asking me intimate questions, it sometimes lasts for a longer period of time and we talk in details. He almost never talks about female body parts and what makes him horny. But he likes to talk about masturbation and cock. Sometimes I give him too much information, for example, about how I cummed on myself, but he don't seem disturbed. He continues to talk about his similar experiences.

Some days he is all into that. Sometimes nothing at all.
I think some guys sometimes seek a safe space where they can talk openly about their bodies and any curiosities they might have, without judgment. People might not always fit neatly into labels, and that’s okay. I think it's important to create a space where friends can talk openly, especially when it comes to things like intimacy, without feeling ashamed. But, of course, it’s also about respecting where everyone is at in terms of their own comfort levels and beliefs. Given the expressed homophobia there are some red alarms that should be going off, I would keep clear boundaries until your friend is able to process some of his internalized homophobia in a healthy way.
I remember he once asked me was I suspicious as a child. I laughed and said yes, very much, and he addmited he was also. Another time, he mentioned he has one bisexual friend and is ok with him because he doesn't emphasize his sexuality. He dislikes gay people who do that.

It is than better I go with the flow he decides. Hopefully he would be braver to explore it. I don't want to lose our friendship.
I understand that your friendship is the most important thing to you, no matter what. Gay, bisexual or straight is on your mind right now, but basically seems to be a secondary role in your relationship. It's clear that you want to be a good friend. You can help him become a better person. You write that he is “homophobic” and talks about gays in an aggressive way. If he learns to think less negatively about people who are different and instead develops understanding and empathy, this will also help his own development. Sometimes it's the start of a journey or even an adventure that you don't even know where it will take you. You'll never know what you can find if you don't open up your mind.
I think some guys sometimes seek a safe space where they can talk openly about their bodies and any curiosities they might have, without judgment. People might not always fit neatly into labels, and that’s okay. I think it's important to create a space where friends can talk openly, especially when it comes to things like intimacy, without feeling ashamed. But, of course, it’s also about respecting where everyone is at in terms of their own comfort levels and beliefs. Given the expressed homophobia there are some red alarms that should be going off, I would keep clear boundaries until your friend is able to process some of his internalized homophobia in a healthy way.

110% agree!

It is super healthy -- we boys all need a safe space to talk about our sexual feelings/attractions. Male sexuality is very, very, very complicated.

LPSG has a been a place for me to tell other dudes my sexual attractions/feelings and what makes my penis get hard. It's just not a place to show off your manhood.

I've had a lot of straight fans over the years confide in me. They explained to me how they are aroused by looking at large penises, even though they are not romantically attracted to men, and have little desire for full-on sex with another man.

Ironically, a lot of straight men message me over my size -- sometimes even much more than gay men. I think there is a strong jealousy attraction towards well-hung men by typical straight men.

I've also noticed that a lot straighter men are into transsexual women (I am not), and feel a need to admit it. It's all A-okay. We are who we are without judgment.

It's perfectly okay to admit your sexual feelings and desires on here.

I've admitted on here that I get aroused by watching male strippers at times, even though I don't seek full-on sex with other men.

It's all good.
I remember he once asked me was I suspicious as a child. I laughed and said yes, very much, and he addmited he was also. Another time, he mentioned he has one bisexual friend and is ok with him because he doesn't emphasize his sexuality. He dislikes gay people who do that.

It is than better I go with the flow he decides. Hopefully he would be braver to explore it. I don't want to lose our friendship.
Express your interest and tell him you do not want this topic to change or intefere with your great friendship.
I have a very close friend who has a kid, and we're 100% sure he's straight. He often tells me that I'm very good-looking and that if he were a girl, he would definitely want me. Sometimes, he even affectionately calls me "love". But yeah, he's straight as an arrow.
I think some guys sometimes seek a safe space where they can talk openly about their bodies and any curiosities they might have, without judgment. People might not always fit neatly into labels, and that’s okay. I think it's important to create a space where friends can talk openly, especially when it comes to things like intimacy, without feeling ashamed. But, of course, it’s also about respecting where everyone is at in terms of their own comfort levels and beliefs. Given the expressed homophobia there are some red alarms that should be going off, I would keep clear boundaries until your friend is able to process some of his internalized homophobia in a healthy way.

Give your friend the space to talk, boys and guys are often curious when their male friends first started to masturbate and became sexually active, what turns their friends on, the view on sex activities and is it the same as them,

There are some guys who outwardly in public express because of society / family pressures the opinion they are 100% straight with no interest in gay sex or can even appear homophobic,; yet inside they are fighting with their sexuality.

He may be bi curious butt don't push the topic to much and to fast, he may well become very defensive and you would loose a friend
Thanks to all for different viewpoints. We were hanging out a few days ago with other male friends and he was all into male topics. When we are alone, he becomes more relaxed, with no bro topics. More about life, and problems, and he smiles much more. Especially when playing sports.
My close straight friend is in a relationship with a girl for a few years now. Before her, he had lots of other girls. He is very homophobic, doesn't like gay people, and sometimes very aggressively talks about them. I am bisexual and he doesn't know it. Very often he asks me intimate questions like: when did I start jerking off, how often do I do it, how far do I cum, have I ever tasted my cum, do I shave my balls, then asked about shaving my asshole, how big my cock is. He described his cock in detail. He made a comment about how he hates when guys in straight porn have shaved legs. Once I showed him porn I had downloaded. At the beginning, there was just a woman playing with herself and he asked if some guy would come there. We do some sports together. He recently asked me if I wanted to wrestle. It's really lots of fun to do that with him, and it makes me very horny. I see he enjoys it also, and we take every opportunity now to wrestle again.

