Does anyone know of any Juntin Bartha lookalikes that do porn? I have a huge crush on a straight guy who kinda looks like a mix of Justin Bartha and this other guy from a tiktok ad. I want to find a lookalike that does porn.
Essentially, an average looking Caucasian male with messy brunette hair and piercing blue eyes and pretty pink lips. I know this may sound crazy to some of ya’ll but if he has an average body or is on the chubbier (but not fat) side preferred.
I’ve searched high and low but can’t find anyone who posts regular content.
Thanks! Xo
Essentially, an average looking Caucasian male with messy brunette hair and piercing blue eyes and pretty pink lips. I know this may sound crazy to some of ya’ll but if he has an average body or is on the chubbier (but not fat) side preferred.
I’ve searched high and low but can’t find anyone who posts regular content.
Thanks! Xo