jim31415, the "bodybuilding" analogy might seem far-fetched, but in some ways it's not.
Just like in bodybuilding, PE produces plateaus, too--periods when NO results are apparent. Those are the times one then tries something else to "break" that pattern and resume the progress.
This I suppose is exactly why I tried SEVERAL different PE approaches over my three-plus years. I pumped and then extended, then did natural exercises and jelq...then went back to (some) pumping and extending again....I would stay with a particular PE method for a few months before "switching off" to another one. I noticed MANY plateaus for often weeks on end. They can be VERY frustrating and downright discouraging.
Combining SEVERAL PE techniques is what "did it for me" and I stand by that approach, personally.
Your success with pumping is commendable and if it's working for you, stay with it. We each respond differently to various PE techniques. It's the one reason men find PE frustrating and even mysterious to even consider. Will PE work for me? Well, a man must try (whatever) PE method and just see what happens. But, he must STAY with some PE technique long enough to give it a chance. THAT translates into weeks and weeks, month and months, even YEARS for many if not most of us. Many men simply give up--way too early.
(Some) pumping "gains" DO become permanent over a long period of time. IMHO here, continuing your pumping (but, safely so!) with some total "rest days" thrown in now and then .
THAT should be okay for now.