Is this normal?


Just Browsing
Nov 3, 2004
when i was younger i had surgery for a non decending testicle. everythng went great i still have both of them. and my doc said to just keep an eye out for anything odd or out of place. i was just wondering the one that i had to surgery for is larger than the other. is this normal? its been like this for as long as i can remember so its not something that happened overnight. i have no problem going to the doc but i just want to ask you guys first. thank you very much in advanced.
Well it depends on what you mean by "larger". If one is like a peanut and the other like a baseball there's probably something wrong. But believe me I've "experienced" quite a few testicles in my day and I can tell you almost everyone has one that is a little bit larger than the other. So since it has always been like that it's nothing to worry about. It's when there are changes it is time to be concerned. You should carefully examine your testicles for cancer once a month or so. This is best done when you get out of the shower because they hang low. Feel all around and over both of them and if you feel any unusual bumps or they feel different than the last time then get to the doctor pronto.
Originally posted by iaco@May 22 2005, 03:31 AM
when i was younger i had surgery for a non decending testicle. everythng went great i still have both of them. and my doc said to just keep an eye out for anything odd or out of place. i was just wondering the one that i had to surgery for is larger than the other. is this normal? its been like this for as long as i can remember so its not something that happened overnight. i have no problem going to the doc but i just want to ask you guys first. thank you very much in advanced.
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dont worry!

all is okay
Differing sizes in normal. My left is about four times bigger than my right. I've been to the Dr. numerous times since it got that way. They say it is some sort of water tumor and not to worry. Just keep getting yourself checked out if you have any odd changes (bumps, etc.) or pain.
It's normal don't worry. As long as you can cum and there's no pain in your balls then its fine.

I happen to have small balls. At least I was told that (by a lad who grabbed my crotch...didnt call my dick small though :p). I have no idea whether or not they are average but I dont care about the size of my balls. I can sometimes pop a ball or both back into their socket and pop them back out. Yay for me!

That's normal btw (for the balls to sometimes pop back in place lol). So yeah you're fine.
Originally posted by Knight@May 27 2005, 06:50 PM
I can sometimes pop a ball or both back into their socket and pop them back out. Yay for me!

That's normal btw (for the balls to sometimes pop back in place lol). So yeah you're fine.
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Ouch :eek: That just sounds like it would hurt, Knight!
Nah it doesnt hurt. It's like there's a hole in the pelvis (I think) where the balls go and they play in there sometimes lol. Well they havent done it recently but when I was younger they did. Doesn't hurt one bit.
As large as my rocks are I can push them back inside, too. I have a cousin who has one completely disappear into its socket when he climaxes.
Originally posted by Pecker@May 27 2005, 06:10 PM
As large as my rocks are I can push them back inside, too.
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Me too. Doesn't hurt in the least. I've never had them make the trip of their own accord though. They just seem to hang around, happy all the time.
I know that there are two holes in the pelvis that the testes descend through, but mine have never made a trip back up. Mine seem to be happy hanging around. Most of the time when I cum, they never get really tight, either. The only time I ever get really tight is if I'm cold--like when I get out of the shower and it's cold in the bathroom--but even then, they don't disappear inward.
Originally posted by Knight@May 27 2005, 10:50 PM
I happen to have small balls. At least I was told that (by a lad who grabbed my crotch...
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I wouldn't go so far as to say that. IIRC, they're quite nice, actually. :)
Girthtrude: Actually most male men have one testicale thats bigger than the other its actually very common