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I messaged him on OF and I got 3 ass pics from him and one of him squatting to the camera naked (holding and covering his dick sadly) and it was hella expensive, as nice and big as his ass is… the price was a little too high.
great squat vid tho!
And I would cancel my sub to that page! What's the point in setting a subscription rate, just to charge or say the stuff you want to see will be ALL PPV??
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Yeah I think 25ish
He looks passed 35 honestly. I could tell he was in his 20s when I lurked into his account and saw a pic from 2020 in which he looks 23 or something. Then I saw a recent video of him. From his voice you can tell he is very young. It's amazing how big he got in just 2 years. But why would you want to look 38 years-old at 25? Oh well. He is still hot as fuck anyways and I like him just like that looking more mature and everything. His pictures make me horny to get fucked by him and I'm not even a bottom, lol. Go figure haha
He looks passed 35 honestly. I could tell he was in his 20s when I lurked into his account and saw a pic from 2020 in which he looks 23 or something. Then I saw a recent video of him. From his voice you can tell he is very young. It's amazing how big he got in just 2 years. But why would you want to look 38 years-old at 25? Oh well. He is still hot as fuck anyways and I like him just like that looking more mature and everything. His pictures make me horny to get fucked by him and I'm not even a bottom, lol. Go figure haha
How many dudes older than 35 have you really seen with a body and looks as hot as Jarrett's? You're nuts, lol.
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How many dudes older than 35 have you really seen with a body and looks as hot as Jarrett's? You're nuts, lol.
How old are you my dude? You sound like 35 is already old. I am 38 and look better than 90% of the guys younger than me and so I've seen the same case all over. You sound stupid.

Facewise Jarret indeed doesn't look his age. Looks older. Bodywise nobody around looks like that no matter the age. You sound like 20s all have his body type? Thanks for the laughs. This dude looks 30-something in the face straight up. His bodytype is also from a bodybuilder who is around that age.
Plenty of guys older than 35 with bodies like that and actually better. Plenty of others younger in the face. Thing is that bodybuilders are rare everywhere. Actually the older the bodybuilder the bigger he will be. It's usually the common. You people need to get out of the little town you live in.
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How old are you my dude? You sound like 35 is already old. I am 38 and look better than 90% of the guys younger than me and so I've seen the same case all over. You sound stupid.

Facewise Jarret indeed doesn't look his age. Looks older. Bodywise nobody around looks like that no matter the age. You sound like 20s all have his body type? Thanks for the laughs. This dude looks 30-something in the face straight up. His bodytype is also from a bodybuilder who is around that age.
You think you look better at age 38 than a whopping 90% of the guys younger than you? Okay so then where are all the threads on LPSG about dudes in their late 30s? How come practically every thread on this site is about a dude younger than you? Lmao. It is possible you look good for your age but get a dose of humility and reality.
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You think you look better at age 38 than a whopping 90% of the guys younger than you? Okay so then where are all the threads on LPSG about dudes in their late 30s? How come practically every thread on this site is about a dude younger than you? Lmao. It is possible you look good for your age but get a dose of humility and reality.
I do look better than 90% of the younger guys around and I bet I look better than you. I don't need any dose of humility to state a fact. You sound like an ageist jackass for starters. So don't here talking about humility.

Age doesn't has to do anything with looking good and especially in the gay community. Many men peak in their 30s (heck, among gays is usually the common). Others peak in their mid 20s and so on. But it's usually between 25-35 IMO. You sound very inmature. I live in New York City. I see it all. 35 is not even that old. Are 16 or something? Because that's how you sound like.

There are many threads about older men here. In fact many gays fetishes older man. It depends on what you like too. If you are onto twinks of course younger folks will seem better to you. If.
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This dude has a fixed idea of how a men in his 30s is supposed to look like. It's why I think he probaby lives in a farm or a rural town. You are probably basing your perception in your parents or most straight people. Travel around for godsake. I again tell you that you sound like you're 14 or 15. That's the age range in which folks consider people in their 30s "old". On top not even good at guessing ages. Jarett definitely looks 30-something, lmao. I'm done.
This dude has a fixed idea of how a men in his 30s is supposed to look like. It's why I think he probaby lives in a farm or a rural town. You are probably basing your perception in your parents or most straight people. Travel around for godsake. I again tell you that you sound like you're 14 or 15. That's the age range in which folks consider people in their 30s "old". On top not even good at guessing ages. Jarett definitely looks 30-something, lmao. I'm done.
I live in San Diego, dude. I didn't call you "old." Whether or not men are attractive in their 30s isn't even my point. Maybe you are attractive, who knows or cares. But you sound delusional when you say that you are better looking at age 38 than 90% of the dudes younger than you. That's my point. But tell yourself whatever makes you feel better I guess.
But you sound delusional when you say that you are better looking at age 38 than 90% of the dudes younger than you. That's my point. But tell yourself whatever makes you feel better I guess.
Because you know how exactly I look like, right? Bwahahahahaha

Bye clown. It's too obvious that you are under 18. I won't argue with kids.
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Because you know how exactly I look like, right? Bwahahahahaha

Bye clown. It's too obvious that you are under 18. I won't argue with k
It isn't even about your looks specifically. Literally no one at age 38 is better looking than 90% of the people younger than them. That's such a ridiculous claim to make and makes you look so outrageously conceited. Call it ageism or whatever helps you sleep at night, but everyone knows that younger people in their 20s are better looking generally, and even you know it, and that's why you had said
But why would you want to look 38 years-old at 25?
in a much earlier post.
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