Ihave subbed to probably upto ten different OF accounts and all pretty much disappoint me and subsequently follow most or all on their Instagram.
I have never subbed to James simply because of what he posts on his instagram.
He banged on about this 1% payrise and we all know that he wasn't entitled to it anyway. His pictures are filtered like nobody's I have ever seen. For example, his late nan is in his pictures and he is filitered up looking great and left his nan looking, well, like his nan. That's a family photo to be cherished - you don't need to filter either of you up, but he did.
Goig back probably to last year, I think James shouted someone out for absuing him, but when I saw the alleged abuse, the apparent abuser had made a pretty valid point about James. POinted out James preached at us all for him stopping drink and smoking, as I recall, but yet he's pictured weeks and months drinking and smoking, even this week.
Have I wanted to look at his OF? Maybe. Will I? No. he comes across as a liar.
You don't have to write about your OF being because of NHS wage increas (or lack of them), just say you want more money and nobody would begrudge you that.