My question is: do real straight guys behave like that and ask those kinds of questions?

As a bisexual, I would really love we could jerk off together, but I don't know if he is into it because of his homophobic statements and behavior, and I don't know how to ask him.

Thanks for different opinions. I usually never started any sexually topic, but I have no problems talking about it. Also, I let him decide when and how to wrestle. When he starts asking me intimate questions, it sometimes lasts for a longer period of time and we talk in details. He almost never talks about female body parts and what makes him horny. But he likes to talk about masturbation and cock. Sometimes I give him too much information, for example, about how I cummed on myself, but he don't seem disturbed. He continues to talk about his similar experiences.

Some days he is all into that. Sometimes nothing at all.
Do you guys like WWE? I used to used that as an excuse to be alone sitting together on the couch and I'd slowly move my leg so our knees are touching. Id tingle when his leg touched mine and I bet the same happens to him. A test is when he goes to pee when he sits back down either his knee is touching yourself instantly or his foot or something is touching you in another way. Trainers off too btw. Then try sittin cross legged and your legs relaxes and hits him and he doesn't move then that's a sign. Also get into cock sizes and I know it's cheap and I know it's old but have a cock size competition. And say hang on floppy isn't fair let me get mine hard and if he's ok with it then he's up for it. It sounds like he's probably secretly watching gay porn and likely feels guilty for that but he deep down craves male touch the safety it brings that a female hasn't got. Apart from what people have suggested ask him if you told him you're gay what would he do. You're best friends for a long time he wouldn't drop you I think he'd be more accepting. Nah that's to risky. I'm dying to see what you both look like lol hope we fancy him as much as you . Good luck mate genuinely cos I think maybe this could end really well and maybe even special. Good luck x
I have a very close friend who has a kid, and we're 100% sure he's straight. He often tells me that I'm very good-looking and that if he were a girl, he would definitely want me. Sometimes, he even affectionately calls me "love". But yeah, he's straight as an arrow.
I meet married men and guys like that weekly and I'm still shocked at who they can be so no ones truly what you think. You'll never truly know another person deep deep down
Thanks to all for different viewpoints. We were hanging out a few days ago with other male friends and he was all into male topics. When we are alone, he becomes more relaxed, with no bro topics. More about life, and problems, and he smiles much more. Especially when playing sports.
What are your ages? And is he actually hot or is he normal but the situation is making you see him differently
I got to mess around with my best friend after wrestling.

He’s very straight. I’m the only person he’s messed with. But I noticed he was hard during our wrestling and I noticed he was noticeable larger than me. I asked him to see it.

And the rest is sadly history
My close straight friend is in a relationship with a girl for a few years now. Before her, he had lots of other girls. He is very homophobic, doesn't like gay people, and sometimes very aggressively talks about them. I am bisexual and he doesn't know it. Very often he asks me intimate questions like: when did I start jerking off, how often do I do it, how far do I cum, have I ever tasted my cum, do I shave my balls, then asked about shaving my asshole, how big my cock is. He described his cock in detail. He made a comment about how he hates when guys in straight porn have shaved legs. Once I showed him porn I had downloaded. At the beginning, there was just a woman playing with herself and he asked if some guy would come there. We do some sports together. He recently asked me if I wanted to wrestle. It's really lots of fun to do that with him, and it makes me very horny. I see he enjoys it also, and we take every opportunity now to wrestle again.

My question is: do real straight guys behave like that and ask those kinds of questions?

As a bisexual, I would really love we could jerk off together, but I don't know if he is into it because of his homophobic statements and behavior, and I don't know how to ask him.
My close straight friend is in a relationship with a girl for a few years now. Before her, he had lots of other girls. He is very homophobic, doesn't like gay people, and sometimes very aggressively talks about them. I am bisexual and he doesn't know it. Very often he asks me intimate questions like: when did I start jerking off, how often do I do it, how far do I cum, have I ever tasted my cum, do I shave my balls, then asked about shaving my asshole, how big my cock is. He described his cock in detail. He made a comment about how he hates when guys in straight porn have shaved legs. Once I showed him porn I had downloaded. At the beginning, there was just a woman playing with herself and he asked if some guy would come there. We do some sports together. He recently asked me if I wanted to wrestle. It's really lots of fun to do that with him, and it makes me very horny. I see he enjoys it also, and we take every opportunity now to wrestle again.

My question is: do real straight guys behave like that and ask those kinds of questions?

As a bisexual, I would really love we could jerk off together, but I don't know if he is into it because of his homophobic statements and behavior, and I don't know how to ask him.
No, he’s gaaay
My close straight friend is in a relationship with a girl for a few years now. Before her, he had lots of other girls. He is very homophobic, doesn't like gay people, and sometimes very aggressively talks about them. I am bisexual and he doesn't know it. Very often he asks me intimate questions like: when did I start jerking off, how often do I do it, how far do I cum, have I ever tasted my cum, do I shave my balls, then asked about shaving my asshole, how big my cock is. He described his cock in detail. He made a comment about how he hates when guys in straight porn have shaved legs. Once I showed him porn I had downloaded. At the beginning, there was just a woman playing with herself and he asked if some guy would come there. We do some sports together. He recently asked me if I wanted to wrestle. It's really lots of fun to do that with him, and it makes me very horny. I see he enjoys it also, and we take every opportunity now to wrestle again.

My question is: do real straight guys behave like that and ask those kinds of questions?

As a bisexual, I would really love we could jerk off together, but I don't know if he is into it because of his homophobic statements and behavior, and I don't know how to ask him.
When wrestling, do you accidentally on purpose grope his cock and balls? If not, do it and see if he's got an erection.